flv 元信息(metadata)


  • audiochannels

  • audiocodecid

  • audiodatarate

  • audiodevice

  • audioinputvolume

  • audiosamplerate

  • creationdate

  • duration (media files only)

  • fmleversion (Flash Media Live Encoder version) (media files only)

  • framerate

  • height

  • lastkeyframetimestamp (media files only)

  • lasttimestamp (media files only)

  • presetname

  • videocodecid

  • videodatarate

  • videodevice

  • videokeyframe_frequency

  • width

liruqi@Apollo:~/Videos$ flvtool2 -P youku.flv
duration: 300.867
hasMetadata: true
hasKeyframes: true
audiodatarate: 43.4919904392971
audiosamplerate: 22050
framerate: 15.0033071091213
datasize: 9661244
audiosamplesize: 16
hasVideo: true
lasttimestamp: 300.867
stereo: true
videocodecid: 2
canSeekToEnd: false
lastkeyframetimestamp: 298.933
audiosize: 1801606
videosize: 7795514
hasAudio: true
- 1571
- 255073
- 432405
- 623314
- 809714
- 983310
- 1182506
- 1353766
- 1524852
- 1707253
- 1898530
- 2116411
- 2306012
- 2476133
- 2671519
- 2841358
- 3009769
- 3163044
- 3340645
- 3502065
- 3663881
- 3867247
- 4050995
- 4251763
- 4411694
- 4587080
- 4766001
- 4967281
- 5162796
- 5345682
- 5523669
- 5672578
- 5867093
- 6086781
- 6257768
- 6453268
- 6656733
- 6854996
- 7023930
- 7188798
- 7362948
- 7560148
- 7778350
- 8007845
- 8265492
- 8453671
- 8678896
- 8892715
- 9084570
- 9281456
- 9584974
- 0
- 4.933
- 10.933
- 16.933
- 22.933
- 28.933
- 34.933
- 40.933
- 46.933
- 52.933
- 58.933
- 64.933
- 70.933
- 76.933
- 82.933
- 88.933
- 94.933
- 100.933
- 106.933
- 112.933
- 118.933
- 124.933
- 130.933
- 136.933
- 142.933
- 148.933
- 154.933
- 160.933
- 166.933
- 172.933
- 178.933
- 184.933
- 190.933
- 196.933
- 202.933
- 208.933
- 214.933
- 220.933
- 226.933
- 232.933
- 238.933
- 244.933
- 250.933
- 256.933
- 262.933
- 268.933
- 274.933
- 280.933
- 286.933
- 292.933
- 298.933
lastkeyframelocation: 9584974
filesize: 9662773
height: 256
audiocodecid: 2
videodatarate: 201.133827405465
metadatacreator: modify by youku.com in 20090909
width: 320

keyframes: (Object) This object is added only if youspecify the /k switch. 'keyframes' is known to FLVMDI and if /k switchis not specified, 'keyframes' object will be deleted.
'keyframes' object has 2 arrays: 'filepositions' and 'times'. Botharrays have the same number of elements, which is equal to the numberof key frames in the FLV. Values in times array are in 'seconds'. Eachcorrespond to the timestamp of the n'th key frame. Values infilepositions array are in 'bytes'. Each correspond to the filepositionof the nth key frame video tag (which starts with byte tag type 9).

flvtool2 -U youku.flv youku.flv.out
liruqi@Apollo:~/Videos$ flvtool2 -P youku.flv.out
duration: 300.934
hasMetadata: true
hasKeyframes: true
framerate: 14
datasize: 9598746
audiodatarate: 44.5357982098402
audiosamplerate: 22000
audiosamplesize: 16
hasVideo: true
lasttimestamp: 300.867
videocodecid: 2
canSeekToEnd: false
stereo: true
audiosize: 1801606
lastkeyframetimestamp: 298.933
videosize: 7795514
audiodelay: 0
hasAudio: true
filesize: 9662891
height: 256
- 1651
- 255153
- 432485
- 623394
- 809794
- 983390
- 1182586
- 1353846
- 1524932
- 1707333
- 1898610
- 2116491
- 2306092
- 2476213
- 2671599
- 2841438
- 3009849
- 3163124
- 3340725
- 3502145
- 3663961
- 3867327
- 4051075
- 4251843
- 4411774
- 4587160
- 4766081
- 4967361
- 5162876
- 5345762
- 5523749
- 5672658
- 5867173
- 6086861
- 6257848
- 6453348
- 6656813
- 6855076
- 7024010
- 7188878
- 7363028
- 7560228
- 7778430
- 8007925
- 8265572
- 8453751
- 8678976
- 8892795
- 9084650
- 9281536
- 9585054
- 0
- 4.933
- 10.933
- 16.933
- 22.933
- 28.933
- 34.933
- 40.933
- 46.933
- 52.933
- 58.933
- 64.933
- 70.933
- 76.933
- 82.933
- 88.933
- 94.933
- 100.933
- 106.933
- 112.933
- 118.933
- 124.933
- 130.933
- 136.933
- 142.933
- 148.933
- 154.933
- 160.933
- 166.933
- 172.933
- 178.933
- 184.933
- 190.933
- 196.933
- 202.933
- 208.933
- 214.933
- 220.933
- 226.933
- 232.933
- 238.933
- 244.933
- 250.933
- 256.933
- 262.933
- 268.933
- 274.933
- 280.933
- 286.933
- 292.933
- 298.933
videodatarate: 205.961039263196
audiocodecid: 2
metadatacreator: inlet media FLVTool2 v1.0.6 - http://www.inlet-media.de/flvtool2
metadatadate: Mon Oct 26 00:32:57 GMT+0800 2009
width: 320
hasCuePoints: false


  • duration: (Number) Length of the FLV in seconds. FLVMDI computes this value.
  • lasttimestamp: (Number) TimeStamp of the last tag in the FLV file.
  • lastkeyframetimestamp: (Number) TimeStamp of the last video tag which is a key frame. This info might be needed because seeking a frame after this time usually does not work.
  • width: (Number) Width of the video in pixels. (Flash exporter 1.1 sets this to 0).
  • height: (Number) Height of the video in pixels. (Flash exporter 1.1 sets this to 0).
  • videodatarate: (Number) FLVMDI does not compute this value and imports it if present. (Defaults to 0).
  • audiodatarate: (Number) FLVMDI does not compute this value and imports it if present. (Defaults to 0).
  • framerate: (Number) FLVMDI computes this value, but uses imported value if not 0.
  • creationdate: (String) FLVMDI cannot compute this value and imports it if present. (Defaults to 'unknown').
  • filesize: (Number) Filesize in bytes (including the injected data).
  • videosize: (Number) Total size of video tags in the file in bytes.
  • audiosize: (Number) Total size of audio tags in the file in bytes.
  • datasize: (Number) Total size of data tags in the file in bytes.
  • metadatacreator: (String) Will be set to 'Manitu Group FLV MetaData Injector 2'.
  • metadatadate: (Date) Date and time metadata added. (Note that this is not of type string like 'creationdate').
  • xtradata: (string) Additional string data if specified.
  • videocodecid: (Number) Video codec ID number used in the FLV. (Sorenson H.263 =2, Screen Video =3, On2 VP6 = 4 and 5, Screen Video V2 = 6).
  • audiocodecid: (Number) Audio codec ID number used in the FLV. (Uncompressed = 0, ADPCM = 1, MP3 = 2, NellyMoser = 5 and 6).
  • audiodelay:(Number) Audio delay in seconds. Flash 8 encoder delays the video forbetter synch with audio (Audio and video does not start both at time 0,Video starts a bit later). This value is also important for Flash 8Video Encoder injected Cue Points, because logical time of the cuepoints does not correspond to physical time they are inserted in theFLV. (Cue points are injected before encoding, when the video isshifted by 'audio delay' seconds, cue points are also shifted and theirphysical time in the FLV changes).
  • canSeekToEnd: (Boolean) True if the last video tag is a key frame and hence can be 'seek'ed.
  • keyframes: (Object)

很显然,优酷就是改了flvtool2的一些代码然后拿来用了,还谦卑地说"modify by youku.com"。这句话都有语法问题,真是够山寨的。



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