


首先brute force,O(n3)。i j k从0到n-1各循环一遍,肯定不能要。

其次,我们先假设只有2个数,对于一个排序的数组来说,如果想要a + b = 0,那么可以两个指针,一个在head(),一个在tail(),然后判断这两个it的值相加是否等于0,如果小于,那么前面的指针++,如果大于,那么后面的指针--,直到指针相遇或者找到和为0的一对。这使得2个数字的算法复杂度由O(n2) -> O(n)。

然后,对于3个数字的相加,先变为 a + b = -c; 那么,对于其中一个数,做一个O(n)的遍历,剩下两个数进行一个算法复杂度的降低(O(n2) -> O(n))。得到如下代码:

    set<vector<int> > threeSum(vector<int> &num) {sort(num.begin(), num.end());set< vector<int> > triplets;vector<int> triplet(3);int n = num.size();for (int i = 0; i < n; i++){int j = i + 1;int k = n - 1;while (j < k){if (num[j] + num[k] < 0 - num[i])j++;else if (num[j] + num[k] > 0 - num[i])k--;else{vector<int>::iterator it = triplet.begin();*it++ = num[i];*it++ = num[j];*it++ = num[k];j++;k--;triplets.insert(triplet);}}}return triplets;}


另外转载一篇从网上看来的,返回值是vector< vector<int> >的解法,非常好!在LeetCode Online Judge上不会超时:



// Dedup directly,
// LeetCode Judge Large, 272 milli secs.
vector<vector<int> > three_sum(vector<int> &num)
{vector<vector<int> > ret;if (num.size() == 0) return ret;sort(num.begin(), num.end());for (vector<int>::const_iterator it = num.begin();it != num.end();++it){// Dedupif (it != num.begin() && *it == *(it - 1)){continue;}// Dedup, front = it + 1vector<int>::const_iterator front = it + 1;vector<int>::const_iterator back = num.end() - 1;while (front < back){const int sum = *it + *front + *back;if (sum > 0){--back;}else if (sum < 0){++front;}// Dedupelse if (front != it + 1 && *front == *(front - 1)){++front;}// Dedupelse if (back != num.end() - 1 && *back == *(back + 1)){--back;}else{vector<int> result;// Already sorted.result.push_back(*it);result.push_back(*front);result.push_back(*back);ret.push_back(result);++front;--back;}}}return ret;


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