1.1 IBM Installation Manager安装

1.1.1 使用命令行交互模式安装IBM Installation Manager

  1. 执行命令installc -c

  2. 在如下选项选择N

Select packages to install:1. [X] IBM庐 Installation Manager Check for Other Versions, Fixes, and ExtensionsN. Next,      C. Cancel
-----> [N]
  1. 在如下选项中选择A
=====> IBM Installation Manager> Install> LicensesRead the following license agreements carefully.
View a license agreement by entering the number:1. IBM Installation Manager - License AgreementOptions:A. [ ] I accept the terms in the license agreementD. [ ] I do not accept the terms in the license agreementB. Back,      C. Cancel
-----> [C]
  1. 然后在如下选项中选择N
=====> IBM Installation Manager> Install> LicensesRead the following license agreements carefully.
View a license agreement by entering the number:1. IBM Installation Manager - License AgreementOptions:A. [X] I accept the terms in the license agreementD. [ ] I do not accept the terms in the license agreementB. Back,      N. Next,      C. Cancel
-----> [N]
  1. 在如下选项中选择L可以修改安装路径,选择N直接使用默认的选择路径。
=====> IBM Installation Manager> Install> Licenses> LocationInstallation Manager installation location:/opt/IBM/InstallationManager/eclipseOptions:L. Change Installation Manager Installation LocationB. Back,      N. Next,      C. Cancel
-----> [N]
  1. 在如下选项中选择I执行安装
=====> IBM Installation Manager> Install> Licenses> Location> SummaryTarget Location:Package Group Name         :  IBM Installation ManagerInstallation Directory     :  /opt/IBM/InstallationManager/eclipsePackages to be installed:IBM庐 Installation Manager Generate an Installation Response FileB. Back,      I. Install,      C. Cancel
-----> [I]
  1. 在如下进度条执行完毕后即完成安装
                25%                50%                75%                100%
  1. 在如下选项中选择R可以重新启动IBM Installation Manager执行下一步安装计划。
=====> IBM Installation Manager> Install> Licenses> Location> Summary>CompletionThe install completed successfully.Options:R. Restart Installation Manager
-----> [R]

1.1.2 使用imcl工具安装IBM Installation Manager

  1. 执行如下命令即可完成IBM Installation Manager的安装
#com.ibm.cic.agent为IBM Installation Manager的包名
#[IMImage]需要替换为IBM Installation Manager的repository.config文件所在的具体目录
#[IMInstallPath]需要替换为IBM Installation Manager安装到的具体目录
./imcl install com.ibm.cic.agent \
-repositories [IMImage]/repository.config  \
-installationDirectory [IMInstallPath]/eclipse \
-accessRights admin \

1.1.3 使用命令模式静默安装IBM Installation Manager

  1. 执行如下命令即可完成IBM Installation Manager的安装
#[IMInstallPath]需要替换为IBM Installation Manager安装到的具体目录
./installc  \
-installationDirectory [IMInstallPath]/eclipse \
-accessRights admin \

1.1.4 使用GUI模式安装IBM Installation Manager


附录A: IBM Installation Manager下载

从该网址下载 IBM Installation Manager


imcl help command

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