在GRE考试中GRE作文要想写的比较出色就要善于运用修辞手法,那在GRE 写作中同学们要怎样来运用修辞手法呢,GRE考试写作同学们最常见的修辞手法有哪些,下面为您详解。

  GRE考试中关于GRE作文常用到的修辞手法有哪些,GRE 写作经常用到的修辞手法如下:

  GRE 写作修辞手法Analogy (类比:It isalso a formof comparison ,but unlike simileor metaphor which usually usescomparison on one point ofresemblance ,analogy draws a parallelbetween two unlike things thathave several common qualities or points ofresemblance。

  GRE考试中类比学习最好的老师就是Argument,“阿狗”里面的false analogy类比很多都是我们钻牛角尖找出来的,但是,实际上我们很多的情况下再无话可说的时候都可以运用类比。比如说,我们在讨论政府职能的时候,假如我们不了解政府职能,我们可以从我们了解的组织谈起,比如我们可以讨论班级、学校、公司,或者一些大型小型组织,从一个具体的问题到另一个问题而避免谈一些不熟悉的问题。

  GRE考试作文修辞手法Personification:(拟人I:t gives humanform of feelingsto animals ,or life andpersonal attributes(赋予 to inanimate(无生命的 objects ,or to ideas andabstractions(抽象。For example ,the windwhistled through the trees。

  GRE 写作修辞手法 Simile(明喻:It isa figure of speech whichmakes a comparisonbetween two unlike elements having at leastone quality or characteristic in common。 To make the comparison ,words like as ,as……as ,asif and likeare used to transfer thequality we associate with one to theother。For example ,As cold waters toa thirsty soul ,so isgood news from a farcountry。

  GRE作文修辞手法Metaphor(暗喻:It islike a simile,also makes a comparison betweentwo unlike elements ,but unlikea simile ,this comparison is implied ratherthan stated。For example ,the world isa stage。


  GRE 写作修辞手法Hyperbole:(夸张: It is the deliberate use of overstatementor exaggeration to achieve emphasis。

  For instance ,he almost diedlaughing。

  GRE 写作修辞手法 Understatement:(含蓄陈述: It is the opposite ofhyperbole ,or overstatement。 It achieves its effect of emphasizinga fact bydeliberately(故意地 understating it ,impressing the listener or thereader more by what ismerely implied or left unsaidthan by barestatement。For instance ,It is no laughingmatter。

  GRE作文修辞手法 Euphemism:(委婉: It is the substitution of an agreeableor inoffensive(无冒犯 expression forone that may offend orsuggest something unpleasant。For instance ,we refer to "die" as " pass away"。

  GRE 写作修辞手法Metonymy (转喻: It is a figure ofspeech that has to dowith the substitution of the mane ofone thing for that ofanother。For instance ,the pen (words ismightier than the sword (forces。

  GRE作文修辞手法Synecdoche (提喻: It is involves the substitutionof the partfor the whole,or the whole for thepart。For instance ,they say there’sbread and work for all。She was dressed insilks。

  GRE 写作修辞手法Antonomasia (换喻:It hasalso to dowith substitution。 It is not often mentionednow ,though it is stillin frequent use。

  For example ,Solomon for awise man。 Daniel for a wiseand fair judge。 Judas for a traitor。

  GRE考试作文修辞手法Pun (双关语: It is a play onwords ,or rather a playon the formand meaning of words。

  For instance ,a cannon-balltook off his legs ,sohe laid downhis arms。 (Here "arms"has two meanings:a person’s body;weapons carried by a soldier。

  以上就是为各位推荐的GRE考试中同学们在进行GRE 写作的时候经常用到的修辞手法的相关介绍,GRE作文常用到的修辞手法有哪些,相信大家通过上文能够有所了解。

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