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'use strict';
const stringWidth = require('string-width');
const stripAnsi = require('strip-ansi');
const ansiStyles = require('ansi-styles');const ESCAPES = new Set(['\u001B','\u009B'
]);const END_CODE = 39;const wrapAnsi = code => `${ESCAPES.values().next().value}[${code}m`;// Calculate the length of words split on ' ', ignoring
// the extra characters added by ansi escape codes
const wordLengths = string => string.split(' ').map(character => stringWidth(character));// Wrap a long word across multiple rows
// Ansi escape codes do not count towards length
const wrapWord = (rows, word, columns) => {const characters = [...word];let insideEscape = false;let visible = stringWidth(stripAnsi(rows[rows.length - 1]));for (const [index, character] of characters.entries()) {const characterLength = stringWidth(character);if (visible + characterLength <= columns) {rows[rows.length - 1] += character;} else {rows.push(character);visible = 0;}if (ESCAPES.has(character)) {insideEscape = true;} else if (insideEscape && character === 'm') {insideEscape = false;continue;}if (insideEscape) {continue;}visible += characterLength;if (visible === columns && index < characters.length - 1) {rows.push('');visible = 0;}}// It's possible that the last row we copy over is only// ansi escape characters, handle this edge-caseif (!visible && rows[rows.length - 1].length > 0 && rows.length > 1) {rows[rows.length - 2] += rows.pop();}
};// Trims spaces from a string ignoring invisible sequences
const stringVisibleTrimSpacesRight = str => {const words = str.split(' ');let last = words.length;while (last > 0) {if (stringWidth(words[last - 1]) > 0) {break;}last--;}if (last === words.length) {return str;}return words.slice(0, last).join(' ') + words.slice(last).join('');
};// The wrap-ansi module can be invoked
// in either 'hard' or 'soft' wrap mode
// 'hard' will never allow a string to take up more
// than columns characters
// 'soft' allows long words to expand past the column length
const exec = (string, columns, options = {}) => {if (options.trim !== false && string.trim() === '') {return '';}let pre = '';let ret = '';let escapeCode;const lengths = wordLengths(string);let rows = [''];for (const [index, word] of string.split(' ').entries()) {if (options.trim !== false) {rows[rows.length - 1] = rows[rows.length - 1].trimLeft();}let rowLength = stringWidth(rows[rows.length - 1]);if (index !== 0) {if (rowLength >= columns && (options.wordWrap === false || options.trim === false)) {// If we start with a new word but the current row length equals the length of the columns, add a new rowrows.push('');rowLength = 0;}if (rowLength > 0 || options.trim === false) {rows[rows.length - 1] += ' ';rowLength++;}}// In 'hard' wrap mode, the length of a line is// never allowed to extend past 'columns'if (options.hard && lengths[index] > columns) {const remainingColumns = (columns - rowLength);const breaksStartingThisLine = 1 + Math.floor((lengths[index] - remainingColumns - 1) / columns);const breaksStartingNextLine = Math.floor((lengths[index] - 1) / columns);if (breaksStartingNextLine < breaksStartingThisLine) {rows.push('');}wrapWord(rows, word, columns);continue;}if (rowLength + lengths[index] > columns && rowLength > 0 && lengths[index] > 0) {if (options.wordWrap === false && rowLength < columns) {wrapWord(rows, word, columns);continue;}rows.push('');}if (rowLength + lengths[index] > columns && options.wordWrap === false) {wrapWord(rows, word, columns);continue;}rows[rows.length - 1] += word;}if (options.trim !== false) {rows = rows.map(stringVisibleTrimSpacesRight);}pre = rows.join('\n');for (const [index, character] of [...pre].entries()) {ret += character;if (ESCAPES.has(character)) {const code = parseFloat(/\d[^m]*/.exec(pre.slice(index, index + 4)));escapeCode = code === END_CODE ? null : code;}const code = ansiStyles.codes.get(Number(escapeCode));if (escapeCode && code) {if (pre[index + 1] === '\n') {ret += wrapAnsi(code);} else if (character === '\n') {ret += wrapAnsi(escapeCode);}}}return ret;
};// For each newline, invoke the method separately
module.exports = (string, columns, options) => {return String(string).normalize().split('\n').map(line => exec(line, columns, options)).join('\n');


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