
""" Header files to initialize the game """
import pygame
import gameGraph
import os
from tkinter import messagebox
from tkinter import *
import platform
import BFS
import random
import cop_robber_algorithmcurrentOS = platform.system()""" GAME DRIVER CODE """
print(f"Welcome to Cops and Robbers!")
level = input("Please enter the level (1 - 13): ")while int(level) > 13 or int(level) < 1:print(f"Invalid Input!")level = input("Please enter the level (1 - 13): ")graphFile = open("data/level" + level + ".txt", "r")
fileData = graphFile.readlines()
totalVertices, totalEdges = map(int, fileData[0].split())
graph = gameGraph.Graph(totalVertices, totalEdges)
gameMatrix = graph.returnDirectedAdjacencyMatrix()
algoMatrix = graph.returnUndirectedAdjacencyMatrix()def checkLink(nodeA, nodeB):if algoMatrix[nodeA][nodeB] == 1:return TrueTk().wm_withdraw()  # to hide the main windowmessagebox.showinfo('Node', 'Node: ' + str(nodeA) + ' is not connected to the current Robber Node')return Falsepygame.init()  # Initialize pygame module""" Optimizing screen resolution factor on the basis of operating system """
if currentOS == "Windows":factor = 0.8
elif currentOS == "Linux":factor = 1
elif currentOS == "Darwin":factor = 0.8def nodeClicked(node):Tk().wm_withdraw()  # to hide the main windowmessagebox.showinfo('Next Node', 'You have selected Node: ' + str(node))""" Game Window Attributes """
screenSize = (int(1500 * factor), int(1000 * factor))
screen = pygame.display.set_mode(screenSize)
pygame.display.set_caption("Cops and Robbers")
screen.fill([255, 255, 255])""" Sprite Attributes """# GRAPH ATTRIBUTES #
nodeVector = [pygame.sprite.Sprite() for i in range(totalVertices)]
locationVector = []
file = open("data/nodePos" + level + ".txt", "r")
lines = file.readlines()
for line in lines:x, y = map(int, line.split())x = int(x * factor)y = int(y * factor)locationVector.append((x, y))for node in nodeVector:node.image = pygame.transform.scale(pygame.image.load("sprites/node.png").convert_alpha(),(int(75 * factor), int(75 * factor)))node.rect = node.image.get_rect(center=locationVector[counter])screen.blit(node.image, node.rect)counter = counter + 1# COP ATTRIBUTES #
copNode = 0
cop = pygame.sprite.Sprite()
cop.image = pygame.transform.scale(pygame.image.load("sprites/cop.png").convert_alpha(),(int(45 * factor), int(45 * factor)))################
game_folder = os.path.dirname(__file__)
img_folder = os.path.join(game_folder, "img")# ROBBER ATTRIBUTES #
robberNode = 1
robber = pygame.sprite.Sprite()
robber.image = pygame.transform.scale(pygame.image.load("sprites/robber.png").convert_alpha(),(int(45 * factor), int(45 * factor)))# DRAW EDGES #
for i in range(totalVertices):for j in range(totalVertices):if gameMatrix[i][j] == 1 and i != j:pygame.draw.line(screen, (0, 0, 0), nodeVector[i], nodeVector[j], int(5 * factor))valCorrect = int(22 * factor)
turn = 0def gameplay(gameRunning):""" Function that controls the essential initial components of the game """global robberNode, copNode, turnwhile gameRunning:""" UPDATE POSITIONS OF COP AND ROBBER SPRITE AT EVERY STEP """screen.blit(robber.image,(locationVector[robberNode][0] - valCorrect, locationVector[robberNode][1] - valCorrect))screen.blit(cop.image, (locationVector[copNode][0] - valCorrect, locationVector[copNode][1] - valCorrect))pygame.display.flip()""" HANDLE USER ACTION """for userAction in pygame.event.get():""" QUIT IF THE EXIT CROSS IS CLICKED """if userAction.type == pygame.QUIT:gameRunning = False""" HANDLING MOUSE BUTTON CLICKS """if pygame.mouse.get_pressed()[0]:for i in range(totalVertices):if nodeVector[i].rect.collidepoint(pygame.mouse.get_pos()):nodeClicked(i)if checkLink(i, robberNode):""" MOVING THE ROBBER TO A NEW NODE """pygame.draw.rect(screen, (255, 0, 0), ((locationVector[robberNode][0] - valCorrect, locationVector[robberNode][1] - valCorrect),(int(45 * factor), int(45 * factor))))robberNode = iscreen.blit(robber.image, (locationVector[robberNode][0] - valCorrect, locationVector[robberNode][1] - valCorrect))pygame.display.flip()""" CHECK IF THE TWO SPRITES HAVE HIT THE SAME NODE """if robberNode == copNode:Tk().wm_withdraw()  # to hide the main windowmessagebox.showinfo('Uh-Oh!', 'Looks like you were caught')gameRunning = Falsebreak""" MOVING THE COP TO A NEW NODE """pygame.draw.rect(screen, (0, 255, 0), ((locationVector[copNode][0] - valCorrect, locationVector[copNode][1] - valCorrect),(int(45 * factor), int(45 * factor))))copNode = BFS.BFS(graph, copNode, robberNode)screen.blit(cop.image, (locationVector[copNode][0] - valCorrect, locationVector[copNode][1] - valCorrect))pygame.display.flip()turn = turn + 1""" CHECK IF THE TWO SPRITES HAVE HIT THE SAME NODE """if robberNode == copNode:Tk().wm_withdraw()  # to hide the main windowmessagebox.showinfo('Uh-Oh!', 'Looks like you were caught')return "Lost"elif turn > totalEdges + 1:Tk().wm_withdraw()  # to hide the main windowmessagebox.showinfo('Woooohooooo!', 'Looks like you evaded the cops for long enough!')return "Won"runStatus = True
robberNode = 1
gameResult = gameplay(runStatus)
cop_robber_algorithm.cop_robber_preliminary(algoMatrix, totalVertices)
if cop_robber_algorithm.cop_robber_final(algoMatrix, totalVertices):graphType = "Robber Win"
else:graphType = "Cop Win"Tk().wm_withdraw()
messagebox.showinfo(gameResult,"Level: " + level + "\n" + "Turns Survived: " + str(turn) + "\n" + "Graph Type:" + graphType)



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