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Field XXXMapper in cn.zcbigdata.YYY.service.Impl.XXXServicel required a bean of type相关推荐

  1. Field userDao in required a bean of type ‘

    SpringBoot启动报错:Field userDao in required a bean of type 'co ...

  2. Field xxxxDAO in com.nero.hua.service.impl.LoginServiceImpl required a bean of type

    Field userDAO in com.nero.hua.service.impl.LoginServiceImpl required a bean of type 'com.nero.hua.da ...

  3. 报错:Field userRepository in required a bean of type ‘com.m

    项目启动报错:Field userRepository in required a bean of type 'c ...

  4. Field userInfoMapper in com.example.test.service.impl.UserServiceImpl required a bean of type ‘com.

    Field userInfoMapper in com.example.test.service.impl.UserServiceImpl required a bean of type 'com.e ...

  5. Field memberPOMapper in com.aiguigu.crowd.service.impl.MemberServiceImpl required a bean of type ‘co

    MapperScan没扫到这个 MemberPOMapper 类 找了半天发现扫描路径输错了,改过来就好了,所以能引用就别手输

  6. 解决:Field xxMapper in xx.service.impl.xxServiceImpl required a bean of type 'xx.mapper.xxMapper'

    1.启动 SpringBoot项目报错,使用的是Springboot.Spring.Mybatis连接Mysql数据库,启动SpringBoot项目报错,错误如下所示: 1 _____ .__/\ . ...

  7. Field brandService in cn.est.service.impl.HomeServiceImpl required a bean of type ‘cn.est.service.Br

    标题Field brandService in cn.est.service.impl.HomeServiceImpl required a bean of type 'cn.est.service. ...

  8. 解决:Field xxMapper in xx.service.impl.xxServiceImpl required a bean of type ‘xx.mapper.xxMapper‘

    前些天发现了一个巨牛的人工智能学习网站,通俗易懂,风趣幽默,忍不住分享一下给大家.点击跳转到教程. 1. 启动 springboot 项目报错: Field userMapper in gentle. ...

  9. Field communityMapper in required a bean of type ‘

    APPLICATION FAILED TO START Description: Field communityMapper in ...


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