
Justin Duino
贾斯汀·杜伊诺(Justin Duino)

Did you just get a new iPhone or iPad you’re not restoring from a backup? Want a fresh start on your old device? After you set up your phone or tablet, it’s time to restore your favorite apps and games.

您只是从备份中恢复了新iPhone或iPad吗? 想要在旧设备上重新开始吗? 设置好手机或平板电脑之后,就该还原您喜欢的应用程序和游戏了。

如何查找以前安装的应用程序 (How to Find Previously Installed Apps)

If you want a fresh start with your new iPhone or iPad, it’s best not to restore from a backup. A freshly reset iPhone or iPad is bug-free, crashes less often, and gives you better battery life.

如果您想重新使用新的iPhone或iPad,最好不要从备份中还原。 新近重置的iPhone或iPad没有错误,不会死机,并且可以延长电池寿命。

Still, you want to access all your favorite apps. Sure, you can search and download each one, but there’s a better way to get a list of all your previously downloaded apps and games.

不过,您仍想访问所有喜欢的应用程序。 当然,您可以搜索并下载每个应用程序,但是有一种更好的方法来获取所有以前下载的应用程序和游戏的列表。

Open the App Store and go to the “Today” tab. Tap your profile icon in the top-right corner to see your account information.

打开App Store并转到“今天”标签。 点按右上角的个人资料图标以查看您的帐户信息。

From here, tap “Purchased.”


On the next screen, tap “My Purchases.”


Here, you see all the apps and games you’ve downloaded or purchased using your iCloud account. The list is sorted in reverse-chronological order, so the most recent downloads appear first.

在这里,您可以查看使用iCloud帐户下载或购买的所有应用和游戏。 该列表按时间倒序排列,因此最新下载出现在最前面。

At the top of the screen, tap “Not on this iPhone/iPad” to see a list of apps and games you haven’t downloaded yet.

在屏幕顶部,点击“不在此iPhone / iPad上”,以查看尚未下载的应用和游戏的列表。

Find the apps you want to restore, and then tap the download icon to start the installation process.


If you’ve built up a long list over the years, tap the “Search” box at the top to find a specific app in your purchase history.


如何从iCloud备份或旧设备还原应用程序 (How to Restore Apps From an iCloud Backup or Old Device)

The only time you can restore apps from an iCloud Backup is when you’re setting up an iPhone or iPad. Starting with iOS 12.4 and onward, Apple changed this process. During the setup process, you see a screen called “Transfer Your Data.” From here, you can transfer apps and data wirelessly from your old iOS device or iCloud.

只有在设置iPhone或iPad时,才能从iCloud备份还原应用程序。 从iOS 12.4开始,Apple更改了此过程。 在设置过程中,您会看到一个名为“传输数据”的屏幕。 在这里,您可以从旧的iOS设备或iCloud无线传输应用程序和数据。

Tap “Transfer from iPhone/iPad” to transfer data wirelessly from an old device, or tap “Download from iCloud” to restore from an iCloud backup.

点击“从iPhone / iPad传输”以从旧设备无线传输数据,或点击“从iCloud下载”以从iCloud备份还原。

If your device is running iOS 12.3 or lower, you see the “Apps & Data” screen during the setup process. Here, you tap “Restore from iCloud Backup” and sign in with your iCloud account.

如果您的设备运行的是iOS 12.3或更低版本,则在设置过程中会看到“应用和数据”屏幕。 在这里,您点击“从iCloud备份还原”并使用您的iCloud帐户登录。

Tap “Choose Backup,” and then select from your list of available iCloud backups. Next, you just wait until your iCloud backup is restored. All of your apps will download from the App Store automatically, and the backup will restore all of your app and game data. You won’t need to log in or set up your apps and games again.

点击“选择备份”,然后从可用的iCloud备份列表中进行选择。 接下来,您只需等待iCloud备份还原即可。 您所有的应用程序都会自动从App Store下载,备份将还原您所有的应用程序和游戏数据。 您无需再次登录或重新设置应用和游戏。

如何从iTunes备份还原应用程序 (How to Restore Apps From an iTunes Backup)

If you’re on the 5 GB free iCloud tier, iTunes is a better way to make a full iPhone or iPad backup. Plus, if you choose the Encrypted Backup option, you can backup personal data, like Face ID, HomeKit data, and Health app data, as well. This way, when you restore your iPhone or iPad, all your apps and games, app data, iCloud data, and personal information are available in the same state they were in at the last backup.

如果您使用5 GB的免费iCloud层, iTunes是进行完整iPhone或iPad备份的更好方法 。 另外,如果您选择“加密备份”选项,则还可以备份个人数据,例如Face ID,HomeKit数据和Health应用程序数据。 这样,当您还原iPhone或iPad时,所有应用程序和游戏,应用程序数据,iCloud数据和个人信息都以与上次备份时相同的状态可用。

Before you can restore the data on your new device, you need to back up your old one. If you still have it around, open iTunes on your Mac or PC, and then connect your iOS device. Click the “Devices” button from the top toolbar to go to the device management screen. From here, find the “Backups” section and switch to “This Computer” for the mode of backup. Click “Back Up Now” to backup your old iOS device.

您需要先备份旧设备,然后才能在新设备上还原数据。 如果仍然可用,请在Mac或PC上打开iTunes,然后连接iOS设备。 单击顶部工具栏上的“设备”按钮以转到设备管理屏幕。 从这里找到“备份”部分,并切换到“此计算机”以获取备份模式。 单击“立即备份”以备份您的旧iOS设备。

To restore a backup from iTunes, connect your new device to your computer. Select your device from the toolbar and click “Restore Backup.”

要从iTunes恢复备份,请将新设备连接到计算机。 从工具栏中选择您的设备,然后单击“还原备份”。

In the next popup, choose the backup you want from the list, type the password if it’s encrypted, and wait as your apps and games are restored to their previous states. When you see the “Hello” screen on your iPhone or iPad, you can use your device.

在下一个弹出窗口中,从列表中选择所需的备份,然后输入密码(如果已加密),然后等待您的应用和游戏恢复到以前的状态。 当您在iPhone或iPad上看到“ Hello”屏幕时,就可以使用设备了。

iCloud and iTunes backups are a package deal; they back up and restore every app and game on your device.

iCloud和iTunes备份是一揽子交易; 他们备份并还原您设备上的所有应用和游戏。

使用第三方备份和还原应用 (Use a Third-Party Backup and Restore App)

In some cases, you might want more control over the backup process. For example, maybe you only want to back up and restore individual apps, games, or app data. In these situations, you can use a third-party iOS device management app, like iMazing.

在某些情况下,您可能希望更好地控制备份过程。 例如,也许您只想备份和还原单个应用程序,游戏或应用程序数据。 在这些情况下,您可以使用第三方iOS设备管理应用程序,例如iMazing 。

Open the iMazing app, connect your iOS device, and click “Restore a Backup” to start the process.


The full version of iMazing costs $44.99, but it’s worth it if you don’t want to use iTunes to manage your iOS device.

完整版iMazing的价格为$ 44.99,但如果您不想使用iTunes管理iOS设备,则值得这样做。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/435139/how-to-restore-apps-and-games-to-your-iphone-or-ipad/



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