Condition Explanation
–/prefetch:1[1] ⊗ /prefetch:# arguments to use when launching various process types. It has been observed that when file reads are consistent for 3 process launches with the same /prefetch:# argument, the Windows prefetcher starts issuing reads in batch at process launch. Because reads depend on the process type, the prefetcher wouldn’t be able to observe consistent reads if no /prefetch:# arguments were used. Note that the browser process has no /prefetch:# argument; as such all other processes must have one in order to avoid polluting its profile. Note: # must always be in [1, 8]; otherwise it is ignored by the Windows prefetcher. ↪
–/prefetch:2[1] ⊗ No description
–/prefetch:3[1] ⊗ No description
–/prefetch:4[1] ⊗ No description
–/prefetch:5[1] ⊗ /prefetch:# arguments for the browser process launched in background mode and for the watcher process. Use profiles 5, 6 and 7 as documented on kPrefetchArgument* in ↪
–/prefetch:6[1] ⊗ No description
–/prefetch:8[1] ⊗ /prefetch:# argument shared by all process types that don’t have their own. It is likely that the prefetcher won’t work for these process types as it won’t be able to observe consistent file reads across launches. However, having a valid prefetch argument for these process types is required to prevent them from interfering with the prefetch profile of the browser process. ↪
–0 ⊗ Value of the --profiler-timing flag that will disable timing information for chrome://profiler. ↪
–? ⊗ No description
–accept-resource-provider ⊗ Flag indicating that a resource provider must be set up to provide cast receiver with resources. Apps cannot start until provided resources. This flag implies --alsa-check-close-timeout=0. ↪
–adaboost ⊗ No description
–agc-startup-min-volume ⊗ Override the default minimum starting volume of the Automatic Gain Control algorithm in WebRTC used with audio tracks from getUserMedia. The valid range is 12-255. Values outside that range will be clamped to the lowest or highest valid value inside WebRTC. TODO(tommi): Remove this switch when is fixed. ↪
–aggressive ⊗ No description
–aggressive-cache-discard ⊗ No description
–aggressive-tab-discard ⊗ No description
–allow-cross-origin-auth-prompt ⊗ Allows third-party content included on a page to prompt for a HTTP basic auth username/password pair. ↪
–allow-data-roaming-by-default ⊗ If this flag is set, enable data roaming in the cellular network by default upon system start if it’s an unmanaged device. This flag is used by Rialto device to obtain device policy during OOBE since the Rialto device has no display and and only connects over cell. ↪
–allow-external-pages ⊗ Allow access to external pages during layout tests. ↪
–allow-failed-policy-fetch-for-test ⊗ If this flag is passed, failed policy fetches will not cause profile initialization to fail. This is useful for tests because it means that tests don’t have to mock out the policy infrastructure. ↪
–allow-file-access ⊗ On ChromeOS, file:// access is disabled except for certain whitelisted directories. This switch re-enables file:// for testing. ↪
–allow-file-access-from-files ⊗ By default, file:// URIs cannot read other file:// URIs. This is an override for developers who need the old behavior for testing. ↪
–allow-hidden-media-playback ⊗ Allows media playback for hidden WebContents ↪
–allow-http-background-page ⊗ Allows non-https URL for background_page for hosted apps. ↪
–allow-http-screen-capture ⊗ Allow non-secure origins to use the screen capture API and the desktopCapture extension API. ↪
–allow-insecure-localhost ⊗ Enables TLS/SSL errors on localhost to be ignored (no interstitial, no blocking of requests). ↪
–allow-legacy-extension-manifests ⊗ Allows the browser to load extensions that lack a modern manifest when that would otherwise be forbidden. ↪
–allow-loopback-in-peer-connection ⊗ Allows loopback interface to be added in network list for peer connection. ↪
–allow-nacl-crxfs-api[2] ⊗ Specifies comma-separated list of extension ids or hosts to grant access to CRX file system APIs. ↪
–allow-nacl-file-handle-api[2] ⊗ Specifies comma-separated list of extension ids or hosts to grant access to file handle APIs. ↪
–allow-nacl-socket-api[2] ⊗ Specifies comma-separated list of extension ids or hosts to grant access to TCP/UDP socket APIs. ↪
–allow-no-sandbox-job ⊗ Enables the sandboxed processes to run without a job object assigned to them. This flag is required to allow Chrome to run in RemoteApps or Citrix. This flag can reduce the security of the sandboxed processes and allow them to do certain API calls like shut down Windows or access the clipboard. Also we lose the chance to kill some processes until the outer job that owns them finishes. ↪
–allow-outdated-plugins ⊗ Don’t block outdated plugins. ↪
–allow-ra-in-dev-mode ⊗ Allows remote attestation (RA) in dev mode for testing purpose. Usually RA is disabled in dev mode because it will always fail. However, there are cases in testing where we do want to go through the permission flow even in dev mode. This can be enabled by this flag. ↪
–allow-running-insecure-content ⊗ By default, an https page cannot run JavaScript, CSS or plugins from http URLs. This provides an override to get the old insecure behavior. ↪
–allow-sandbox-debugging ⊗ Allows debugging of sandboxed processes (see ↪
–allow-unchecked-dangerous-downloads[3] ⊗ No description
–alsa-check-close-timeout ⊗ Time in ms to wait before closing the PCM handle when no more mixer inputs remain. Assumed to be 0 if --accept-resource-provider is present. ↪
–alsa-fixed-output-sample-rate ⊗ Optional flag to set a fixed sample rate for the alsa device. ↪
–alsa-input-device[4] ⊗ The Alsa device to use when opening an audio input stream. ↪
–alsa-num-output-channels ⊗ Number of channels on the alsa output device that the stream mixer uses. Default is 2 channels. ↪
–alsa-output-avail-min ⊗ Minimum number of available frames for scheduling a transfer. ↪
–alsa-output-buffer-size ⊗ Size of the ALSA output buffer in frames. This directly sets the latency of the output device. Latency can be calculated by multiplying the sample rate by the output buffer size. ↪
–alsa-output-device[4] ⊗ The Alsa device to use when opening an audio stream. ↪
–alsa-output-period-size ⊗ Size of the ALSA output period in frames. The period of an ALSA output device determines how many frames elapse between hardware interrupts. ↪
–alsa-output-start-threshold ⊗ How many frames need to be in the output buffer before output starts. ↪
–also-emit-success-logs ⊗ Also emit full event trace logs for successful tests. ↪
–always-authorize-plugins ⊗ Prevents Chrome from requiring authorization to run certain widely installed but less commonly used plugins. ↪
–always-on ⊗ No description
–always-use-complex-text ⊗ Always use the complex text path for layout tests. ↪
–alwaystrue ⊗ No description
–android-fonts-path ⊗ Uses the android SkFontManager on linux. The specified directory should include the configuration xml file with the name “fonts.xml”. This is used in blimp to emulate android fonts on linux. ↪
–angle ⊗ No description
–app ⊗ Specifies that the associated value should be launched in “application” mode. ↪
–app-id ⊗ Specifies that the extension-app with the specified id should be launched according to its configuration. ↪
–app-mode-auth-code ⊗ Value of GAIA auth code for --force-app-mode. ↪
–app-mode-oauth-token ⊗ Value of OAuth2 refresh token for --force-app-mode. ↪
–app-mode-oem-manifest ⊗ Path for app’s OEM manifest file. ↪
–app-shell-allow-roaming ⊗ Allow roaming in the cellular network. ↪
–app-shell-host-window-size ⊗ Size for the host window to create (i.e. “800x600”). ↪
–app-shell-preferred-network ⊗ SSID of the preferred WiFi network. ↪
–app-shell-refresh-token ⊗ Refresh token for identity API calls for the current user. Used for testing. ↪
–app-shell-user ⊗ User email address of the current user. ↪
–apple ⊗ No description
–apps-gallery-download-url ⊗ The URL that the webstore APIs download extensions from. Note: the URL must contain one ‘%s’ for the extension ID. ↪
–apps-gallery-update-url ⊗ The update url used by gallery/webstore extensions. ↪
–apps-gallery-url ⊗ The URL to use for the gallery link in the app launcher. ↪
–apps-keep-chrome-alive-in-tests[5] ⊗ Prevents Chrome from quitting when Chrome Apps are open. ↪
–artifacts-dir ⊗ Screenshot testing: specifies the directoru where artifacts will be stored. ↪
–ash-animate-from-boot-splash-screen ⊗ Enables an animated transition from the boot splash screen (Chrome logo on a white background) to the login screen. Implies |kAshCopyHostBackgroundAtBoot| and doesn’t make much sense if used in conjunction with |kDisableBootAnimation| (since the transition begins at the same time as the white/grayscale login screen animation). ↪
–ash-browsertests[1] ⊗ Force browser tests to run in Ash/Metro on Windows 8. ↪
–ash-copy-host-background-at-boot ⊗ Copies the host window’s content to the system background layer at startup. Can make boot slightly slower, but also hides an even-longer awkward period where we display a white background if the login wallpaper takes a long time to load. ↪
–ash-debug-shortcuts ⊗ Enable keyboard shortcuts useful for debugging. ↪
–ash-disable-maximize-mode-window-backdrop ⊗ Disables the window backdrops normally used in maximize mode (TouchView). ↪
–ash-disable-screen-orientation-lock[6] ⊗ Disable the support for WebContents to lock the screen orientation. ↪
–ash-disable-stable-overview-order ⊗ Enables / disables a stable order between overview sessions, independent of the MRU order which attempts to preserve relative window positions. ↪
–ash-disable-system-sounds ⊗ When this flag is set, system sounds will not be played. ↪
–ash-disable-touch-exploration-mode ⊗ Disable the Touch Exploration Mode. Touch Exploration Mode will no longer be turned on automatically when spoken feedback is enabled when this flag is set. ↪
–ash-enable-fullscreen-app-list[6] ⊗ Enables fullscreen app list if Ash is in maximize mode. ↪
–ash-enable-magnifier-key-scroller[6] ⊗ Enables key bindings to scroll magnified screen. ↪
–ash-enable-mirrored-screen ⊗ Enables mirrored screen. ↪
–ash-enable-software-mirroring ⊗ Enables software based mirroring. ↪
–ash-enable-stable-overview-order ⊗ No description
–ash-enable-system-sounds ⊗ When this flag is set, system sounds will be played whether the ChromeVox is enabled or not. ↪
–ash-enable-touch-view-testing ⊗ Enables touch view testing. TODO(skuhne): Remove TOGGLE_TOUCH_VIEW_TESTING accelerator once this flag is removed. ↪
–ash-enable-unified-desktop[6] ⊗ Enables unified desktop mode. ↪
–ash-force-desktop[1] ⊗ Force Ash to open its root window on the desktop, even on Windows 8 where it would normally end up in metro. ↪
–ash-hide-notifications-for-factory ⊗ Hides notifications that are irrelevant to Chrome OS device factory testing, such as battery level updates. ↪
–ash-host-window-bounds ⊗ Sets a window size, optional position, and optional scale factor. “1024x768” creates a window of size 1024x768. “100+200-1024x768” positions the window at 100,200. “1024x768*2” sets the scale factor to 2 for a high DPI display. “800,0+800-800x800” for two displays at 800x800 resolution. “800,0+800-800x800,0+1600-800x800” for three displays at 800x800 resolution. ↪
–ash-secondary-display-layout ⊗ Specifies the layout mode and offsets for the secondary display for testing. The format is “<t|r|b|l>,” where t=TOP, r=RIGHT, b=BOTTOM and L=LEFT. For example, ‘r,-100’ means the secondary display is positioned on the right with -100 offset. (above than primary) ↪
–ash-touch-hud ⊗ Enables the heads-up display for tracking touch points. ↪
–ash-use-first-display-as-internal ⊗ Uses the 1st display in --ash-host-window-bounds as internal display. This is for debugging on linux desktop. ↪
–ash-webui-init ⊗ When wallpaper boot animation is not disabled this switch is used to override OOBE/sign in WebUI init type. Possible values: parallel|postpone. Default: parallel. ↪
–audio-buffer-size ⊗ Allow users to specify a custom buffer size for debugging purpose. ↪
–audio-modem-dump-tokens-to-dir ⊗ Directory to dump encoded tokens to, for debugging. If empty (the default), tokens are not dumped. If invalid (not a writable directory), Chrome will crash! ↪
–audio-modem-enable-audible-broadcast ⊗ Allow broadcast of audible audio tokens. Defaults to true. ↪
–audio-modem-enable-inaudible-broadcast ⊗ Allow broadcast of inaudible audio tokens. Defaults to true. ↪
–aura-legacy-power-button ⊗ (Most) Chrome OS hardware reports ACPI power button releases correctly. Standard hardware reports releases immediately after presses. If set, we lock the screen or shutdown the system immediately in response to a press instead of displaying an interactive animation. ↪
–auth-ext-path ⊗ Enables overriding the path for the default authentication extension. ↪
–auth-server-whitelist ⊗ Whitelist for Negotiate Auth servers ↪
–auth-spnego-account-type[7] ⊗ Android authentication account type for SPNEGO authentication ↪
–auto ⊗ The values the kTouchEvents switch may have, as in --touch-events=disabled. auto: enabled at startup when an attached touchscreen is present. ↪
–auto-open-devtools-for-tabs ⊗ This flag makes Chrome auto-open DevTools window for each tab. It is intended to be used by developers and automation to not require user interaction for opening DevTools. ↪
–auto-select-desktop-capture-source ⊗ This flag makes Chrome auto-select the provided choice when an extension asks permission to start desktop capture. Should only be used for tests. For instance, --auto-select-desktop-capture-source=“Entire screen” will automatically select to share the entire screen in English locales. ↪
–blimp-client-token-path ⊗ No description
–blink-platform-log-channels ⊗ Choose which logging channels in blink platform to activate. See Logging.cpp in blink’s Source/platform for a list of available channels. ↪
–blink-settings ⊗ Set blink settings. Format is [=<value],[=],… The names are declared in For boolean type, use “true”, “false”, or omit ‘=’ part to set to true. For enum type, use the int value of the enum value. Applied after other command line flags and prefs. ↪
–bootstrap ⊗ Values for the kExtensionContentVerification flag. See ContentVerifierDelegate::Mode for more explanation. ↪
–browser-subprocess-path ⊗ Path to the exe to run for the renderer and plugin subprocesses. ↪
–browser-test ⊗ Tells Content Shell that it’s running as a content_browsertest. ↪
–bwsi ⊗ Indicates that the browser is in “browse without sign-in” (Guest session) mode. Should completely disable extensions, sync and bookmarks. ↪
–bypass-app-banner-engagement-checks ⊗ This flag causes the user engagement checks for showing app banners to be bypassed. It is intended to be used by developers who wish to test that their sites otherwise meet the criteria needed to show app banners. ↪
–canvas-msaa-sample-count ⊗ The number of MSAA samples for canvas2D. Requires MSAA support by GPU to have an effect. 0 disables MSAA. ↪
–cc-layer-tree-test-no-timeout ⊗ Prevents the layer tree unit tests from timing out. ↪
–cc-rebaseline-pixeltests ⊗ Makes pixel tests write their output instead of read it. ↪
–cellular-only ⊗ No description
–certificate-transparency-log ⊗ Certificate Transparency: Uses the provided log(s) for checking Signed Certificate Timestamps provided with certificates. The switch’s value is: log_description:log_key:log_url,log_description:log_key:log_url,… where log_description is a textual description of the log. log_key is a Base64’d DER-encoded SubjectPublicKeyInfo of the log’s public key. log_url is a URL for the log, excluding the schema (which is always assumed to be HTTPS as required by RFC6962). Multiple logs can be specified by repeating description:key pairs, separated by a comma. ↪
–channel ⊗ The value of this switch tells the child process which IPC channel the browser expects to use to communicate with it. ↪
–check-for-update-interval ⊗ How often (in seconds) to check for updates. Should only be used for testing purposes. ↪
–check-layout-test-sys-deps ⊗ Check whether all system dependencies for running layout tests are met. ↪
–child-process ⊗ Used internally by the main process to indicate that a new process should be a child process. Takes the absolute path to the mojo application to load as an argument. Not for user use. ↪
–child-wallpaper-large ⊗ Default wallpaper to use for kids accounts (as paths to trusted, non-user-writable JPEG files). ↪
–child-wallpaper-small ⊗ No description
–ChromeOSMemoryPressureHandling ⊗ The memory pressure thresholds selection which is used to decide whether and when a memory pressure event needs to get fired. ↪
–cipher-suite-blacklist ⊗ Comma-separated list of SSL cipher suites to disable. ↪
–clear-data-reduction-proxy-data-savings ⊗ Clear data savings on Chrome startup. ↪
–clear-token-service ⊗ Clears the token service before using it. This allows simulating the expiration of credentials during testing. ↪
–cloud-print-file ⊗ Tells chrome to display the cloud print dialog and upload the specified file for printing. ↪
–cloud-print-file-type ⊗ Specifies the mime type to be used when uploading data from the file referenced by cloud-print-file. Defaults to “application/pdf” if unspecified. ↪
–cloud-print-job-title ⊗ Used with kCloudPrintFile to specify a title for the resulting print job. ↪
–cloud-print-print-ticket ⊗ Used with kCloudPrintFile to specify a JSON print ticket for the resulting print job. Defaults to null if unspecified. ↪
–cloud-print-setup-proxy ⊗ Setup cloud print proxy for provided printers. This does not start service or register proxy for autostart. ↪
–cloud-print-url ⊗ The URL of the cloud print service to use, overrides any value stored in preferences, and the default. Only used if the cloud print service has been enabled. Used for testing. ↪
–cloud-print-xmpp-endpoint ⊗ The XMPP endpoint the cloud print service will use. Only used if the cloud print service has been enabled. Used for testing. ↪
–compensate-for-unstable-pinch-zoom ⊗ Enable compensation for unstable pinch zoom. Some touch screens display significant amount of wobble when moving a finger in a straight line. This makes two finger scroll trigger an oscillating pinch zoom. See for details. ↪
–compile-shader-always-succeeds ⊗ Always return success when compiling a shader. Linking will still fail. ↪
–component-updater ⊗ Comma-separated options to troubleshoot the component updater. Only valid for the browser process. ↪
–connectivity-check-url ⊗ Url for network connectivity checking. Default is “”. ↪
–conservative ⊗ No description
–consumer-device-management-url ⊗ Specifies the URL of the consumer device management backend. ↪
–content-image-texture-target ⊗ Texture target for CHROMIUM_image backed content textures. ↪
–content-shell-host-window-size ⊗ Size for the content_shell’s host window (i.e. “800x600”). ↪
–controller ⊗ No description
–copresence-server ⊗ Address for calls to the Copresence server (via Apiary). Defaults to ↪
–copresence-tracing-token ⊗ Apiary tracing token for calls to the Copresence server. ↪
–crash-dumps-dir ⊗ The directory breakpad should store minidumps in. ↪
–crash-on-failure ⊗ When specified to “enable-leak-detection” command-line option, causes the leak detector to cause immediate crash when found leak. ↪
–crash-on-hang-threads ⊗ Comma-separated list of BrowserThreads that cause browser process to crash if the given browser thread is not responsive. UI,IO,DB,FILE,CACHE are the list of BrowserThreads that are supported. For example: --crash-on-hang-threads=UI:3:18,IO:3:18 --> Crash the browser if UI or IO is not responsive for 18 seconds and the number of browser threads that are responding is less than or equal to 3. ↪
–crash-test ⊗ Causes the browser process to crash on startup. ↪
–crashpad-handler ⊗ A process type (switches::kProcessType) that indicates chrome.exe or setup.exe is being launched as crashpad_handler. This is only used on Windows. We bundle the handler into chrome.exe on Windows because there is high probability of a “new” .exe being blocked or interfered with by application firewalls, AV software, etc. On other platforms, crashpad_handler is a standalone executable. ↪
–create-browser-on-startup-for-tests ⊗ Some platforms like ChromeOS default to empty desktop. Browser tests may need to add this switch so that at least one browser instance is created on startup. TODO(nkostylev): Investigate if this switch could be removed. ( ↪
–cros-region ⊗ Forces CrOS region value. ↪
–cros-regions-mode ⊗ Control regions data load: “” - default “override” - regions data is read first “hide” - VPD values are hidden ↪
–cryptauth-http-host ⊗ Overrides the default URL for Google APIs ( used by CryptAuth. ↪
–custom-launcher-page ⊗ Specifies the chrome-extension:// URL for the contents of an additional page added to the experimental app launcher. ↪
–custom_summary[7] ⊗ Forces a custom summary to be displayed below the update menu item. ↪
–d3d11 ⊗ No description
–d3d9 ⊗ No description
–daemon ⊗ No description
–daemon-pipe ⊗ No description
–data-path ⊗ Makes Content Shell use the given path for its data directory. ↪
–data-reduction-proxy-config-url ⊗ The URL from which to retrieve the Data Reduction Proxy configuration. ↪
–data-reduction-proxy-experiment ⊗ The name of a Data Reduction Proxy experiment to run. These experiments are defined by the proxy server. Use --force-fieldtrials for Data Reduction Proxy field trials. ↪
–data-reduction-proxy-http-proxies ⊗ The semicolon-separated list of proxy server URIs to override the list of HTTP proxies returned by the Data Saver API. It is illegal to use |kDataReductionProxy| or |kDataReductionProxyFallback| switch in conjunction with |kDataReductionProxyHttpProxies|. If the URI omits a scheme, then the proxy server scheme defaults to HTTP, and if the port is omitted then the default port for that scheme is used. E.g. “”, “”, “”, and “” are all equivalent. ↪
–data-reduction-proxy-lo-fi ⊗ The mode for Data Reduction Proxy Lo-Fi. The various modes are always-on, cellular-only, slow connections only and disabled. ↪
–data-reduction-proxy-secure-proxy-check-url ⊗ Sets a secure proxy check URL to test before committing to using the Data Reduction Proxy. Note this check does not go through the Data Reduction Proxy. ↪
–data-reduction-proxy-secure-proxy-disabled ⊗ Starts the secure Data Reduction Proxy in the disabled state until the secure proxy check succeeds. ↪
–data-reduction-proxy-warmup-url ⊗ Sets a URL to fetch to warm up the data reduction proxy on startup and network changes. ↪
–data-reduction-ssl-proxy ⊗ The origin of the data reduction SSL proxy. ↪
–dbus-stub ⊗ Forces the stub implementation of dbus clients. ↪
–dbus-unstub-clients ⊗ Comma-spearated list of dbus clients that should be unstubbed. See chromeos/dbus/ for the names of the dbus clients. ↪
–debug-enable-frame-toggle ⊗ Enables a frame context menu item that toggles the frame in and out of glass mode (Windows Vista and up only). ↪
–debug-packed-apps ⊗ Adds debugging entries such as Inspect Element to context menus of packed apps. ↪
–debug-print[8] ⊗ Enables support to debug printing subsystem. ↪
–default ⊗ No description
–default-tile-height ⊗ No description
–default-tile-width ⊗ Sets the tile size used by composited layers. ↪
–default-wallpaper-is-oem ⊗ Indicates that the wallpaper images specified by kAshDefaultWallpaper{Large,Small} are OEM-specific (i.e. they are not downloadable from Google). ↪
–default-wallpaper-large ⊗ Default wallpaper to use (as paths to trusted, non-user-writable JPEG files). ↪
–default-wallpaper-small ⊗ No description
–demo ⊗ No description
–derelict-detection-timeout ⊗ Time before a machine at OOBE is considered derelict. ↪
–derelict-idle-timeout ⊗ Time before a derelict machines starts demo mode. ↪
–desktop ⊗ No description
–device-management-url ⊗ Specifies the URL at which to fetch configuration policy from the device management backend. ↪
–device-scale-factor[1] ⊗ Device scale factor passed to certain processes like renderers, etc. ↪
–diagnostics ⊗ Triggers a plethora of diagnostic modes. ↪
–diagnostics-format ⊗ Sets the output format for diagnostic modes enabled by diagnostics flag. ↪
–diagnostics-recovery ⊗ Tells the diagnostics mode to do the requested recovery step(s). ↪
–disable ⊗ Values for the kShowSavedCopy flag. ↪
–disable-2d-canvas-image-chromium ⊗ Disables Canvas2D rendering into a scanout buffer for overlay support. ↪
–disable-3d-apis ⊗ Disables client-visible 3D APIs, in particular WebGL and Pepper 3D. This is controlled by policy and is kept separate from the other enable/disable switches to avoid accidentally regressing the policy support for controlling access to these APIs. ↪
–disable-about-in-settings ⊗ When kEnableSettingsWindow is used, About is shown as an overlay in Settings instead of as a separate page, unless this flag is specified. ↪
–disable-accelerated-2d-canvas ⊗ Disable gpu-accelerated 2d canvas. ↪
–disable-accelerated-jpeg-decoding ⊗ Disable partially decoding jpeg images using the GPU. At least YUV decoding will be accelerated when not using this flag. Has no effect unless GPU rasterization is enabled. ↪
–disable-accelerated-mjpeg-decode ⊗ Disable hardware acceleration of mjpeg decode for captured frame, where available. ↪
–disable-accelerated-video-decode ⊗ Disables hardware acceleration of video decode, where available. ↪
–disable-account-consistency ⊗ Disables consistent identity features. ↪
–disable-add-to-shelf ⊗ Disables the display of a banner allowing the user to add a web app to their shelf (or platform-specific equivalent) ↪
–disable-app-info-dialog-mac[5] ⊗ Disable the toolkit-views App Info dialog for Mac. ↪
–disable-app-list-dismiss-on-blur ⊗ If set, the app list will not be dismissed when it loses focus. This is useful when testing the app list or a custom launcher page. It can still be dismissed via the other methods (like the Esc key). ↪
–disable-app-window-cycling[5] ⊗ Disables custom Cmd+` window cycling for platform apps and hosted apps. ↪
–disable-appcontainer ⊗ No description
–disable-arc-opt-in-verification ⊗ Disables ARC Opt-in verification process and ARC is enabled by default. ↪
–disable-async-dns ⊗ Disables the experimental asynchronous DNS client. ↪
–disable-audio-support-for-desktop-share ⊗ No description
–disable-auto-hiding-toolbar-threshold[7] ⊗ Sets the threshold for when to disable auto-hiding the toolbar. If the device’s width and height are above the threshold, the toolbar will never be hidden due to scrolling. It will still be hidden if page contents go fullscreen. ↪
–disable-autofill-keyboard-accessory-view[7] ⊗ Disables showing suggestions in a keyboard accessory view. ↪
–disable-background-networking ⊗ Disable several subsystems which run network requests in the background. This is for use when doing network performance testing to avoid noise in the measurements. ↪
–disable-background-timer-throttling ⊗ Disable task throttling of timer tasks from background pages. ↪
–disable-backing-store-limit ⊗ Disable limits on the number of backing stores. Can prevent blinking for users with many windows/tabs and lots of memory. ↪
–disable-blink-features ⊗ Disable one or more Blink runtime-enabled features. Use names from, separated by commas. Applied after kEnableBlinkFeatures, and after other flags that change these features. ↪
–disable-boot-animation ⊗ Disables wallpaper boot animation (except of OOBE case). ↪
–disable-breakpad ⊗ Disables the crash reporting. ↪
–disable-bundled-ppapi-flash ⊗ Disables the bundled PPAPI version of Flash. ↪
–disable-cached-picture-raster ⊗ Disables the use of a cached picture for raster in the renderer, making raster go directly from the display item list (this is the data structure surfaced to tracing). This is useful for debugging to remove the cached picture from the pipeline to narrow down bugs. ↪
–disable-canvas-aa ⊗ Disable antialiasing on 2d canvas. ↪
–disable-captive-portal-bypass-proxy ⊗ Disable bypass proxy for captive portal authorization. ↪
–disable-cast-streaming-hw-encoding ⊗ Disable hardware encoding support for Cast Streaming. ↪
–disable-child-account-detection ⊗ Disables detection of child accounts. ↪
–disable-clear-browsing-data-counters ⊗ Disables data volume counters in the Clear Browsing Data dialog. ↪
–disable-client-side-phishing-detection ⊗ Disables the client-side phishing detection feature. Note that even if client-side phishing detection is enabled, it will only be active if the user has opted in to UMA stats and SafeBrowsing is enabled in the preferences. ↪
–disable-cloud-import ⊗ Disables cloud backup feature. ↪
–disable-component-cloud-policy ⊗ Disables fetching and storing cloud policy for components. ↪
–disable-component-extensions-with-background-pages ⊗ Disable default component extensions with background pages - useful for performance tests where these pages may interfere with perf results. ↪
–disable-component-update ⊗ No description
–disable-composited-antialiasing ⊗ Disables layer-edge anti-aliasing in the compositor. ↪
–disable-contextual-search ⊗ Disables Contextual Search. ↪
–disable-credit-card-scan ⊗ Disables using device’s camera to scan a new credit card when filling out a credit card form. ↪
–disable-d3d11 ⊗ Disables use of D3D11. ↪
–disable-databases ⊗ Disables HTML5 DB support. ↪
–disable-datasaver-prompt ⊗ Switches and optional value for Data Saver prompt on cellular networks. ↪
–disable-default-apps ⊗ Disables installation of default apps on first run. This is used during automated testing. ↪
–disable-demo-mode ⊗ Disables the ChromeOS demo. ↪
–disable-device-disabling ⊗ If this switch is set, the device cannot be remotely disabled by its owner. ↪
–disable-device-discovery-notifications ⊗ Disables device discovery notifications. ↪
–disable-dinosaur-easter-egg ⊗ Disables the dinosaur easter egg on the offline interstitial. ↪
–disable-direct-composition ⊗ Disables the use of DirectComposition to draw to the screen. ↪
–disable-direct-write[1] ⊗ Disables the DirectWrite font rendering system on windows. ↪
–disable-directwrite-for-ui[1] ⊗ Disables DirectWrite font rendering for general UI elements. ↪
–disable-display-color-calibration[6] ⊗ No description
–disable-display-list-2d-canvas ⊗ No description
–disable-distance-field-text ⊗ Disables distance field text. ↪
–disable-domain-blocking-for-3d-apis ⊗ Disable the per-domain blocking for 3D APIs after GPU reset. This switch is intended only for tests. ↪
–disable-domain-reliability ⊗ Disables Domain Reliability Monitoring. ↪
–disable-download-notification ⊗ Disable download notification. ↪
–disable-drive-search-in-app-launcher ⊗ No description
–disable-dwm-composition ⊗ Disables use of DWM composition for top level windows. ↪
–disable-experimental-app-list ⊗ No description
–disable-extensions ⊗ Disable extensions. ↪
–disable-extensions-file-access-check ⊗ Disable checking for user opt-in for extensions that want to inject script into file URLs (ie, always allow it). This is used during automated testing. ↪
–disable-extensions-http-throttling ⊗ Disable the net::URLRequestThrottlerManager functionality for requests originating from extensions. ↪
–disable-fast-web-scroll-view-insets ⊗ Disables a workaround for fast inset updates for UIWebView.scrollView. ↪
–disable-features ⊗ Lists separated by commas the name of features to disable. See base::FeatureList::InitializeFromCommandLine for details. ↪
–disable-field-trial-config ⊗ Disable field trial tests configured in fieldtrial_testing_config.json. ↪
–disable-file-system ⊗ Disable FileSystem API. ↪
–disable-fill-on-account-select ⊗ Disables the experiment for the password manager to only fill on account selection, rather than autofilling on page load. ↪
–disable-flash-3d ⊗ Disable 3D inside of flapper. ↪
–disable-flash-stage3d ⊗ Disable Stage3D inside of flapper. ↪
–disable-full-form-autofill-ios ⊗ Disables the experimental Full Form Autofill on iOS feature. ↪
–disable-gaia-services ⊗ Disable GAIA services such as enrollment and OAuth session restore. Used by ‘fake’ telemetry login. ↪
–disable-gesture-editing ⊗ No description
–disable-gesture-requirement-for-media-playback ⊗ Disable user gesture requirement for media playback. ↪
–disable-gesture-requirement-for-presentation ⊗ Disable user gesture requirement for presentation. ↪
–disable-gesture-typing ⊗ No description
–disable-gl-drawing-for-tests ⊗ Disables GL drawing operations which produce pixel output. With this the GL output will not be correct but tests will run faster. ↪
–disable-gl-error-limit ⊗ Disable the GL error log limit. ↪
–disable-gl-extensions ⊗ Disables specified comma separated GL Extensions if found. ↪
–disable-glsl-translator ⊗ Disable the GLSL translator. ↪
–disable-gpu ⊗ Disables GPU hardware acceleration. If software renderer is not in place, then the GPU process won’t launch. ↪
–disable-gpu-compositing ⊗ Prevent the compositor from using its GPU implementation. ↪
–disable-gpu-driver-bug-workarounds ⊗ Disable workarounds for various GPU driver bugs. ↪
–disable-gpu-early-init ⊗ Disable proactive early init of GPU process. ↪
–disable-gpu-memory-buffer-compositor-resources ⊗ Do not force that all compositor resources be backed by GPU memory buffers. ↪
–disable-gpu-memory-buffer-video-frames ⊗ Disable GpuMemoryBuffer backed VideoFrames. ↪
–disable-gpu-process-crash-limit ⊗ Disable the limit on the number of times the GPU process may be restarted This switch is intended only for tests. ↪
–disable-gpu-program-cache ⊗ Turn off gpu program caching ↪
–disable-gpu-rasterization ⊗ Disable GPU rasterization, i.e. rasterize on the CPU only. Overrides the kEnableGpuRasterization and kForceGpuRasterization flags. ↪
–disable-gpu-sandbox ⊗ Disable the GPU process sandbox. ↪
–disable-gpu-shader-disk-cache ⊗ Disables the GPU shader on disk cache. ↪
–disable-gpu-vsync ⊗ Stop the GPU from synchronizing on the vsync before presenting. We can select from the options below: beginframe : Next frame can start without any delay on cc::scheduler. gpu : Disable gpu vsync. default: Set both flags. ↪
–disable-gpu-watchdog ⊗ Disable the thread that crashes the GPU process if it stops responding to messages. ↪
–disable-hang-monitor ⊗ Suppresses hang monitor dialogs in renderer processes. This may allow slow unload handlers on a page to prevent the tab from closing, but the Task Manager can be used to terminate the offending process in this case. ↪
–disable-hid-detection-on-oobe ⊗ Disable HID-detection OOBE screen. ↪
–disable-hide-inactive-stacked-tab-close-buttons ⊗ Disable hiding the close buttons of inactive tabs when the tabstrip is in stacked mode. ↪
–disable-histogram-customizer ⊗ Disable the RenderThread’s HistogramCustomizer. ↪
–disable-hosted-app-shim-creation[5] ⊗ Disables app shim creation for hosted apps on Mac. ↪
–disable-hosted-apps-in-windows[5] ⊗ Prevents hosted apps from being opened in windows on Mac. ↪
–disable-http2 ⊗ Disable HTTP/2 and SPDY/3.1 protocols. ↪
–disable-icon-ntp ⊗ Disables large icons on the New Tab page. ↪
–disable-in-process-stack-traces ⊗ Disable in-process stack traces. ↪
–disable-infobars ⊗ Prevent infobars from appearing. ↪
–disable-input-view ⊗ No description
–disable-ios-password-generation ⊗ Disable password generation for iOS. ↪
–disable-ios-password-suggestions ⊗ Disable showing available password credentials in the keyboard accessory view when focused on form fields. ↪
–disable-javascript-harmony-shipping ⊗ Disable latest shipping ECMAScript 6 features. ↪
–disable-kill-after-bad-ipc ⊗ Don’t kill a child process when it sends a bad IPC message. Apart from testing, it is a bad idea from a security perspective to enable this switch. ↪
–disable-lcd-text ⊗ Disables LCD text. ↪
–disable-legacy-window[1] ⊗ Disable the Legacy Window which corresponds to the size of the WebContents. ↪
–disable-local-storage ⊗ Disable LocalStorage. ↪
–disable-logging ⊗ Force logging to be disabled. Logging is enabled by default in debug builds. ↪
–disable-login-animations ⊗ Avoid doing expensive animations upon login. ↪
–disable-low-end-device-mode ⊗ Force disabling of low-end device mode when set. ↪
–disable-low-res-tiling ⊗ When using CPU rasterizing disable low resolution tiling. This uses less power, particularly during animations, but more white may be seen during fast scrolling especially on slower devices. ↪
–disable-lru-snapshot-cache ⊗ Disable the snapshots lru cache. ↪
–disable-mac-overlays[9] ⊗ Fall back to using CAOpenGLLayers display content, instead of the IOSurface based overlay display path. ↪
–disable-mac-views-native-app-windows[5] ⊗ Disables use of toolkit-views based native app windows. ↪
–disable-main-frame-before-activation ⊗ Disables sending the next BeginMainFrame before the previous commit activates. Overrides the kEnableMainFrameBeforeActivation flag. ↪
–disable-media-suspend ⊗ No description
–disable-media-thread-for-media-playback[7] ⊗ Sets the MediaSource player that uses UI thread for frame processing. ↪
–disable-merge-key-char-events[1] ⊗ Disables merging the key event (WM_KEY*) with the char event (WM_CHAR). ↪
–disable-minimize-on-second-launcher-item-click ⊗ Disable the behavior that the second click on a launcher item (the click when the item is already active) minimizes the item. ↪
–disable-mtp-write-support ⊗ Disables mtp write support. ↪
–disable-multi-display-layout ⊗ Enable the multiple display layout UI. ↪
–disable-namespace-sandbox ⊗ Disables usage of the namespace sandbox. ↪
–disable-native-gpu-memory-buffers ⊗ Disables native GPU memory buffer support. ↪
–disable-network-portal-notification ⊗ Disables notifications about captive portals in session. ↪
–disable-new-app-list-mixer ⊗ No description
–disable-new-bookmark-apps ⊗ Disables the new bookmark app system. ↪
–disable-new-channel-switcher-ui ⊗ Disable new channel switcher UI. ↪
–disable-new-kiosk-ui ⊗ Disables new Kiosk UI when kiosk apps are represented as user pods. ↪
–disable-new-korean-ime ⊗ If this switch is set, the new Korean IME will not be available in chrome://settings/languages. ↪
–disable-new-profile-management ⊗ Disables new profile management system, including new profile chooser UI. ↪
–disable-new-task-manager[10] ⊗ Disables the new implementation of the task manager. ↪
–disable-new-zip-unpacker ⊗ Disables the new File System Provider API based ZIP unpacker. ↪
–disable-notifications ⊗ Disables the Web Notification and the Push APIs. ↪
–disable-ntp-favicons ⊗ Disables NTP favicons. ↪
–disable-ntp-popular-sites ⊗ Disables showing popular sites on the NTP. ↪
–disable-offer-store-unmasked-wallet-cards ⊗ Force hiding the local save checkbox in the autofill dialog box for getting the full credit card number for a wallet card. The card will never be stored locally. ↪
–disable-offer-upload-credit-cards ⊗ Disables offering to upload credit cards. ↪
–disable-office-editing-component-extension ⊗ Disable Office Editing for Docs, Sheets & Slides component app so handlers won’t be registered, making it possible to install another version for testing. ↪
–disable-offline-auto-reload ⊗ Disable auto-reload of error pages if offline. ↪
–disable-offline-auto-reload-visible-only ⊗ Disable only auto-reloading error pages when the tab is visible. ↪
–disable-offline-pages ⊗ Disable Offline Pages. ↪
–disable-out-of-process-pac ⊗ Disable out-of-process V8 proxy resolver. ↪
–disable-overlay-scrollbar ⊗ Disables overlay scrollbars on Aura or Linux. Does nothing on Mac. ↪
–disable-overscroll-edge-effect[7] ⊗ Disable overscroll edge effects like those found in Android views. ↪
–disable-page-visibility ⊗ No description
–disable-panel-fitting[6] ⊗ Disables panel fitting (used for mirror mode). ↪
–disable-panels ⊗ No description
–disable-partial-raster ⊗ Disable partial raster in the renderer. Disabling this switch also disables the use of persistent gpu memory buffers. ↪
–disable-password-generation ⊗ Disables password generation when we detect that the user is going through account creation. ↪
–disable-pepper-3d ⊗ Disable Pepper3D. ↪
–disable-permissions-api ⊗ Disables the Permissions API. ↪
–disable-permissions-blacklist ⊗ Disables the Permissions Blacklist, which blocks access to permissions for blacklisted sites. ↪
–disable-physical-keyboard-autocorrect ⊗ If this switch is set, the options for suggestions as typing on physical keyboard will be disabled. ↪
–disable-pinch ⊗ Disables compositor-accelerated touch-screen pinch gestures. ↪
–disable-pnacl-crash-throttling ⊗ Disables crash throttling for Portable Native Client. ↪
–disable-policy-key-verification ⊗ Disables the verification of policy signing keys. TODO(atwilson): Remove this once all test servers have been updated to produce verification signatures. ↪
–disable-popup-blocking ⊗ Disable pop-up blocking. ↪
–disable-preconnect ⊗ Disable speculative TCP/IP preconnection. ↪
–disable-prefer-compositing-to-lcd-text ⊗ Disable the creation of compositing layers when it would prevent LCD text. ↪
–disable-presentation-api ⊗ Disables the Presentation API. ↪
–disable-print-preview ⊗ Disables print preview (For testing, and for users who don’t like us. :[ ) ↪
–disable-prompt-on-repost ⊗ Normally when the user attempts to navigate to a page that was the result of a post we prompt to make sure they want to. This switch may be used to disable that check. This switch is used during automated testing. ↪
–disable-pull-to-refresh-effect[7] ⊗ Disable the pull-to-refresh effect when vertically overscrolling content. ↪
–disable-push-api-background-mode ⊗ No description
–disable-quic ⊗ Disables support for the QUIC protocol. ↪
–disable-quic-port-selection ⊗ Disable use of Chromium’s port selection for the ephemeral port via bind(). This only has an effect if QUIC protocol is enabled. ↪
–disable-reading-from-canvas ⊗ Taints all elements, regardless of origin. ↪
–disable-remote-core-animation[9] ⊗ Disable use of cross-process CALayers to display content directly from the GPU process on Mac. ↪
–disable-remote-fonts ⊗ Disables remote web font support. SVG font should always work whether this option is specified or not. ↪
–disable-renderer-accessibility ⊗ Turns off the accessibility in the renderer. ↪
–disable-renderer-backgrounding ⊗ Prevent renderer process backgrounding when set. ↪
–disable-rgba-4444-textures ⊗ Disables RGBA_4444 textures. ↪
–disable-rollback-option ⊗ Disables rollback option on reset screen. ↪
–disable-rtc-smoothness-algorithm ⊗ Disables the new rendering algorithm for webrtc, which is designed to improve the rendering smoothness. ↪
–disable-save-password-bubble[5] ⊗ Prevents the save password bubble from being enabled. ↪
–disable-screen-orientation-lock[7] ⊗ Disable the locking feature of the screen orientation API. ↪
–disable-seccomp-filter-sandbox ⊗ Disable the seccomp filter sandbox (seccomp-bpf) (Linux only). ↪
–disable-session-crashed-bubble ⊗ Disables using bubbles for session restore request. ↪
–disable-settings-window ⊗ No description
–disable-setuid-sandbox ⊗ Disable the setuid sandbox (Linux only). ↪
–disable-shader-name-hashing ⊗ Turn off user-defined name hashing in shaders. ↪
–disable-shared-workers ⊗ Disable shared workers. ↪
–disable-signin-scoped-device-id ⊗ Disables sending signin scoped device id to LSO with refresh token request. ↪
–disable-single-click-autofill ⊗ The “disable” flag for kEnableSingleClickAutofill. ↪
–disable-site-engagement-service ⊗ Disables the Site Engagement service, which records interaction with sites and allocates certain resources accordingly. ↪
–disable-smart-virtual-keyboard ⊗ No description
–disable-smooth-scrolling ⊗ Disable smooth scrolling for testing. ↪
–disable-software-rasterizer ⊗ Disables the use of a 3D software rasterizer. ↪
–disable-speech-api ⊗ Disables the Web Speech API. ↪
–disable-sync ⊗ Disables syncing browser data to a Google Account. ↪
–disable-sync-app-list ⊗ No description
–disable-sync-types ⊗ Disables syncing one or more sync data types that are on by default. See sync/internal_api/public/base/model_type.h for possible types. Types should be comma separated, and follow the naming convention for string representation of model types, e.g.: --disable-synctypes=‘Typed URLs, Bookmarks, Autofill Profiles’ ↪
–disable-tab-eviction ⊗ Disables the tab eviction policy. (applicable iff WKWebView is enabled) ↪
–disable-tab-for-desktop-share ⊗ Enables tab for desktop sharing. ↪
–disable-tab-switcher ⊗ Disables the tab switcher. ↪
–disable-threaded-animation ⊗ No description
–disable-threaded-compositing ⊗ Disable multithreaded GPU compositing of web content. ↪
–disable-threaded-scrolling ⊗ Disable multithreaded, compositor scrolling of web content. ↪
–disable-timezone-tracking-option ⊗ Disable automatic timezone update. ↪
–disable-touch-adjustment ⊗ Disables touch adjustment. ↪
–disable-touch-drag-drop ⊗ Disables touch event based drag and drop. ↪
–disable-touch-feedback ⊗ Disables additional visual feedback to touch input. ↪
–disable-translate ⊗ Allows disabling of translate from the command line to assist with automated browser testing (e.g. Selenium/WebDriver). Normal browser users should disable translate with the preference. ↪
–disable-translate-new-ux[5] ⊗ Disables Translate experimental new UX which replaces the infobar. ↪
–disable-unified-media-pipeline[7] ⊗ Use WebMediaPlayerAndroid instead of WebMediaPlayerImpl. This is a temporary switch for holding back the new unified media pipeline. ↪
–disable-usb-keyboard-detect[1] ⊗ Disables the USB keyboard detection for blocking the OSK on Win8+. ↪
–disable-v8-idle-tasks ⊗ Disable V8 idle tasks. ↪
–disable-vaapi-accelerated-video-encode[6] ⊗ Disables VA-API accelerated video encode. ↪
–disable-views-rect-based-targeting ⊗ Specifies if a heuristic should be used to determine the most probable target of a gesture, where the touch region is represented by a rectangle. ↪
–disable-virtual-keyboard-overscroll ⊗ No description
–disable-voice-input ⊗ No description
–disable-volume-adjust-sound ⊗ Disables volume adjust sound. ↪
–disable-wake-on-wifi ⊗ Disables wake on wifi features. ↪
–disable-web-notification-custom-layouts ⊗ Disables Web Notification custom layouts. ↪
–disable-web-security ⊗ Don’t enforce the same-origin policy. (Used by people testing their sites.) ↪
–disable-webgl ⊗ Disable experimental WebGL support. ↪
–disable-webgl-image-chromium ⊗ Disables WebGL rendering into a scanout buffer for overlay support. ↪
–disable-webrtc-encryption[11] ⊗ Disables encryption of RTP Media for WebRTC. When Chrome embeds Content, it ignores this switch on its stable and beta channels. ↪
–disable-webrtc-hw-decoding[11] ⊗ Disables HW decode acceleration for WebRTC. ↪
–disable-webrtc-hw-encoding[11] ⊗ Disables HW encode acceleration for WebRTC. ↪
–disable-webusb-security ⊗ Disables WebUSB’s CORS-like checks for origin->device communication. ↪
–disable-wheel-gestures ⊗ Disable gesture generation for wheel events. ↪
–disable-win32k-renderer-lockdown[1] ⊗ Disables the Win32K process mitigation policy for renderer processes. ↪
–disable-wkwebview ⊗ Disables the use of WKWebView instead of UIWebView. ↪
–disable-xss-auditor ⊗ Disables Blink’s XSSAuditor. The XSSAuditor mitigates reflective XSS. ↪
–disable-zero-browsers-open-for-tests ⊗ Some tests seem to require the application to close when the last browser window is closed. Thus, we need a switch to force this behavior for ChromeOS Aura, disable “zero window mode”. TODO(pkotwicz): Investigate if this bug can be removed. ( ↪
–disable-zero-copy ⊗ Disable rasterizer that writes directly to GPU memory associated with tiles. ↪
–disabled ⊗ disabled: touch events are disabled. ↪
–disallow-unchecked-dangerous-downloads[3] ⊗ No description
–disk-cache-dir ⊗ Use a specific disk cache location, rather than one derived from the UserDatadir. ↪
–disk-cache-size ⊗ Forces the maximum disk space to be used by the disk cache, in bytes. ↪
–display[12] ⊗ Which X11 display to connect to. Emulates the GTK+ “–display=” command line argument. ↪
–dmg-device[5] ⊗ When switches::kProcessType is switches::kRelauncherProcess, if this switch is also present, the relauncher process will unmount and eject a mounted disk image and move its disk image file to the trash. The argument’s value must be a BSD device name of the form “diskN” or “diskNsM”. ↪
–dns-log-details ⊗ No description
–dns-prefetch-disable ⊗ Disables prefetching of DNS information. ↪
–dom-automation ⊗ Specifies if the |DOMAutomationController| needs to be bound in the renderer. This binding happens on per-frame basis and hence can potentially be a performance bottleneck. One should only enable it when automating dom based tests. ↪
–download ⊗ Causes the process to run as a download subprocess. ↪
–download-whole-document ⊗ No description
–dump-browser-histograms ⊗ Requests that a running browser process dump its collected histograms to a given file. The file is overwritten if it exists. ↪
–eafe-path ⊗ No description
–eafe-url ⊗ EAFE url and path to use for Easy bootstrapping. ↪
–early-tracing[13] ⊗ No description
–easy-unlock-app-path ⊗ Overrides the path of Easy Unlock component app. ↪
–egl ⊗ No description
–elevate ⊗ No description
–embedded-extension-options ⊗ Enables extension options to be embedded in chrome://extensions rather than a new tab. ↪
–emphasize-titles-in-omnibox-dropdown ⊗ Causes the omnibox dropdown to emphasize the titles of URL suggestions for query-like inputs. ↪
–emulate-shader-precision ⊗ Emulate ESSL lowp and mediump float precisions by mutating the shaders to round intermediate values in ANGLE. ↪
–enable-2d-canvas-clip-aa ⊗ Enable antialiasing on 2d canvas clips (as opposed to draw operations) ↪
–enable-accelerated-2d-canvas ⊗ Enable accelerated 2D canvas. ↪
–enable-accelerated-vpx-decode[1] ⊗ Enables experimental hardware acceleration for VP8/VP9 video decoding. ↪
–enable-accessibility-tab-switcher[7] ⊗ Enable the accessibility tab switcher. ↪
–enable-account-consistency ⊗ Enables consistent identity features. ↪
–enable-adaptive-selection-handle-orientation[7] ⊗ Enable inverting of selection handles so that they are not clipped by the viewport boundaries. ↪
–enable-add-to-shelf ⊗ Enables the display of a banner allowing the user to add a web app to their shelf (or platform-specific equivalent) ↪
–enable-aggressive-domstorage-flushing ⊗ Enable the aggressive flushing of DOM Storage to minimize data loss. ↪
–enable-alternative-services ⊗ Enables support for HTTP alternative services. ↪
–enable-android-spellchecker[14] ⊗ Enables use of the Android spellchecker. ↪
–enable-app-info-dialog-mac[5] ⊗ Enable the toolkit-views App Info dialog for Mac. This is accessible from chrome://apps and chrome://extensions and is already enabled on non-mac. ↪
–enable-app-list ⊗ If set, the app list will be enabled as if enabled from CWS. ↪
–enable-app-window-controls ⊗ Enables the tag in platform apps. ↪
–enable-app-window-cycling[5] ⊗ Enables custom Cmd+` window cycling for platform apps and hosted apps. ↪
–enable-appcontainer ⊗ Enable or disable appcontainer/lowbox for renderer on Win8+ platforms. ↪
–enable-apps-file-associations ⊗ Enable OS integration for Chrome app file associations. ↪
–enable-apps-show-on-first-paint ⊗ Show apps windows after the first paint. Windows will be shown significantly later for heavy apps loading resources synchronously but it will be insignificant for apps that load most of their resources asynchronously. ↪
–enable-arc ⊗ Enables starting the ARC instance upon session start. ↪
–enable-arc-memory-management ⊗ Enable ARC memory management in user space. ↪
–enable-audio-debug-recordings-from-extension ⊗ If the WebRTC logging private API is active, enables audio debug recordings. ↪
–enable-autofill-keyboard-accessory-view[7] ⊗ Enables showing suggestions in a keyboard accessory view. ↪
–enable-begin-frame-scheduling ⊗ Use a BeginFrame signal from browser to renderer to schedule rendering. ↪
–enable-benchmarking ⊗ Enables the benchmarking extensions. ↪
–enable-ble-advertising-in-apps ⊗ Enable BLE Advertisiing in apps. ↪
–enable-blink-features ⊗ Disable one or more Blink runtime-enabled features. Use names from, separated by commas. Applied before kDisableBlinkFeatures, and after other flags that change these features. ↪
–enable-bookmark-undo ⊗ Enables the multi-level undo system for bookmarks. ↪
–enable-browser-side-navigation ⊗ PlzNavigate: Use the experimental browser-side navigation path. ↪
–enable-centered-app-list ⊗ If set, the app list will be centered and wide instead of tall. ↪
–enable-child-account-detection ⊗ Enables detection of child accounts. ↪
–enable-clear-browsing-data-counters ⊗ Enables data volume counters in the Clear Browsing Data dialog. ↪
–enable-clear-sync-data-on-passphrase-encryption ⊗ Enables clearing of sync data when a user enables passphrase encryption. ↪
–enable-cloud-print-proxy ⊗ This applies only when the process type is “service”. Enables the Cloud Print Proxy component within the service process. ↪
–enable-cloud-print-xps[1] ⊗ Fallback to XPS. By default connector uses CDD. ↪
–enable-cma-media-pipeline ⊗ Enable the CMA media pipeline. ↪
–enable-consumer-management ⊗ Enables consumer management, which allows user to enroll, remotely lock and locate the device. ↪
–enable-contextual-search ⊗ Enables Contextual Search. ↪
–enable-crash-reporter ⊗ Indicates that crash reporting should be enabled. On platforms where helper processes cannot access to files needed to make this decision, this flag is generated internally. ↪
–enable-crash-reporter-for-testing[15] ⊗ Used for turning on Breakpad crash reporting in a debug environment where crash reporting is typically compiled but disabled. ↪
–enable-credential-manager-api ⊗ Enable the experimental Credential Manager JavaScript API. ↪
–enable-credit-card-scan ⊗ Enables using device’s camera to scan a new credit card when filling out a credit card form. ↪
–enable-crx-hash-check ⊗ Enable package hash check: the .crx file sha256 hash sum should be equal to the one received from update manifest. ↪
–enable-data-reduction-proxy-bypass-warning ⊗ Enable the data reduction proxy bypass warning. ↪
–enable-data-reduction-proxy-carrier-test ⊗ Enables the origin of the carrier test data reduction proxy. ↪
–enable-data-reduction-proxy-lo-fi-preview ⊗ Enables preview mode for Lo-Fi. This means a preview should be requested instead of placeholders whenever Lo-Fi mode is on. Lo-Fi must also be enabled via a flag or field trial. ↪
–enable-datasaver-prompt ⊗ No description
–enable-default-media-session[16] ⊗ Use a media session for each tabs in a way that two tabs can’t play on top of each other. This is different from the Media Session API as it is enabling a default behaviour for the browser. ↪
–enable-device-discovery-notifications ⊗ Enable device discovery notifications. ↪
–enable-devtools-experiments ⊗ If true devtools experimental settings are enabled. ↪
–enable-display-list-2d-canvas ⊗ Enables display list based 2d canvas implementation. Options: 1. Enable: allow browser to use display list for 2d canvas (browser makes decision). 2. Force: browser always uses display list for 2d canvas. ↪
–enable-distance-field-text ⊗ Enables using signed distance fields when rendering text. Only valid if GPU rasterization is enabled as well. ↪
–enable-dom-distiller ⊗ No description
–enable-domain-reliability ⊗ Enables Domain Reliability Monitoring. ↪
–enable-drive-search-in-app-launcher ⊗ Enable/disable drive search in chrome launcher. ↪
–enable-embedded-extension-options ⊗ Hack so that feature switch can work with about_flags. See kEnableScriptsRequireAction. ↪
–enable-embeddedsearch-api[7] ⊗ Enables EmbeddedSearch API in the search results page. ↪
–enable-exclusive-audio[1] ⊗ Use exclusive mode audio streaming for Windows Vista and higher. Leads to lower latencies for audio streams which uses the AudioParameters::AUDIO_PCM_LOW_LATENCY audio path. See for details. ↪
–enable-experimental-accessibility-features ⊗ Shows additional checkboxes in Settings to enable Chrome OS accessibility features that haven’t launched yet. ↪
–enable-experimental-app-list ⊗ Enable/disable the experimental app list. If enabled, implies --enable-centered-app-list. ↪
–enable-experimental-canvas-features ⊗ Enable experimental canvas features, e.g. canvas 2D context attributes ↪
–enable-experimental-extension-apis ⊗ Enables extension APIs that are in development. ↪
–enable-experimental-input-view-features ⊗ No description
–enable-experimental-web-platform-features ⊗ Enables Web Platform features that are in development. ↪
–enable-extension-action-redesign ⊗ Hack so that feature switch can work with about_flags. See kEnableScriptsRequireAction. ↪
–enable-extension-activity-log-testing ⊗ No description
–enable-extension-activity-logging ⊗ Enables logging for extension activity. ↪
–enable-extension-assets-sharing ⊗ Enabled sharing assets for installed default apps. ↪
–enable-fast-unload ⊗ Enable the fast unload controller, which speeds up tab/window close by running a tab’s onunload js handler independently of the GUI - . ↪
–enable-fast-web-scroll-view-insets ⊗ Enables a workaround for fast inset updates for UIWebView.scrollView. ↪
–enable-features ⊗ Lists separated by commas the name of features to disable. See base::FeatureList::InitializeFromCommandLine for details. ↪
–enable-files-details-panel ⊗ Enables details panel in Files app. ↪
–enable-fill-on-account-select ⊗ Enables the experiment for the password manager to only fill on account selection, rather than autofilling on page load, with highlighting of fields. ↪
–enable-fill-on-account-select-no-highlighting ⊗ Enables the experiment for the password manager to only fill on account selection, rather than autofilling on page load, with no highlighting of fields. ↪
–enable-first-run-ui-transitions ⊗ Enables animated transitions during first-run tutorial. ↪
–enable-floating-virtual-keyboard ⊗ No description
–enable-font-antialiasing ⊗ Enable font antialiasing for pixel tests. ↪
–enable-full-form-autofill-ios ⊗ Enables the experimental Full Form Autofill on iOS feature. ↪
–enable-google-branded-context-menu[17] ⊗ Shows a Google icon next to context menu items powered by Google services. ↪
–enable-gpu-benchmarking ⊗ Enables the GPU benchmarking extension ↪
–enable-gpu-client-logging ⊗ Enable GPU client logging. ↪
–enable-gpu-client-tracing ⊗ Enables TRACE for GL calls in the renderer. ↪
–enable-gpu-command-logging ⊗ Turn on Logging GPU commands. ↪
–enable-gpu-debugging ⊗ Turn on Calling GL Error after every command. ↪
–enable-gpu-memory-buffer-compositor-resources ⊗ Specify that all compositor resources should be backed by GPU memory buffers. ↪
–enable-gpu-memory-buffer-video-frames ⊗ Enable GpuMemoryBuffer backed VideoFrames. ↪
–enable-gpu-rasterization ⊗ Allow heuristics to determine when a layer tile should be drawn with the Skia GPU backend. Only valid with GPU accelerated compositing + impl-side painting. ↪
–enable-gpu-service-logging ⊗ Turns on GPU logging (debug build only). ↪
–enable-gpu-service-tracing ⊗ Turns on calling TRACE for every GL call. ↪
–enable-grouped-history ⊗ Enables grouping websites by domain and filtering them by period. ↪
–enable-hardware-overlays ⊗ Enable compositing individual elements via hardware overlays when permitted by device. ↪
–enable-harfbuzz-rendertext[5] ⊗ Enables the HarfBuzz port of RenderText on Mac (it’s already used only for text editing; this enables it for everything else). ↪
–enable-heap-profiling ⊗ Makes memory allocators keep track of their allocations and context, so a detailed breakdown of memory usage can be presented in chrome://tracing when the memory-infra category is enabled. ↪
–enable-hosted-app-quit-notification[5] ⊗ Shows a notification when quitting Chrome with hosted apps running. Default behavior is to also quit all hosted apps. ↪
–enable-hosted-apps-in-windows[5] ⊗ Allows hosted apps to be opened in windows on Mac. ↪
–enable-hosted-mode[7] ⊗ Enables chrome hosted mode for Android. ↪
–enable-hotword-hardware ⊗ Enables experimental hotword features specific to always-on. ↪
–enable-hung-renderer-infobar[7] ⊗ Enables a hung renderer InfoBar allowing the user to close or wait on unresponsive web content. ↪
–enable-icon-ntp ⊗ Enables large icons on the New Tab page. ↪
–enable-image-color-profiles ⊗ Dynamically apply color profiles to web content images. ↪
–enable-inband-text-tracks ⊗ Enables support for inband text tracks in media content. ↪
–enable-ios-handoff-to-other-devices ⊗ Enables support for Handoff from Chrome on iOS to the default browser of other Apple devices. ↪
–enable-ios-password-generation ⊗ Enable password generation for iOS. ↪
–enable-kiosk-mode ⊗ Enable Kiosk mode for ChromeOS. Note this switch refers to retail mode rather than the kiosk app mode. ↪
–enable-lcd-text ⊗ Enables LCD text. ↪
–enable-leak-detection ⊗ Enables the leak detection of loading webpages. This allows us to check whether or not reloading a webpage releases web-related objects correctly. ↪
–enable-link-disambiguation-popup ⊗ Enables a zoomed popup bubble that allows the user to select a link. ↪
–enable-local-file-accesses ⊗ Enable file accesses. It should not be enabled for most Cast devices. ↪
–enable-logging ⊗ Force logging to be enabled. Logging is disabled by default in release builds. ↪
–enable-longpress-drag-selection[7] ⊗ Enable drag manipulation of longpress-triggered text selections. ↪
–enable-low-end-device-mode ⊗ Force low-end device mode when set. ↪
–enable-low-res-tiling ⊗ When using CPU rasterizing generate low resolution tiling. Low res tiles may be displayed during fast scrolls especially on slower devices. ↪
–enable-lru-snapshot-cache ⊗ Enables the snapshot lru cache. ↪
–enable-mac-views-app-list[5] ⊗ Enables use of the toolkit-views app list on Mac. ↪
–enable-mac-views-dialogs[5] ⊗ Causes Chrome to use an equivalent toolkit-views version of a browser dialog when available, rather than a Cocoa one. ↪
–enable-mac-views-native-app-windows[5] ⊗ Enables use of toolkit-views based native app windows. ↪
–enable-main-frame-before-activation ⊗ Enables sending the next BeginMainFrame before the previous commit activates. ↪
–enable-md-extensions ⊗ Enables the Material Design version of chrome://extensions. ↪
–enable-md-policy-page ⊗ Enables the Material Design policy page at chrome://md-policy. ↪
–enable-media-suspend ⊗ Suspend media pipeline on background tabs. ↪
–enable-media-thread-for-media-playback[7] ⊗ Sets the MediaSource player that uses the separate media thread ↪
–enable-memory-benchmarking ⊗ Enables the memory benchmarking extension ↪
–enable-merge-key-char-events[1] ⊗ Enables merging the key event (WM_KEY*) with the char event (WM_CHAR). ↪
–enable-message-center-always-scroll-up-upon-notification-removal ⊗ Enables message center to always move other notifications upwards when a notification is removed, no matter whether the message center is displayed top down or not. ↪
–enable-mojo-channel ⊗ Enable ChannelMojo on any supported platform. ↪
–enable-mojo-serial-service ⊗ Enables the mojo implementation of the serial API. ↪
–enable-nacl ⊗ Runs the Native Client inside the renderer process and enables GPU plugin (internally adds lEnableGpuPlugin to the command line). ↪
–enable-nacl-debug ⊗ Enables debugging via RSP over a socket. ↪
–enable-nacl-nonsfi-mode ⊗ Enables Non-SFI mode, in which programs can be run without NaCl’s SFI sandbox. ↪
–enable-native-gpu-memory-buffers ⊗ Enable native GPU memory buffer support when available. ↪
–enable-native-notifications ⊗ Enables the use of native notifications instead of using the Chrome based ones. ↪
–enable-natural-scroll-default ⊗ Enables natural scroll by default. ↪
–enable-navigation-tracing ⊗ Enables tracing for each navigation. It will attempt to trace each navigation for 10s, until the buffer is full, or until the next navigation. It only works if a URL was provided by --trace-upload-url. ↪
–enable-net-benchmarking ⊗ Enables the network-related benchmarking extensions. ↪
–enable-network-information ⊗ Enables the network information API. ↪
–enable-network-portal-notification ⊗ Enables notifications about captive portals in session. ↪
–enable-new-app-list-mixer ⊗ Enable/disable the new “blended” algorithm in app_list::Mixer. This is just forcing the AppListMixer/Blended field trial. ↪
–enable-new-bookmark-apps ⊗ Enables the new bookmark app system. ↪
–enable-notification-action-icons ⊗ Enables action button icons for the Web Notification API. ↪
–enable-ntp-favicons ⊗ Enables NTP favicons. ↪
–enable-ntp-popular-sites ⊗ Enables showing popular sites on the NTP. ↪
–enable-ntp-search-engine-country-detection ⊗ Enables using the default search engine country to show country specific popular sites on the NTP. ↪
–enable-offer-store-unmasked-wallet-cards ⊗ Force showing the local save checkbox in the autofill dialog box for getting the full credit card number for a wallet card. ↪
–enable-offer-upload-credit-cards ⊗ Enables offering to upload credit cards. ↪
–enable-offline-auto-reload ⊗ Enable auto-reload of error pages if offline. ↪
–enable-offline-auto-reload-visible-only ⊗ Only auto-reload error pages when the tab is visible. ↪
–enable-offline-pages ⊗ Enable Offline Pages. ↪
–enable-offline-pages-as-bookmarks ⊗ Enable Offline Pages showing “bookmarks” in UI strings. ↪
–enable-offline-pages-as-saved-pages ⊗ Enable Offline Pages showing “saved pages” in UI strings. ↪
–enable-osk-overscroll[7] ⊗ Enables overscrolling for the OSK on Android. ↪
–enable-overlay-scrollbar ⊗ Enables overlay scrollbars on Aura or Linux. Does nothing on Mac. ↪
–enable-override-bookmarks-ui ⊗ Enables extensions to hide bookmarks UI elements. ↪
–enable-panels ⊗ Enables or disables panels (always on-top docked pop-up windows). ↪
–enable-partial-raster ⊗ Enable partial raster in the renderer. ↪
–enable-password-generation ⊗ Enables password generation when we detect that the user is going through account creation. ↪
–enable-pepper-testing ⊗ Enables the testing interface for PPAPI. ↪
–enable-permissions-blacklist ⊗ Enables the Permissions Blacklist, which blocks access to permissions for blacklisted sites. ↪
–enable-physical-keyboard-autocorrect ⊗ If this switch is set, the options for suggestions as typing on physical keyboard will be enabled. ↪
–enable-pinch ⊗ Enables compositor-accelerated touch-screen pinch gestures. ↪
–enable-pixel-output-in-tests ⊗ Forces tests to produce pixel output when they normally wouldn’t. ↪
–enable-plugin-placeholder-testing ⊗ Enables testing features of the Plugin Placeholder. For internal use only. ↪
–enable-potentially-annoying-security-features ⊗ Enables a number of potentially annoying security features (strict mixed content mode, powerful feature restrictions, etc.) ↪
–enable-power-overlay ⊗ Enables the Power overlay in Settings. ↪
–enable-precache ⊗ Enables the proactive populating of the disk cache with Web resources that are likely to be needed in future page fetches. ↪
–enable-precise-memory-info ⊗ Make the values returned to window.performance.memory more granular and more up to date in shared worker. Without this flag, the memory information is still available, but it is bucketized and updated less frequently. This flag also applys to workers. ↪
–enable-prefer-compositing-to-lcd-text ⊗ Enable the creation of compositing layers when it would prevent LCD text. ↪
–enable-print-preview-register-promos ⊗ Enables showing unregistered printers in print preview ↪
–enable-profile-shortcut-manager[1] ⊗ Force-enables the profile shortcut manager. This is needed for tests since they use a custom-user-data-dir which disables this. ↪
–enable-profiling ⊗ Enables tracking of tasks in profiler for viewing via about:profiler. To predominantly disable tracking (profiling), use the command line switch: --enable-profiling=0 Some tracking will still take place at startup, but it will be turned off during chrome_browser_main. ↪
–enable-proximity-auth-bluetooth-low-energy-discovery ⊗ Enables discovery of the phone over Bluetooth Low Energy. ↪
–enable-proximity-auth-proximity-detection ⊗ Enables close proximity detection. This allows the user to set a setting to require very close proximity between the remote device and the local device in order to unlock the local device, which trades off convenience for security. ↪
–enable-push-api-background-mode ⊗ Enable or disable background mode for the Push API. ↪
–enable-query-extraction[18] ⊗ Enables query in the omnibox. ↪
–enable-quic ⊗ Enables support for the QUIC protocol. This is a temporary testing flag. ↪
–enable-quic-port-selection ⊗ Enable use of Chromium’s port selection for the ephemeral port via bind(). This only has an effect if QUIC protocol is enabled. ↪
–enable-quirks-client ⊗ Enable Quirks Client for handling display calibration information. ↪
–enable-reader-mode-toolbar-icon ⊗ Enables context-sensitive reader mode button in the toolbar. ↪
–enable-request-tablet-site ⊗ Enables request of tablet site (via user agent override). ↪
–enable-rgba-4444-textures ⊗ Enables RGBA_4444 textures. ↪
–enable-sandbox ⊗ Enables the sandbox on this process. ↪
–enable-sandbox-logging ⊗ Cause the OS X sandbox write to syslog every time an access to a resource is denied by the sandbox. ↪
–enable-save-password-bubble[5] ⊗ Enables save password prompt bubble. ↪
–enable-screenshot-testing-with-mode ⊗ Enables using screenshots in tests and seets mode. ↪
–enable-scripts-require-action ⊗ FeatureSwitch and about_flags don’t play nice. Feature switch expects either --enable- or –=1, but about_flags expects the command line argument to enable it (or a selection). Hack this in, so enabling it in about_flags enables the feature. Appending this flag has the same effect as --scripts-require-action=1. ↪
–enable-scroll-prediction ⊗ Enable scroll prediction for scroll update events. ↪
–enable-session-crashed-bubble ⊗ Enables using bubbles for session restore request instead of infobars. ↪
–enable-settings-window ⊗ Enable or disable settings in a separate browser window per profile (see SettingsWindowEnabled() below). ↪
–enable-share-group-async-texture-upload ⊗ Allows async texture uploads (off main thread) via GL context sharing. ↪
–enable-single-click-autofill ⊗ Enables/disables suggestions without typing anything (on first click). ↪
–enable-site-engagement-app-banner ⊗ Enable the Site Engagement App Banner which triggers app install banners using the site engagement service rather than a navigation-based heuristic. Implicitly enables the site engagement service. ↪
–enable-site-engagement-eviction-policy ⊗ Enable the Site Engagement Eviction Policy which evicts temporary storage using the site engagement service. Implicitly enables the site engagement service. ↪
–enable-site-engagement-service ⊗ Enable the Site Engagement service, which records interaction with sites and allocates certain resources accordingly. ↪
–enable-skia-benchmarking ⊗ Enables the Skia benchmarking extension ↪
–enable-slimming-paint-v2 ⊗ Enables slimming paint phase 2: ↪
–enable-smooth-scrolling ⊗ On platforms that support it, enables smooth scroll animation. ↪
–enable-spatial-navigation ⊗ Enable spatial navigation ↪
–enable-spdy-proxy-auth ⊗ Enable the data reduction proxy. ↪
–enable-speech-dispatcher[19] ⊗ Allows sending text-to-speech requests to speech-dispatcher, a common Linux speech service. Because it’s buggy, the user must explicitly enable it so that visiting a random webpage can’t cause instability. ↪
–enable-spelling-feedback-field-trial[14] ⊗ Enables participation in the field trial for user feedback to spelling service. ↪
–enable-stats-collection-bindings ⊗ Specifies if the |StatsCollectionController| needs to be bound in html pages. This binding happens on per-frame basis and hence can potentially be a performance bottleneck. One should only enable it when running a test that needs to access the provided statistics. ↪
–enable-stats-table ⊗ Enables StatsTable, logging statistics to a global named shared memory table. ↪
–enable-strict-mixed-content-checking ⊗ Blocks all insecure requests from secure contexts, and prevents the user from overriding that decision. ↪
–enable-strict-powerful-feature-restrictions ⊗ Blocks insecure usage of a number of powerful features (device orientation, for example) that we haven’t yet deprecated for the web at large. ↪
–enable-subscribe-uniform-extension ⊗ Enable WebGL subscribe uniform extension. ↪
–enable-suggestions-with-substring-match ⊗ Enables suggestions with substring matching instead of prefix matching. ↪
–enable-supervised-user-managed-bookmarks-folder ⊗ Enables the supervised user managed bookmarks folder. ↪
–enable-sync-app-list ⊗ Enable/disable syncing of the app list independent of extensions. ↪
–enable-sync-articles ⊗ No description
–enable-system-timezone-automatic-detection ⊗ This flag enables SystemTimezoneAutomaticDetection policy. ↪
–enable-tab-audio-muting ⊗ Enables user control over muting tab audio from the tab strip. ↪
–enable-tab-eviction ⊗ Enables the tab eviction policy. (applicable iff WKWebView is enabled) ↪
–enable-tab-for-desktop-share ⊗ No description
–enable-tab-switcher ⊗ Enables the tab switcher. ↪
–enable-tab-switcher-in-document-mode[7] ⊗ Enabled tab switcher in document mode. ↪
–enable-tcp-fastopen ⊗ Enable use of experimental TCP sockets API for sending data in the SYN packet. ↪
–enable-threaded-compositing ⊗ Enabled threaded compositing for layout tests. ↪
–enable-threaded-texture-mailboxes ⊗ Simulates shared textures when share groups are not available. Not available everywhere. ↪
–enable-thumbnail-retargeting ⊗ Enables fanciful thumbnail processing. Used with NTP for instant-extended-api, where thumbnails are generally smaller. ↪
–enable-tile-compression ⊗ Compress tile textures for GPUs supporting it. ↪
–enable-touch-drag-drop ⊗ Enables touch event based drag and drop. ↪
–enable-touchview[6] ⊗ Enables the observation of accelerometer events to enter touch-view mode. ↪
–enable-trace-app-source ⊗ Pass launch source to platform apps. ↪
–enable-tracing ⊗ Enable tracing during the execution of browser tests. ↪
–enable-tracing-output ⊗ The filename to write the output of the test tracing to. ↪
–enable-translate-new-ux[5] ⊗ Enables Translate experimental new UX which replaces the infobar. ↪
–enable-transparent-visuals[12] ⊗ When enabled, tries to get a transparent X11 visual so that we can have per-pixel alpha in windows. TODO(erg): Remove this switch once we’ve stabilized the code path. ↪
–enable-unsafe-es3-apis ⊗ Enable OpenGL ES 3 APIs without proper service side validation. ↪
–enable-use-zoom-for-dsf ⊗ Enable the mode that uses zooming to implment device scale factor behavior. ↪
–enable-user-controlled-alternate-protocol-ports ⊗ Enables Alternate-Protocol when the port is user controlled (> 1024). ↪
–enable-usermedia-screen-capturing ⊗ Enable screen capturing support for MediaStream API. ↪
–enable-video-player-chromecast-support ⊗ Enables the chromecast support for video player app. ↪
–enable-viewport ⊗ Enables the use of the @viewport CSS rule, which allows pages to control aspects of their own layout. This also turns on touch-screen pinch gestures. ↪
–enable-virtual-keyboard ⊗ No description
–enable-vtune-support ⊗ Enable the Vtune profiler support. ↪
–enable-wasm ⊗ Enables experimental WebAssembly. ↪
–enable-wayland-server[20] ⊗ Enables Wayland display server support. ↪
–enable-web-app-frame ⊗ Enables a new “web app” style frame for hosted apps (including bookmark apps). ↪
–enable-web-bluetooth ⊗ Enable Web Bluetooth. ↪
–enable-web-notification-custom-layouts ⊗ Enables Web Notification custom layouts. ↪
–enable-webfonts-intervention-trigger ⊗ Enable WebFonts intervention and trigger the signal always. ↪
–enable-webgl-draft-extensions ⊗ Enables WebGL extensions not yet approved by the community. ↪
–enable-webgl-image-chromium ⊗ Enables WebGL rendering into a scanout buffer for overlay support. ↪
–enable-webrtc-dtls12[11] ⊗ Enables negotiation of DTLS 1.2 for WebRTC. ↪
–enable-webrtc-hw-h264-encoding[11] ⊗ Enables H264 HW encode acceleration for WebRTC. ↪
–enable-webrtc-stun-origin[11] ⊗ Enables Origin header in Stun messages for WebRTC. ↪
–enable-webvr ⊗ Enables interaction with virtual reality devices. ↪
–enable-wheel-gestures ⊗ Enables gesture generation for wheel events. ↪
–enable-wifi-credential-sync ⊗ Enables synchronizing WiFi credentials across devices, using Chrome Sync. ↪
–enable-win32k-lockdown-mimetypes[1] ⊗ Enables the Win32K process mitigation policy for certain PPAPI mime types. Each mime type is separated by a comma. Specify * to enable the policy for all mime types. ↪
–enable-wkwebview ⊗ En

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  6. (一)图像文字检测论文:CTPN方法
  7. firefox 14 vim化——Pentadactyl
  8. 网关地址对于计算机的重要性
  9. 基于阿里云服务器ECS和宝塔面板,适合初学者的蚂蚁笔记(Leanote)超详细配置教程(但是真的不好用)
  10. Linux中运行.sh脚本,异常/bin/sh^M: bad interpreter: No such file or directory。