


<select id="queryStudentByNum" resultType="student" parameterType="string">

select num,name,phone from student  
<if test = " num!=null and num!='' ">
AND num = #{num}
Mybatis查询传入一个字符串传参数,报There is no getter for property named 'num' in 'class java.lang.String'。


<select id="queryStudentByNum" resultType="student" parameterType="string">

select num,name,phone from student  
<if test = " _parameter!=null and_parameter!='' ">
AND num = #{_parameter}


Mybatis默认采用ONGL解析参数,所以会自动采用对象树的形式取string.num值,引起报错。也可以public List methodName(@Param(value="num") String num)的方法说明参数值






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