
 def download_file_with_cookiejar(self, url, file_count, total, recursion=False):test=[]# see if we've already download this file and if it is that it is the correct sizedownload_file = os.path.basename(url).split('?')[0]if os.path.isfile(download_file):try:request = Request(url)request.get_method = lambda : 'HEAD'response = urlopen(request, timeout=30)remote_size = self.get_total_size(response)# Check that we were able to derive a size.if remote_size:local_size = os.path.getsize(download_file)if remote_size < (local_size+(local_size*.01)) and remote_size > (local_size-(local_size*.01)):print (" > Download file {0} exists! \n > Skipping download of {1}. ".format(download_file, url))return None,None#partial file size wasn't full file size, lets blow away the chunk and start againprint (" > Found {0} but it wasn't fully downloaded. Removing file and downloading again.".format(download_file))os.remove(download_file)except ssl.CertificateError as e:print (" > ERROR: {0}".format(e))print (" > Could not validate SSL Cert. You may be able to overcome this using the --insecure flag")return False,Noneexcept HTTPError as e:if e.code == 401:print (" > IMPORTANT: Your user may not have permission to download this type of data!")else:print (" > Unknown Error, Could not get file HEAD: {0}".format(e))except URLError as e:print ("URL Error (from HEAD): {0}, {1}".format( e.reason, url))if "ssl.c" in "{0}".format(e.reason):print ("IMPORTANT: Remote location may not be accepting your SSL configuration. This is a terminal error.")return False,Nonefor url in self.files:# attempt https connectiontry:request = Request(url)response = urlopen(request, timeout=30)# Watch for redirectif response.geturl() != url:# See if we were redirect BACK to URS for re-auth.if 'https://urs.earthdata.nasa.gov/oauth/authorize' in response.geturl():if recursion:print (" > Entering seemingly endless auth loop. Aborting. ")return False, None# make this easier. If there is no app_type=401, add itnew_auth_url = response.geturl()print("lalalalal")print(new_auth_url)if "app_type" not in new_auth_url:new_auth_url += "&app_type=401"print (" > While attempting to download {0}....".format(url))print (" > Need to obtain new cookie from {0}".format(new_auth_url))old_cookies = [cookie.name for cookie in self.cookie_jar]opener = build_opener(HTTPCookieProcessor(self.cookie_jar), HTTPHandler(), HTTPSHandler(**self.context))request = Request(new_auth_url)try:response = opener.open(request)for cookie in self.cookie_jar:if cookie.name not in old_cookies:print (" > Saved new cookie: {0}".format(cookie.name))# A little hack to save session cookiesif cookie.discard:cookie.expires = int(time.time()) + 60*60*24*30print (" > Saving session Cookie that should have been discarded! ")#self.cookie_jar.save(self.cookie_jar_path, ignore_discard=True, ignore_expires=True)except HTTPError as e:print ("HTTP Error: {0}, {1}".format( e.code, url))return False,None# Okay, now we have more cookies! Lets try again, recursively!print (" > Attempting download again with new cookies!")return self.download_file_with_cookiejar(url, file_count, total, recursion=True)print (" > 'Temporary' Redirect download @ Remote archive:\n > {0}".format(response.geturl()))test.append(response.geturl())print(test)# seems to be working#print ("({0}/{1}) Downloading {2}".format(file_count, total, url))# Open our local file for writing and build status bar# tf = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w+b', delete=False, dir='.')# self.chunk_read(response, tf, report_hook=self.chunk_report)## # Reset download status# sys.stdout.write('\n')## tempfile_name = tf.name# tf.close()#handle errorsexcept HTTPError as e:# print ("HTTP Error: {0}, {1}".format( e.code, url))## if e.code == 401:#    print (" > IMPORTANT: Your user does not have permission to download this type of data!")## if e.code == 403:#    print (" > Got a 403 Error trying to download this file.  ")#    print (" > You MAY need to log in this app and agree to a EULA. ")#return



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