sugar 糖,白砂糖  sugar coat.  Can you sugar coat a little?你可以稍微委婉一些吗?

在表请求、建议的疑问句中用some : Can you lend me some money?

some/any+单数名词:some 翻译为“某一”,any翻译为“任一”:Some day, he can be some one.某一天,他可能成为某一个人物。 You can buy it in any supermarket.

some/any 可以做代词,Would you like some?

  • a piece of ...一片,一块的
  • a loaf of... 一个,一条的...
  • a bar of ... 一条,一块的...  two bars of chocolate(不可数)
  • a pound of ... 一磅的...
  • a tin of... 一罐的...  a tin of cola
  • a spoon of ... 一汤勺...   sugar
  • a bottle of...
  • a cup of ...
  • a box of ...

pound  英镑  one pound\two pounds   penny:便士 one penny\two pence    五角 fifty pence

a pound:一磅 重量单位  one pound=0.454 kilogram   half a pound of    a quarter of a pound of

dollar 美元  one dollar\two dollars  cent:美分 one cent\two cents

kettle  electric kettle 电水壶

behind the times 过时的,落伍的

pot锅,罐,容器   teapot 茶壶    hot pot 火锅   flowerpot 花盆

  • boil v沸腾  The kettle is boiling.
  • v Please boil me an egg.  Please boil an egg for me.
  • oil painting

some  如果是一个表示请求、建议、反问的疑问句,或希望得到对方肯定答案才提出的疑问句中可以用some.

  1. Shall  I have some coffee?
  2. What about some tea?
  3. Why don't we have some beer?
  4. Are there some students in the classroom?


  1. Some of them are not Chinese.

over there 在那边

There it is.在那里,那边

Here they are,他们在这里

eat up 吃光吃完   speed up 加速,快点   speak up(speak loudly) 大点声   shut up 闭嘴 wait up 等一等

slow down    calm down   come down here 过来   put that down  把那个放下

情态动词在一句话中必须放在动词的前面,此时该动词必须采用原形的形式。must not 不许   need not 不需要


  1. 能力  Can you swim? I believe  I can fly.   Can you speak English?(这种表达方式不太好,质疑对方的能力) Do you speak English?
  2. 允许(征求对方的意见)Can I come in?  Can I smoke here?
  3. 请求,要求 Can you open the window, please?  Can you shut up?
  4. 否定句:can't cannot   但是不能写成can not
  5. mustn't  禁止
  6. may not

a minute 一会儿

next door 在隔壁\与...相邻,副词短语  She is next door.她在隔壁

next door to...  与...相邻    She is next door to us,她与我们相邻  There is a school next door to the park.

next-door  adj. The next-door girl is very beautiful.  The old man next-door is going to leave.隔壁的老人就要离开人世了。

Like father, like son 有其父必有其子  Love me, love my dog.爱屋及乌

freshman (中学或大学)一年级的新生

bread and butter 生计,饭碗  Teaching is my bread and butter.

honey 蜂蜜  honeymoon 蜜月

ripe adj. 成熟  The apple is ripe.

at the butcher's 在肉店   at the doctor's  at the hairdresser's  at the baker's 在面包店

lamb:羔羊肉  mutton:羊肉

tell him it


Are you +非动词?

Are you busy? Are you a teacher? Are you at home

Do you+动词?

Do you sleep well?  Do you make the bed? Do you have breakfast?

isn't +非动词   aren't +非动词   don't +动词  doesn't +动词   He isn't tall. He doesn't usually swim.

Yes,Please   No,Thank you.(比较礼貌的说法)

一般现在时:A 经常的状态 They are very bad.

B 习惯的动作 They often cheat in the exams.

C 真理 The sun rises in the east.


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