Mark Twain said, “The difference between the almost right word and the right
word is really a large matter—’tis the difference between the lightning
bug and the lightning.Acquiring the type of deep and nuanced vocabulary knowledge that Twain
was talking about doesn’t come from simply studying lists of vocabulary time” approach that many of us experienced in school often leads to surface
level vocabulary knowledge that lasts only until the Friday quiz.In this course, you'll learn how to move beyond definitional vocabulary knowledge toward a rich vocabulary that's broad, deep, flexible and lasts a lifetime. To do this, we'll cover five core principles of vocabulary learning in the first lecture. These principles will serve as tools in your vocabulary toolbox that you can apply as we explore new target words throughout the course.Importantly, we will also delve into the etymology and morphology of words—that is, their history and structure.By the end of this course, you'll know many new, powerful, and beautiful vocabulary words. Just as importantly, you'll know how to learn vocabulary for yourself. You'll have your own toolbox of strategies and resources that will equip you for a lifetime of vocabulary learning.

One reason to spend time and effort improving your vocabulary is that
words have the power to change how you see the world. Further,
our ability to use vocabulary effectively is one of the primary means
by which we communicate and connect with important people in our lives.
Choosing just the right word adds precision and clarity to our speech and
writing. Words are the tools we use to inform, advise, persuade, and reason.
But to start expanding your vocabulary, you need a structured approach—and that's what we'll learn in this lecture:five principles for building and using a rich vocabulary. Together, these principles provide an efficient method for harnessing the power of the english language.

In fact, we know from vocabulary research that it takes
multiple exposures across many contexts before we really start
to “know” a word.

we used four principles of vocabulary learning; we’ll use these same principles throughout the course:


For each target word, we'll learn a clear definition that distills the critical aspects of what the word means and what it doesn't them.

Context. We will then place each target word in the context of
a sentence to get a feel for how it’s actually used. Remember, if
you want to really know a shark, you study it in the ocean—its
natural habitat. If you want to really know a word, you study
how it behaves in its natural habitat—sentences, paragraphs,
and books.

Connections. We’ll make connections to each word. Think of
a vocabulary word as a label for an underlying concept. With
factotum, you already knew the basic concept—everyone
knows someone who does a little bit of everything—but you
may not have had the label for it—the word factotum. We
connected the new word/label to your known concept.

Morphology. Next, we’ll explore each word’s morphological
structure. Morphology is the study of the structure of words,
including meaningful word parts, such as roots, and patterns
and processes of word formation. The morphological system
in English can be an incredibly powerful system for learning
vocabulary if you know how to tap into it. To remember the
word factotum, we broke it down by its meaningful parts: the
Latin root fac and the word totum.

Procrustes was a mythical bandit of Attica who would waylay hapless travelers and attempt to fit them to his iron bed. If travelers were too long for the bed, he'd cut off their feet. If they were too short, he'd stretch them out.

Semantic Chunking

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