之前项目中使用Picasso遇到了一个问题:在Android 5.0以上版本的部分手机上使用Picasso加载本地图片会失败。为了解决这个问题,研究了一下Picasso加载和压缩本地图片的流程,才有了这篇文章。

我们知道,Picasso加载本地图片有两种方法,一种是new File(path),另外一种是url = "file://" + path。尤其后一种在picasso2.5.2及之前版本一定要加"file"协议,否则加载图片出错。


而且发现只存在Android 5.0以上版本的部分手机上。比如我们发现5.0、5.0.1有问题,5.1.1没有问题;同时有的5.0的手机没问题,而有的会出现这个问题。



static Bitmap decodeStream(InputStream stream, Request request) throws IOException {

MarkableInputStream markStream = new MarkableInputStream(stream);

stream = markStream;

long mark = markStream.savePosition(65536); // TODO fix this crap. (1)

final BitmapFactory.Options options = RequestHandler.createBitmapOptions(request);

final boolean calculateSize = RequestHandler.requiresInSampleSize (options );

boolean isWebPFile = Utils.isWebPFile( stream);

boolean isPurgeable = request .purgeable && android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < 21;

markStream.reset( mark);

// We decode from a byte array because, a) when decoding a WebP network stream, BitmapFactory

// throws a JNI Exception, so we workaround by decoding a byte array, or b) user requested

// purgeable, which only affects bitmaps decoded from byte arrays.

if (isWebPFile || isPurgeable) { (2)

byte[] bytes = Utils. toByteArray(stream);

if (calculateSize) {

BitmapFactory. decodeByteArray(bytes, 0, bytes.length, options);

RequestHandler. calculateInSampleSize(request.targetWidth, request.targetHeight , options ,



return BitmapFactory. decodeByteArray(bytes, 0, bytes.length, options);

} else {

if (calculateSize) { (3)

BitmapFactory. decodeStream(stream, null, options); (4)

RequestHandler. calculateInSampleSize(request.targetWidth, request.targetHeight , options ,


markStream.reset(mark ); (5)


Bitmap bitmap = BitmapFactory. decodeStream(stream, null, options);

if (bitmap == null) {

// Treat null as an IO exception, we will eventually retry.

throw new IOException("Failed to decode stream.");


return bitmap;




public long savePosition(int readLimit) {

long offsetLimit = offset + readLimit ;

if (limit < offsetLimit) {

setLimit( offsetLimit);


return offset;


private void setLimit( long limit ) {

try {

if (reset < offset && offset <= this.limit ) {


in.mark(( int) (limit - reset ));

skip( reset, offset);

} else {

reset = offset;

in.mark(( int) (limit - offset ));


this. limit = limit;

} catch (IOException e) {

throw new IllegalStateException( "Unable to mark: " + e );



public void reset(long token ) throws IOException {

if (offset > limit || token < reset) {

throw new IOException("Cannot reset" );



skip(reset, token);

offset = token;


@Override public int read() throws IOException {

int result = in.read();

if (result != -1) {



return result;


@Override public int read(byte [] buffer ) throws IOException {

int count = in.read(buffer);

if (count != -1) {

offset += count;


return count;


@Override public int read(byte [] buffer , int offset, int length) throws IOException {

int count = in.read(buffer, offset, length);

if (count != -1) {

this. offset += count;


return count;








在部分手机上,BitmapFactory. decodeStream(stream, null, options);这个方法的实现可能有差别,导致了问题的出现。






public int read() throws IOException {

if (!this.allowExpire && this.offset + 1L > this.limit) {

this .setLimit(this.limit + ( long)this .limitIncrement);


int result = this.in.read() ;

if(result != - 1) {

++this .offset;


return result;


public int read(byte [] buffer) throws IOException {

if (!this.allowExpire && this.offset + (long )buffer.length > this.limit) {

this .setLimit(this.offset + ( long)buffer.length + (long)this .limitIncrement);


int count = this.in.read(buffer) ;

if(count != - 1) {

this .offset += (long)count ;


return count;


public int read(byte [] buffer, int offset , int length) throws IOException {

if (!this.allowExpire && this.offset + (long )length > this.limit) {

this .setLimit(this.offset + ( long)length + (long)this .limitIncrement);


int count = this.in.read(buffer , offset, length);

if(count != - 1) {

this .offset += (long)count ;


return count;



而且这个版本可以自动添加"file"协议,所以本地图片使用url方式的时候,不必使用"file://"+ path这种形式,直接使用path即可。处理的方法如下:

RequestCreator(Picasso picasso , Uri uri, int resourceId) {

if (picasso.shutdown) {

throw new IllegalStateException("Picasso instance already shut down. Cannot submit new requests.") ;

} else {

if (null != uri) {

String scheme = uri.getScheme();

if( null == scheme) {

uri = Uri.fromFile(new File(uri.getPath())) ;



this .picasso = picasso;

this.data = new Builder(uri, resourceId, picasso.defaultBitmapConfig) ;

this.data.setCache(picasso.getCache()) ;




本篇内容就这样了,在picasso 2.5.2版本还存在一个问题:在Android 5.0以下版本加载https图片出错,如果你遇到了这个问题,请阅读解决Picasso在Android 5.0以下版本不兼容https导致图片不显示这篇文章。

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