The battery life on my iPhone is laughable. If I want to actually use it, like make use of it, then it's dead by after lunch. With 3G, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, GPS, work and personal mail, yada yada, it's a joke.

我的iPhone的电池续航时间可笑。 如果我想实际使用它,例如使用它,那么午餐后它就死定了。 使用3G,Wi-Fi,蓝牙,GPS,工作和个人邮件yada yada,这是个玩笑。

Here's a picture of me with my first external battery pack. This got me through the day, but it wasn't very convenient.

这是我的第一个外接电池组的照片。 这让我度过了一天,但不是很方便。

When the Mophie Juice Pack Air was announced, I was thrilled. Over the moon. A battery pack that was also a case? Sleek and doubled your battery life? Brilliant.

当Mophie Juice Pack Air发布时,我很兴奋。 非常开心。 电池组也是如此吗? 电池寿命延长一倍? 辉煌。

I ordered one immediately on Amazon. When it showed up, I learned that there's actually a "Juice Pack" and the "Juice Pack Air." This distinction had escaped me...turns out I ordered the original Juice Pack, rather than the more sleek and form-fitting Juice Pack Air.

我立即在亚马逊订购了一个。 当它出现时,我得知实际上有一个“果汁包”和“果汁包空气” 。 这种区别使我无法逃脱……原来,我订购了原始的果汁包,而不是更时尚,更合身的果汁包Air。

I did some research, and found out that there's basically three differences between the Juice Pack and Juice Pack Air.

我做了一些研究,发现Juice Pack和Juice Pack Air之间基本上存在三个区别。

Juice Pack Juice Pack Air
Chunky and only covers 7/8ths of the back of the phone. Sleek and covers the entire phone.
1800 mAh 1200 mAh
Always on (always trying to charge) On/Off switch lets you decide when it's charging
果汁包 果汁包空气
矮胖,仅覆盖手机背面的7/8英寸。 光滑,覆盖整个手机。
1800毫安时 1200毫安时
始终开启(始终尝试充电) 开/关开关让您决定何时充电

I liked the slim idea of the Air, but I figured 50% more mAh was better for me as a power-user, so I stuck with the standard Mophie Juice Pack, not the Air.


Now, let me say, I really want to like the Mophie Juice Pack. Truly. I hate being negative because I realize there's a company and actual humans behind this product.  However, it just doesn't live up to real world usage.

现在,让我说,我真的很想要Mophie果汁套装。 真的我讨厌被否定,因为我意识到这个产品背后有一家公司和实际的人。 但是,它只是不符合实际使用情况。

穿 (


I've had the Juice Pack for just about 60 days. I don't work in construction and I don't throw my phone around. Still, the surface of the Juice Pack is rubbing away in a really unattractive way.

我已经喝了大约60天的果汁包。 我不从事建筑工作,也不扔手机。 尽管如此,果汁包的表面仍以一种毫无吸引力的方式被擦掉。

See the picture at right? The shiny patches on the corners are where it's wearing away. This is after 2 months.

看到右边的图片吗? 拐角处的闪亮补丁会磨损它。 这是2个月后。

The sides of the pack have, for some reason, (perhaps grippy-ness?) rubber strips about 2 inches long. On both sides it's wearing away. On the one side it's sliding off and the adhesive/glue stuff is showing. It's very frustrating to see such poor construction around my little phone Star Trek Data Pad.

由于某种原因,包装的侧面有(也许是抓地力?)长约2英寸的橡胶条。 双方都在消耗。 一方面,它正在滑落,并且正在显示粘合剂/胶水。 看到我的小手机Star Trek Data Pad周围如此糟糕的结构,这真令人沮丧。

充电行为 (Charging Behavior)

I use the pack all day and so far, it DOES get me through the day, from 8 am to about 6pm before I need to start worrying. I have the brightness of the phone at 30%, Wi Fi on, Bluetooth on, GPS off. I figured with 1800 mAh would get me 12+ hours of normal usage, as the specifications talk about numbers like 28 hours of audio playback and 12 hours of 2G (Edge) talk time, but still, 10 hours is not bad.

我整天使用背包,到目前为止,它确实可以帮助我度过一天,从早上8点到下午6点左右,然后我才开始担心。 我的手机亮度为30%,Wi Fi开启,Bluetooth开启,GPS关闭。 我认为1800 mAh可以让我正常使用12个小时以上,因为规格中谈到的数字包括28个小时的音频播放和12个小时的2G(Edge)通话时间,但是10个小时还不错。

The Mophie Juice Pack has 4 small LEDs on the back that tell you how much charge the pack has left. The features page says it has "Smart Battery Technology [that] instructs the iPhone to always drain out the juice pack first." As a technologist, I think this statement isn't really fair, as the iPhone thinks it's plugged-in when the batter is attached. When the "plug power" (in this case, the battery) stops, then the iPhone's battery stars. This is the same behavior as my old $10 4 AA battery charger.

Mophie果汁包装的背面有4个小LED,可以告诉您包装剩余了多少电量。 功能页面上说,它具有“智能电池技术(可指示iPhone始终先排掉果汁包)”。 作为一名技术专家,我认为这一说法并不公平,因为iPhone认为在连上击球手时即已插入。 当“插头电源”(在这种情况下为电池)停止运行时,iPhone的电池将开始闪烁。 这与我的旧$ 10 4 AA电池充电器相同。

The Juice Pack doesn't have an on-off switch, so it tries to charge the iPhone immediately, even if it doesn't need it, which appears to use power. For me, this means that the Juice Pack's battery is dead for me by around 1pm, which means I'm on my own by the early afternoon. I'd prefer to have the opposite behavior, which is enabled by the switch on the Juice Pack Air. I'd like to drain the iPhone's own battery first, then have the Juice Pack kick in.

Juice Pack没有开/关开关,因此即使它不需要使用,它也会尝试立即为iPhone充电,这似乎需要用电。 对我来说,这意味着下午1点左右,果汁包的电池对我来说已经没电了,这意味着我将在午后独自一人。 我希望有相反的行为,这是通过Juice Pack Air上的开关启用的。 我想排iPhone的自己的电池,则必须在果汁包踢。

怪异行为 (Weird Behavior)

A nice feature of the battery is that the charging cable is a standard mini-USB, which is more standard than the iPhone cable. However, one oddity is that sometimes I'll have the phone inside the battery and a charging cable attached to the battery and both are discharging. I'd expect the battery to always charge when plugged in. In these cases I have to separate the battery from the phone in order to charge the former. It's odd, as it's caused me to end up with a dead phone battery even while the external one was plugged in, just not charging.

电池的一个不错的功能是充电线是标准的mini-USB,比iPhone线更标准。 但是,奇怪的是,有时我会将手机放在电池内,并且将充电电缆连接到电池上,并且两者都在放电。 我希望电池在插入电源后总能充电。在这种情况下,我必须将电池与手机分开才能为手机充电。 这很奇怪,因为即使在插入外部电池后,我仍然无法用完手机电池,而无法充电。

掉电 (Power Drop Off)

After only 2 months, even though I discharge the battery fully (via normal use) every day, and charge it overnight, its lifetime had dropped already. This is after about 60 full cycles. When the battery light indicator reaches 2 out of 4 LEDs, it drops off dramatically within an hour. Basically 4 LEDs to 2 LEDs is 3 hours and 2 LEDs to 1 LED is an hour. This is anecdotal, to be sure, but it's everyday and it's dramatic to the point of pissing me off.

仅两个月后,即使我每天(通过正常使用)将电池完全放电,并隔夜充电,其寿命也已经缩短。 这是在大约60个完整循环之后。 当电池指示灯达到4个LED中的2个时,它会在一小时内急剧下降。 从4个LED到2个LED基本上是3个小时,而从2个LED到1个LED是一个小时。 可以肯定的是,这是轶事,但它每天都在发生,并且令人生厌地激怒了我。

期望不合理? 也许。 (Unreasonable Expectations? Maybe.)

The specs say 350 hours of standby?  I can't see how, unless EVERYTHING is turned off...perhaps 350 hours of airplane mode. I'd like a single 18 hour day of normal usage. Or, even a reliable 12.

规格说可以待机350小时? 我不知道如何操作,除非所有功能都关闭了……大概是350小时的飞行模式。 我想每天正常使用18个小时。 或者,甚至是可靠的12。

It's so bad that I have purchased car chargers for both cars and I'm forced to top-up at least once, sometimes twice a day.


It was US$100, which is a lot for anything, including a battery. It's now ugly after two months and at this rate, I'll  be surprised if the charge lasts the rest of the year.

那是100美元,对任何东西来说都很多,包括电池。 经过两个月的考验,现在很难看了,按照这个速度,如果收费在今年余下的时间持续下去,我会感到惊讶。

If you have this battery, leave a comment here. Did I get a dud? We'll see and I'll keep this review updated.

如果您有此电池,请在此处发表评论。 我傻了吗? 我们将会看到,并且我将使该评论更新。



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