ffmpeg -i [输入文件名] [参数选项] -f [格式] [输出文件]
ffmpeg [[options][`-i’ input_file]]… {[options] output_file}…
(1) -an: 去掉音频
(2) -acodec: 音频选项, 一般后面加copy表示拷贝
(3) -vcodec:视频选项,一般后面加copy表示拷贝
(1) h264: 表示输出的是h264的视频裸流
(2) mp4: 表示输出的是mp4的视频
(3)mpegts: 表示ts视频流
如果没有输入文件,那么视音频捕捉(只在Linux下有效,因为Linux下把音视频设备当作文件句柄来处理)就会起作用。作为通用的规则,选项一般用于下一个特定的文件。如果你给 –b 64选项,改选会设置下一个视频速率。对于原始输入文件,格式选项可能是需要的。缺省情况下,ffmpeg试图尽可能的无损转换,采用与输入同样的音频视频参数来输出。(by ternence.hsu)


ffmpeg -i test.h264 -vcodec copy -f mpegts test.ts


ffmpeg -i test.h264 -vcodec copy -f mp4 test.mp4


ffmpeg -i test.ts -acodec copy -vcodec copy -f mp4 test.mp4
ffmpeg -i test.mp4 -acodec copy -vcodec copy -f flv test.flv


ffmpeg -y -i test.mpeg -bitexact -vcodec h263 -b 128 -r 15 -s 176x144 -acodec aac -ac 2 -ar 22500 -ab 24 -f 3gp test.3gp

转换文件为3GP格式 v2

ffmpeg -y -i test.wmv -ac 1 -acodec libamr_nb -ar 8000 -ab 12200 -s 176x144 -b 128 -r 15 test.3gp

使用 ffmpeg 编码得到高质量的视频

ffmpeg.exe -i “D:\Video\Fearless\Fearless.avi” -target film-dvd -s 720x352 -padtop 64 -padbottom 64 -maxrate 7350000 -b 3700000 -sc_threshold 1000000000 -trellis -cgop -g 12 -bf 2 -qblur 0.3 -qcomp 0.7 -me full -dc 10 -mbd 2 -aspect 16:9 -pass 2 -passlogfile “D:\Video\ffmpegencode” -an -f mpeg2video “D:\Fearless.m2v”


ffmpeg.exe -i test.mp3 -ab 56 -ar 22050 -b 500 -r 15 -s 320x240 f:\test.flv
ffmpeg.exe -i test.wmv -ab 56 -ar 22050 -b 500 -r 15 -s 320x240 f:\test.flv


ffmpeg -i snatch_1.vob -f avi -vcodec mpeg4 -b 800 -g 300 -bf 2 -acodec mp3 -ab 128 snatch.avi



ffmpeg -i test.avi -y -b 20 -s sqcif -r 10 -acodec amr_wb -ab 23.85 -ac 1 -ar 16000 test.3gp

(如果要转换为3GP格式,则ffmpeg在编译时必须加上–enable-amr_nb –enable-amr_wb,详细内容可参考:转换视频为3GPP格式)


ffmpeg -y -i input.wmv -f mp4 -async 1-s 480x320 -acodec libfaac -vcodec libxvid -qscale 7 -dts_delta_threshold 1 output.mp4
ffmpeg -y -i source_video.avi input -acodec libfaac -ab 128000 -vcodec mpeg4 -b 1200000 -mbd 2 -flags +4mv+trell -aic 2 -cmp 2 -subcmp 2 -s 320x180 -title X final_video.mp4


ffmpeg -i son.wav -i video_origine.avi video_finale.mpg


ffmpeg -i source_video.avi -target pal-dvd -ps 2000000000 -aspect 16:9 finale_video.mpeg

(target pal-dvd : Output format ps 2000000000 maximum size for the output file, in bits (here, 2 Gb) aspect 16:9 : Widescreen)


ffmpeg -i video_origine.avi -s 320x240 -vcodec msmpeg4v2 video_finale.avi

Turn X images to a video sequence

ffmpeg -f image2 -i image%d.jpg video.mpg

(This command will transform all the images from the current directory (named image1.jpg, image2.jpg, etc…) to a video file named video.mpg.)

Turn a video to X images

ffmpeg -i video.mpg image%d.jpg

(This command will generate the files named image1.jpg, image2.jpg, … ;The following image formats are also availables : PGM, PPM, PAM, PGMYUV, JPEG, GIF, PNG, TIFF, SGI.)


ffmpeg -vcodec mpeg4 -b 1000 -r 10 -g 300 -vd x11:0,0 -s 1024x768 ~/test.avi

(-vd x11:0,0 指录制所使用的偏移为 x=0 和 y=0,-s 1024×768 指录制视频的大小为 1024×768。录制的视频文件为 test.avi,将保存到用户主目录中;如果你只想录制一个应用程序窗口或者桌面上的一个固定区域,那么可以指定偏移位置和区域大小。使用xwininfo -frame命令可以完成查找上述参数。)


ffmpeg -vcodec mpeg4 -b 1000 -r 10 -g 300 -i ~/test.avi -s 800×600 ~/test-800-600.avi


ffmpeg -f video4linux -s 320*240 -r 10 -i /dev/video0 test.asf


ffmpeg -threads 4 -i INPUT -r 29.97 -vcodec libx264 -s 480x272 -flags +loop -cmp chroma -deblockalpha 0 -deblockbeta 0 -crf 24 -bt 256k -refs 1 -coder 0 -me umh -me_range 16 -subq 5 -partitions parti4x4+parti8x8+partp8x8 -g 250 -keyint_min 25 -level 30 -qmin 10 -qmax 51 -trellis 2 -sc_threshold 40 -i_qfactor 0.71 -acodec libfaac -ab 128k -ar 48000 -ac 2 OUTPUT


ffmpeg -re -i 1.ts -c copy -f mpegts udp://

ffmpeg -i “concat:test1.h264|test2.h264” -vcodec copy -f h264 out12.h264


ffmpeg -i test.asf -y -f image2 -t 0.001 -s 352x240 a.jpg

把视频的前30帧转换成一个Animated Gif

ffmpeg -i test.asf -vframes 30 -y -f gif a.gif


ffmpeg -i test.avi -y -f image2 -ss 8 -t 0.001 -s 350x240 test.jpg



ffmpeg -i /tmp/a.wav -ab 64 /tmp/a.mp2 -ab 128 /tmp/b.mp2 -map 0:0 -map 0:0

(上面的命令行转换一个64Kbits 的a.wav到128kbits的a.mp2 ‘-map file:index’在输出流的顺序上定义了哪一路输入流是用于每一个输出流的。)

ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -c:v libx264 -c:a aac -strict -2 -f hls -hls_list_size 6 -hls_time 5 output1.m3u8



package com.example.extjeremyli.ffmpegdemo.utils;import android.util.Pair;public interface TransformationCommands {String[] getDefaultScaleVideoCmd(final String from, final String to, Pair<Integer, Integer> config);String[] getDefaultWatermarkImageCmd(final String from, final String watermarkPath, final String to);String[] getDefaultScaledImageCmd(final String from, final String to, Pair<Integer, Integer> config);String[] getDefaultVideoThumbCmd(final String from, final String to);String[] getDefaultRotateCmd(final String from, final String to);


package com.example.extjeremyli.ffmpegdemo.utils;import android.util.Pair;public class FFmpegCommands implements TransformationCommands {/*** Applying watermark in the center of the video:*      ffmpeg -i E:\test2.mp4 -i E:\watermark_large.png -filter_complex*      "overlay=(main_w-overlay_w)/2:(main_h-overlay_h)/2" -codec:a copy E:\output.flv** Applying watermark in the left bottom of the image:*      ffmpeg -i E:\test_img.jpg -i E:\watermark_large.png -filter_complex "overlay=10:main_h-overlay_h-10"*      -codec:a copy E:\output.png** Resize video:*      ffmpeg -y -i E:\test3.mp4 -s 640*480 -r 15 -aspect 3:4 -ab 12288*      -vcodec mpeg4 -b 2097152 E:\debug_video.mp4* */private final String SCALE_TEMPLATE = "scale=%s:%s";@Overridepublic String[] getDefaultScaleVideoCmd(String from, String to, Pair<Integer, Integer> config) {final String scaleFilter = String.format(SCALE_TEMPLATE, config.first, config.second); // apply width and heightFFmpegCommandBuilder commandBuilder = new FFmpegCommandBuilder();commandBuilder.allowOverwrightFilesWithoutAsking();commandBuilder.setInputFile(from);commandBuilder.setFilter(scaleFilter);commandBuilder.setFrameRate("15");commandBuilder.setAB("12288"); // clarify the propertycommandBuilder.setVCodec("mpeg4");commandBuilder.setTransformationSpeed("fast");commandBuilder.setAudioCodec("copy");commandBuilder.setB("2097152");commandBuilder.setDestination(to);return commandBuilder.build();}@Overridepublic String[] getDefaultWatermarkImageCmd(String from, String watermarkPath, String to) {FFmpegCommandBuilder commandBuilder = new FFmpegCommandBuilder();commandBuilder.allowOverwrightFilesWithoutAsking();commandBuilder.setInputFile(from);commandBuilder.setSecondInputFile(watermarkPath);commandBuilder.setComplexFilter("overlay=10:main_h-overlay_h-10");commandBuilder.setCodecAudio("copy");commandBuilder.setDestination(to);return commandBuilder.build();}@Overridepublic String[] getDefaultScaledImageCmd(String from, String to, Pair<Integer, Integer> config) {final String scaleFilter = String.format(SCALE_TEMPLATE, config.first, config.second); // apply width and heightFFmpegCommandBuilder commandBuilder = new FFmpegCommandBuilder();commandBuilder.allowOverwrightFilesWithoutAsking();commandBuilder.setInputFile(from);commandBuilder.setFilter(scaleFilter);commandBuilder.setDestination(to);return commandBuilder.build();}@Overridepublic String[] getDefaultVideoThumbCmd(String from, String to) {FFmpegCommandBuilder commandBuilder = new FFmpegCommandBuilder();commandBuilder.allowOverwrightFilesWithoutAsking();commandBuilder.setInputFile(from);commandBuilder.setStartTruncatePosition("00:00:01"); // since 1st second of the videocommandBuilder.setVframes("1");commandBuilder.setDestination(to);return commandBuilder.build();}@Overridepublic String[] getDefaultRotateCmd(String from, String to) {FFmpegCommandBuilder commandBuilder = new FFmpegCommandBuilder();commandBuilder.setInputFile(from);commandBuilder.setCopy("copy");commandBuilder.setMetadata("-metadata:s:v:0");commandBuilder.setRotate(90);commandBuilder.setDestination(to);return commandBuilder.build();}}


package com.example.extjeremyli.ffmpegdemo.utils;import android.util.Log;import java.util.ArrayList;/*package*/ class FFmpegCommandBuilder {/*** -y       overwrite output files without asking* -i       input filename* -s       set frame size* -r       set frame rate* -vcodec  set the vcodec* -b* -ab* -ac      Set the number of audio channels* -ar      Set the audio sampling frequency* -ss      Set the start position since video will be truncated {@see https://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg.html}* -vf      applying filter* -aspect  set vignette aspect.* -preset  encoding (enum value, ultrafast is the fastest way)* -transpose= <value> rotation params 1 = 90Clockwise* *//** ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -c copy -metadata:s:v:0 rotate=90 output.mp4* transpose args:* 0 = 90CounterCLockwise and Vertical Flip (default)* 1 = 90Clockwise* 2 = 90CounterClockwise* 3 = 90Clockwise and Vertical Flip* */// maximum compression//ffmpeg -y -i /storage/emulated/0/main.mp4 -s 480x320 -r 20 -c:v libx264 -preset ultrafast -c:a copy -me_method zero -tune fastdecode -tune zerolatency -strict -2 -b:v 1000k -pix_fmt yuv420p /storage/emulated/0/output.mp4private ArrayList<String> commandList = new ArrayList<>();private String copy;private String metadata;private int rotate;public String[] build() {StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();for (String cmd : commandList) {builder.append(cmd).append(" ");}Log.d("JIANG", "!!!FFMPEG!!! " + builder.toString());String[] commandArray = new String[commandList.size()];commandList.toArray(commandArray);return commandArray;}public void allowOverwrightFilesWithoutAsking() {
//        this.allowOverwrightFilesWithoutAsking = true;commandList.add(Params.OVERWRIGHT_OUTPUT_WITHOUT_ASKING);}public void setInputFile(final String input) {commandList.add(Params.INPUT_FILE_NAME);commandList.add(input);}public void setSecondInputFile(final String input) {commandList.add(Params.INPUT_FILE_NAME);commandList.add(input);}public void setStrict() {
//        this.allowStrict = true;commandList.add(Params.STRICT);}public void setFrameSize(final String frameSize) {commandList.add(Params.FRAME_SIZE);commandList.add(frameSize);}public void setFrameRate(final String frameRate) {commandList.add(Params.FRAME_RATE);commandList.add(frameRate);}public void setVCodec(final String codec) {commandList.add(Params.VIDEO_CODEC);commandList.add(codec);}public void setB(final String b) {commandList.add(Params.B);commandList.add(b);}public void setAB(final String value) {commandList.add(Params.AB);commandList.add(value);}public void setAudioChannels(final String audioChannels) {commandList.add(Params.NUMBER_OF_AUDIO_CHANNELS);commandList.add(audioChannels);}public void setSampleFrequency(final String sampleFrequency) {commandList.add(Params.AUDIO_SAMPLING_FREQUENCY);commandList.add(sampleFrequency);}/*** Must be called as the last command* */public void setDestination(final String destination) {commandList.add(destination);}public void setScaleVideo(final String scaleValue) {commandList.add(Params.SCALE);commandList.add(scaleValue);}public void setStartTruncatePosition(final String position) {commandList.add(Params.SS);commandList.add(position);}public void setCodec(final String codec) {commandList.add(Params.CODEC);commandList.add(codec);}public void setCodecAudio(final String value) {commandList.add(Params.CODEC_AUDIO);commandList.add(value);}public void setDuration(final String duration) {commandList.add(Params.DURATION);commandList.add(duration);}public void setFilter(final String filter) {commandList.add(Params.FILTER);commandList.add(filter);}public void setVignetteAspect(final String aspect) {commandList.add(Params.VIGNETTE_ASPECT);commandList.add(aspect);}public void showFormats(final String value) {commandList.add(Params.SAMPLE_FORMAT);commandList.add(value);}public void setComplexFilter(String complexFilter) {commandList.add(Params.COMPLEX_FILTER);commandList.add(complexFilter);}public void setTransformationSpeed(final String value) {commandList.add(Params.SPEED);commandList.add(value);}public void setVframes(final String value) {commandList.add(Params.VFRAMES);commandList.add(value);}public void setAudioCodec(final String value) {commandList.add(Params.AUDIO_CODEC);commandList.add(value);}public void setRotation(final int angle) {switch (angle) {case 90:setFilter(Params.ROTATION);break;}}public void setCopy(String copy) {commandList.add(Params.COPY);commandList.add(copy);}public void setMetadata(String metadata) {commandList.add(metadata);}public void setRotate(int rotate) {commandList.add("rotate=" + rotate);}/*** The intent of this class is to provide human-readable parameters of video* transformation library.* */private static class Params {private static final String OVERWRIGHT_OUTPUT_WITHOUT_ASKING = "-y";private static final String INPUT_FILE_NAME = "-i";private static final String STRICT = "-strict";private static final String FRAME_SIZE = "-s"; // scaleprivate static final String FRAME_RATE = "-r";private static final String VIDEO_CODEC = "-vcodec";private static final String AUDIO_CODEC = "-acodec";private static final String B = "-b"; // TODO clarify what is itprivate static final String AB = "-ab"; // TODO clarify what is itprivate static final String NUMBER_OF_AUDIO_CHANNELS = "-ac";private static final String AUDIO_SAMPLING_FREQUENCY = "-ar";private static final String SCALE = "scale=";private static final String DISPLAY_ASPECT_RATIO = "setdar";private static final String SAMPLE_ASPECT_RATIO = "setsar";private static final String SS = "-ss";private static final String CODEC = "-codec";private static final String CODEC_AUDIO = "-codec:a";private static final String DURATION = "-t";private static final String FILTER = "-vf";private static final String VIGNETTE_ASPECT = "-aspect";private static final String SAMPLE_FORMAT = "-sample_fmt";private static final String COMPLEX_FILTER = "-filter_complex";private static final String SPEED = "-preset";private static final String VFRAMES = "-vframes";private static final String ROTATION = "\"transpose=1\"";private static final String COPY = "-c";}


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