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am命令作用:管理Activity usage: am [start|broadcast|instrument|profile]               am start -D INTENT               am broadcast INTENT               am instrument [-r] [-e <ARG_NAME> <ARG_VALUE>] [-p <PROF_FILE>]                             [-w] <COMPONENT>                am profile <PROCESS> [start <PROF_FILE>|stop]                        INTENT is described with:                        [-a <ACTION>] [-d <DATA_URI>] [-t <MIME_TYPE>]                        [-c <CATEGORY> [-c <CATEGORY>] ...]                        [-e|--es <EXTRA_KEY> <EXTRA_STRING_VALUE> ...]                        [--ez <EXTRA_KEY> <EXTRA_BOOLEAN_VALUE> ...]                        [-e|--ei <EXTRA_KEY> <EXTRA_INT_VALUE> ...]                        [-n <COMPONENT>]    [-f <FLAGS>]    [<URI>] The start command starts activity. Use -D option to make 'DebugOption' true. The broadcast command sends broadcast. The instrument command starts instrumentation.  Use -r option to make 'rawMode' true.  Use -e option to add the pair of ARG_NAME and  ARG_VALUE into Bundle.  Use -p option to specify profileFile. Use -w option to make 'wait' true in order to new an instance of InstrumentationWatcher.  Use COMPONENT to specify the name of the instrumentation component. The profile command turn on/off profiling in a particular process specified by PROCESS.Use start option to turn on and stop to turn off.Use PROF_FILE to specify the file path of profile.  Use -a to set action specified by ACTION to be performed. Use -d to create a Uri(data) which parses the given encoded URI string DATA_URI. Use -t to specify the type specified by MIME_TYPE. Use -c to add a new category specified by CATEGORY to the intent. Use -e or --es to add extended data to the intent.EXTRA_KEY specifies the name of the extra data and EXTRA_STRING_VALUE specifies the string data value. Use --ez to add extended data to the intent. EXTRA_KEY specifies the name of the extra data and EXTRA_BOOLEAN_VALUE specifies the serializable data value. Use -e or --ei to add extended data to the intent. EXTRA_KEY specifies the name of the extra data and EXTRA_INT_VALUE specifies the serializable data value. Use -n to explicitly set the component specified by COMPONENT to handle the intent. Use -f to set special flags controlling how this intent is handled.FLAGS specifies the desired flags. Use URI to create an intent from a URI.


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