
If you’ve been watching the Olympics over the last week and a half, you may have felt the urge to try getting in shape. I know the thought crossed my mind — and was quickly dismissed. Watching swimmers break world record after world record or gymnasts bounce around with impossible balance is inspiring, but getting started with an exercise or healthy eating regimen can be daunting. The sites below can help whip you into shape the Web 2.0 way. (Presented in no particular order.)

如果您在过去的一个半星期里一直在观看奥运会,那么您可能会感到渴望锻炼身体的渴望。 我知道这个想法已经浮现在我的脑海,很快就被驳回了。 观看游泳运动员打破世界纪录之后打破世界纪录,或者体操运动员在无法平衡的情况下反弹,这令人鼓舞,但是开始运动或健康饮食习惯可能会令人生畏。 以下站点可以帮助您塑造Web 2.0的方式。 (没有特殊顺序。)

  • Traineo – Graph fitness and weight loss goals and get motivation from family and friends who receive updates on your progress.

    Traineo –了解健身和减肥目标,并从家人和朋友那里获得动力,他们会收到有关您进度的最新信息。

  • Gimme20 – Find or build a workout that works for you, and then track your progress.

    Gimme20 –查找或构建适合您的锻炼,然后跟踪您的进度。

  • PEERtrainer – Weight loss and fitness community where members help each other stick to their goals.

    PEERtrainer –减肥与健身社区,会员们互相帮助,共同实现自己的目标。

  • My Food Diary – Food diary and exercise log tracks your calorie and fat intake and how much you’re burning.

    我的食物日记 –食物日记和运动日志可跟踪您的卡路里和脂肪摄入量以及您的燃烧量。

  • Gyminee – Workout and diet tracking in a community environment. Users also share workout programs and challenge one another to fitness challenges.

    Gyminee –在社区环境中进行锻炼和饮食跟踪。 用户还共享锻炼计划,并互相挑战健身挑战。

  • FitLink – Fitness community that matches people to workout together and keep track of their progress.

    FitLink –健身社区,使人们可以一起锻炼并跟踪他们的进度。

  • DietTV.com – Build a free personalized diet and exercise program using advice from experts.

    DietTV.com –根据专家的建议建立免费的个性化饮食和锻炼计划。

  • Skinnyr – A simple app that tracks your weight loss on a graph.

    Skinnyr –一个简单的应用程序,可以在图表上跟踪您的减肥情况。

  • SparkPeople – A healthy lifestyle social network where people share recipes, create diet plans, track calories and fitness goals, share exercises, and health information.

    SparkPeople –一个健康的生活方式社交网络,人们可以在其中共享食谱,制定饮食计划,跟踪卡路里和健身目标,共享锻炼和健康信息。

  • FatSecret – Compare diets, share recipes, ask questions, track your progress, and keep an online journal at this site.

    FatSecret –比较饮食,分享食谱,提出问题,跟踪进度并在此站点上保留在线日记。

  • FitDay – Diet and weight loss journal that has long term analysis tools to figuring out how successful your diet and fitness efforts are.

    FitDay –饮食和减肥杂志,具有长期分析工具,可用来确定饮食和健身工作的成功程度。

  • WeightLossWars – Compete against others to lose weight. Feel like you’re on one of those weight loss game shows and let that be motivation to keep trying to shed pounds.

    WeightLossWars –与他人竞争以减肥。 感觉自己正在参加其中一场减肥游戏节目,并以此为动力来不断尝试减轻体重。

  • TheDailyPlate – Nutrition information for over 100,000 food items. Keep track of what you eat and how good (or bad) it is for you.

    TheDailyPlate –超过100,000种食品的营养信息。 跟踪您吃什么以及对您有多好(或多坏)。

  • Inpower – Rate your overall well-being, set goals, create a plan, track your progress, and share your experiences with the community. (Not just limited to weight loss, but to all health issues — such as smoking cessation.)

    Inpower – 评估您的整体健康状况,设定目标,制定计划,跟踪进度并与社区分享您的经验。 (不仅限于减肥,还涉及所有健康问题,例如戒烟。)

  • RunFatBoy – Simple site that creates a customized workout plan you can print and bring to the gym. Also food tracking and a journal.

    RunFatBoy –简单的网站,可创建自定义的锻炼计划,您可以打印并携带到健身房。 还有食物跟踪和日记。

  • iTrainHarder – Track fitness and nutrition goals. Tools not only for individuals, but also for personal trainers and gyms.

    iTrainHarder –追踪健身和营养目标。 不仅为个人提供的工具,还为私人教练和体育馆提供工具。

  • Wellsphere – An online “healthy living community” that encourages people to be more active and eat healthier.

    Wellsphere –一个在线的“健康生活社区”,鼓励人们更加活跃和饮食健康。

  • DailyStrength – Online support groups for all sorts of things, including weight loss and dieting. (Not limited to just those topics, though. This site has support groups for everything from depression to parenting to cancer.)

    DailyStrength –在线支持小组,负责各种事情,包括减肥和节食。 (不过,不仅限于这些主题。该网站还为从抑郁症到育儿再到癌症的一切问题提供支持小组。)

  • Project Weight Loss – Create a diet and weight loss plan, then track your progress. Menu planning, calorie counting, and body mass index figuring are all part of the package.

    项目减肥 –建立饮食和减肥计划,然后跟踪您的进度。 菜单计划,卡路里计数和体重指数计算都是包装的一部分。

  • TweetWhatYouEat.com – One of the most simple food diaries on the web. Just tweet (or IM or enter via the web) what you’ve eaten, and TweetWhatYouEat.com will keep track of your weight and calorie intake. Unfortunately, not as good at automatically knowing how many calories food items have as other calorie counters, such as a Calorie Counter.

    TweetWhatYouEat.com –网​​络上最简单的食物日记之一。 只需鸣叫(或IM或通过网络输入)您所吃的东西,TweetWhatYouEat.com就会跟踪您的体重和卡路里摄入量。 不幸的是,不如在自动知道多少卡路里的食物怎么会有其他低热量,如一个卡路里计数器 。

Have you tried any of the sites above? Let us know in the comments. Also let us know about other sites that we didn’t include on the list.

您是否尝试过以上任何站点? 让我们在评论中知道。 还请让我们知道我们未包含在列表中的其他网站。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/20-sites-to-get-you-in-shape/



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