
  • 概览
  • 源码解读
    • 相关配置项
    • 源码解析
      • 创建StandbyCheckpointer
      • StandbyCheckpointer分析
      • CheckpointerThread 干了些啥
      • doCheckpoint
      • saveNamespace(核心)
      • endCurrentLogSegment
      • 回到fsImage upload的过程
      • ImageServlet.doPut接受fsimage文件




  • 内存元数据:基于内存存储元数据,元数据比较完整
  • fsimage文件:磁盘元数据镜像文件(fsimage_0000000000000102359),在NameNode工作目录中,它不包含block所在的Datanode 信息
  • edits文件:数据操作日志文件,用于衔接内存元数据和fsimage之间的操作日志,可通过日志运算(replay)出元数据


image文件与edit log文件相配合,比如 fsimage_0000000000000102359 记录了102359这个事务txId之前所有的事务操作,而edits_inprogress_xxxx 和 edits_xxx-xxx 则记录了102359 之后到最新事务之间的所有操作,即fsimage文件是一个全量文件,而edit log是一个增量文件。只要将这些记录在内存中反序列化,就可以恢复namenode内存所有的元数据。

官网中有对Checkpoint Node和Backup Node进行简单说明,可以看hadoop的官方文档;

本文将记录在学习HA模式下StandbyNode Checkpointer机制代码层的解析。







public void enterState(HAContext context) throws ServiceFailedException {try {context.startStandbyServices();} catch (IOException e) {throw new ServiceFailedException("Failed to start standby services", e);}}void startStandbyServices(final Configuration conf, boolean isObserver)throws IOException {"Starting services required for " +(isObserver ? "observer" : "standby") + " state");if (!getFSImage().editLog.isOpenForRead()) {// During startup, we're already open for read.getFSImage().editLog.initSharedJournalsForRead();}blockManager.setPostponeBlocksFromFuture(true);// Disable quota checks while in standby.dir.disableQuotaChecks();// 创建日志追踪器editLogTailer = new EditLogTailer(this, conf);editLogTailer.start();// 非observer节点 并且dfs.ha.standby.checkpoints=trueif (!isObserver && standbyShouldCheckpoint) {standbyCheckpointer = new StandbyCheckpointer(conf, this);standbyCheckpointer.start();}}


构造函数中初始化了配置信息,创建了CheckpointerThread 线程以及fsimage文件上传的线程工厂。记录了存放 fsimage 推送的目标,即active namenode节点地址。

public StandbyCheckpointer(Configuration conf, FSNamesystem ns)throws IOException {// 元数据  this.namesystem = ns;this.conf = conf;// 有关 checkpoint 的配置this.checkpointConf = new CheckpointConf(conf); // 创建 CheckpointerThread 线程this.thread = new CheckpointerThread();// fsimage上传的线程工厂this.uploadThreadFactory = new ThreadFactoryBuilder().setDaemon(true).setNameFormat("TransferFsImageUpload-%d").build();setNameNodeAddresses(conf);this.checkpointReceivers = new HashMap<>();// 存放 fsimage 推送的目标,即active namenode节点地址for (URL address : activeNNAddresses) {this.checkpointReceivers.put(address.toString(),new CheckpointReceiverEntry());}}

CheckpointerThread 干了些啥

Checkpointer start主要进行了如下工作:

  • 记录上次checkpoint时间
  • 三个条件,要么手工触发的,要么事务数到了,要么时间到了
  • 执行doCheckpoint
  • 执行doWork
private void doCheckpoint() throws InterruptedException, IOException {assert canceler != null;final long txid;final NameNodeFile imageType;// Acquire cpLock to make sure no one is modifying the name system.// It does not need the full namesystem write lock, since the only thing// that modifies namesystem on standby node is edit log replaying.namesystem.cpLockInterruptibly();try {assert namesystem.getEditLog().isOpenForRead() :"Standby Checkpointer should only attempt a checkpoint when " +"NN is in standby mode, but the edit logs are in an unexpected state";FSImage img = namesystem.getFSImage();long prevCheckpointTxId = img.getStorage().getMostRecentCheckpointTxId();long thisCheckpointTxId = img.getCorrectLastAppliedOrWrittenTxId();assert thisCheckpointTxId >= prevCheckpointTxId;if (thisCheckpointTxId == prevCheckpointTxId) {"A checkpoint was triggered but the Standby Node has not " +"received any transactions since the last checkpoint at txid {}. " +"Skipping...", thisCheckpointTxId);return;}if (namesystem.isRollingUpgrade()&& !namesystem.getFSImage().hasRollbackFSImage()) {// if we will do rolling upgrade but have not created the rollback image// yet, name this checkpoint as fsimage_rollbackimageType = NameNodeFile.IMAGE_ROLLBACK;} else {imageType = NameNodeFile.IMAGE;}img.saveNamespace(namesystem, imageType, canceler);txid = img.getStorage().getMostRecentCheckpointTxId();assert txid == thisCheckpointTxId : "expected to save checkpoint at txid=" +thisCheckpointTxId + " but instead saved at txid=" + txid;// Save the legacy OIV image, if the output dir is defined.String outputDir = checkpointConf.getLegacyOivImageDir();if (outputDir != null && !outputDir.isEmpty()) {try {img.saveLegacyOIVImage(namesystem, outputDir, canceler);} catch (IOException ioe) {LOG.warn("Exception encountered while saving legacy OIV image; "+ "continuing with other checkpointing steps", ioe);}}} finally {namesystem.cpUnlock();}// Upload the saved checkpoint back to the active// Do this in a separate thread to avoid blocking transition to active, but don't allow more// than the expected number of tasks to run or queue up// See HDFS-4816ExecutorService executor = new ThreadPoolExecutor(0, activeNNAddresses.size(), 100,TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS, new LinkedBlockingQueue<Runnable>(activeNNAddresses.size()),uploadThreadFactory);// for right now, just match the upload to the nn address by convention. There is no need to// directly tie them together by adding a pair class.HashMap<String, Future<TransferFsImage.TransferResult>> uploads =new HashMap<>();for (final URL activeNNAddress : activeNNAddresses) {// Upload image if at least 1 of 2 following conditions met:// 1. has been quiet for long enough, try to contact the node.// 2. this standby IS the primary checkpointer of target NN.String addressString = activeNNAddress.toString();assert checkpointReceivers.containsKey(addressString);CheckpointReceiverEntry receiverEntry =checkpointReceivers.get(addressString);long secsSinceLastUpload =TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toSeconds(monotonicNow() - receiverEntry.getLastUploadTime());boolean shouldUpload = receiverEntry.isPrimary() ||secsSinceLastUpload >= checkpointConf.getQuietPeriod();if (shouldUpload) {Future<TransferFsImage.TransferResult> upload =executor.submit(new Callable<TransferFsImage.TransferResult>() {@Overridepublic TransferFsImage.TransferResult call()throws IOException, InterruptedException {CheckpointFaultInjector.getInstance().duringUploadInProgess();return TransferFsImage.uploadImageFromStorage(activeNNAddress,conf, namesystem.getFSImage().getStorage(), imageType, txid,canceler);}});uploads.put(addressString, upload);}}InterruptedException ie = null;List<IOException> ioes = Lists.newArrayList();for (Map.Entry<String, Future<TransferFsImage.TransferResult>> entry :uploads.entrySet()) {String url = entry.getKey();Future<TransferFsImage.TransferResult> upload = entry.getValue();try {// TODO should there be some smarts here about retries nodes that//  are not the active NN?CheckpointReceiverEntry receiverEntry = checkpointReceivers.get(url);TransferFsImage.TransferResult uploadResult = upload.get();if (uploadResult == TransferFsImage.TransferResult.SUCCESS) {receiverEntry.setLastUploadTime(monotonicNow());receiverEntry.setIsPrimary(true);} else {// Getting here means image upload is explicitly rejected// by the other node. This could happen if:// 1. the other is also a standby, or// 2. the other is active, but already accepted another// newer image, or// 3. the other is active but has a recent enough image.// All these are valid cases, just log for"Image upload rejected by the other NameNode: {}",uploadResult);receiverEntry.setIsPrimary(false);}} catch (ExecutionException e) {// Even if exception happens, still proceeds to next NN url.// so that fail to upload to previous NN does not cause the// remaining NN not getting the fsImage.ioes.add(new IOException("Exception during image upload", e));} catch (InterruptedException e) {ie = e;break;}}// cleaner than copying code for multiple catch statements and better than catching all// exceptions, so we just handle the ones we expect.if (ie != null) {// cancel the rest of the tasks, and close the poolfor (Map.Entry<String, Future<TransferFsImage.TransferResult>> entry :uploads.entrySet()) {Future<TransferFsImage.TransferResult> upload = entry.getValue();// The background thread may be blocked waiting in the throttler, so// interrupt it.upload.cancel(true);}// shutdown so we interrupt anything running and don't start anything newexecutor.shutdownNow();// this is a good bit longer than the thread timeout, just to make sure all the threads// that are not doing any work also stopexecutor.awaitTermination(500, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);// re-throw the exception we got, since one of these two must be non-nullthrow ie;}if (!ioes.isEmpty()) {throw MultipleIOException.createIOException(ioes);}}

执行 doWork 方法,非常重要

private void doWork() {// 获取 dfs.namenode.checkpoint.period ,默认3600即一小时final long checkPeriod = 1000 * checkpointConf.getCheckPeriod();// Reset checkpoint time so that we don't always checkpoint// on startup.// 记录上一次 Checkpoint 时间lastCheckpointTime = monotonicNow();// 默认为 true,即默认启动第一次会进入循环体,执行一次 Checkpointwhile (shouldRun) {boolean needRollbackCheckpoint = namesystem.isNeedRollbackFsImage();if (!needRollbackCheckpoint) {try {Thread.sleep(checkPeriod);} catch (InterruptedException ie) {}if (!shouldRun) {break;}}try {// We may have lost our ticket since last checkpoint, log in again, just in caseif (UserGroupInformation.isSecurityEnabled()) {UserGroupInformation.getCurrentUser().checkTGTAndReloginFromKeytab();}// 记录当前时间final long now = monotonicNow();// 计算还未 checkpoint的事务数final long uncheckpointed = countUncheckpointedTxns();// 计算间隔时间final long secsSinceLast = (now - lastCheckpointTime) / 1000;// if we need a rollback checkpoint, always attempt to checkpointboolean needCheckpoint = needRollbackCheckpoint;// 三个条件,要么手工触发的,要么事务数到了,要么时间到了if (needCheckpoint) {"Triggering a rollback fsimage for rolling upgrade.");} else if (uncheckpointed >= checkpointConf.getTxnCount()) {"Triggering checkpoint because there have been {} txns " +"since the last checkpoint, " +"which exceeds the configured threshold {}",uncheckpointed, checkpointConf.getTxnCount());needCheckpoint = true;} else if (secsSinceLast >= checkpointConf.getPeriod()) {"Triggering checkpoint because it has been {} seconds " +"since the last checkpoint, which exceeds the configured " +"interval {}", secsSinceLast, checkpointConf.getPeriod());needCheckpoint = true;}if (needCheckpoint) {synchronized (cancelLock) {if (now < preventCheckpointsUntil) {"But skipping this checkpoint since we are about to failover!");canceledCount++;continue;}assert canceler == null;canceler = new Canceler();}// on all nodes, we build the checkpoint. However, we only ship the checkpoint if have a// rollback request, are the checkpointer, are outside the quiet period.doCheckpoint();// reset needRollbackCheckpoint to false only when we finish a ckpt// for rollback imageif (needRollbackCheckpoint&& namesystem.getFSImage().hasRollbackFSImage()) {namesystem.setCreatedRollbackImages(true);namesystem.setNeedRollbackFsImage(false);}lastCheckpointTime = now;"Checkpoint finished successfully.");}} catch (SaveNamespaceCancelledException ce) {"Checkpoint was cancelled: {}", ce.getMessage());canceledCount++;} catch (InterruptedException ie) {"Interrupted during checkpointing", ie);// Probably requested shutdown.continue;} catch (Throwable t) {LOG.error("Exception in doCheckpoint", t);} finally {synchronized (cancelLock) {canceler = null;}}}



  • 持久化fsImage镜像文件
  • 异步线程上传fsImage到activeNNAddresses
  • 记录上传结果
private void doCheckpoint() throws InterruptedException, IOException {assert canceler != null;final long txid;final NameNodeFile imageType;// Acquire cpLock to make sure no one is modifying the name system.// It does not need the full namesystem write lock, since the only thing// that modifies namesystem on standby node is edit log replaying.namesystem.cpLockInterruptibly();try {assert namesystem.getEditLog().isOpenForRead() :"Standby Checkpointer should only attempt a checkpoint when " +"NN is in standby mode, but the edit logs are in an unexpected state";FSImage img = namesystem.getFSImage();long prevCheckpointTxId = img.getStorage().getMostRecentCheckpointTxId();long thisCheckpointTxId = img.getCorrectLastAppliedOrWrittenTxId();assert thisCheckpointTxId >= prevCheckpointTxId;// 判断两次Checkpoint事务是否相同if (thisCheckpointTxId == prevCheckpointTxId) {"A checkpoint was triggered but the Standby Node has not " +"received any transactions since the last checkpoint at txid {}. " +"Skipping...", thisCheckpointTxId);return;}if (namesystem.isRollingUpgrade()&& !namesystem.getFSImage().hasRollbackFSImage()) {// if we will do rolling upgrade but have not created the rollback image// yet, name this checkpoint as fsimage_rollbackimageType = NameNodeFile.IMAGE_ROLLBACK;} else {imageType = NameNodeFile.IMAGE;}// 保存 namespace img.saveNamespace(namesystem, imageType, canceler);txid = img.getStorage().getMostRecentCheckpointTxId();assert txid == thisCheckpointTxId : "expected to save checkpoint at txid=" +thisCheckpointTxId + " but instead saved at txid=" + txid;// Save the legacy OIV image, if the output dir is defined.String outputDir = checkpointConf.getLegacyOivImageDir();if (outputDir != null && !outputDir.isEmpty()) {try {img.saveLegacyOIVImage(namesystem, outputDir, canceler);} catch (IOException ioe) {LOG.warn("Exception encountered while saving legacy OIV image; "+ "continuing with other checkpointing steps", ioe);}}} finally {namesystem.cpUnlock();}// Upload the saved checkpoint back to the active// Do this in a separate thread to avoid blocking transition to active, but don't allow more// than the expected number of tasks to run or queue up// See HDFS-4816ExecutorService executor = new ThreadPoolExecutor(0, activeNNAddresses.size(), 100,TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS, new LinkedBlockingQueue<Runnable>(activeNNAddresses.size()),uploadThreadFactory);// for right now, just match the upload to the nn address by convention. There is no need to// directly tie them together by adding a pair class.HashMap<String, Future<TransferFsImage.TransferResult>> uploads =new HashMap<>();for (final URL activeNNAddress : activeNNAddresses) {// Upload image if at least 1 of 2 following conditions met:// 1. has been quiet for long enough, try to contact the node.// 2. this standby IS the primary checkpointer of target NN.String addressString = activeNNAddress.toString();assert checkpointReceivers.containsKey(addressString);CheckpointReceiverEntry receiverEntry =checkpointReceivers.get(addressString);long secsSinceLastUpload =TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toSeconds(monotonicNow() - receiverEntry.getLastUploadTime());boolean shouldUpload = receiverEntry.isPrimary() ||secsSinceLastUpload >= checkpointConf.getQuietPeriod();if (shouldUpload) {Future<TransferFsImage.TransferResult> upload =executor.submit(new Callable<TransferFsImage.TransferResult>() {@Overridepublic TransferFsImage.TransferResult call()throws IOException, InterruptedException {CheckpointFaultInjector.getInstance().duringUploadInProgess();return TransferFsImage.uploadImageFromStorage(activeNNAddress,conf, namesystem.getFSImage().getStorage(), imageType, txid,canceler);}});uploads.put(addressString, upload);}}InterruptedException ie = null;List<IOException> ioes = Lists.newArrayList();for (Map.Entry<String, Future<TransferFsImage.TransferResult>> entry :uploads.entrySet()) {String url = entry.getKey();Future<TransferFsImage.TransferResult> upload = entry.getValue();try {// TODO should there be some smarts here about retries nodes that//  are not the active NN?CheckpointReceiverEntry receiverEntry = checkpointReceivers.get(url);TransferFsImage.TransferResult uploadResult = upload.get();if (uploadResult == TransferFsImage.TransferResult.SUCCESS) {receiverEntry.setLastUploadTime(monotonicNow());receiverEntry.setIsPrimary(true);} else {// Getting here means image upload is explicitly rejected// by the other node. This could happen if:// 1. the other is also a standby, or// 2. the other is active, but already accepted another// newer image, or// 3. the other is active but has a recent enough image.// All these are valid cases, just log for"Image upload rejected by the other NameNode: {}",uploadResult);receiverEntry.setIsPrimary(false);}} catch (ExecutionException e) {// Even if exception happens, still proceeds to next NN url.// so that fail to upload to previous NN does not cause the// remaining NN not getting the fsImage.ioes.add(new IOException("Exception during image upload", e));} catch (InterruptedException e) {ie = e;break;}}// cleaner than copying code for multiple catch statements and better than catching all// exceptions, so we just handle the ones we expect.if (ie != null) {// cancel the rest of the tasks, and close the poolfor (Map.Entry<String, Future<TransferFsImage.TransferResult>> entry :uploads.entrySet()) {Future<TransferFsImage.TransferResult> upload = entry.getValue();// The background thread may be blocked waiting in the throttler, so// interrupt it.upload.cancel(true);}// shutdown so we interrupt anything running and don't start anything newexecutor.shutdownNow();// this is a good bit longer than the thread timeout, just to make sure all the threads// that are not doing any work also stopexecutor.awaitTermination(500, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);// re-throw the exception we got, since one of these two must be non-nullthrow ie;}if (!ioes.isEmpty()) {throw MultipleIOException.createIOException(ioes);}}



  • endCurrentLogSegment,关闭一下当前的 LogSegment,也就是将edits_inprogress_xxx的文件给重命名到 edits_xxx-xxx
  • 保存 FSImage 文件,即通过FSImageSaver/FSImageFormatProtobuf 等对象将元数据进行序列化到文件中。

序列化文件可参考 Namenode启动加载FsImage的过程

public synchronized void saveNamespace(FSNamesystem source, NameNodeFile nnf,Canceler canceler) throws IOException {assert editLog != null : "editLog must be initialized";"Save namespace ...");storage.attemptRestoreRemovedStorage();// 判断 状态 是否 IN_SEGMENTboolean editLogWasOpen = editLog.isSegmentOpen();if (editLogWasOpen) {// 关闭一下当前的 LogSegment,也就是将edits_inprogress_xxx的文件给重命名到 edits_xxx-xxxeditLog.endCurrentLogSegment(true);}long imageTxId = getCorrectLastAppliedOrWrittenTxId();if (!addToCheckpointing(imageTxId)) {throw new IOException("FS image is being downloaded from another NN at txid " + imageTxId);}try {try {// 保存 FSImage 文件,即通过FSImageSaver/FSImageFormatProtobuf 等对象将元数据进行序列化到文件中。// 先是fsimage.ckpt,最后重命名为fsimage_xxxxx,以及fsimage_xxxx.md5文件saveFSImageInAllDirs(source, nnf, imageTxId, canceler);if (!source.isRollingUpgrade()) {updateStorageVersion();}} finally {if (editLogWasOpen) {editLog.startLogSegmentAndWriteHeaderTxn(imageTxId + 1,source.getEffectiveLayoutVersion());// Take this opportunity to note the current transaction.// Even if the namespace save was cancelled, this marker// is only used to determine what transaction ID is required// for startup. So, it doesn't hurt to update it + 1);}}} finally {removeFromCheckpointing(imageTxId);}//Update NameDirSize Metric// 更新name dir size,即存放fsimage目录空间大小getStorage().updateNameDirSize();if (exitAfterSave.get()) {LOG.error("NameNode process will exit now... The saved FsImage " +nnf + " is potentially corrupted.");ExitUtil.terminate(-1);}}

standby 节点

2023-03-26 09:25:11,838 INFO org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.ha.StandbyCheckpointer: Triggering checkpoint because it has been 180 seconds since the last checkpoint, which exceeds the configured interval 180
2023-03-26 09:25:11,838 INFO org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.FSImage: Save namespace ...
2023-03-26 09:25:11,859 INFO org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.FSImageFormatProtobuf: Saving image file /data/apps/hadoop-3.3.1/data/namenode/current/fsimage.ckpt_0000000000000102477 using no compression
2023-03-26 09:25:11,893 INFO org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.FSImageFormatProtobuf: Image file /data/apps/hadoop-3.3.1/data/namenode/current/fsimage.ckpt_0000000000000102477 of size 825045 bytes saved in 0 seconds .
2023-03-26 09:25:11,904 INFO org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.NNStorageRetentionManager: Going to retain 2 images with txid >= 102475
2023-03-26 09:25:11,904 INFO org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.NNStorageRetentionManager: Purging old image FSImageFile(file=/data/apps/hadoop-3.3.1/data/namenode/current/fsimage_0000000000000102471, cpktTxId=0000000000000102471)
2023-03-26 09:25:11,922 INFO org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.TransferFsImage: Sending fileName: /data/apps/hadoop-3.3.1/data/namenode/current/fsimage_0000000000000102477, fileSize: 825045. Sent total: 825045 bytes. Size of last segment intended to send: -1 bytes.
2023-03-26 09:25:11,975 INFO org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.TransferFsImage: Uploaded image with txid 102477 to namenode at in 0.058 seconds
2023-03-26 09:25:11,975 INFO org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.ha.StandbyCheckpointer: Checkpoint finished successfully.

active namenode

2023-03-26 09:19:23,726 INFO org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.FSEditLog: Starting log segment at 102474
2023-03-26 09:21:23,781 INFO org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.FSNamesystem: Roll Edit Log from
2023-03-26 09:21:23,781 INFO org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.FSEditLog: Rolling edit logs
2023-03-26 09:21:23,781 INFO org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.FSEditLog: Ending log segment 102474, 102474
2023-03-26 09:21:23,782 INFO org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.FSEditLog: Number of transactions: 2 Total time for transactions(ms): 2 Number of transactions batched in Syncs: 0 Number of syncs: 1 SyncTimes(ms): 4 7
2023-03-26 09:21:23,793 INFO org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.FSEditLog: Number of transactions: 2 Total time for transactions(ms): 2 Number of transactions batched in Syncs: 0 Number of syncs: 2 SyncTimes(ms): 15 8
2023-03-26 09:21:23,800 INFO org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.FileJournalManager: Finalizing edits file /data/apps/hadoop-3.3.1/data/namenode/current/edits_inprogress_0000000000000102474 -> /data/apps/hadoop-3.3.1/data/namenode/current/edits_0000000000000102474-0000000000000102475
2023-03-26 09:21:23,800 INFO org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.FSEditLog: Starting log segment at 102476

通过日志能够看出 fsimage的保存,上传是在standby节点上,roll edit 以及 ending log segment是在主节点上进行。



  • 将本次的OP_END_LOG_SEGMENT操作也记录到editlog中。
  • 调用logSyncAll(),将最新LastWrittenTxId事务刷新持久化到qjm中
  • 调用finalizeLogSegment,通过rpc去完成finalizeLogSegment操作。即qjm中记录同步完成finalizeLogSegment
  • 主节点同步到此次操作,也会同步执行finalizeLogSegment操作。
public synchronized void endCurrentLogSegment(boolean writeEndTxn) {"Ending log segment " + curSegmentTxId +", " + getLastWrittenTxId());Preconditions.checkState(isSegmentOpen(),"Bad state: %s", state);if (writeEndTxn) {logEdit(LogSegmentOp.getInstance(cache.get(), FSEditLogOpCodes.OP_END_LOG_SEGMENT));}// always sync to ensure all edits are flushed.logSyncAll();printStatistics(true);final long lastTxId = getLastWrittenTxId();final long lastSyncedTxId = getSyncTxId();Preconditions.checkArgument(lastTxId == lastSyncedTxId,"LastWrittenTxId %s is expected to be the same as lastSyncedTxId %s",lastTxId, lastSyncedTxId);try {// 调用journalSet即JournalManager的所有子集,包括QuorumJournalManager,FileJournalManagerjournalSet.finalizeLogSegment(curSegmentTxId, lastTxId);editLogStream = null;} catch (IOException e) {//All journals have failed, it will be handled in logSync.}state = State.BETWEEN_LOG_SEGMENTS;}

回到fsImage upload的过程

回到主线docheckpoint,保存完fsimage之后,还需要将将 fsImage 上传给 active namenode节点。

public static TransferResult uploadImageFromStorage(URL fsName, Configuration conf,NNStorage storage, NameNodeFile nnf, long txid, Canceler canceler)throws IOException {URL url = new URL(fsName, ImageServlet.PATH_SPEC);long startTime = Time.monotonicNow();try {uploadImage(url, conf, storage, nnf, txid, canceler);} catch (HttpPutFailedException e) {// translate the error code to a result, which is a bit more obvious in usageTransferResult result = TransferResult.getResultForCode(e.getResponseCode());if (result.shouldReThrowException) {throw e;}return result;}double xferSec = Math.max(((float) (Time.monotonicNow() - startTime)) / 1000.0, 0.001);"Uploaded image with txid " + txid + " to namenode at " + fsName+ " in " + xferSec + " seconds");return TransferResult.SUCCESS;}


上传standby namenode上传 就会对应active namenode那边必须接受此次上传过来的文件


  • 校验请求是否合法
  • 当前节点是否是active state(不是的话,不能接受)
  • 当前节点是否正在上传旧的事务
  • 当前事务id所属的fsimage文件是否存在,即是否已经执行过checkpoint
  • 调用TransferFsImage.handleUploadImageRequest进行保存啦。
  • 保存fsimage的md5文件了
  • 删除旧的fsimage文件,按照配置保留最近n个。过程结束
protected void doPut(final HttpServletRequest request,final HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {try {ServletContext context = getServletContext();final FSImage nnImage = getAndValidateFSImage(context, response);final Configuration conf = (Configuration) getServletContext().getAttribute(JspHelper.CURRENT_CONF);final PutImageParams parsedParams = new PutImageParams(request, response,conf);final NameNodeMetrics metrics = NameNode.getNameNodeMetrics();final boolean checkRecentImageEnable;Object checkRecentImageEnableObj =context.getAttribute(RECENT_IMAGE_CHECK_ENABLED);if (checkRecentImageEnableObj != null) {if (checkRecentImageEnableObj instanceof Boolean) {checkRecentImageEnable = (boolean) checkRecentImageEnableObj;} else {// This is an error case, but crashing NN due to this// seems more undesirable. Only log the error and set to default.LOG.error("Expecting boolean obj for setting checking recent image, "+ "but got " + checkRecentImageEnableObj.getClass() + ". This is "+ "unexpected! Setting to default.");checkRecentImageEnable = RECENT_IMAGE_CHECK_ENABLED_DEFAULT;}} else {checkRecentImageEnable = RECENT_IMAGE_CHECK_ENABLED_DEFAULT;}validateRequest(context, conf, request, response, nnImage,parsedParams.getStorageInfoString());UserGroupInformation.getCurrentUser().doAs(new PrivilegedExceptionAction<Void>() {@Overridepublic Void run() throws Exception {// if its not the active NN, then we need to notify the caller it was was the wrong// target (regardless of the fact that we got the image)HAServiceProtocol.HAServiceState state = NameNodeHttpServer.getNameNodeStateFromContext(getServletContext());if (state != HAServiceProtocol.HAServiceState.ACTIVE &&state != HAServiceProtocol.HAServiceState.OBSERVER) {// we need a different response type here so the client can differentiate this// from the failure to upload due to (1) security, or (2) other checkpoints already// presentsendError(response, HttpServletResponse.SC_EXPECTATION_FAILED,"Nameode "+request.getLocalAddr()+" is currently not in a state which can "+ "accept uploads of new fsimages. State: "+state);return null;}final long txid = parsedParams.getTxId();String remoteAddr = request.getRemoteAddr();ImageUploadRequest imageRequest = new ImageUploadRequest(txid, remoteAddr);final NameNodeFile nnf = parsedParams.getNameNodeFile();// if the node is attempting to upload an older transaction, we ignore itSortedSet<ImageUploadRequest> larger = currentlyDownloadingCheckpoints.tailSet(imageRequest);if (larger.size() > 0) {sendError(response, HttpServletResponse.SC_CONFLICT,"Another checkpointer is already in the process of uploading a" +" checkpoint made up to transaction ID " + larger.last());return null;}//make sure no one else has started uploading oneif (!currentlyDownloadingCheckpoints.add(imageRequest)) {sendError(response, HttpServletResponse.SC_CONFLICT,"Either current namenode is checkpointing or another"+ " checkpointer is already in the process of "+ "uploading a checkpoint made at transaction ID "+ txid);return null;}long now = System.currentTimeMillis();long lastCheckpointTime =nnImage.getStorage().getMostRecentCheckpointTime();long lastCheckpointTxid =nnImage.getStorage().getMostRecentCheckpointTxId();long checkpointPeriod =conf.getTimeDuration(DFS_NAMENODE_CHECKPOINT_PERIOD_KEY,DFS_NAMENODE_CHECKPOINT_PERIOD_DEFAULT, TimeUnit.SECONDS);checkpointPeriod = Math.round(checkpointPeriod * recentImageCheckTimePrecision);long checkpointTxnCount =conf.getLong(DFS_NAMENODE_CHECKPOINT_TXNS_KEY,DFS_NAMENODE_CHECKPOINT_TXNS_DEFAULT);long timeDelta = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toSeconds(now - lastCheckpointTime);// Since the goal of the check below is to prevent overly// frequent upload from Standby, the check should only be done// for the periodical upload from Standby. For the other// scenarios such as rollback image and ckpt file, they skip// this check, see HDFS-15036 for more info.if (checkRecentImageEnable &&NameNodeFile.IMAGE.equals(parsedParams.getNameNodeFile()) &&timeDelta < checkpointPeriod &&txid - lastCheckpointTxid < checkpointTxnCount) {// only when at least one of two conditions are met we accept// a new fsImage// 1. most recent image's txid is too far behind// 2. last checkpoint time was too oldString message = "Rejecting a fsimage due to small time delta "+ "and txnid delta. Time since previous checkpoint is "+ timeDelta + " expecting at least " + checkpointPeriod+ " txnid delta since previous checkpoint is " +(txid - lastCheckpointTxid) + " expecting at least "+ checkpointTxnCount;;sendError(response, HttpServletResponse.SC_CONFLICT, message);return null;}try {if (nnImage.getStorage().findImageFile(nnf, txid) != null) {String message = "Either current namenode has checkpointed or "+ "another checkpointer already uploaded an "+ "checkpoint for txid " + txid;;sendError(response, HttpServletResponse.SC_CONFLICT, message);return null;}InputStream stream = request.getInputStream();try {long start = monotonicNow();MD5Hash downloadImageDigest = TransferFsImage.handleUploadImageRequest(request, txid,nnImage.getStorage(), stream,parsedParams.getFileSize(), getThrottler(conf));nnImage.saveDigestAndRenameCheckpointImage(nnf, txid,downloadImageDigest);// Metrics non-null only when used inside name nodeif (metrics != null) {long elapsed = monotonicNow() - start;metrics.addPutImage(elapsed);}// Now that we have a new checkpoint, we might be able to// remove some old ones.nnImage.purgeOldStorage(nnf);} finally {// remove the request once we've processed it, or it threw an error, so we// aren't using it eithercurrentlyDownloadingCheckpoints.remove(imageRequest);stream.close();}} finally {nnImage.removeFromCheckpointing(txid);}return null;}});} catch (Throwable t) {String errMsg = "PutImage failed. " + StringUtils.stringifyException(t);sendError(response, HttpServletResponse.SC_GONE, errMsg);throw new IOException(errMsg);}}



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