1. 850的近义词

1. The United Nations says more than eight hundred fifty million people do not have enough food.


2. danci.911cha.com

2. The results show that the TiO_2 thin films are composed of TiO_2 spherical particles with diameter of 20~45 nm. TiO_2 thin films transformed into from amorphous phase anatase with increasing temperature, and at last transformed into ruti...


3. Using only one output coupler the tuning range of the laser was from 730 nm to 850 nm.

在调谐状态下,用一输出耦合镜得到波长可调谐范围为730~850 nm。

4. Three different parameters: temperatures (673K, 723K, 773K), influent concentrations (700, 850, 1000 ppm), and ZVI dosages (0.75g, 1.00g, 1.25g) were tested in the ZVIFBR. According to the experiment results, we found that effluent concentration curves were related to operating times, and obviously could be divided into two sections. In the first section, the concentration curves are smoothly, but in the second section, the curves are steeper than those in first section.


5. This number is between 300 – 850 points and showcases a person`s credit history.


6. At the same time it is a suburb of Helsinki, with 850 people living in the renovated ramparts and barracks.


7. Prices must begin from $600 to about 850$, which is completely predicted price will depond on your lacation.


8. Methods: Collect the clinical cases of 850 patients using PFM (porcelain-fused-to-metal) to repair. Carry out clinical examination on the 1196 cases instantly, one year later, 3 years later, 5 years later after restorations.

对850例1196件金属烤瓷冠桥修复的患者分术后即刻、修复后1 a、3 a、5 a进行追踪随访,针对出现的问题进行分析,并采取相应的处理措施。

9. The company's second quarter total revenue rose 3.32 times to 20.3 million U. S. dollars, the ring also increased 48.8 percent, net income was 8.5 million U. S. dollars, up 3039.7 percent, the main benefit from the advertising revenue growth and gross margin improvement; Company expects total revenue in the third quarter 34000000 -3600 million, no sharp slowdown in the pace of growth.


10. Now I paid over 850.00 for my 18-200 and everybody Loves this lens.


11. 850

11. For comparison, damage radius for microsurgical scissors was 50 μm, and for diathermy, 400 to 850 μm.

与之相对比的是,微手术剪产生的破环半径是50 μm,透热疗法则是400 to 850 μm。

12. It is estimated that we can bring in 3, 850 million tons of rice from the reduction of rent rates, return of security money and punishment of law-breaking landlords, of which we have already collected about 3, 250 million tons.


13. Figure 3 shows three curves. The top, dashed, curve corresponds to early 1980`s fiber, the middle, dotted, curve corresponds to late 1980`s fiber, and the bottom, solid, curve corresponds to modern optical fiber. The earliest fiber optic systems were developed at an operating wavelength of about 850 nm.


14. What you see here ranges from US$ 850 to US$ 1, 200 Ex-factory.


15. Six monosize fractions (-0.850 + 0.600, -0.600 + 0.425, -0.425 + 0.300, -0.300 + 0.212, -0.212 + 0.150, and -0.150 + 0.106mm) were prepared and ground batch-wise (grinding time:1, 2, 4, 8, 12, 16, and 18 min) in a laboratory-scale ball mill for determination of the breakage functions.


16. Within 6 hours, 10.1 mg of heseridin, 49.8 mg of 5, 6, 7, 8, 4'-pentamethoxyflavone and 50.6 mg of 5-hydroxy-6, 7, 8, 3', 4'-pentamethoxyflavone with their purities over 97.0% were obtained from 4.0 g of the crude extract of Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae in one-step elution under the conditions of a flow rate of 1.70 mL/min, 800 r/min and the detection wavelength of 280 nm.


17. He study on the self-propagating high-temperature synthesis of uniphase C shows that the preheat temperature should not be higher than 800℃, because the entire combustion will occur at 850-900℃.


18. The water vapor transported by southwest windstream is difficult to north China north from 30°N because of the weakening of movement of southwest monsoon and southeast wind of western Pacific subtropical high.


19. As I Division in China the past five years, upgrading the quality of the sand and polishing industry machinery replace the manual, our production supply, so we re-establishment of a plant in Jiangmen-polishing equipment and the world's largest factory in Germany KUKA robot manufacturing joint venture company the world The most advanced synchronous six-axis robot automatically polishing machine, in September 2005 invested 8.5 million U. S. dollars in high-tech development zone 50 acres of land, will be 11 in 2006 will all be completed, is expected to create the future robots automatically polishing machine And distribution of, disc automatically polishing equipment sales to return to Europe and the United States and other countries in the world.


20. The composite coating wear test is conducted on MLS-23 type wet sand abrasive wear tester.



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