
C ++幂函数 (C++ power functions)

Power functions are used to calculate the powers (like, raise to power, square root, cubic root, etc). There are following power functions which are the library functions of cmath header.

幂函数用于计算幂(例如,提高到幂,平方根,立方根等)。 有以下幂函数 ,它们是cmath标头的库函数。

  1. pow() function


  2. sqrt() function


  3. cbrt() function


  4. hypot() function


1)pow()函数 (1) pow() function)

pow() function is a library function of cmath header (<math.h> in earlier versions), it is used to find the raise to the power, it accepts two arguments and returns the first argument to the power of the second argument.


Syntax of pow() function:


    pow(x, y);

2)sqrt()函数 (2) sqrt() function)

sqrt() function is a library function of cmath header (<math.h> in earlier versions), it is used to find the square root of a given number, it accepts a number and returns the square root.

sqrt()函数cmath标头(在早期版本中为<math.h> )的库函数,用于查找给定数字的平方根,它接受数字并返回平方根。

Note: If we provide a negative value, sqrt() function returns a domain error. (-nan).

注意:如果我们提供负值,则sqrt()函数将返回域错误。 ( -nan )。

Syntax of sqrt() function:



3)cbrt()函数 (3) cbrt() function)

cbrt() function is a library function of cmath header, it is used to find the cubic root of a given number, it accepts a number and returns the cubic root.

cbrt()函数cmath标头的库函数,用于查找给定数字立方根 ,它接受数字并返回立方根。

Syntax of cbrt() function:



4)hypot()函数 (4) hypot() function)

hypot() function is a library function of cmath header, it is used to find the hypotenuse of the given numbers, it accepts two numbers and returns the calculated result of hypotenuse i.e. sqrt(x*x + y*y).

hypot()函数cmath标头的库函数,用于查找给定数字的斜边,接受两个数字并返回斜边的计算结果,即sqrt(x * x + y * y) 。

Syntax of hypot() function:


    hypot(x, y);

C ++程序演示幂函数示例 (C++ program to demonstrate example of power functions)

// C++ program to demonstrate example of
// power functions
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
// main() section
int main()
{float x, y;
float result;
//pow() function
x = 12;
y = 4;
result = pow(x,y);
cout<<x<<" to the power of "<<y<<" is : "<<result;
//sqrt() function
x = 2;
result = sqrt(x);
cout<<"square root of "<<x<<" is : "<<result;
//cbrt() function
x = 2;
result = cbrt(x);
cout<<"cubic root of "<<x<<" is : "<<result;
//hypot() function
x = 2;
y = 3;
result = hypot(x,y);
cout<<"hypotenuse is : "<<result;
return 0;



12 to the power of 4 is : 20736
square root of 2 is : 1.41421
cubic root of 2 is : 1.25992
hypotenuse is : 3.60555

翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/cpp-tutorial/power-functions.aspx


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