
You have a string that consist only of digits. You need to find how many zero digits ("0") are at the beginning of the given string.(一共有多少个0在字符串前面)

Input: A string, that consist of digits.

Output: An Int.

def beginning_zeros(number: str) -> int:# your code herereturn 0if __name__ == '__main__':print("Example:")print(beginning_zeros('100'))# These "asserts" are used for self-checking and not for an auto-testingassert beginning_zeros('100') == 0assert beginning_zeros('001') == 2assert beginning_zeros('100100') == 0assert beginning_zeros('001001') == 2assert beginning_zeros('012345679') == 1assert beginning_zeros('0000') == 4print("Coding complete? Click 'Check' to earn cool rewards!")



def beginning_zeros(number: str) -> int:# your code herec=0for i in number:if i=='0':c+=1else:return creturn c


def beginning_zeros(number: str) -> int:return len(number) - len(number.lstrip('0'))



返回原字符串的副本,移除其中的前导字符(就是左边的字符,lstrip就是leftstrip左边剥离)。 chars 参数为指定要移除字符的字符串。 如果省略或为 None,则 chars 参数默认移除空白符。 实际上 chars 参数并非指定单个前缀;而是会移除参数值的所有组合

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