
            struct  结构名
               类型成员 1;
               类型成员 2;
            } ;        ----------->这里有个分号,一定不能少。
 例如:   struct  person {
             char name[20];
             char address[30];
             int phone;
             } ;


     比如: struct  person  pers1 , pers2;   若在程序开头预定义一个符号常量代表一个结构类型,
     即:    #define PERSON  struct person  (后面没有分号)
     则PERSON  与struct person 完全等效。可以定义结构变量 : PERSON  per1, per2;也可以定义结构类型。
    struct  score
    char  grade[20];
    long int number;
    char  sex;
    float  database;
   } stu1, stu2; ------------->定义结构类型同时定义了两个结构变量stu1,stu2。


结构变量名 . 成员名,如: per1.number = 12354;


例如: struct person stu[35] ;初始化 stu[2] = {{“aaa”,“bbb”,......},{"dfdf",.......},.......} ;


定义: struct  结构名  *p;切记随后一定要将定义的指针指向结构类型变量,p = &结构变量;
通过p引用结构变量成员的形式:(*指针变量). 成员  或  指针变量 ->成员  ;


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
struct node {int num;struct node *next;
};int main(){struct node *creat(struct node *head);void print(struct node *head);struct node *head;head = NULL;head = creat(head);print(head);return 0;
struct node *creat(struct node *head){int n;struct node *p1 , *p2;printf("please input a number, if the number <0 then exit :");scanf("%d",&n);while (n>0){p1 = (struct node*)malloc(sizeof(struct node));p1->num = n;p1->next = NULL;if (head == NULL)head = p1;elsep2->next = p1;p2 = p1;scanf("%d",&n);}return head;
void print(struct node *head){struct node *temp;temp = head;while (temp != NULL){printf("%d ", temp->num);temp = temp->next;}
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
struct node {int num;char name[20];struct node *next;
int main(){//------函数声明---------struct node *creat(struct node *head);struct node *insert(struct node *head ,struct node *insertnode);struct node *Delete(struct node *head , char *pstr) ;void print(struct node *head);struct node *head;head = NULL;char str[20];int num;//------创建链表----------head = creat(head);print(head);//------插入链表----------struct node *insp1;insp1 = (struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node));printf("please input inserted num ,name:\n");scanf("%d%s", &num, insp1->name );insp1->num = num;insp1->next = NULL;head = insert(head, insp1);print(head);//-------删除某节点------printf("please input delete student name:\n");scanf("%s", str);head = Delete(head, str);print(head);return 0;
struct node *creat(struct node *head){char strname[20];int num;struct node *p1, *p2;//---申请节点空间,返回首地址。p1 = p2 =(struct node *) malloc(sizeof(struct node));printf("please input num , name :\n");scanf("%d%s", &num, p1->name );p1->num = num;p1->next = NULL;while (num > 0){if(head == NULL)head = p1;else p2->next = p1;p2 = p1;p1 =(struct node *) malloc(sizeof(struct node));printf("input next student num ,name:\n");scanf("%d%s", &num, p1->name );p1->num = num;p1->next = NULL;}return head;
struct node *insert(struct node *head ,struct node *insertnode){struct node *pre, *scanner;scanner = head;if (head == NULL){head = insertnode;insertnode->next = NULL;} else     //链表不空的情况{//---找到插入位置---while (insertnode->num > scanner->num && scanner->next != NULL){pre = scanner;scanner = scanner->next;}//-----判断该位置是不是在表尾-------if (insertnode->num <= scanner->num){//-----插入位置在表头------if (head == scanner){insertnode->next = scanner;head = insertnode;} else //------位置在表中--------{insertnode->next = scanner;pre->next = insertnode;}} //------插入位置在表尾--------else{scanner->next = insertnode;insertnode->next = NULL;}}return head;
struct node *Delete(struct node *head, char *pstr){struct node *temp , *p;temp = head;if(head == NULL)return head;while (strcmp(temp->name , pstr)!= 0 && temp->next != NULL){p = temp;temp = temp->next;}if (strcmp(temp->name, pstr) == 0){if (temp == head){head = head->next;free(temp);}else{p->next = temp->next;printf("already delete %s \n", temp->name);free(temp);}} else{printf("can't find this  student !!\n");}return head;
void print(struct node *head){struct node *temp;temp = head; while (temp != NULL){printf("%d  ,  %s\n", temp->num, temp->name);temp = temp->next;}



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