0x00 前言

这几天有个需求,要用ida dump内存,我的是ida7.7,在吾爱破解上下载的。百度了一下,发现网上的都用不了,然后整理了一下,供大家使用

0x01 IDC脚本

ida中,按 Shift+F2,输入以下代码,记得修改路径fname

auto fname      = "e:\\dump_mem.bin";
auto address    = 0x233D0140000;
auto size       = 0x16f510;
auto file= fopen(fname, "wb");savefile(file, 0, address, size);

0x02 Python脚本

基于 https://github.com/qgy123/IDAMemoryDumper 修改了一个小bug


import ida_kernwin
import idaapi
import idcact_name = "memdumper:opendump"
label = "Memory dumper"class MemDumper_t(idaapi.plugin_t):flags = idaapi.PLUGIN_PROCcomment = "MemDumper"help = "A plugin to dump the memory region where you wannted from the debugger"wanted_name = labelwanted_hotkey = "Ctrl-Alt-M"def init(self):self.hextays_inited = Falseprint("Memory Dumper (v1.0) by yueluo")print("Plugin has been loaded.")self.hexrays_inited = Truereturn idaapi.PLUGIN_KEEPdef run(self, arg):s = """Memory DumperEnter the memory region:begin:  <:n::12::>size:   <:n::12::> (optional, fill it to ignore the end address)        or        end:    <:n::12::>"""currea = idaapi.get_screen_ea()begin = idaapi.Form.NumericArgument('N', currea)size = idaapi.Form.NumericArgument('N', 0x0)end = idaapi.Form.NumericArgument('N', 0x0)ok = idaapi.ask_form(s,begin.arg,size.arg,end.arg)if ok == 1:print("Begin dump")if size.value == 0:if end.value <= begin.value:idaapi.warning("Incorrect Address!")returnelse:dumpsize = end.value - begin.valueelse:dumpsize = size.valueprint("begin: 0x%x, end: 0x%x" % (begin.value, begin.value + dumpsize))path = ida_kernwin.ask_file(True, "*", "Save dump to?")if not path:returnprint("path: %s" %path)if idc.savefile(path, 0, begin.value, dumpsize) != 0:idaapi.info("Save successed!")else:idaapi.warning("Failed to save dump file!")def term(self):if self.hexrays_inited:idaapi.term_hexrays_plugin()def PLUGIN_ENTRY():return MemDumper_t()

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