
It's 12:18am and I'm hopped up on at least 96 ounces of Diet Pepsi and vibrating with the excitement that you only get after a 15-hour-marathon-coding-just-one-more-method session.  Having a blast, or hooked on crack?  You decide.

现在是上午12:18,我跳了至少96盎司的Diet Pepsi,并兴奋地振作起来,只有经过15小时的马拉松编码,方法才多一个。 爆炸或迷上裂缝? 你决定。

Here's what I'm hip deep in and did today:


  • Cookieless Forms Authentication - You may have noticed that FormsAuthentication still makes Cookies even when SessionState is set to Cookieless=true.  No longer, for me at least.

    无Cookie的表单身份验证-您可能已经注意到,即使SessionState设置为Cookieless = true,FormsAuthentication仍会生成Cookie。 至少对我而言不再如此。

  • ASP.NET Internationalization - I completely refactored LocalizedPage with input from Chris Kinsman, Chris Brooks, Bradley McLain and Alex Ginos.  Thanks guys!

    ASP.NET国际化-我使用Chris Kinsman , Chris Brooks ,Bradley McLain和Alex Ginos的输入完全重构了LocalizedPage。 谢谢你们!

  • With inspiration from Clemens, I'm all over SOA and trying to reconcile those things about OOP that don't jive in a SOA world.


  • XmlSerialization - I am consistantly imressed with how slick XmlSerialization is in .NET for a "1.0" attempt.

    XmlSerialization-我一直沉迷于.NET中XmlSerialization如何精巧地进行“ 1.0”尝试。

  • Log4net - Very sweet.  I'm glad I took the time to set it up.  I encapsulated it and will be writing some Corillian-specific Appenders, but it got me 90% of the way there.  It's the cat's pajamas.

    Log4net-非常贴心。 我很高兴花时间进行设置。 我对其进行了封装,并将编写一些Corillian特定的Appender,但它为我带来了90%的成功。 这是猫的睡衣。

  • ObjectBinding - Binding objects to ASP.NET DataGrids is a hassle, but if you put the effort into it by making Strongly Typed Collections (Thanks QuickCode.NET!) and including public properties for those things you wish to bind, it DOES make life easier for the UI Programmers.  Also, I've decided I really prefer dealing with strongly typed objects instead of DataSets (strongly typed or otherwise).

    ObjectBinding-将对象绑定到ASP.NET DataGrids是一件麻烦的事,但是如果您通过制作“强类型集合”(感谢QuickCode.NET !)并包括要绑定的那些对象的公共属性来投入精力,那确实会使生活变得更轻松用于UI程序员。 另外,我决定我真的更喜欢处理强类型对象而不是数据集(强类型或其他类型)。

  • XSD.exe - is nice, but just not smart enough.  For a fairly complex Xml InfoSet I still have to put about 15-30 minutes of just typing to get the autogenerated .CS files to include property getters for DataBinding, better XmlElement andn Variable naming choices and the whole [XmlIgnore] strongly-typed-collection-with-parallel-array trick.  It's time to move this crap to a code generator.  I'd like to either:

    XSD.exe-不错,但是不够聪明。 对于一个相当复杂的XML信息集我还是要放15-30分钟只是打字获得自动生成的.CS文件,包括数据绑定属性获取更好的XmlElement和n变量命名的选择和整个[XmlIgnore]强类型收集的-带有并行数组的技巧。 是时候将这些废话转移到代码生成器了。 我想:

    • Find a smarter XSD.exe 查找更智能的XSD.exe
    • Write an uber-xslt that takes XSDs and gen the code 编写一个带有XSD的uber-xslt并生成代码
    • Perhaps CodeSmith?


    • Geez, I can't wait until Templates.  Oy.

      哎呀,我等不及要模板了。 哦

    XSD.exe - is nice, but just not smart enough.  For a fairly complex Xml InfoSet I still have to put about 15-30 minutes of just typing to get the autogenerated .CS files to include property getters for DataBinding, better XmlElement andn Variable naming choices and the whole [XmlIgnore] strongly-typed-collection-with-parallel-array trick.  It's time to move this crap to a code generator.  I'd like to either:

    XSD.exe-不错,但是不够聪明。 对于一个相当复杂的XML信息集我还是要放15-30分钟只是打字获得自动生成的.CS文件,包括数据绑定属性获取更好的XmlElement和n变量命名的选择和整个[XmlIgnore]强类型收集的-带有并行数组的技巧。 现在是时候将这些废话转移到代码生成器了。 我想:

What current code generator is the best for taking XML input and making code? Comments please...

哪种最新的代码生成器最适合接受XML输入并编写代码? 请发表评论...

翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/a-great-daynight-of-codingbest-one-in-years



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