
I’ve stressed time and time again here on How-To Geek: the lens is as important, if not more important, than the camera to which it’s attached. If your photos are blurry because there are smudges on your lens, there’s nothing you can do to fix it in post. Even cleaning up dust spots is a pain. With that in mind, let’s look at how to keep your camera lenses clean.

我在《 How-To Geek》一再强调: 镜头比它所连接的相机重要,甚至更重要 。 如果由于镜头上有污迹而使照片模糊 ,则无法在后期进行修复。 甚至清理灰尘也是一种痛苦 。 考虑到这一点,让我们看看如何保持相机镜头清洁。

保持镜头盖 (Keep the Lens Cap On)

If you’re not using your camera, keep the lens cap on. If your lens is off your camera, make sure both lens caps are on. It’s really that simple: keeping the lens caps on your lenses means they’re not exposed to all the dust particles in the air and you can handle them without fear of your grubby fingers leaving smudges.

如果您不使用相机,请打开镜头盖。 如果镜头不在相机上,请确保两个镜头盖都已打开。 真的很简单:将镜头盖盖在镜头上意味着它们不会暴露在空气中的所有灰尘颗粒中,并且您可以操作它们而不必担心肮脏的手指会留下污迹。

Now, this doesn’t mean you should jealously protect your lenses, only removing the lens cap when you have the perfect shot lined up. Lenses are surprisingly durable—so long as you don’t practice your field goal technique with them—and, as we’ll see, easy to clean. If you’re wandering around a city taking a few photos, your camera should be on and the lens cap off. It’s just that while your camera is sitting at home or in your bag, you should leave the caps on.

现在,这并不意味着您应该嫉妒地保护镜头,只有在您排列好镜头后才取下镜头盖。 镜头非常耐用 ,只要您不与他们一起练习场目标技术,就可以轻松清洁。 如果您在城市附近闲逛并拍摄几张照片,则应该打开相机,并关闭镜头盖 。 只是当您的相机坐在家里或放在包中时,您应该戴上帽子。

拍摄时想一想 (Think When You Shoot)

Dust and smudges are going to come from two sources: the outside environment and you. If you think a bit about where you’re shooting and how you handle your lenses, it’s much simpler to keep them clean.

灰尘和污垢将来自两个来源:外部环境和您。 如果您对拍摄地点和镜头处理方式有所考虑,那么保持镜头清洁就容易得多。

Seaspray is notorious among landscape photographers for its ability to smudge a lens. A small droplet lands on the front element and, even if you wipe it away or the water evaporates, it leaves the salt behind. It’s a matter of a second to wipe it clean, you just need to think to do it.

Seaspray在风景摄影师中臭名昭著,因为它可以弄脏镜头。 一小滴水滴落在前部元件上,即使将其擦去或水蒸发,它也会留下盐分。 擦拭干净只需一秒钟,您只需要考虑做一下即可。

If you’re working in a dusty, wet, or otherwise particle filled environment, ignore my advice above about lens caps and keep them on. Also, avoid pointing your lens directly into the wind/spray/whatever until you’re ready to start shooting.

如果您在多尘,潮湿或其他充满粉尘的环境中工作,请忽略我上面关于镜头盖的建议,并继续使用它们。 另外,在准备开始拍摄之前,请避免将镜头直接对准风/喷雾/任何地方。

Similarly, when you’re changing lenses or otherwise handling your camera, don’t touch the front element. Just keep your dirty paws away from the glass and it will stay clean! You also shouldn’t leave an exposed lens sitting facing up: dust particles in the air will settle on them.

同样,当您更换镜头或操作相机时,请勿触摸前部元件。 只需将脏污的爪子远离玻璃杯,它将保持清洁! 您也不应该将裸露的镜头朝上放置:空气中的尘埃颗粒会沉积在其上。

携带超细纤维布 (Carry a Microfiber Cloth)

Most landscape photographers own more microfiber clothes than underwear. They’re really cheap and super handy. If there’s any dirt or smudges on your lens, just grab a cloth from your bag and give it a wipe down. If one cloth gets dirty, just grab another. After I have my camera set up for a landscape shot, I normally give the lens a quick wipe down just in case.

大多数风景摄影师拥有的超细纤维衣服多于内衣。 它们真的很便宜而且超级方便。 如果您的镜头上有灰尘或污迹,请从包中拿出一块布擦拭干净。 如果一块布变脏,请抓住另一块布。 设置好相机进行风景拍摄后,通常会快速擦拭镜头以防万一。

Pretty much any microfiber cloth will do. I’d suggest buying a heap of them—like this 30-pack on Amazon for $19—and treating them as near-disposable. Toss a few in any bags you own, leave one in the car (it’s also good for cleaning your sunglasses), and otherwise just keep them available. Every so often run them all through your washing machine.

几乎任何超细纤维布都可以。 我建议您购买一堆,例如在亚马逊上以19美元的价格购买30包,并将其视为一次性的。 在您拥有的所有行李中丢几个,将一个丢在车里(这对清洁您的太阳镜也很有用),否则请保留它们。 经常让它们全部通过洗衣机运行。

偶尔彻底清洁 (Do the Occasional Thorough Clean)

No matter what you do, your lenses will occasionally need a decent clean. The good news is it’s really simple to do and you only need a few things: an air blower, soft brush, microfiber cloth, and lens wipe or lens pen.

无论您做什么,您的镜片有时都需要像样的清洁。 好消息是它确实很简单,您只需要几件事: 吹风机 ,软刷,超细纤维布以及镜头擦拭物或镜头笔 。

The process is easy:


  • Use the air blower, microfiber cloth, and soft brush to clean away any particles that are sticking to your lens.使用吹风机,超细纤维布和软刷清除粘附在镜头上的所有颗粒。
  • Take the lens wipe or lens pen and, starting from the center of the lens element, rub circles outwards cleaning away any smudges.拿起擦镜笔或镜头笔,从镜头元件的中心开始,向外擦圈以清除所有污迹。
  • The final step is to take the air blower and brush and give the inside of the lens caps a good clean too; there’s no point cleaning your lens if the lens cap is just going to throw dust right on top of it as soon as you’re done.最后一步是拿起鼓风机和刷子,并给镜头盖的内部提供良好的清洁。 如果镜头盖在完成后立即将灰尘直接洒在镜头上,则没有必要清洁镜头。

Keeping your lenses clean requires very little effort and your photos will look better for it. You should also consider cleaning your camera’s sensor—although that process is a bit more involved.

保持镜头清洁几乎无需费力,您的照片看起来会更好。 您还应该考虑清洁相机的传感器-尽管该过程涉及更多 。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/401110/how-to-keep-your-camera-lenses-clean/



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