题号:1 His ideas have been ____ to

a great deal of criticism from the

public. C、subjected

题号:2 Mrs. White found her husband surrounded by

letters and papers and ____ very worried. C、looking

题号:3 I shall probably oversleep as I ____ up so

early. D、am not used to getting

题号:4 Our English teacher _______ our buying a

good English-Chinese dictionary. C、suggested

题号:5 The engine of the ship was out of order and

the bad weather _____the helplessness of the

crew. A、added to

题号:7 I knew it’s not important but I can’t help

____ about it. B、thinking

题号:8 ____ you like to go with us to the movies

tonight? B、Would

题号:9 The consequence was much ____ he

imagined. C、more than

题号:13 The time he has devoted ______the disabled

is now considered ____of great value. B、to helping、to be

题号:14 ____ to what I thought,

he has proved to be successful. A、Contrary

题号:15 A large ____ of damage was done to this

small village in a very short time. B、amount

题号:17 Do you remember ________ to

Dr. Green during your last visit? Certainly I do. C、being introduced

题号:19 It is a very popular play,

and it would be wise to ____ seats well in

advance. B、book

题号:20 Americans eat ________ vegetables per

person today as they did in 1910. D、more than twice as many

题号:1 In this factory, suggestions often have to

wait for months before they are fully

_____. D、considered

题号:2 The happy look on his face

______ that he had passed the exam

successfully. B、suggested

题号:3 ____ plastics, the machine

is light in weight.  C、Made of

题号:4 Do you play football after work? Yes,

_______. Playing football is not my favorite

sport. B、once in a while

题号:6 The parents found ____ necessary to let

their children know how hard the life was in the

past. A、it

题号:7 He has impressed his employers considerably

and _____ he is soon to be

promoted. D、accordingly

题号:8 The number of tickets _____

will be determined by the size of the

stadium. D、available

题号:9 My feelings were ____ when

he didn’t ask me to his birthday

party. A、hurt

题号:10 The managing director took

the _____ for the accident, although it was not really his

fault. C、blame

题号:11 Uncle John has a ____ of closing his eyes

when he tells a story. D、habit

题号:12 We are both looking forward

to ____ next week. B、going on


题号:13 The company has ____

acquired (获得) a new office building in central New

York. A、recently

题号:14 Had the damage been worse, the insurance

company ____

more. D、would

have paid

题号:15 She was afraid that unless the train

speeded up she would lose her _____ to Scotland. D、connection

题号:16 We have come to a crucial

(关键的) stage; you must take immediate

____. B、action 题号:17 Our research found out the drug is so _____

as to be able to change brain chemistry. A、powerful

题号:20 The new secretary has

written a _____ report only in a few pages but with all the

details. A、concise 题号:1 One was killed and four were seriously ____

in yesterday’s train accident. D、injured

题号:2 _________ him and then try

to copy what he

does. D、Watch

题号:3 Among the high-risk group of heart disease

______ people with a preference for fat-rich

foods. B、are

题号:6 Unlike Chinese parents, many

American parents allow their children ____ own decisions.

C、to make their

题号:8 It seems difficult to

_______ “hurt” from “injure” in

meaning. B、tell

题号:9 Do you think the Stars will beat the Bulls?

Yes. They have better players, so I __________ them to

win. C、expect

题号:10 Be quiet! It’s rude to ____

people when they are speaking. D、interrupt

题号:11 The receptionist, ____ job was to answer

the phone, was a part-time employee. A、whose B、

题号:13 The task required _____ did

it _____ careful and brave enough.  D、whoever、


题号:14 The real trouble ____ their

lack of confidence in their ability. A、lies in

题号:15 I shall probably oversleep

as I ____ up so early. D、am not used to


题号:17 Only when

____________ possible to settle the problem. B、the chief editor comes will it be

题号:18 In the market, vegetables

are sold by ____ kilogram, I mean by ___

weight. A、the、 /

题号:1 She

said she ______ her exams by then.  C、would have


题号:2 She

tried every ____ to make me give up smoking, but failed.


题号:3 —

Has he seen this film?”— Yes. He ______ it several days ago.”


题号:4 John said he ______ for me in the dormitory when I came to the

university. C、would be waiting

题号:5 I ______ see you, but

I didn’t, for I had no time.

A、had wanted to

题号:6 There was _____ of

complete silence when he broke the news. C、an instant

题号:7 I wonder why Jenny

______ us recently. We should have heard from her by

now. A、hasn’t written

题号:8 Now that she is out of

job, Lucy ______ going back to school, but she hasn’t decided

yet. B、has been considering

题号:9 You won’t know whether

the coat fits you until you ______ it on.

B、have tried

题号:10 Woman are considered

physically weaker than ______. C、men

题号:11 They ______ the

Summer Palace three times. B、have been to

题号:12 I ______ here since I

moved here. D、have been working

题号:13 _____ Chinese people

are ____ hard working people. D、The、a

题号:14 The

news came as no surprise to me. I ______ for some time that the

factory was going to shut down. A、had known

题号:15 I wonder why ______

are so interested in action films. A、people

题号:16 She got married while

she was still___. B、in her teens

题号:17 The train ______ at

the present speed until it reaches the foot of the mountain at

about nine o’clock tonight. D、will be going

题号:18 — I beg your pardon,

but I didn’t quite catch you.— Oh, I ______ myself.

D、was talking to

题号:19 The shoes are too

small, let me try on _______. B、another pair

题号:20 ________ went to

the concert last night . B、A large audience

题号:1 It is no use ______

that you didn’t know the truth. C、pretending

题号:2 ______, he had an

accident on the icy road. A、Although driving carefully

题号:3 Congratulations ______

your success in the competition! B、on

题号:4 The children stood on

the pavement, ______. A、watching the buses coming and going

题号:5 If the building

project ______ by the end of this month is delayed, the

construction company will be fined. C、to be completed

题号:6 The government is

responsible ____the nation’s welfare. C、for

题号:7 All flights ______

because of the terrible weather, they had to go there by

train. A、having been canceled

题号:8 We ______ for quite a

long time. D、were kept waiting

题号:9 Most characters in the

novel are drawn ___ his real life experience during

WWII. B、from

题号:10 He was suspected

________ dishonesty in the deal. B、of

题号:11 He tried hard to

avoid ______ that man. B、meeting

题号:12 I’m used to ______

early in winter morning. B、getting up

题号:13 I remember ______ his

money three weeks ago. A、returning

题号:14 This lock badly needs

______. B、oiling

题号:15 Students are required

to comply ______ the regulations. C、with

题号:16 She must learn to

adjust herself ____ campus life. C、to

题号:17 This kind of new

medicine acts well ____ the lung. A、on

题号:18 Her son promised ______ in the bedroom

until the baby stopped ______. D、to stay、crying

题号:19 When he caught sight

of the scene, he was overcome ____ despair. B、with

题号:20 ______ with the size

of the whole earth, the highest mountain does not seem high at all.

C、When compared

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