

警告: No Image Acquisition adaptors found. Image acquisition adaptors may be available as downloadable support packages. Open Support

Package Installer to install additional vendors.

ans =

InstalledAdaptors: {}

MATLABVersion: '8.3 (R2014a)'

ToolboxName: 'Image Acquisition Toolbox'

ToolboxVersion: '4.7 (R2014a)'


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出现以上的界面,点击USB Webcams 安装。


help webcam

webcam 的内容:

webcam - Creates webcam object to acquire frames from your Webcam.

Webcam support.

Webcam functions.

webcam - Creates webcam object to acquire frames from your webcam.

webcamlist - Returns a list of all webcams connected to the system.

webcam 既是目录也是函数。

webcam Creates webcam object to acquire frames from your Webcam.

CAMOBJ = webcam returns a webcam object, CAMOBJ, that acquires images

from the specified Webcam. By default, this selects the first

available Webcam returned by WEBCAMLIST.

CAMOBJ = webcam(DEVICENAME) returns a webcam object, CAMOBJ, for

Webcam with the specified name, DEVICENAME. The Webcam name can be

found using the function WEBCAMLIST.

CAMOBJ = webcam(DEVICEINDEX) returns a webcam object, CAMOBJ, for

Webcam with the specified device index, DEVICEINDEX. The Webcam device

index is the index into the cell array returned by WEBCAMLIST.

CAMOBJ = webcam(..., P1, V1, P2, V2,...) constructs the webcam object,

CAMOBJ, with the specified property values. If an invalid property

name or property value is specified, the webcam object is not created.

Creating webcam object obtains exclusive access to the Webcam.

SNAPSHOT method syntax:

IMG = snapshot(CAMOBJ) acquires a single frame from the Webcam.

[IMG, TIMESTAMP] = snapshot(CAMOBJ) returns the frame, IMG, and the

acquisition timestamp, TIMESTAMP.

webcam methods:

snapshot - Acquire a single frame from the Webcam.

preview - Activate a live image preview window.

closePreview - Close live image preview window.

webcam properties:

Name - Name of the Webcam.

Resolution - Resolution of the acquired frame.

AvailableResolutions - Cell array of list of available resolutions.

The webcam interface also exposes the dynamic properties of the Webcam

that we can access programmatically. Some of these dynamic properties

are Brightness, Contrast, Hue, Exposure etc. The presence of these

properties in the webcam object depends on the Webcam that you connect



% Construct a webcam object

camObj = webcam;

% Preview a stream of image frames.


% Acquire and display a single image frame.

img = snapshot(camObj);


See also webcamlist





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