

hadoop namenode -recover



Need to copy the edits file to the journal node (I have 3 journal node s101 s102 s103)

[centos@s100 /home/centos/hadoop/ha/dfs/name1/current]$scp edits_0000000000000000041-0000000000000000043 centos@s101:/home/centos/hadoop/ha/dfs/journal/mycluster/current[centos@s100 /home/centos/hadoop/ha/dfs/name1/current]$scp edits_0000000000000000041-0000000000000000043 centos@s102:/home/centos/hadoop/ha/dfs/journal/mycluster/current[centos@s100 /home/centos/hadoop/ha/dfs/name1/current]$scp edits_0000000000000000041-0000000000000000043 centos@s103:/home/centos/hadoop/ha/dfs/journal/mycluster/current[centos@s100 /home/centos/hadoop/ha/dfs/name1/current]$hdfs zkfc -formatZK




java.io.IOException: There appears to be a gap in the edit log. We expected txid ***, but got txid相关推荐

  1. namenode节点起不来java.io.IOException: There appears to be a gap in the edit log. We expected txid 1, bu

    解决方法 原因:namenode元数据被破坏,需要修复 解决:恢复一下namenode hadoop namenode -recover 问题描述: 启动namenode时 没有反应并且jps命令没有 ...

  2. hadoop 报错 java.io.IOException: There appears to be a gap in the edit log. We expected txid 1, but g

    原因: namenode元数据被破坏,需要修复 解决: 恢复一下namenodehadoop namenode –recover选择Y选择c ok! 我也是醉了!!

  3. hadoop错误:java.io.IOException: There appears to be a gap in the edit log. We expected txid 1

    打开集群时发现没有出现NameNode节点,查找日志发现这个错误 解决方案:恢复namenode hadoop namenode -recover 后续选择y 选择c

  4. hdfs问题1:java.io.IOException:There appears to be a gap in the edit log.We expected txid 1,but got txi

    这种错误表示:该节点namenode元数据发生了损坏.需要恢复元数据以后,才能启动namenode 解决:恢复一下namenode cd $HADOOP_HOME/bin hadoop namenod ...

  5. NameNode 启动失败 - There appears to be a gap in the edit log. We expected txid xxx, but got tx

    场景 NameNode迁移,导致一个节点无法启动 异常 在Namenode主动迁移,或者Namenode机器挂掉无法恢复时,我们需要Namenode节点迁移,迁移经常会出现一个NameNode启动成功 ...

  6. There appears to be a gap in the edit log. We expected txid 1, but got txid 16

    java.io.IOException: There appears to be a gap in the edit log.  We expected txid 1, but got txid 16 ...

  7. There appears to be a gap in the edit log. We expected txid 2289, but got txid 2859.

    错误信息: 2016-09-20 11:48:52,409 WARN org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.FSNamesystem: Encountered ...

  8. There appears to be a gap in the edit log. We expected txid 867311, but got txid 867402.

    项目场景: 集群断电之后重启集群,namenode启动失败,去hadoop安装目录差看日志 /hadoop/logs 发现There appears to be a gap in the edit l ...

  9. namenode启动报错:There appears to be a gap in the edit log. We expected txid 1, but got txid 16

    在启动standy节点的namenode时,出现了There appears to be a gap in the edit log. We expected txid 1, but got txid ...


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