

public class Solution {public int uniquePathsWithObstacles(int[][] obstacleGrid) {int  m=obstacleGrid.length;int  n=obstacleGrid[0].length;int[][] a=new int[m][n];if(obstacleGrid[m-1][n-1]==0)a[m-1][n-1]=1;elsea[m-1][n-1]=0;//a[m-2][n-1]=1;//a[m-1][n-2]=1;for(int row=m-1;row>=0;row--){for(int col=n-1;col>=0;col--){if((row==m-1&&col==n-1) || obstacleGrid[row][col]==1)continue;if(row==m-1){a[row][col]=a[row][col+1];}else if(col==n-1)a[row][col]=a[row+1][col];else    a[row][col]=a[row][col+1]+a[row+1][col];   }}return a[0][0];}

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