我正在绘制几个系列的图表,但我只能用css个性化第7个系列。从第8行开始,它返回到默认颜色0设置。有人能帮我吗?如何在CSS中的第7个系列之上更改javaFX LineChart中的图标?


.default-color0.chart-series-line {

-fx-stroke: transparent;


.default-color0.chart-line-symbol {

-fx-background-color: transparent, transparent;


.default-color3.chart-series-line {

-fx-stroke: transparent;



-fx-shape: "M0,1 L0,2 L1,2 L1,3 L2,3 L2,2 L3,2 L3,1 L2,1 L2,0 L1,0 L1,2 z"; /* <= Esse é para cruz */

-fx-background-color: blue, blue;


.default-color4.chart-series-line {

-fx-stroke: transparent;



-fx-shape: "M0,4 L4,4 L4,0 L0,0 Z"; /* <= esse é para quadrado*/


.default-color5.chart-series-line {

-fx-stroke: transparent;



-fx-shape: "M0,4 L2,0 L4,4 Z"; /* <= esse é para triangulo*/


.default-color6.chart-series-line {

-fx-stroke: transparent;



-fx-shape: "M0,1 L0,2 L1,2 L1,3 L2,3 L2,2 L3,2 L3,1 L2,1 L2,0 L1,0 L1,2 z"; /* <= Esse é para cruz */

-fx-background-color: red, red;


.default-color7.chart-series-line {

-fx-stroke: transparent;



-fx-shape: "M1,3 L0,1 L0,0 L1,0 L1,1 L2,1 L2,0 L3,0 L3,1 L2,3 z"; /* <= Esse é para coracao */

-fx-border-color: rosybrown;

-fx-background-color: rosybrown, rosybrown;


.default-color8.chart-series-line {

-fx-stroke: transparent;



-fx-shape: "M1,3 L0,1 L0,0 L1,0 L1,1 L2,1 L2,0 L3,0 L3,1 L2,3 z"; /* <= Esse é para coracao */

-fx-border-color: green;

-fx-background-color: green, green;



private void putDataChart(String cns){


// Atention: the first serie is 'base' (dont show in the chart),

// the second and the third ones shows the lines and de plots (Max and Min Artherial Pressure (AP))

// after that all the lines are transparent and shows only the plots.

// I could't go after the 7th serie becouse its repeats from the zero

// i dont know why.

// to change this settings you have to change the chart.css


List eventos = eADO.getAllEvents(cns);

if (eventos == null) return; // get out if there is no events to show.

XYChart.Series paMaxSerie = new XYChart.Series<>();

XYChart.Series paMinSerie = new XYChart.Series<>();

XYChart.Series consultas = new XYChart.Series<>();

XYChart.Series grupos = new XYChart.Series<>();

XYChart.Series exames = new XYChart.Series<>();

XYChart.Series emergencias = new XYChart.Series<>();

XYChart.Series base = new XYChart.Series<>();

XYChart.Series risco = new XYChart.Series<>();

XYChart.Series teste = new XYChart.Series<>(); //this series isnt showing .default-color8.chart-line-symbol

paMinSerie.setName("PA min");

paMaxSerie.setName("PA max");






risco.setName("Risco CardioVascular");

teste.setName("8th Serie");

LocalDateTime oldestDate = LocalDateTime.now().minusDays(1);

for (Document ev : eventos) {

LocalDateTime ldt = LocalDateTime.from(ev.getDate("date").toInstant().atOffset(ZoneOffset.UTC));

Duration dura = Duration.between(oldestDate,ldt);

if (dura.toDays() < 0){

oldestDate = LocalDateTime.from(ev.getDate("date").toInstant().atOffset(ZoneOffset.UTC));


String tipoEvento = ev.getString("tipo");

LocalDate date = LocalDate.from(ev.getDate("date").toInstant().atOffset(ZoneOffset.UTC));

if (tipoEvento.equals("CONSULTA")) { // CONSULTA = Medical Appointment in portuguese

consultas.getData().add(new XYChart.Data<>(date.toString(),10));

} else if (tipoEvento.equals("GRUPOHAS")) { // = Hypertension group

grupos.getData().add(new XYChart.Data<>(date.toString(),20));

} else if (tipoEvento.equals("EXAMES")) {

exames.getData().add(new XYChart.Data<>(date.toString(),30));

} else if (tipoEvento.equals("CVRisk")) {

risco.getData().add(new XYChart.Data<>(date.toString(),200));

} else if (tipoEvento.equals("EMERGENCIA")) {

emergencias.getData().add(new XYChart.Data<>(date.toString(),50));

} else if (tipoEvento.contains("PA")) { // = AP

paMinSerie.getData().add(new XYChart.Data<>(date.toString(),ev.getInteger("MIN")));

paMaxSerie.getData().add(new XYChart.Data<>(date.toString(),ev.getInteger("MAX")));



Long baseDays = Duration.between(oldestDate, LocalDateTime.now()).toDays();

for (long i = 0; i < baseDays; i++){

LocalDate nextDay = oldestDate.plusDays(i).toLocalDate();

base.getData().add(new XYChart.Data<>(nextDay.toString(),0));




chartPA.getData().addAll(paMaxSerie, paMinSerie, consultas, grupos,

exames, emergencias, risco, teste);

} catch (Exception putz){

ApoiosMongoADO.arquivaErro("Erro em HasFXMLController.putDataChart(cns)", putz);



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