
http://dlwt.csdn.net/fd.php?i=858467711513251&s=27caceefbe77d6532f648bb5ae3bc048    这个是Python for MyEclipse的插件

http://dlsw.baidu.com/sw-search-sp/soft/6e/17016/python-   这个是Python for Windows 安装文件

安装好所需要的文件 。即可在MyEclipse里面开始Python最简单的测试了。

首先选择Python的编译器  在MyEclipse Windows-preferences      New



选择所有的 确认OK  等待一下安装

完毕之后 就可以开始创建Python工程测试了


选择Pydev Project 下一步


对工程src -NEW -PyDev Module

新建的后缀名为  .py  自动会切换到PyDev perspective 这个视图下可以更好的编辑。

hello world  代码就一行  比java的少了很多。

简单的安装和Python代码运行测试就是这样。很简单。都不需要duang duang duang的。

简单的基础运用代码   可以自己试试一下哦。

2015-03-03 Python 基础知识

'''@author: 小帅丶
@todo: Python安装使用第一步
Created on 2015-03-03
#Python for String-----------------
str  = "HelloWorld"print (str);#输出字符串内容
print (str[0]);#索引为0的内容
print (str[2:5]);#索引x到y的内容  包头不包尾
print (str *2);#输出2次内容
print (str + "Test");#输出连接的内容
print ('---------------------------------------------');#Python for List  -------------------
list  = ['abcd',786,2.23,'john',70.2]
tinylist = [123,'john']print (list); #输出list
print (list[0]);
print (list[1:3]);
print (list[2:]);#索引2开始 直到最后一个内容输出
print (tinylist*2);
print (list + tinylist);
print ('---------------------------------------------');#Python for 元组
tuple  = ('abcd',786,2.23,'john',70.2)
#tuple[0] = 'zxs' 元组是不可以修改的  List可以
tinytuple = (123,'john')print (tuple);#输出元组
print (tuple[0]);
print (tuple[1:3]);
print (tuple[2:]);
print (tinytuple*2);
print (tuple + tinytuple);
print ('---------------------------------------------');#Python 元字典
dict = {}
dict['one'] = "This is one"
dict[2] = "This is two"
tinydict = {'name':'john','code':6734,'dept':'sales'}#key value的关系print (dict['one']);#输出键为  one的值
print (dict[2]);#输出键为  2的值
print (tinydict);
print (tinydict.keys()); #输出所有的键
print (tinydict.values());#输出所有的值
print ('---------------------------------------------');

2015-03-04 Python 基础知识

Created on 2015-3-4@author: 小帅丶
'''#Python for 运算
a = 21
b = 10
c = 0c = a + b
print ("Line 1 - Value of c is ",c);#加法c = a - b
print ("Line 2 - Value of c is ",c);#减法c = a * b
print ("Line 3 - Value of c is ",c);#乘法c = a / b
print ("Line 4 - Value of c is ",c);#除法c = a % b
print ("Line 5 - Value of c is ",c);#取余a = 2
b = 5
c = a**b
print ("Line 6 - Value of c is ",c);#2的5次方a = 9
b = 2
c = a//b
print ("Line 7 - Value of c is ",c);#取整除
print ("--------------------------");#Python for 比较运算符
a = 21
b = 10
c = 0
if(a == b):print ("Line 1 - a is equal to b");
else:print ("Line 1 - a is not equal to b");if(a != b):print ("Line 2 - a is not equal to b");
else:print ("Line 2 - a is equal to b");#if(a <> b):
#    print ("Line 3 - a is not equal to b");
#    print ("Line 3 - a is equal to b");if(a < b):print ("Line 4 - a is less than b");
else:print ("Line 4 - a is not less than b");if(a > b):print ("Line 5 - a is greater than b");
else:print ("Line 5 - a is not greater than b");a = 5
b = 20
if(a <= b):print ("Line 6 - a is either less than b");
else:print ("Line 6 - a is not neither less than not b");if(b >= a):print ("Line 7 - b is either greater than or equal to a");
else:print ("Line 7 - b is neither greater than nor equal to a");print ("--------------Pyhton for 赋值运算符-------------------");#Pyhton for 赋值运算符
a = 21
b = 10
c = 0
c = a + b
print ("Line 1 - Value of c is ",c);c += a
print ("Line 2 - Value of c is ",c);c *= a
print ("Line 3 - Value of c is ",c);c /= a
print ("Line 4 - Value of c is ",c);c = 2
c %= a
print ("Line 5 - Value of c is ",c);c **= a
print ("Line 6 - Value of c is ",c);c //= a
print ("Line 7 - Value of c is ",c);
print ("-------------Python位运算符----------")#Python for 位运算符
a = 60 #60 = 0011 1100
b = 13 #13 = 0000 1101
c = 0
c = a & b #12 = 0000 1100
print ("Line 1 -Value of c is ",c);c = a | b #61 = 0011 1101
print ("Line 2 -Value of c is ",c);c = a ^ b #49 = 0011 0001
print ("Line 3 -Value of c is ",c);c = ~a # -61= 1100 0011
print ("Line 4 -Value of c is ",c);c = a << 2 #240 = 1111 0000
print ("Line 5 -Value of c is ",c);c = a >> 2 #15 = 0000 1111
print ("Line 6 -Value of c is ",c);print ("----------Python逻辑运算符-----------");#Python for 逻辑运算符
a = 10
b = 20
c = 0if(a and b):print ("Line 1 - a and b are true");
else:print ("Line 1 - Either a is not true or b is not true");if(a or b):print ("Line 2 - Either a is true or b is true or both are true");
else:print ("Line 2 - Neither a is true nor b is true");a = 0
if(a and b):print ("Line 3 - a and b are true");
else:print ("Line 3 - Either a is not true or b is not true");if(a or b):print ("Line 4 - Either a is true or b is true or both are true");
else:print ("Line 4 - Neither a is true nor b is true");if not(a and b):print ("Line 5 - Either a is not true or b is not true or both are not true");
else:print ("Line 5 - a and b are true");
print ("---------Python成员运算符----------");
a = 10
b = 20
list = [1,2,3,4,5];
if (a in list):print ("Line 1 - a is available in the given list");
else:print ("Line 1 - a is not available in the given list");if(b not in list):print ("Line 2 - b is not available in the given list");
else:print ("Line 2 - b is available in the given list");a = 2
if(a in list):print ("Line 3 - a is available in the given list");
else:print ("Line 3 - a is not available in the given list");print ("---------Python身份运算符--------");
#Python for 身份运算符
a = 20
b = 20
if(a is b):print ("Line 1 - a and b have same identity");
else:print ("Line 1 - a and b do not have same identity");if(id(a)==id(b)):print ("Line 2 - a and b have same identity");
else:print ("Line 2 - a and b do not have same identity");
b = 30
if(a is b):print ("Line 3 - a and b have same identity");
else:print ("Line 3 - a and b do not have same identity");if(a is not b):print ("Line 4 - a and b do not have same identity");
else:print ("Line 4 - a and b have same identity");
#Python for 运算符优先级
a = 20
b = 10
c = 15
d = 5
e = 0
e = (a + b) * c / d
print ("Value of (a+b)*c/d is",e);e = ((a + b) * c) / d
print ("Value of ((a+b)*c)/d is", e);e = (a + b) * (c / d);
print ("Vlaue of (a+b)*(c/d) is", e);e = a + (b * c) / d;
print ("Value of a + (b * c)/d is ", e);
Line 1 - Value of c is  31
Line 2 - Value of c is  11
Line 3 - Value of c is  210
Line 4 - Value of c is  2.1
Line 5 - Value of c is  1
Line 6 - Value of c is  32
Line 7 - Value of c is  4
Line 1 - a is not equal to b
Line 2 - a is not equal to b
Line 4 - a is not less than b
Line 5 - a is greater than b
Line 6 - a is either less than b
Line 7 - b is either greater than or equal to a
--------------Pyhton for 赋值运算符-------------------
Line 1 - Value of c is  31
Line 2 - Value of c is  52
Line 3 - Value of c is  1092
Line 4 - Value of c is  52.0
Line 5 - Value of c is  2
Line 6 - Value of c is  2097152
Line 7 - Value of c is  99864
Line 1 -Value of c is  12
Line 2 -Value of c is  61
Line 3 -Value of c is  49
Line 4 -Value of c is  -61
Line 5 -Value of c is  240
Line 6 -Value of c is  15
Line 1 - a and b are true
Line 2 - Either a is true or b is true or both are true
Line 3 - Either a is not true or b is not true
Line 4 - Either a is true or b is true or both are true
Line 5 - Either a is not true or b is not true or both are not true
Line 1 - a is not available in the given list
Line 2 - b is not available in the given list
Line 3 - a is available in the given list
Line 1 - a and b have same identity
Line 2 - a and b have same identity
Line 3 - a and b do not have same identity
Line 4 - a and b do not have same identity
Value of (a+b)*c/d is 90.0
Value of ((a+b)*c)/d is 90.0
Vlaue of (a+b)*(c/d) is 90.0
Value of a + (b * c)/d is  50.0

Python for 数字 2015-03-09

import math
import random
for letter in 'Python':if letter =='h':passprint ('This is pass block');print ('Current Letter:',letter);
print ('Good bye!');
print("------Random-----");a = -10
b = 4.1
x = 1
y = 2
print ("值为:",a,"绝对值为:",abs(a));#返回绝对值
print (math.ceil(b));#向上取整
print (math.exp(1));
print (math.fabs(-10));#返回绝对值
print (math.floor(4.9));#向下取整
print (math.log(4,2));#自然数的对数
print (math.log10(100));#基数为10
print (math.pow(2, 2));
print (round(12.334,2));
print (math.sqrt(4));print ("随机数",random.choice(range(10)));#指定随机数范围
print (random.randrange(100,1000,1));#开始范围 结束范围 递增基数
print (random.random());list = [20,16,10,5];
print (list);print (random.uniform(5,10));
print (math.acos(1));
print (math.asin(1));
print (math.atan(1));
print (math.atan2(5, 5));
print (math.cos(3));
print (math.hypot(3, 2));#sqrt(3*3 +2*2)
print (math.sin(3));
print (math.sin(math.pi/2));
print (math.tan(3));
print (math.tan(math.pi/4));
print (math.degrees(2*math.pi));#弧度转为角度
print (math.degrees(math.pi));
print (math.degrees(math.pi/2));
print (math.degrees(math.pi/4));
print (math.radians(0));
print (math.radians(math.pi));
print (math.radians(math.pi/2));
print (math.radians(math.pi/4));

2015-03-10  code for python

var1 = 'Hello World!';
var2 = 'Python Programming';
print (var1[0]);
print (var2[1:5]);
print ('--------------');
var1 = 'Hello World'
print (var1[:6]+'Python');
print ('--------------');
list1 = [123,'xyz',7899]
list2 = [456,'abc']print (len(list1));
print (len(list2));
print ('--------------');
#List list()
aTuple = (123,'xyz','zara','abc');
aList = list(aTuple);print (aList);
print ('--------------');
#List append()
aList = [123,'xyz','zara','abc']
print (aList);
print ('--------------');
#List count
aList = [123,'xyz','zara','abc',123]
print (aList.count(123));
print (aList.count('zara'));
print ('--------------');
#List extend
aList = [123,'xyz','zara','abc',123]
bList = [2009,'manni'];
print (aList);
print ('--------------');
#List index
aList = [123,'xyz','zara','abc']
print (aList.index('xyz'));
print (aList.index('zara'));
print ('--------------');
#List insert
aList = [123,'xyz','zara','abc']
aList.insert(3, 2009);
print (aList);
print ('--------------');
#List pop
aList = [123,'xyz','zara','abc']
print (aList.pop());
print (aList.pop(2));
print ('--------------');
#List remove
aList = [123,'xyz','zara','abc','xyz']
print (aList);
print (aList);
print ('--------------');
#List reverse()
aList = [123,'xyz','zara','abc','xyz']
print (aList);
print ('--------------');#List sort
aList = [123,'xyz','zara','abc','xyz']
print (aList);
print ('--------------');



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