
When you’re shopping on Amazon, you might have seen the words “Fulfilled by Amazon” next to some of the things you buy. You hopefully won’t notice anything different about the purchase experience, but you could run into problems.

当您在亚马逊上购物时,您可能会在购买的某些商品旁边看到单词“ Fulfilled by Amazon”。 希望您不会发现有关购买体验的任何不同,但是您可能会遇到问题。

亚马逊市场 (Amazon the Marketplace)

Amazon isn’t just an online store—and it hasn’t been for some time. It’s a marketplace, like eBay or Alibaba; it just hides that fact better.

亚马逊不仅是在线商店,而且已经有一段时间了。 这是一个市场,例如eBay或阿里巴巴。 它只是更好地隐藏了这一事实。

Over 80% of the products sold through Amazon are bought not from Amazon but from an Amazon Marketplace seller who is paying Amazon to list their product. The numbers are even crazier when you look at the products listed on Amazon, not just sold: of the 350 million-plus products available, Amazon only sell 12 million of them directly—not including books, media, and wine—the rest are sold by Marketplace sellers.

通过亚马逊出售的产品中,有80%以上不是从亚马逊购买的,而是从向亚马逊付款的亚马逊市场卖家那里购买的。 当您查看在亚马逊上列出的,不仅仅是出售的产品时,数字甚至更疯狂: 在可用的3.5亿多种产品中,亚马逊仅直接销售1200万种产品(不包括书籍,媒体和葡萄酒),其余的则被出售。通过市场卖家。

Even if you’ve never noticed you were buying from a Marketplace seller before, the odds are you have.


由亚马逊履行 (Fulfilled by Amazon)

The reason most people don’t realize that Amazon is a marketplace like eBay is it generally smooths over all the roughs and bumps. Sellers have two options:

大多数人没有意识到亚马逊是像eBay这样的市场的原因是,它通常可以平滑所有的毛坯和颠簸。 卖家有两种选择:

  • They can list their products on Amazon and, when an order comes through, pack and ship it themselves.他们可以在亚马逊上列出自己的产品,并在收到订单后自行包装和运输。
  • They can list their products on Amazon and bulk ship any number of items to an Amazon warehouse. When an order comes through, Amazon workers pack and ship it like it’s an Amazon product. This is Fulfilled by Amazon.他们可以在亚马逊上列出自己的产品,然后将任意数量的商品批量运送到亚马逊仓库。 接到订单后,亚马逊工作人员会像打包亚马逊产品一样打包和运输。 这是由亚马逊实现的。

For sellers, the big advantage of Fulfilled by Amazon is Amazon handles everything. They don’t need to run their own store, handle payment processing, deal with a shipper, pack things up, or customer care—for a small fee, Amazon does it. Sellers sometimes refer to Fulfillment by Amazon as “FBA.”

对于卖家来说,亚马逊物流的最大优势在于亚马逊可以处理所有事情。 他们不需要经营自己的商店,进行付款处理,与托运人打交道,打包东西或客户服务-亚马逊只需支付一小笔费用即可。 卖家有时将亚马逊物流称为“ FBA”。

For customers, the advantage is that they get the same, regular Amazon experience, including stuff like Prime, free shipping, and the like, for an extra 338 million products that Amazon doesn’t sell directly. Most people—including me—don’t even notice when they’re not buying directly from Amazon. The packages arrive at your door just the same.

对于客户而言,优势在于,他们获得了额外的3.38亿个亚马逊不直接销售的产品,他们获得了相同的常规亚马逊体验,包括Prime,免费送货等服务。 包括我在内的大多数人甚至都不注意到何时不直接从亚马逊购买商品。 包裹到达您家的门是一样的。

如何发现亚马逊市场卖家 (How to Spot an Amazon Marketplace Seller)

While Amazon doesn’t trumpet it from the rooftops when you buy from a Marketplace seller, they don’t hide the information either. Here’s an official Amazon listing.

当您从Marketplace卖家那里购买商品时,虽然Amazon不会在屋顶上吹牛,但他们也不会隐藏信息。 这是亚马逊的官方清单。

And here’s one for a Marketplace seller who uses Fulfilled by Amazon.


Over on the right-hand side, under the “In Stock” section, Amazon lists the seller and shipper.


Marketplace sellers who don’t use Fulfilled by Amazon are even easier to spot. The buying process is different.

不使用亚马逊物流的市场卖家更容易发现。 购买过程有所不同。

亚马逊和亚马逊市场实现的问题 (The Problem With Fulfilled by Amazon and the Amazon Marketplace)

Fulfilled by Amazon and the Amazon Marketplace are not without their problems. With tens of thousands of sellers already on the platform and a system designed to make it easy for new ones to join, Amazon can’t—and doesn’t—thoroughly review and police every seller or item. This has led to a large number of scammers and bad actors.

亚马逊和亚马逊商城所实现的并非没有问题。 平台上已经有成千上万的卖家,并且该系统旨在简化新卖家的加入,亚马逊无法(也不会)彻底审查和监管每个卖家或商品。 这导致了大量的骗子和坏演员。

Our own Editor-in-Chief, Chris Hoffman, bought a mini PC to use as a media center for his TV. While the hardware was solid, it shipped with a pirated version of Windows. When he wrote a review calling the seller out, they reported his comments and Amazon deleted them and blocked him from posting more reviews. This is not the behavior of a seller who’s on the level.

我们自己的总编辑克里斯·霍夫曼(Chris Hoffman)购买了一台微型PC用作电视的媒体中心。 虽然硬件很稳定, 但它附带了Windows的盗版版本 。 当他写评论将卖家拒之门外时, 他们报告了他的评论,亚马逊将其删除并阻止他发表更多评论 。 这不是在水平上的卖方的行为。

SanDisk makes some of the best SD cards and other storage gear. We’re huge fans of their stuff here at How-To Geek. Unfortunately, they estimate that up to a third of the SanDisk memory cards that have ever been sold are fake. And, of course, some people are buying these fake cards from Amazon.

SanDisk生产一些最好的SD卡和其他存储设备。 我们是How-To Geek的忠实粉丝。 不幸的是,他们估计已售出的SanDisk存储卡中多达三分之一是伪造的 。 而且,当然, 有些人正在从Amazon购买这些假卡 。

There are dozens of additional strategies bad sellers use, from hijacking legitimate listings with knockoff products to selling items they don’t even have and just running off with the money. Amazon doesn’t do anything until people start to complain and by then it’s often too late. While Amazon will always refund people with their A-to-Z guarantee, you still have to deal with the hassle of being scammed.

不良卖家还使用了数十种其他策略,从利用假冒产品劫持合法商品到出售他们甚至没有的商品,甚至用钱赚钱 。 直到人们开始抱怨,然后才为时已晚,亚马逊才做任何事情。 尽管亚马逊始终会向人们退还其A-to-Z保证 ,但您仍然必须处理被骗的麻烦。

如何避免亚马逊上的骗子 (How to Avoid Scammers on Amazon)

As Amazon has cornered more of the online market, it’s become an even better target for scammers. Amazon is trying to address the problem, but it’s still a big issue. There’s always a risk that you’re being scammed when you buy from an Amazon Marketplace seller.

随着亚马逊垄断了更多的在线市场,它已成为骗子的更好目标。 亚马逊正试图解决这个问题,但这仍然是一个大问题。 从Amazon Marketplace卖家购买产品时,始终存在被骗的风险。

With that said, I’m not advising you to run out and cancel your Prime membership. The vast majority of the time you’ll be fine especially if you exercise a little care. If what you’re buying is Fulfilled by Amazon or otherwise from a third-party seller, check out the listing and reviews. If everything looks good, go right ahead, but if you see any red flags, maybe buy from somewhere else.

话虽如此,我不建议您用尽并取消您的Prime会员资格。 在绝大多数时间里,你会没事的,特别是如果你小心一点的话。 如果您要购买的商品是亚马逊提供的,或者是通过第三方卖家提供的商品,请查看列表和评论。 如果一切看起来不错,请继续前进,但是如果您看到任何危险信号,则可以从其他地方购买。

For more on spotting scammy sellers in the wild, check out our full guide.

有关在野外发现骗子卖家的更多信息,请查看我们的完整指南 。




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