
  1. 第一种
import Reacr, { Component } from 'react';
import Child from "./Child"
class View extends Component{render() {return (<div><h3>这是关于props的应用</h3>{/* 这类一般用于二级导航的标题头 */}<Child title="热门名师" /> </div>)
export default View;//子组件的内容
import React, { Component } from "react";
class View extends Component{render() {return (<div>{this.props.title}</div>)}
export default View;
  1. 第二种
import Reacr, { Component } from 'react';
import Child from "./Child"
class View extends Component{render() {return (<div>//这种一般用于二级标题的刷新,例如切换,换一换或者更多<Child title="癫疯天梯榜" ><a href="true">更多</a></Child></div>)
export default View;//子组件
import React, { Component } from "react";
class View extends Component{render() {return (<div>{/* 闭合组件的内容用children来接收 */}{this.props.children}</div>)}
export default View;
  1. 父组件给子组件传一个别的组件进去,一般用于点击左侧右侧显示具体内容
import Reacr, { Component } from 'react';
import Child from "./Child"
import Right from "./right"
class View extends Component{return (<div>//把我们引入的left放进Child里<Child test="癫疯天梯榜" right={<Right />} /></div>)
export default View;//子组件
import React, { Component } from "react";
class View extends Component{render() {return (<div>//子组件props接收{this.props.right}</div>)}
export default View;//被引入的组件
import React, { Component } from "react";
class View extends Component{render() {return (<div><h4>这是右侧显示的内容</h4></div>)}
export default View;
  1. 第四种场景:传入一个方法
import Reacr, { Component } from 'react';
import Child from "./Child"
class View extends Component{com(){return (<div>函数返回值</div>) }render() {return (<div><Child com={}  /></div>)
export default View;//子组件
import React, { Component } from "react";
class View extends Component{render() {return (<div><h4>{}</h4></div>)}
export default View;
  1. 第五种:扩展运算符:{…
import Reacr, { Component } from 'react';
import Child from "./Child"
import Left from "./left"
class View extends Component{com(){return (<div>函数返回值</div>) }render() {const obj = {cla: '巅峰玩家',pfi: '职业选手',com:,left:<Left/>,}return (<div>//使用扩展运算符<Child {...obj}/></div>)
export default View;
import React, { Component } from "react";
class View extends Component{render() {return (<div><h4>{}</h4>{this.props.cla}<br />{this.props.left}</div>)}
export default View;
  1. callback子传父
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import One from './one';
class View extends Component {constructor(props) {super(props)this.state = {hd:{name:'小红'}}}parentFn(text) {// 子组件给的数据console.log(text)this.setState({hd: {name:text}})
}render() {const { hd }=this.state;return (<div>{}{/* 子传父 */}<One callback={this.parentFn.bind(this)}/></div>)}
export default View;//子组件
import React, { Component } from 'react';
class View extends Component {parentHd() {this.props.callback('点击事件后传给父组件的子组件内容')}render() {return (<div>//子组件调用父组件方法去修改name值并且把自身的值传过去<input type="button" onClick={()=>{this.parentHd()}} value="子传父"/></div>)}
export default View;



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