延迟加载javascript,也就是页面加载完成之后再加载javascript,也叫on demand(按需)加载,一般有一下几个方法:

1. DOM

head append script tag

window.onload = function () {setTimeout(function () {// reference to <head>  var head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];// a new CSS  var css = document.createElement('link');css.type = "text/css";css.rel = "stylesheet";css.href = "new.css";// a new JS  var js = document.createElement("script");js.type = "text/javascript";js.src = "new.js";// preload JS and CSS  head.appendChild(css);head.appendChild(js);// preload image  new Image().src = "new.png";}, 1000);

2. document.write

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">  function include(script_filename) {  document.write('<' + 'script');  document.write(' language="javascript"');  document.write(' type="text/javascript"');  document.write(' src="' + script_filename + '">');  document.write('</' + 'script' + '>');  }  var which_script = '1.js';  include(which_script);

3. Iframe

和第一种类似,但是script tag是放到iframe的document里面。

window.onload = function () {setTimeout(function () {// create new iframe  var iframe = document.createElement('iframe');iframe.setAttribute("width", "0");iframe.setAttribute("height", "0");iframe.setAttribute("frameborder", "0");iframe.setAttribute("name", "preload");iframe.id = "preload";iframe.src = "about:blank";document.body.appendChild(iframe);// gymnastics to get reference to the iframe document  iframe = document.all ? document.all.preload.contentWindow : window.frames.preload;var doc = iframe.document;doc.open(); doc.writeln("<html><body></body></html>"); doc.close();// create CSS  var css = doc.createElement('link');css.type = "text/css";css.rel = "stylesheet";css.href = "new.css";// create JS  var js = doc.createElement("script");js.type = "text/javascript";js.src = "new.js";// preload CSS and JS  doc.body.appendChild(css);doc.body.appendChild(js);// preload IMG  new Image().src = "new.png";}, 1000);

4. Iframe static page


window.onload = function () {setTimeout(function () {// create a new frame and point to the URL of the static  // page that has all components to preload  var iframe = document.createElement('iframe');iframe.setAttribute("width", "0");iframe.setAttribute("height", "0");iframe.setAttribute("frameborder", "0");iframe.src = "preloader.html";document.body.appendChild(iframe);}, 1000);

5. Ajax eval


6. Ajax Injection

用ajax下载代码,建立一个空的script tag,设置text属性为下载的代码

7. async 属性(缺点是不能控制加载的顺序)

<script src="" async="true"/>






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