WM_CONCAT 经常使用到行转列上,早期的代码里这个函数用的会比较多,但是可惜在12c中,这个函数已经过期了:




create table t_concat (id int,name varchar(100),score int); # pg

create table t_concat (id number,name varchar2(100),score number); # Oracle

truncate table t_concat;

insert into t_concat values (1,'yuwen',90);

insert into t_concat values (1,'shuxue',85);

insert into t_concat values (1,'yingyu',70);

insert into t_concat values (1,'wuli',80);

insert into t_concat values (1,'huaxue',74);

insert into t_concat values (2,'yuwen',91);

insert into t_concat values (2,'shuxue',90);

insert into t_concat values (2,'yingyu',73);

insert into t_concat values (2,'wuli',78);

insert into t_concat values (2,'huaxue',74);


# Oracle

select id,sum(score),wm_concat(name) from t_concat group by id order by id;

SQL> select id,sum(score),wm_concat(name) from t_concat group by id order by id;


---------- ---------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

1 399 yuwen,huaxue,wuli,yingyu,shuxue

2 406 yuwen,huaxue,wuli,yingyu,shuxue

# pg

select id,sum(score),string_agg(name,',') from t_concat group by id order by id;

test=# select id,sum(score),string_agg(name,',') from t_concat group by id order by id;

id | sum | string_agg


1 | 399 | yuwen,shuxue,yingyu,wuli,huaxue

2 | 406 | yuwen,shuxue,yingyu,wuli,huaxue

(2 rows)


test=# select id,sum(score),string_agg(name,'-') from t_concat group by id order by id;

id | sum | string_agg


1 | 399 | yuwen-shuxue-yingyu-wuli-huaxue

2 | 406 | yuwen-shuxue-yingyu-wuli-huaxue

(2 rows)

test=# select id,sum(score),string_agg(name,'||') from t_concat group by id order by id;

id | sum | string_agg


1 | 399 | yuwen||shuxue||yingyu||wuli||huaxue

2 | 406 | yuwen||shuxue||yingyu||wuli||huaxue

(2 rows)



col names format a60;

select id,sum(score),listagg(name,'-') within group (order by score ) as "names"from t_concat group by id order by id;

SQL> SQL> select id,sum(score),listagg(name,'-') within group (order by score ) as "names"from t_concat group by id order by id;


---------- ---------- ------------------------------------------------------------

1 399 yingyu-huaxue-wuli-shuxue-yuwen

2 406 yingyu-huaxue-wuli-shuxue-yuwen


select id,sum(score),listagg(name) within group (order by name ) as "names"from t_concat group by id order by id;


---------- ---------- ------------------------------------------------------------

1 399 huaxueshuxuewuliyingyuyuwen

2 406 huaxueshuxuewuliyingyuyuwen



test=# select id,sum(score),string_agg(name) from t_concat group by id order by id;

ERROR: function string_agg(character varying) does not exist

LINE 1: select id,sum(score),string_agg(name) from t_concat group by...


HINT: No function matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts.



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