socket_accept — Accepts a connection on a socket

socket_addrinfo_bind — Create and bind to a socket from a given addrinfo

socket_addrinfo_connect — Create and connect to a socket from a given addrinfo

socket_addrinfo_explain — Get information about addrinfo

socket_addrinfo_lookup — Get array with contents of getaddrinfo about the given hostname

socket_bind — 给套接字绑定名字

socket_clear_error — 清除套接字或者最后的错误代码上的错误

socket_close — 关闭套接字资源

socket_cmsg_space — Calculate message buffer size

socket_connect — 开启一个套接字连接

socket_create_listen — Opens a socket on port to accept connections

socket_create_pair — Creates a pair of indistinguishable sockets and stores them in an array

socket_create — 创建一个套接字(通讯节点)

socket_export_stream — Export a socket extension resource into a stream that encapsulates a socket

socket_get_option — Gets socket options for the socket

socket_getopt — 别名 socket_get_option

socket_getpeername — Queries the remote side of the given socket which may either result in host/port or in a Unix filesystem path, dependent on its type

socket_getsockname — Queries the local side of the given socket which may either result in host/port or in a Unix filesystem path, dependent on its type

socket_import_stream — Import a stream

socket_last_error — Returns the last error on the socket

socket_listen — Listens for a connection on a socket

socket_read — Reads a maximum of length bytes from a socket

socket_recv — 从已连接的socket接收数据

socket_recvfrom — Receives data from a socket whether or not it is connection-oriented

socket_recvmsg — Read a message

socket_select — Runs the select() system call on the given arrays of sockets with a specified timeout

socket_send — Sends data to a connected socket

socket_sendmsg — Send a message

socket_sendto — Sends a message to a socket, whether it is connected or not

socket_set_block — Sets blocking mode on a socket resource

socket_set_nonblock — Sets nonblocking mode for file descriptor fd

socket_set_option — Sets socket options for the socket

socket_setopt — 别名 socket_set_option

socket_shutdown — Shuts down a socket for receiving, sending, or both

socket_strerror — Return a string describing a socket error

socket_write — Write to a socket

socket_wsaprotocol_info_export — Exports the WSAPROTOCOL_INFO Structure

socket_wsaprotocol_info_import — Imports a Socket from another Process

socket_wsaprotocol_info_release — Releases an exported WSAPROTOCOL_INFO Structure


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