Debezium报错处理系列十:Could not find existing binlog information while attempting schema only recovery snashot

  • 一、debezium报错
  • 二、报错产生原因
  • 三、解决方法
  • 四、修改配置

Debezium报错处理系列一:The db history topic is missing.
Debezium报错处理系列二:Make sure that the same history topic isn‘t shared by multiple connector instances.
Debezium报错处理系列三:Access denied; you need (at least one of) the SUPER, REPLICATION CLIENT privilege(s)
Debezium报错处理系列四:Caused by:

Debezium报错处理系列十:Could not find existing binlog information while attempting schema only recovery sna相关推荐

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