
安装了vant 3以上版本,在vue2引入vant组件库不生效,报错:

ERROR in ./node_modules/@vant/use/dist/index.esm.mjs 101:12-19
export 'isVNode' (imported as 'isVNode') was not found in 'vue'


卸载后重装 vant2.12.2即可

vant2 自动按需引入



1. 安装插件:babel-plugin-import -D

npm i babel-plugin-import -D

或 yarn add babel-plugin-import -D



// 在.babelrc 中添加配置
// 注意:webpack 1 无需设置 libraryDirectory
{"plugins": [["import", {"libraryName": "vant","libraryDirectory": "es","style": true}]]
}// 对于使用 babel7 的用户,可以在 babel.config.js 中配置
module.exports = {plugins: [['import', {libraryName: 'vant',libraryDirectory: 'es',style: true}, 'vant']]



3.1 全局注册

在main.js 里引入并注册所需的vant组件

import {Button} from 'vant'

3.2 在所需页面注册

import {Button} from 'vant'
export default {// 注册组件components:{vanButton:Button}

vue2 vant组件库报错:ERROR in ./node_modules/@vant/use/dist/index.esm.mjs 101:12-19export ‘isVNode‘ (imp相关推荐

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