
  • 1.shell createTable并预分区:
hbase(main):002:0> create 'split01','cf1',SPLITS=>['1000000','2000000','3000000']
0 row(s) in 0.7880 seconds=> Hbase::Table - split01

第一个region:“ to 1000000”
第二个region:“1000000 to 2000000”
第三个region:“2000000to 3000000”
第四个region:“3000000 to ”


hbase(main):003:0> create 'split02','cf1',SPLITS_FILE=>'/usr/java/split.txt'
0 row(s) in 1.2420 seconds=> Hbase::Table - split02


  • 2.javaAPI createTable并预分区:




  /*** Creates a new table. Synchronous operation.** @param desc table descriptor for table* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the table name is reserved* @throws MasterNotRunningException if master is not running* @throws org.apache.hadoop.hbase.TableExistsException if table already exists (If concurrent* threads, the table may have been created between test-for-existence and attempt-at-creation).* @throws IOException if a remote or network exception occurs*/void createTable(HTableDescriptor desc) throws IOException;



/*** Creates a new table with the specified number of regions.  The start key specified will become* the end key of the first region of the table, and the end key specified will become the start* key of the last region of the table (the first region has a null start key and the last region* has a null end key). BigInteger math will be used to divide the key range specified into enough* segments to make the required number of total regions. Synchronous operation.** @param desc table descriptor for table* @param startKey beginning of key range* @param endKey end of key range* @param numRegions the total number of regions to create* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the table name is reserved* @throws MasterNotRunningException if master is not running* @throws org.apache.hadoop.hbase.TableExistsException if table already exists (If concurrent* threads, the table may have been created between test-for-existence and attempt-at-creation).* @throws IOException*/void createTable(HTableDescriptor desc, byte[] startKey, byte[] endKey, int numRegions)throws IOException;



byte[][] splitKeys = new byte[][] { Bytes.toBytes("100000"),
                Bytes.toBytes("200000"), Bytes.toBytes("400000"),
                Bytes.toBytes("500000") };

第一个region:“ to 100000”
第二个region:“100000 to 200000”
第三个region:“200000 to 400000” 这里的key的跨度是其他的两倍(根据业务需求可以自己定义)
第四个region:“400000 to 500000”
第五个region:“500000 to ”

/*** Creates a new table with an initial set of empty regions defined by the specified split keys.* The total number of regions created will be the number of split keys plus one. Synchronous* operation. Note : Avoid passing empty split key.** @param desc table descriptor for table* @param splitKeys array of split keys for the initial regions of the table* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the table name is reserved, if the split keys are repeated* and if the split key has empty byte array.* @throws MasterNotRunningException if master is not running* @throws org.apache.hadoop.hbase.TableExistsException if table already exists (If concurrent* threads, the table may have been created between test-for-existence and attempt-at-creation).* @throws IOException*/void createTable(final HTableDescriptor desc, byte[][] splitKeys) throws IOException;



/*** Creates a new table but does not block and wait for it to come online. Asynchronous operation.* To check if the table exists, use {@link #isTableAvailable} -- it is not safe to create an* HTable instance to this table before it is available. Note : Avoid passing empty split key.** @param desc table descriptor for table* @throws IllegalArgumentException Bad table name, if the split keys are repeated and if the* split key has empty byte array.* @throws MasterNotRunningException if master is not running* @throws org.apache.hadoop.hbase.TableExistsException if table already exists (If concurrent* threads, the table may have been created between test-for-existence and attempt-at-creation).* @throws IOException*/void createTableAsync(final HTableDescriptor desc, final byte[][] splitKeys) throws IOException;


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