Trialhead :

系统使用Aura 组件需要domain



<aura:component       implements="lightning:actionOverride,flexipage:availableforallpagetypes,force:apphostable,force:lightningQuickActionWithoutHeader,lightning:isUrlAddressable,force:hasRecordId"access="global" controller="productCommunityDemoController"><c:lax context="{!this}"/><aura:attribute name="xxxx" type="String"/><aura:attribute name="xxxx" type="Object"/><aura:attribute name="data" type="List"/><aura:handler name="init" value="{! this }" action="{! c.onInit }"/></aura:component>


({onInit : function (cmp) {helper.helperMethod(cmp);var action = cmp.get('c.sendNotification')action.setCallback(this, function () {var urlEvent = $A.get("e.force:navigateToURL");urlEvent.setParams({"url": '/d/s/selling-order-confirm'});;})$A.enqueueAction(action);},handleSell: function (cmp) {*******}


 helperMethod : function(cmp) {let resultList = [];cmp.set('',resultList);}


public with sharing class productCommunityDemoController {private static Network myNetwork = new Network();private static ConnectApi.Community myCommunity;public static List<ProductWrapper> productWrapperList;public productCommunityDemoController() {}@AuraEnabledpublic static void sendNotification() {MyBellNotification.notifyCurrentUser('Your orders had been confirmed!');}}

lax 组件:用来调用后台apex 方法 的工具组件


<aura:component><aura:attribute name="context" type="Object" required="true" description="Consumer's component object"/><aura:attribute name="attributeName" type="String" default="lax" description="Controls dynamic attribute name generated on consumer's component object"/><aura:handler name="init" value="{!this}" action="{!c.onInit}"/>


({/*** Initialization function called every time Lax Aura Component instantiated* @memberof LaxController#* @param component {Object} - the lax component object*/onInit: function onInit(component, event, helper) {helper.init(component, event);}


({/*** Initialization function called every time Lax Aura Component instantiated* @memberof LaxHelper#* @param component {Object} - the lax component object*/init: function init(component) {var helper = this,contextComponent = component.get('v.context');var laxProps = {_component: {writable: false,configurable: false,enumerable: false,value: contextComponent}};var laxPrototype = this.getLax(function(globalEventListeners) {helper.initEventListeners(globalEventListeners, contextComponent, 'onLaxPrototypeInit');});var localEventListeners = {};helper.initEventListeners(localEventListeners, contextComponent, 'onLaxInit');// Create an object that is inherit all the functionality from// the Lax object due to prototype inheritancevar lax = Object.create(laxPrototype, laxProps);lax.getEventListeners = function () {return localEventListeners;};// Create property on the context component object that is refer on// newly created Lax objectvar contextComponentAttribute = component.get('v.attributeName');var componentProps = {writable: false,configurable: false,enumerable: false,value: lax};Object.defineProperty(contextComponent, contextComponentAttribute, componentProps);},/*** The function creates the Lax object and save it on the helper.* Helpers of Aura components are static, it allows to share prototype* Lax object on a helper instance.* @memberOf LaxHelper#* @returns {Lax}*/getLax: function getLax(onInit) {if (!this._lax) {this._lax = this.createLax(onInit);}return this._lax;},/*** Creates a prototype Lax object.* The function calls when the first Lax component in the app instantiates.* @memberOf LaxHelper#* @returns {Lax}*/createLax: function createLax(onInit) {var helper = this;var errors = helper.defineErrors();var eventListeners = {};/*** Creates a unified function to be assign as a callback on the aura action.* @param resolve {Function} the function called if the action is success* @param reject {Function} the function called if the action is failed* @returns {Function}*/function actionRouter(resolve, reject, finallyCallback) {var lax = this;return function (response) {var state = response.getState(),listOfListeners = [laxPrototype.getEventListeners(), lax.getEventListeners()];if (state === 'SUCCESS') {var resultValue = util.getEventListenersByName(listOfListeners, 'apexAction.onSuccess').reduce(function (val, listener) {return listener(val);}, response.getReturnValue());resolve(resultValue);} else {var message = 'Unknown error';var responseErrors = response.getError();if (responseErrors && Array.isArray(responseErrors) && responseErrors.length > 0) {message = responseErrors[0].message;}var errorConstructor = state === 'INCOMPLETE' ? errors.IncompleteActionError : errors.ApexActionError;var err = util.getEventListenersByName(listOfListeners, 'apexAction.onError').reduce(function (err, listener) {return listener(err);}, new errorConstructor(message, responseErrors, response));reject(err);}if (finallyCallback) {finallyCallback();}};}/*** Creates a unified function to be assign as a callback on the component creation action.* @param resolve {Function} the function called if the component creation successfully* @param reject {Function} the function called if the component failed to create* @returns {Function}*/function createComponentActionRouter(resolve, reject) {var lax = this;return function (component, status, message) {var result = { status: status },isMultiple = $A.util.isArray(message),listOfListeners = [laxPrototype.getEventListeners(), lax.getEventListeners()];if (isMultiple) {result.components = component;result.statusMessages = message;} else {result.component = component;result.message = message;}if (status === 'SUCCESS') {var resultComponent = util.getEventListenersByName(listOfListeners, 'createComponentAction.onSuccess').reduce(function (cmp, listener) {return listener(cmp)}, component);resolve(resultComponent);} else {var errorConstructor = status === 'INCOMPLETE' ? errors.IncompleteActionError : errors.CreateComponentError,error = null;if (isMultiple) {var msg = 'An error occurred while a component creation process.';error = new errorConstructor(msg, result.statusMessages, result);} else {error = new errorConstructor(message, null, result);}var resultError = util.getEventListenersByName(listOfListeners, 'createComponentAction.onError').reduce(function (e, listener) {return listener(e);}, error);reject(resultError);}};}/*** Creates a unified function to assign it as a callback on the LDS action.* The returned function is a router for the result of the action.* @param resolve {Function} the function called if the action is success* @param reject {Function} the function called if the action is failed* @returns {Function}*/function ldsActionRouter(resolve, reject) {var lax = this;return function(result) {var listOfListeners = [laxPrototype.getEventListeners(), lax.getEventListeners()];if (result.state === 'SUCCESS' || result.state === 'DRAFT') {var resultValue = util.getEventListenersByName(listOfListeners, 'ldsAction.onSuccess').reduce(function (val, listener) {return listener(val);}, result);resolve(resultValue);} else {var error = null;if (result.state === 'ERROR') {var message = 'Unknown error';if (result.error && Array.isArray(result.error) && result.error.length > 0) {message = result.error[0].message;}error = new errors.LdsActionError(message, result.error, result);} else if (result.state === 'INCOMPLETE') {error = new errors.IncompleteActionError('You are currently offline.', result.error, result);} else {error = new Error('Unknown action state');}var resultError = util.getEventListenersByName(listOfListeners, 'ldsAction.onError').reduce(function (e, listener) {return listener(e);}, error);reject(resultError);}};}var util = {/*** Create an object and bind it with passed in Promise prototype.* It has own chaining functions (<code>then</code>, <code>catch</code>),* with Aura context functionality. It allows to avoid of <code>$A.getCallback</code>* on callback functions.* @param promise {Promise}* @returns {LaxPromise}*/createAuraContextPromise: function (promise) {var lp = Object.create(promise);Object.defineProperty(lp, '_contextPromise', {writable: false,configurable: false,enumerable: true,value: promise});// eslint-disable-next-line no-use-before-definereturn Object.assign(lp, laxPromise);},removeAuraErrorMessagePrefix: function (message) {var result = message;var prefix = 'Error in $A.getCallback() [';if (message && message.indexOf(prefix) > -1) {result = message.replace(prefix, '').slice(0, -1)}return result;},assignCatchFilters: function (handleErrors, callback, promise) {return function routeError(error) {for (var i = 0; i < handleErrors.length; i = i + 1) {var errorType = handleErrors[i];if (errorType === Error ||(errorType !== null && errorType.prototype instanceof Error)) {if (error instanceof errorType || === {return util.tryCatch(callback).call(promise, error);}}}return Promise.reject(error);};},tryCatch: function (callback) {return function tryCallback() {try {return callback.apply(this, arguments);} catch (e) {return Promise.reject(e);}};},registerError: function (error) {errors[] = error;},isApplicationEvent: function (eventName) {return eventName.indexOf('e.') === 0 && eventName.indexOf(':') > 0;},getEventListenersByName: function (listOfListeners, eventHandlerName) {var handlers = [];listOfListeners.forEach(function (listeners) {util.pushIfValueExist(handlers,util.delve(listeners, eventHandlerName));});return handlers;},/*** {@link}*/delve: function (obj, key, def, p) {p = 0;key = key.split ? key.split('.') : key;while (obj && p < key.length) obj = obj[key[p++]];return (obj === undefined || p < key.length) ? def : obj;},pushIfValueExist: function (arr, value) {if (!$A.util.isUndefinedOrNull(value)) arr.push(value);}};/*** The container of the actual context promise.* It helps to call chain function (<code>then</code>, <code>catch</code>)* in the Aura context. The client can avoid of <code>$A.getCallback</code> calls.* @class LaxPromise*/var laxPromise =/*** @lends LaxPromise#*/{/*** Attaches callbacks for the resolution and/or rejection of the Promise.* @param onSuccess {Function|undefined} The callback to execute when the Promise is resolved.* @param onError {Function=} The callback to execute when the Promise is rejected.* @returns {LaxPromise} A {@link LaxPromise} for the completion of which ever callback is executed.*/then: function (onSuccess, onError) {var promise = this._contextPromise.then((onSuccess ?  $A.getCallback(onSuccess) : undefined),(onError ?  $A.getCallback(onError) : undefined));return util.createAuraContextPromise(promise);},/*** Attaches a callback for only the rejection of the Promise.* @param onError {Function} The callback to execute when the Promise is rejected.* @returns {LaxPromise} A {@link LaxPromise} for the completion of the callback.* @example* component.lax.enqueue('', { record: record })*  .then(id => {*    component.set('', id);*  })*  .catch(errors => {*    console.error(errors);*  });*/catch: function (onError) {var promise;var callback = onError;var len = arguments.length;if (len > 1) {var errorTypes = new Array(len - 1);for (var i = 0; i < len - 1; i = i + 1) {errorTypes[i] = arguments[i];}var onErrorCallback = arguments[len - 1];callback = util.assignCatchFilters(errorTypes, onErrorCallback, this);}promise = this.then(undefined, function(e) {e.message = util.removeAuraErrorMessagePrefix(e.message);return callback(e);});return util.createAuraContextPromise(promise);},/*** The method returns a {@link LaxPromise}.* When the Promise is settled, whether fulfilled or rejected, the specified callback function is executed.* This provides a way for code that must be executed once the Promise has been dealt with to be run* whether the promise was fulfilled successfully or rejected.** This lets you avoid duplicating code in both the promise's then() and catch() handlers.* @param callback {Function} The function to run whe the Promise is settled* @returns {LaxPromise}*/finally: function (callback) {var self = this,promise;if (typeof Promise.prototype.finally === 'function') {promise = self._contextPromise.finally($A.getCallback(callback));} else {promise = this.then(function(value) {return self._contextPromise.constructor.resolve($A.getCallback(callback)()).then(function() { return value; });}).catch(function(reason) {return self._contextPromise.constructor.resolve($A.getCallback(callback)()).then(function() { throw reason; });});}return util.createAuraContextPromise(promise);},/*** Attaches a callback for only the rejection of the Promise* and for only actions that returns "ERROR" state* @param onError {Function} The callback to execute when the Promise is rejected.* @returns {LaxPromise} A {@link LaxPromise} for the completion of the callback.*/error: function (onError) {var fn = util.assignCatchFilters([errors.ApexActionError, errors.CreateComponentError], onError, this);return this.then(undefined, fn);},/*** Attaches a callback for only the rejection of the Promise* and for only actions that returns "INCOMPLETE" state* @param onIncomplete {Function} The callback to execute when the Promise is rejected.* @returns {LaxPromise} A {@link LaxPromise} for the completion of the callback.*/incomplete: function (onIncomplete) {var fn = util.assignCatchFilters([errors.IncompleteActionError], onIncomplete, this);return this.then(undefined, fn);}};/*** The container of the actual Lightning Data Service (LDS). It delegates* actions to LDS and provide and API to chain them. Actions callback functions don't* require <code>$A.getCallback()</code> wrapper.* @class LaxDataService*/var laxDataService =/*** @lends LaxDataService#*/{/*** The function to save the record that loaded to LDS edit <code>EDIT</code> mode.* It used to create a record and save it or to save the changes to an existing one.* @see* @returns {LaxPromise}*/saveRecord: function () {var self = this;var promise = new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {self._service.saveRecord(, resolve, reject));});return util.createAuraContextPromise(promise);},/*** The function to load a record template to the LDS <code>targetRecord</code> attribute.* It doesn't return a result to callback function.* It simply prepares an empty record and assigns it to the <code>targetRecord</code> attribute.* @param sobjectType {String=} the object API name for the new record.* @param recordTypeId {String=} the 18 character ID of the record type for the new record.* If not specified, the default record type for the object is used, as defined in the user’s profile.* @param skipCache {Boolean=} whether to load the record template from the server instead of the* client-side Lightning Data Service cache. Defaults to false.* @returns {LaxPromise}*/getNewRecord: function (sobjectType, recordTypeId, skipCache) {var self = this;var promise = new Promise(function (resolve) {function getNewRecordCallback () {resolve();}self._service.getNewRecord(sobjectType, recordTypeId, skipCache, getNewRecordCallback);});return util.createAuraContextPromise(promise);},/*** The function to delete a record using LDS.* @returns {LaxPromise}*/deleteRecord: function () {var self = this;var promise = new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {self._service.deleteRecord(, resolve, reject));});return util.createAuraContextPromise(promise);}};/*** The object based on builder pattern to call Aura action.* It is instantiated to be used by {@link Lax} as a prototype of actual actions.* This type of action does not use Promise approach and subsequently can be called as storable.* @class LaxActionBuilder*/var laxActionBuilder =/*** @lends LaxActionBuilder#*/{/*** Assign the success callback on Aura action* @param callback {Function}* @returns {LaxActionBuilder}*/setThen: function setThen(callback) {this._resolveCallback = callback;return this;},/*** Assigns the failure callback on Aura action. This function called when the error occurs.* @param callback {Function}* @returns {LaxActionBuilder}*/setCatch: function setCatch(callback) {this._rejectCallback = callback;return this;},/*** Assigns the finally callback on Aura action. This function called after success or failure callback. It doesn't* depend on the result of an action.* @param callback {Function}* @returns {LaxActionBuilder}*/setFinally: function setFinally(callback) {this._finallyCallback = callback;return this;},/*** Sets parameters for the action.* @param params {Object}* @returns {LaxActionBuilder}*/setParams: function setParams(params) {this._action.setParams(params);return this;},/*** Marks the action as a {@link|Storable}* @returns {LaxActionBuilder}*/setStorable: function setStorable() {this._action.setStorable();return this;},/*** Marks the action as a {@link|Background}* @returns {LaxActionBuilder}*/setBackground: function setBackground() {this._action.setBackground();return this;},/*** Enqueues the action. The function do not return the object itself and should be* called at the end of the builder chain.* @returns {void}*/enqueue: function enqueue() {this._action.setCallback(this._component,, this._resolveCallback, this._rejectCallback, this._finallyCallback));$A.enqueueAction(this._action);}};/*** The object based on builder pattern to fire Lightning Application or Component events.* @class LaxEventBuilder*/var laxEventBuilder =/*** @lends LaxEventBuilder#*/{/*** Sets data for the event attributes. A parameter’s name must match the name attribute* of one of the event’s <code>aura:attribute</code> tags.* @param params {Object} the data of event attributes* @returns {LaxEventBuilder}*/setParams: function setParams(params) {this._event.setParams(params);return this;},/*** Fires the event.* @returns {void}*/fire: function fire() {;}};/*** The object with list of Aura Server-Side action options* @typedef {Object} ActionOptions* @property storable {Boolean} Marks action as a <a href="">Storable</a>* @property background {Boolean} Marks action as a <a href="">Background</a>* @property abortable {Boolean} Marks action as a <a href="">Abortable</a>*//*** The object that contains a properties for Aura Server-Side Action* @typedef {Object} ActionProperties* @property name {String} The name of the action. It must be the same as Apex @AuraEnabled method* @property params {Object} The object with parameters values for the action. It is based on Apex @AuraEnabled method* @property options {Object} The object with list of options that can be applied to the action*//*** The action main object of the component that is used as a shared prototype across all lax components* created in the application. See <code>init</code> function of the laxHelper.js where the lax assigned as prototype.* @class Lax*/var laxPrototype =/*** @lends Lax#*/{/*** Enqueues the action by the name and with passed in params and options.* The function returns Promise, subsequently client can chain the actions* by assigning <code>then</code> callbacks or handle the error by <code>catch</code> callback.* @param actionName {String} the name of the action (Apex controller method name)* @param params [Object] the object that contains parameters for the action* @param options [ActionOptions] the object with list of options for the action* @returns {LaxPromise}* @example* component.lax.enqueue('c.getContact', { id: recordId }, { background: true })*   .then(contact => {*     component.set('v.record', contact);*   });*/enqueue: function enqueue(actionName, params, options) {var self = this;var promise = new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {var action = self._component.get(actionName);if (params) {action.setParams(params);}if (options) {if (options.background) {action.setBackground();}if (options.storable) {action.setStorable();}}action.setCallback(self._component,, resolve, reject));$A.enqueueAction(action);});return util.createAuraContextPromise(promise);},/*** Enqueues the list of actions parallel.* The function return {@link Promise} that subsequently can be used to chain callback.* The success callback assigned on the {@link Promise} called after all actions ready and an error have not thrown.* @param actions {ActionProperties[]}* @returns {LaxPromise}* @example* component.lax.enqueueAll([*   // { name : '...', params: {...}, options: {...} }*   { name: 'c.getContacts' },*   { name: 'c.getAccounts' },*   { name: 'c.getOpportunities' }* ])* .then(results => {*   // results: [ [contacts], [accounts], [opportunities] ]*   var contacts = results[0];*   var accounts = results[1];*   var opportunities = results[2];* });*/enqueueAll: function enqueueAll(actions) {var self = this;var promises = (a) {return,, a.params, a.options);});return util.createAuraContextPromise(Promise.all(promises));},/*** Creates the action linked to {@link LaxActionBuilder} by the provided name.* @param actionName {String} the name of the action (Apex controller method)* @returns {LaxActionBuilder}* @example* component.lax*  .action('c.getContact')*  .setStorable()*  .setParams({ id: recordId })*  .setThen(contact => {*    component.set('v.record', contact)*  })*  .setCatch(error => {*    console.error(error);*  })*  .enqueue();*/action: function action(actionName) {var c = this._component;var props = {_component: {writable: false,configurable: false,enumerable: false,value: c},_action: {writable: false,configurable: false,enumerable: false,value: c.get(actionName)},_lax: {writable: false,configurable: false,enumerable: false,value: this}};return Object.create(laxActionBuilder, props);},/*** Creates an object with {LaxEventBuilder} prototype with the context* event by provided name. The function apply Application and Component event name.* @param eventName {String} the name of the event* @returns {LaxEventBuilder}*/event: function event(eventName) {var props = {_event: {writable: false,configurable: false,enumerable: false,value: util.isApplicationEvent(eventName) ? $A.get(eventName) : this._component.getEvent(eventName)}};return Object.create(laxEventBuilder, props);},/*** Creates a container of actual Lightning Data Service object.* @param id {String} the aura:id of the <code>force:record</code> (Lightning Data Service) tag* @returns {LaxDataService}*/lds: function lds(id) {var service = this._component.find(id);var serviceProp = {_service: {writable: false,configurable: false,enumerable: false,value: service}};return Object.create(laxDataService, serviceProp);},/*** Create a component from a type and a set of attributes.* It accepts the name of a type of component, a map of attributes,* and returns {LaxPromise} to assign a callback function to notify caller.* @param {String} type The type of component to create, e.g. "ui:button".* @param {Object} attributes A map of attributes to send to the component. These take the same form as on the markup,* including events <code>{"press":component.getReference("c.handlePress")}</code>, and id <code>{"aura:id":"myComponentId"}</code>.* @example* lax.createComponent("aura:text",{value:'Hello World'})*   .then(function(auraTextComponent){*        // auraTextComponent - is an instance of aura:text containing the value Hello World*   });* @returns {LaxPromise}*/createComponent: function createComponent(type, attributes) {var self = this;var promise = new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {$A.createComponent(type, attributes,, resolve, reject));});return util.createAuraContextPromise(promise);},/*** Create an array of components from a list of types and attributes.* It accepts a list of component names and attribute maps, and returns* {LaxPromise} to assign a callback function to notify caller.* @param {Array} components The list of components to create, e.g. <code>["ui:button",{"press":component.getReference("c.handlePress")}]</code>* @example* lax.createComponents([*      ["aura:text",{value:'Hello'}],*      ["ui:button",{label:'Button'}],*      ["aura:text",{value:'World'}]*  ])*  .then(function(components) {*      // components - is an array of 3 components*      // 0 - Text Component containing Hello*      // 1 - Button Component with label Button*      // 2 - Text component containing World*  });*  @return {LaxPromise}*/createComponents: function createComponents(components) {var self = this;var promise = new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {$A.createComponents(components,, resolve, reject));});return util.createAuraContextPromise(promise);},getEventListeners: function () {return eventListeners;},util: {registerError: util.registerError},errors: errors};if (onInit) {// callback to decorate events workflow (ApexAction)onInit(eventListeners);}return laxPrototype;},initEventListeners: function (listenersContainer, component, auraMethodName) {var method = component[auraMethodName];if (method) {Object.assign(listenersContainer,;}},defineErrors: function () {function ApexActionError(message, entries, action) { = 'ApexActionError';this.message = message;this.entries = entries;this.action = action;this.stack = (new Error()).stack;}ApexActionError.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype);function IncompleteActionError(message, entries, action) { = 'IncompleteActionError';this.message = message;this.entries = entries;this.action = action;this.stack = (new Error()).stack;}IncompleteActionError.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype);function LdsActionError(message, entries, action) { = 'LdsActionError';this.message = message;this.entries = entries;this.action = action;this.stack = (new Error()).stack;}LdsActionError.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype);function CreateComponentError(message, entries, action) { = 'CreateComponentError';this.message = message;this.entries = entries;this.action = action;this.stack = (new Error()).stack;}CreateComponentError.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype);return {ApexActionError: ApexActionError,IncompleteActionError: IncompleteActionError,LdsActionError: LdsActionError,CreateComponentError: CreateComponentError};}});

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