最近大火的Stable Diffusion也开源了(20220823);

我也本地化测试了一下效果确实比Dall-E mini强太多了,对于我们这些玩不上Dall-E2的这个简直就是就是捡钱的感觉,当然后期跑起来,稍微不注意显存就炸了。


流程1 -- Hubggingface的方式安装


CompVis/stable-diffusion-v1-1 · Hugging Face​huggingface.co/CompVis/stable-diffusion-v1-1正在上传…重新上传取消





huggingface-cli login





pip install --upgrade diffusers transformers scipy




import torch
from torch import autocast
from diffusers import StableDiffusionPipelinemodel_id = "CompVis/stable-diffusion-v1-1"
device = "cuda"pipe = StableDiffusionPipeline.from_pretrained(model_id, use_auth_token=True)
pipe = pipe.to(device)prompt = "a photo of an astronaut riding a horse on mars"
with autocast("cuda"):image = pipe(prompt, guidance_scale=7.5)["sample"][0]  image.save("astronaut_rides_horse.png")


prompt = "Little Red Riding Hood and big grey wolf, digital painting, artstation, concept art, smooth, sharp focus, illustration, renaissance, flowy, melting, round moons, rich clouds, very detailed, volumetric light, mist, fine art, textured oil over canvas, epic fantasy art, very colorful, ornate intricate scales, fractal gems, 8 k, hyper realistic, high contrast"
prompt = "fantasy magic fashion Asian girl portrait, glossy eyes, face, long hair, fantasy, intricate, elegant, highly detailed, digital painting, artstation, concept art, smooth, sharp focus, illustration, renaissance, flowy, melting, round moons, rich clouds, very detailed, volumetric light, mist, fine art, textured oil over canvas, epic fantasy art, very colorful, ornate intricate scales, fractal gems, 8 k, hyper realistic, high contrast"
prompt = "All roads lead to Rome,  8 k, hyper realistic, high contrast, elegant, highly detailed, digital painting, artstation, concept art, smooth, sharp focus, illustration"
prompt = "Tomorrow is another day,  8 k, hyper realistic, high contrast, elegant, highly detailed, digital painting, artstation, concept art, smooth, sharp focus, illustration"


流程2 -- 使用github进行分布部署



GitHub - CompVis/stable-diffusion​github.com/CompVis/stable-diffusion正在上传…重新上传取消

只用git clone 或者直接download的保存都可以,访问这个目录进行安装。


安装使用conda方式做的:GitHub - CompVis/stable-diffusion安装使用conda方式做的:

conda env create -f environment.yaml
conda activate ldm

但我安装过程因为git clone之后报错,因为各种原因吧。


python setup.py install

具体包括的安装包有CLIP[openai/CLIP]和taming-transformers[CompVis/taming-transformers];这里说一下taming-transformers安装后依然找不到相关代码, 我直接把[taming]目录代码copy根目录下,这样直接import没有问题了。


conda install pytorch torchvision -c pytorch
pip install transformers==4.19.2 diffusers invisible-watermark
pip install -e .



访问网站[Hugging Face – The AI community building the future.]:

在Files and versions下载就可以,选择对应的sd-v1-4.ckpt下载,如图:


运行模式1 - 文本转图像:




usage: txt2img.py [-h] [--prompt [PROMPT]] [--outdir [OUTDIR]] [--skip_grid] [--skip_save] [--ddim_steps DDIM_STEPS] [--plms] [--laion400m] [--fixed_code] [--ddim_eta DDIM_ETA][--n_iter N_ITER] [--H H] [--W W] [--C C] [--f F] [--n_samples N_SAMPLES] [--n_rows N_ROWS] [--scale SCALE] [--from-file FROM_FILE] [--config CONFIG] [--ckpt CKPT][--seed SEED] [--precision {full,autocast}]optional arguments:-h, --help            show this help message and exit--prompt [PROMPT]     the prompt to render--outdir [OUTDIR]     dir to write results to--skip_grid           do not save a grid, only individual samples. Helpful when evaluating lots of samples--skip_save           do not save individual samples. For speed measurements.--ddim_steps DDIM_STEPSnumber of ddim sampling steps--plms                use plms sampling--laion400m           uses the LAION400M model--fixed_code          if enabled, uses the same starting code across samples--ddim_eta DDIM_ETA   ddim eta (eta=0.0 corresponds to deterministic sampling--n_iter N_ITER       sample this often--H H                 image height, in pixel space--W W                 image width, in pixel space--C C                 latent channels--f F                 downsampling factor--n_samples N_SAMPLEShow many samples to produce for each given prompt. A.k.a. batch size--n_rows N_ROWS       rows in the grid (default: n_samples)--scale SCALE         unconditional guidance scale: eps = eps(x, empty) + scale * (eps(x, cond) - eps(x, empty))--from-file FROM_FILEif specified, load prompts from this file--config CONFIG       path to config which constructs model--ckpt CKPT           path to checkpoint of model--seed SEED           the seed (for reproducible sampling)--precision {full,autocast}evaluate at this precision


--prompt 关键词准备;

--plms 预测使用需要使用这个信息;

--W/--H 这里需要注意如果生成图太大,显存可能不足,建议一点一点试试;

--seed 种子数、相同prompt和seed会保证生成图像一致;

--ckpt 写模型的全路径,访问模型;

--outdir 图像生成路径,图绘按照ID顺着添加,目录下有一个文件夹路径会保留所有样本;


python txt2img.py --prompt "Asia girl, glossy eyes, face, long hair, fantasy, elegant, highly detailed, digital painting, artstation, concept art, smooth, illustration, renaissance, flowy, melting, round moons, rich clouds, very detailed, volumetric light, mist, fine art, textured oil over canvas, epic fantasy art, very colorful, ornate intricate scales, fractal gems, 8 k, hyper realistic, high contrast" --plms --outdir ./stable-diffusion-main/Workspace --ckpt ./stable-diffusion-main/models/ldm/sd-v1-4.ckpt --ddim_steps 100 --H 512 --W 512 --seed 8





python scripts/img2img.py --prompt "magic fashion girl portrait, glossy eyes, face, long hair, fantasy, intricate, elegant, highly detailed, digital painting, artstation, concept art, smooth, sharp focus, illustration, renaissance, flowy, melting, round moons, rich clouds, very detailed, volumetric light, mist, fine art, textured oil over canvas, epic fantasy art, very colorful, ornate intricate scales, fractal gems, 8 k, hyper realistic, high contrast" --init-img ./stable-diffusion-main/Workspace2/h3.jpg --strength 0.8 --outdir ./stable-diffusion-main/Workspace --ckpt ./stable-diffusion-main/models/ldm/sd-v1-4.ckpt --ddim_steps 100








[1] CompVis/stable-diffusion-v1-1[CompVis/stable-diffusion-v1-1 · Hugging Face];


模型方法--Stable Diffusion - 知乎

当下最强的 AI art 生成模型 Stable Diffusion 最全面介绍_创业者西乔的博客-CSDN博客

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