Official filing receipt 受理通知书
A declaration of the grace period concerning novelty 不丧失新颖性宽限期声明
Commonly assigned 共同受让人
Preferably 优先地
Additional features and advantages of the invention will be set forth in the description which follows, and in part will be apparent from the description, or maybe learned by practice of the invention. 本发明另外的特征和优点将在以下 说明中阐明,且在部分上(一定程度上)从该描述可显而易见,或者可以通过实施本发明而认识到。
It owned by the same patent applicant 同一个专利申请人所有的
With reference to 关于
In the alternative 可选择的
The foregoing and other feathers and advantages of the invention will become
further apparent from the following detailed description of the presently preferred embodiment, read in conjunction with the accompanying drawings.
The detailed description and drawings are nerely illustrative of the invention,rather than limiting the scope of the invention being defined by appended claims and equivalent thereof 结合最佳实施例的详细描述和附图,本发明前述的和其他的特点和优点得以进一步明确。该详细描述和附图只是用于说明本发明,而不是限制由权利要求和其等价物定义的本发明的范围。
Such that(表示结果,根据内容灵活用词)
In a less preferred embodiment of the invention 本发明次优选的实施方案中
Be readily apparent to those of skill in the art 对本领域技术人员显而易见
Against this background of prior art combination 针对上述几种现有技术这一技术背景

Please acknowledge receipt by fax, of our instructions and apply for a patent
by submitting necessary documents for PCT application PCT/JP2001/015288
filed October15, 2004 in accordance with the following particulars, and in due
course send us the Filing Receipt and your debit note. 请以传真方式告知已收
到我们的指示,并以 2004.10.15 提交的 PCT 申请(著录项目如下),申请号为

If non-English language references are cited against this application, please
trace English language equivalents of the references where possible and
inform us of their publication and/ or patent number. 若引用了非英文文献来否、定专利,请尽可能查找等效的英文文献并通知该文献的出版号和/或专利号
Specifically speaking 具体地说
Whereby 由此
Claims the priority to US provisional application 要求美国临时申请的优先权
Break off a forbidden zone 打破禁区
A which is substantially free from B 基本不含,基本没有,基本无
Regular application 正式申请
If appropriate 如果合适的话,如果适当的话
Subordinate claims 从属权利要求
Dependent patent 从属专利
A schematic of one embodiment 一个实施方案(或实施例)的示意图
Detailed description of illustrative embodiment 示例实施方案的详细描述
While the invention has been described with reference to a specific
embodiment, the description is illustrative of the invention and is not to be
construed a limiting the invention. 尽管已经参考具体实施方案描述了本发明,
The invention and objects and features there of will be more readily apparent
from the following detailed description and appended claims taken with the
drawing, in which 参照如下详细说明及所附权利要求和附图,本发明及其主题
In one embodiment 在一个实施方案中

In a exemplary embodiment 在一个典型的实施方案中
Application 应用
Use 用途
Complete disclaimer?
As a minimum, it is an object of this invention to provide the public with a useful
choice 至少本发明的目的是为公众提供一种有用的选择。
Accordingly, this invention provide…; preferably, this invention provide…;
optionally…; alternatively,… 相应地,本发明提供了…; 优选地,本发明提供了;
可选地,…; 或者,…
It has been well documented that… 已被广为记载的是
Divisional application 分案申请
More precisely 更具体地
As per 按照
Operational 能施用的
Operation 操作作业
Normally 通常地,一般地、经常地
Case 情况,例子
As is often the case 这是常有的事
And the like
Or the like (等)
Amino acid and its analogue 氨基酸及其类似物
Hereby 在此,依此
Reference application 参见申请
Whereby 依上所述
Description of the preferred embodiments 对优选实施例的描述



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