学习一个月web开发的成果,服务器C++的select模型,数据库postgresql,前台html,css,js jquery做的简易的知识分享平台,有注册,登录,知识分享(类似博文),知识浏览,知识维护,留言板。做为新手学习这个真是很痛苦,资料也不多,分享下一起学习吧!后续继续努力。公司沙盒东西带不走,就放这里以后自己也看看菜鸟时候写的东西。。


#include <winsock2.h>
#pragma comment(lib, "ws2_32.lib")

using namespace std;
int totalSockets = 0;//socket的总数 
string logBuff;//写日志字符数组
char CustomHtml[100000];//发送html数组

struct socketStu
 SOCKET s_socket;
 USHORT  uPort;
 IN_ADDR ipAddress;
 bool isOk;//是否有效 1you 0wu

struct socketStu socketArray[1000];

struct socketStu_new
 SOCKET s_socket;
 USHORT  uPort;
 IN_ADDR ipAddress;
 bool isOk;//是否有效 1you 0wu
 //socketStu(SOCKET s,bool ok) :s_socket(s), isOk(ok){}
struct socketStu_new socketArray_new[1000];

void log(string pStr)
 char timenow[50];
 char strConv[1024];
 memset(timenow, 0, sizeof(timenow));
 memset(strConv, 0, sizeof(strConv));
 sprintf_s(timenow, sizeof(timenow), "%d:%d:%d:%d:%d:%d", time.wYear, time.wMonth, time.wDay, time.wHour, time.wMinute, time.wSecond);
 ofstream savelog("log.txt", ios::out);
 if (!savelog){
  cout << "open file error!" << endl;
 logBuff += pStr;
 logBuff += timenow;
 logBuff += "\n";
 strcpy_s(strConv, logBuff.c_str());
 savelog.write(strConv, strlen(strConv));//写入log.txt

char* U2G(const char* utf8)
 int len = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, utf8, -1, NULL, 0);
 wchar_t* wstr = new wchar_t[len + 1];
 memset(wstr, 0, len + 1);
 MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, utf8, -1, wstr, len);
 len = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, wstr, -1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);
 char* str = new char[len + 1];
 memset(str, 0, len + 1);
 WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, wstr, -1, str, len, NULL, NULL);
 if (wstr) delete[] wstr;
 return str;

char* G2U(const char* gb2312)
 int len = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, gb2312, -1, NULL, 0);
 wchar_t* wstr = new wchar_t[len + 1];
 memset(wstr, 0, len + 1);
 MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, gb2312, -1, wstr, len);
 len = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, wstr, -1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);
 char* str = new char[len + 1];
 memset(str, 0, len + 1);
 WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, wstr, -1, str, len, NULL, NULL);
 if (wstr) delete[] wstr;
 return str;

void addToSocketArr(const SOCKET & s, const in_addr & ipaddress, const USHORT & uport)
 //new socketStu(s, 1);
 socketArray[totalSockets].s_socket = s;
 socketArray[totalSockets].ipAddress = ipaddress;//ip地址
 socketArray[totalSockets].uPort = uport;//端口号
 socketArray[totalSockets].isOk = yes;//默认有效

SOCKET getListenSocket(){
 SOCKET listenSocket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
 if (listenSocket == INVALID_SOCKET){
  cout << "creat socket fail,the error code:" << endl;
  return 0;

 SOCKADDR_IN   srvAddr;
 srvAddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
 srvAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY);
 //srvAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr("");
 srvAddr.sin_port = htons(75);

 if (bind(listenSocket, (SOCKADDR*)&srvAddr, sizeof(srvAddr))){
  cout << "bind socket fail,the error code:" << GetLastError() << endl;
  return 0;

 if (listen(listenSocket, 5)){
  cout << "listen fail,the error code:" << GetLastError() << endl;

 unsigned long nonBlock = 1;
 if (ioctlsocket(listenSocket, FIONBIO, &nonBlock) == SOCKET_ERROR){
  cout << "set socket async fail  " << GetLastError() << endl;
 addToSocketArr(listenSocket, srvAddr.sin_addr, srvAddr.sin_port);//添加到socket数组中
 return listenSocket;

char * Wchar_tToString(wchar_t *wchar)
 wchar_t * wText = wchar;
 DWORD dwNum = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_OEMCP, NULL, wText, -1, NULL, 0, NULL, FALSE);// WideCharToMultiByte的运用
 char *psText;  // psText为char*的临时数组,作为赋值给std::string的中间变量
 psText = new char[dwNum];
 WideCharToMultiByte(CP_OEMCP, NULL, wText, -1, psText, dwNum, NULL, FALSE);// WideCharToMultiByte的再次运用
 return psText;

string tansForm(string str){
 char utf8[1024] = { 0 };
 strcpy_s(utf8, str.c_str());
 int len = strlen(utf8);
 char * delFuhao = new char[len + 1];
 memset(delFuhao, 0, sizeof(delFuhao));
 int pos = 0;
 string strTransform;
 for (int i = 0; i < len; i++){
  if (utf8[i] != '%'){
   delFuhao[pos] = utf8[i];

delFuhao[pos] = '\0';
 int l1 = strlen(delFuhao);
 int UTF8len = l1 / 2;
 char * utfstr = new char[UTF8len + 1];

for (int i = 0; i < UTF8len * 2;)
  char convert[3] = { 0 };
  convert[0] = delFuhao[i++];
  convert[1] = delFuhao[i++];
  char *end;
  int tempint = strtol(convert, &end, 16);
  utfstr[i / 2 - 1] = tempint;

 int wcslen1 = ::MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, NULL, utfstr, UTF8len, NULL, 0);
 wchar_t* wszString = new wchar_t[wcslen1 + 1];
 ::MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, NULL, utfstr, UTF8len, wszString, wcslen1);
 wszString[wcslen1] = L'\0';


//return wszString;

//w_char to string
 if (wcslen(wszString) != 0){
  strTransform = Wchar_tToString(wszString);
 return strTransform;

string messageForReady(IN_ADDR ipaddress,USHORT uPort){
 string Readystr;
 string ipAddress;
 char  uport[20] = { 0 };
 string portid;
 //time_t t = time(NULL);
 //char szBuf[128] = { 0 };
 //tm ttt = {0};
 //gmtime_s(struct tm * _Tm, const time_t * _Time)
 //strftime(szBuf, sizeof(szBuf), "%A,%d-%b-%y %H:%M:%S", gmtime_s(&ttt,&t));
 char timenow[50] = { 0 };
 sprintf_s(timenow, sizeof(timenow), "%d-%d-%d %d:%d:%d", time.wYear, time.wMonth, time.wDay, time.wHour, time.wMinute, time.wSecond);

string timefinal;
 timefinal = string(timenow);
 Readystr += "[";
 Readystr += "time: ";
 Readystr += timefinal;
 Readystr += " ";
 ipAddress = inet_ntoa(ipaddress);
 //ipAddress = htons();
 Readystr += "ip: ";
 Readystr += ipAddress;
 Readystr += " ";
 _itoa_s(uPort, uport, sizeof(uport), 10);//ushort to string
 portid = string(uport);
 Readystr += "port: ";
 Readystr += portid;
 Readystr += "]";
 Readystr += "\n";
 return Readystr;

void insertDBMessage(const IN_ADDR ipaddress,  USHORT uport, string & tempTotal, string & str2){
 char uportid[20] = { 0 };
 _itoa_s(uport, uportid, sizeof(uportid), 10);
 char connectpresql[128];
 sprintf_s(connectpresql, "dbname=postgres user=postgres password=123456");
 PGconn *pcon;
 pcon = PQconnectdb(connectpresql);
 PGresult *res;
 if (PQstatus(pcon) != CONNECTION_OK){
  cout << "insert db:connect to db fail!" << endl;
 int timepos = tempTotal.find("time:");
 char storetime[128] = {0};
 if (timepos > 0){
  int k = 0;
  for (int j = timepos + 6; j <timepos + 23; j++){
   storetime[k] = tempTotal[j];
  cout << "insert db:can't find time,please check it out!";

char tempstr[1024];
 memset(tempstr, 0, sizeof(tempstr));

 PQsetClientEncoding(pcon, "GBK");
 sprintf_s(tempstr, sizeof(tempstr), "insert into storemessage(ipaddress,port,message,messagetime) values('%s','%s','%s','%s')", inet_ntoa(ipaddress), uportid, str2.c_str(), storetime);


res = PQexec(pcon, tempstr);
 char * k = PQcmdTuples(res);
 if (*k < 1){
  cout << "insert DB:insert fail!" << PQerrorMessage(pcon)<< endl;
  cout << "insert DB:insert successfully!insert num:" << *k;

void Main_Work(SOCKET & listenSocket){
 char finalstr[1024];
 memset(finalstr, 0, sizeof(finalstr));
 char tempBuff[1024];
 int forwardshow = NULL;
 int forward = NULL;
 int forward2 = NULL;
 string requestHtmlStr;//判断请求
 int forwardRegisSuccess = NULL;
 int forwardLoginSuc = NULL;
 int forwardLoginfail = NULL;
 int forwardIDdup = NULL;
 int forwardArticleSuccess = NULL;
 int checkUseridDul = NULL;
 int forwardIDdupError = NULL;
 int forwardasktoLogin = NULL;
 int forwardSubmitActicle = NULL;//发文章
 memset(tempBuff, 0, sizeof(tempBuff));
 string finalStrTrans;
 wchar_t *transUtf8 = NULL;
 wchar_t transUtf8Total[1024] = { 0 };
 int x = 1;
 string showDBStr;//数据库提取构造表
 char recvBuff[99999];//接收请求头
 while (1){
  //初始化read write except 
  FD_SET   readSet;
  FD_SET   writeSet;
  FD_SET   exceptSet;
  SOCKET acceptSocket = 0;
  forwardshow = NULL;//转到show页面
  forwardRegisSuccess = NULL;//注册
  forwardLoginSuc = NULL;//登录
     forward = NULL;//初始页面
  forward2 = NULL;//成功页面
  forwardLoginSuc = NULL; //注册
  forwardLoginfail = NULL;
  transUtf8 = NULL;
  forwardasktoLogin = NULL;
  forwardIDdup = NULL;
  forwardArticleSuccess = NULL;
  forwardSubmitActicle = NULL;
  requestHtmlStr= "";//判断请求
  finalStrTrans = "";
  memset(transUtf8Total, 0, sizeof(transUtf8Total));

for (int j = 0; j < totalSockets; j++){
   if (socketArray[j].isOk == 0){
    for (int k = j; k < totalSockets; k++){
     socketArray[k] = socketArray[k + 1];
    totalSockets -= 1;

for (int i = 0; i < totalSockets; i++){
   FD_SET(socketArray[i].s_socket, &readSet);
   FD_SET(socketArray[i].s_socket, &writeSet);
   FD_SET(socketArray[i].s_socket, &exceptSet);

//timeval time;
  //time.tv_sec = 60;//60秒等待时间
  int total = select(0, &readSet, &writeSet, &exceptSet, NULL);//最后一个参数设置等待时间
  if (total < 0){
   cout << "client is closed ,the error code:" << GetLastError() << endl;
  else if (total == 0){
   cout << "第" << x << "次等待超时" << endl;
   if (x < 3)
    cout << "超过等待限制,服务器将关闭\n" << endl;
   for (int p = 0; p < totalSockets; p++){
    ///forward = NULL;
    //forward2 = NULL;
    //forwardshow = NULL;
    //cout <<"ip:" << inet_ntoa(socketArray[i].ipAddress) <<"port:"<< socketArray[i].uPort << endl;
    if (socketArray[p].s_socket == listenSocket){
     if (FD_ISSET(listenSocket, &exceptSet)){
      int error = 0;
      int errlen = sizeof(error);
      memset(CustomHtml, 0, sizeof(CustomHtml));
      getsockopt(listenSocket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, (char *)error, &errlen);
      cout << "server detect listen socket exception,server will close.." << error;
      ifstream infile("listenSocketErr.htm", ios::in | ios::_Nocreate);
      infile.read(CustomHtml, sizeof(CustomHtml));
      send(listenSocket, CustomHtml, strlen(CustomHtml), 0);

     if (FD_ISSET(listenSocket, &readSet))
      acceptSocket = 0;
      if (totalSockets > FD_SETSIZE - 1){
       cout << "The number of clients beyond the max num,connect fail";
      SOCKADDR_IN addrClient;
      int len = sizeof(SOCKADDR);

acceptSocket = accept(listenSocket, (SOCKADDR*)&addrClient, &len);
      if (acceptSocket == INVALID_SOCKET&&acceptSocket != WSAEWOULDBLOCK){
       cout << "connection fail!" << GetLastError() << endl;
       //cout << "new connection socket:" << acceptSocket << endl;
       u_long nonBlock = 1;
       if (ioctlsocket(acceptSocket, FIONBIO, &nonBlock) == SOCKET_ERROR){
        cout << "set socket async fail,the error code: " << GetLastError() << endl;
       addToSocketArr(acceptSocket, addrClient.sin_addr, addrClient.sin_port);//添加到socket数组中

     if (FD_ISSET(socketArray[p].s_socket, &readSet)){
      string recvBuffStr;
      memset(recvBuff, 0, sizeof(recvBuff));
      memset(tempBuff, 0, sizeof(tempBuff));
      int recvNum = recv(socketArray[p].s_socket, recvBuff, sizeof(recvBuff), 0);

cout << recvBuff;//11111111111测试请求头

if (recvNum == SOCKET_ERROR){
       cout << "socket id:" << socketArray[p].s_socket << "lose connect" << endl;
       socketArray[p].isOk = 0;

if (recvNum == 0){
       socketArray[p].isOk = 0;
       cout << "lose connect" << endl;

if (recvNum < 0){
       socketArray[p].isOk = 0;
       cout << "recv error" << GetLastError() << endl;

recvBuffStr = string(recvBuff);
      int index = recvBuffStr.find("message");
      int indexShow = recvBuffStr.find("showButton");
      int indexReturn = recvBuffStr.find("sendButtonReturn");
      int submitRegister = recvBuffStr.find("submitRegister");//注册
      int loginSystem = recvBuffStr.find("loginSystem");//登录
      int submitActicle = recvBuffStr.find("submitArticle");//发表文章
      int idIndex = recvBuffStr.find("btnid");

      if (indexShow < 0 && index <0&&indexReturn<0){
       forward = 1;
      if (indexShow < 0 && index < 0 && indexReturn < 0 && submitRegister < 0 && loginSystem<0){
       if (idIndex>0){
        forward = 0;
        checkUseridDul = 1;
        forward = 1;

      if (indexShow > 0){
       //cout << "showButton is clicked~!" << endl;
       index = NULL;
       forward = NULL;
       forward2 = NULL;
       forwardshow = 1;

      if (submitRegister > 0){
       index = NULL;
       forward = NULL;
       forward2 = NULL;
       forwardRegisSuccess = 1;

      if (loginSystem > 0){
       index = NULL;
       forward = NULL;
       forward2 = NULL;
       forwardLoginSuc = 1;

      if (submitActicle > 0){
       index = NULL;
       forward = NULL;
       forward2 = NULL;
       forwardSubmitActicle = 1;

if (index > 0){
       forwardshow = NULL;
       forward = NULL;
       forward2 = 1;//测试

if (indexReturn > 0){
       forward2 = NULL;
       forwardshow = NULL;
       forward = 1;

      if (index > 0 && indexShow < 0){
       int j = 0;
       for (int i = index + 8; i < recvBuffStr.length(); i++){
        tempBuff[j] = recvBuffStr[i];

if (strlen(tempBuff) == 0){
        cout << "no submition now..." << endl;
        string str1;
        string str2;
        string zimu;
        string temp1;
        string trans;
        index = NULL;
        forward = NULL;
        forwardshow = NULL;
        forward2 = 1;//跳向成功页面
        memset(finalstr, 0, sizeof(finalstr));
        string temp;
        temp = string(tempBuff);
        int addsearch = temp.find("+");
        if (addsearch > 0){
         for (int i = 0; i < strlen(tempBuff); i++){
          if (tempBuff[i] == '+'){
           tempBuff[i] = ' ';
           //string utf8Str = string(utf8);
          for (int i = 0; i < strlen(tempBuff);){
            str1 = "";
            temp1 = "";
            //zimu = "";
            if (tempBuff[i] == '%'){
             temp1 = temp.substr(i, 3);
             trans += temp1;
             i += 3;
            else if (tempBuff[i] >= 'a'&&tempBuff[i] <= 'z'){
             zimu += tempBuff[i];
             if (tempBuff[i] != '%'){
              str1 = tansForm(trans);
              str2 += str1;
              str2 += zimu;
              trans = "";
              zimu = "";
            else if (tempBuff[i] >= 'A'&&tempBuff[i] <= 'Z'){
             zimu += tempBuff[i];
             if (tempBuff[i] != '%'){
              str1 = tansForm(trans);
              str2 += str1;
              str2 += zimu;
              trans = "";
              zimu = "";

else if (tempBuff[i] >= '0'&&tempBuff[i] <= '9'){
             zimu += tempBuff[i];
             if (tempBuff[i] != '%'){
              str1 = tansForm(trans);
              if (str1.length() != 0){
               str2 += str1;
               trans = "";
               str2 += zimu;
               zimu = "";
               trans = "";
            else if (tempBuff[i] == ' '){
             str1 = tansForm(trans);
             if (str1.length() != 0){
              if (zimu.length()!=0){
               str2 += str1;
               str2 += zimu;
               str2 += ' ';
               trans = "";
               zimu = "";
               str2 += str1;
               str2 += ' ';
               trans = "";
              if (zimu.length() != 0){
               zimu += ' ';
               str2 += zimu;
               zimu = "";
               zimu += ' ';
               str2 += zimu;
               zimu = "";
               trans = "";
           str1 = tansForm(trans);
           str2 += str1;
           str2 += zimu;
           trans = "";
           zimu = "";
           showStr += str2;
           cout << "recv from client:" << str2 << endl;
           string tempTotal;
           tempTotal = messageForReady(socketArray[p].ipAddress, socketArray[p].uPort);
           showStr += tempTotal;
           forward = NULL;
           forward2 = 1;
           insertDBMessage(socketArray[p].ipAddress, socketArray[p].uPort,tempTotal,str2);
         //string str1;
         //string str2;
         //string zimu;
         //string temp1;
         //string trans;
         for (int i = 0; i < strlen(tempBuff); i++){
          if (tempBuff[i] != '%'){
           zimu += tempBuff[i];
           if (i == strlen(tempBuff)){
            showStr += temp;
            cout << "recv from client:" << temp << endl;
            string tempTotal;
            tempTotal = messageForReady(socketArray[p].ipAddress, socketArray[p].uPort);
            showStr += tempTotal;

            insertDBMessage(socketArray[p].ipAddress, socketArray[p].uPort, tempTotal, temp);
           int i = 0;
           //string utf8Str = string(utf8);
           for (i = 0; i < strlen(tempBuff);){
            str1 = "";
            temp1 = "";
            //zimu = "";
            if (tempBuff[i] == '%'){
             temp1 = temp.substr(i, 3);
             trans += temp1;
             i += 3;

else if (tempBuff[i] >= 'a'&&tempBuff[i] <= 'z'){
             zimu += tempBuff[i];
             if (tempBuff[i] != '%'){
              str1 = tansForm(trans);
              str2 += str1;
              str2 += zimu;
              trans = "";
              zimu = "";
            else if (tempBuff[i] >= 'A'&&tempBuff[i] <= 'Z'){
             zimu += tempBuff[i];
             if (tempBuff[i] != '%'){
              str1 = tansForm(trans);
              str2 += str1;
              str2 += zimu;
              trans = "";
              zimu = "";

else if (tempBuff[i] >= '0'&&tempBuff[i] <= '9'){
             zimu += tempBuff[i];
             if (tempBuff[i] != '%'){
              str1 = tansForm(trans);
              if (str1.length() != 0){
               if (zimu.length() != 0){
                str2 += str1;
                str2 += zimu;
                zimu = "";
                trans = "";
                str2 += str1;
                trans = "";
               str2 += zimu;
               zimu = "";
               trans = "";

if (i == strlen(tempBuff)){
           str1 = tansForm(trans);
           str2 += str1;
           str2 += zimu;
           trans = "";
           zimu = "";
           showStr += str2;
           cout << "recv from client:" << str2 << endl;

string tempTotal;
           tempTotal = messageForReady(socketArray[p].ipAddress, socketArray[p].uPort);
           showStr += tempTotal;
           forward = NULL;
           insertDBMessage(socketArray[p].ipAddress, socketArray[p].uPort, tempTotal, str2);
        if (zimu.length() != 0){
         str2 += zimu;
         showStr += str2;
         zimu = "";
         cout << "recv from client:" << str2 << endl;
         string tempTotal;
         tempTotal = messageForReady(socketArray[p].ipAddress,socketArray[p].uPort);
         showStr += tempTotal;
         insertDBMessage(socketArray[p].ipAddress, socketArray[p].uPort, tempTotal, str2);
        forward = NULL;
        forward2 = 1;

      if (submitRegister > 0 || idIndex>0){
       //if (forwardIDdupError == 1){
        //socketArray[p].isOk = 0;
        //forwardIDdupError = NULL;
       string recvStr = string(recvBuff);
       char getpost[10] = { 0 };

int y = 0;
       for (int o = 0; o<strlen(recvBuff); o++){
        if (recvBuff[o] == ' '){
         getpost[y] = recvBuff[o];

if (checkUseridDul == 1){
        if (string(getpost) == "GET"){
         int useridIndex = recvStr.find("userid");
         char userId[128] = { 0 };
         string userIdNum = "";
         int g = 0;
         for (int h = useridIndex + 7; h<strlen(recvBuff); h++){
          if (recvBuff[h] == '&'){
           userId[g] = recvBuff[h];
         if (strlen(userId)>0){
          userIdNum = string(userId);//提取传入的userid
          char connectpresql[128];
          sprintf_s(connectpresql, "dbname=postgres user=postgres password=123456");
          PGconn *pcon;
          pcon = PQconnectdb(connectpresql);
          PGresult *res;
          if (PQstatus(pcon) != CONNECTION_OK){
           cout << "insert db:connect to db fail!" << endl;
          char tempstrDB[1024] = { 0 };
          PQsetClientEncoding(pcon, "GBK");
          sprintf_s(tempstrDB, sizeof(tempstrDB), "SELECT username,userpassword FROM userinfo where username = '%s'", userIdNum.c_str());

res = PQexec(pcon, tempstrDB);
          char * k = PQcmdTuples(res);
          char * u_name;
          char * u_pass;
          if (PQresultStatus(res) == PGRES_TUPLES_OK&&PQntuples(res) > 0){
           u_name = PQgetvalue(res, 0, 0);
           if (userIdNum == u_name){
            forwardIDdup = 1;
            forwardIDdupError = 1;
            //socketArray[p].isOk = 0;
            checkUseridDul = 0;
           checkUseridDul = 0;

if (string(getpost) == "POST" && forwardIDdupError != 1){
        if (checkUseridDul != 1){
         int len = recvStr.find("\r\n\r\n");
         string messBody;
         messBody = recvStr.substr(len + 4, recvStr.length() - len);
         forwardRegisSuccess = 1;
         string username;
         string userpassword;
         string userpasswordagain;
         string secondname;
         string sex;
         string select_address;
         string telephoneNum;
         string email;
         string department;
         char messageBody[1024] = { 0 };
         strcpy_s(messageBody, sizeof(messageBody), messBody.c_str());
         int j = 0;
         char temp[100] = { 0 };
         char tempstr[100] = { 0 };
         string tempStr = "";
         for (int i = 0; i < strlen(messageBody); i++){
          //memset(messageBody, 0, sizeof(messageBody));
          //memset(tempstr, 0, sizeof(tempstr));
          tempStr = "";
          if (messageBody[i] != '='){
           temp[j] = messageBody[i];
           tempStr = string(temp);
           if (tempStr == "username"){
            tempStr = "";
            int m = 0;
            for (int k = i + 1; k < strlen(messageBody); k++){
             if (messageBody[k] != '\r'){
              tempstr[m] = messageBody[k];
              tempStr = string(tempstr);
              username = tempStr;
              i = k + 1;
              memset(temp, 0, sizeof(temp));
              memset(tempstr, 0, sizeof(tempstr));
              j = 0;

if (tempStr == "userpassword"){
            tempStr = "";
            int m = 0;
            for (int k = i + 1; k < strlen(messageBody); k++){
             if (messageBody[k] != '\r'){
              tempstr[m] = messageBody[k];
              tempStr = string(tempstr);
              userpassword = tempStr;
              i = k + 1;
              memset(temp, 0, sizeof(temp));
              memset(tempstr, 0, sizeof(tempstr));
              j = 0;

if (tempStr == "userpasswordagain"){
            tempStr = "";
            int m = 0;
            for (int k = i + 1; k < strlen(messageBody); k++){
             if (messageBody[k] != '\r'){
              tempstr[m] = messageBody[k];
              tempStr = string(tempstr);
              userpasswordagain = tempStr;
              i = k + 1;
              memset(temp, 0, sizeof(temp));
              memset(tempstr, 0, sizeof(tempstr));
              j = 0;

if (tempStr == "secondname"){
            tempStr = "";
            int m = 0;
            for (int k = i + 1; k < strlen(messageBody); k++){
             if (messageBody[k] != '\r'){
              tempstr[m] = messageBody[k];
              tempStr = string(tempstr);
              secondname = tempStr;
              i = k + 1;
              memset(temp, 0, sizeof(temp));
              memset(tempstr, 0, sizeof(tempstr));
              j = 0;

if (tempStr == "sex"){
            tempStr = "";
            int m = 0;
            for (int k = i + 1; k < strlen(messageBody); k++){
             if (messageBody[k] != '\r'){
              tempstr[m] = messageBody[k];
              tempStr = string(tempstr);
              sex = tempStr;
              i = k + 1;
              memset(temp, 0, sizeof(temp));
              memset(tempstr, 0, sizeof(tempstr));
              j = 0;

if (tempStr == "select_address"){
            tempStr = "";
            int m = 0;
            for (int k = i + 1; k < strlen(messageBody); k++){
             if (messageBody[k] != '\r'){
              tempstr[m] = messageBody[k];
              tempStr = string(tempstr);
              select_address = tempStr;
              i = k + 1;
              memset(temp, 0, sizeof(temp));
              memset(tempstr, 0, sizeof(tempstr));
              j = 0;

if (tempStr == "telephoneNum"){
            tempStr = "";
            int m = 0;
            for (int k = i + 1; k < strlen(messageBody); k++){
             if (messageBody[k] != '\r'){
              tempstr[m] = messageBody[k];
              tempStr = string(tempstr);
              telephoneNum = tempStr;
              i = k + 1;
              memset(temp, 0, sizeof(temp));
              memset(tempstr, 0, sizeof(tempstr));
              j = 0;

if (tempStr == "email"){
            tempStr = "";
            int m = 0;
            for (int k = i + 1; k < strlen(messageBody); k++){
             if (messageBody[k] != '\r'){
              tempstr[m] = messageBody[k];
              tempStr = string(tempstr);
              email = tempStr;
              i = k + 1;
              memset(temp, 0, sizeof(temp));
              memset(tempstr, 0, sizeof(tempstr));
              j = 0;

if (tempStr == "department"){
            tempStr = "";
            int m = 0;
            for (int k = i + 1; k < strlen(messageBody); k++){
             if (messageBody[k] != '\r'){
              tempstr[m] = messageBody[k];
              tempStr = string(tempstr);
              department = tempStr;
              i = k + 1;
              memset(temp, 0, sizeof(temp));
              memset(tempstr, 0, sizeof(tempstr));
              j = 0;
         }//for over

if (username.length() == 0 || userpassword.length() == 0 || userpasswordagain.length() == 0 || secondname.length() == 0 || sex.length() == 0 || select_address.length() == 0 || telephoneNum.length() == 0 || email.length() == 0 || department.length() == 0){

//insert db
         //char uportid[20] = { 0 };
         //_itoa_s(socketArray[p].uPort, uportid, sizeof(uportid), 10);
         char connectpresql[128];
         sprintf_s(connectpresql, "dbname=postgres user=postgres password=123456");
         PGconn *pcon;
         pcon = PQconnectdb(connectpresql);
         PGresult *res;
         if (PQstatus(pcon) != CONNECTION_OK){
          cout << "insert db:connect to db fail!" << endl;
         //提取时间 timenow
         SYSTEMTIME time;
         char timenow[50] = { 0 };
         sprintf_s(timenow, sizeof(timenow), "%d-%d-%d %d:%d:%d", time.wYear, time.wMonth, time.wDay, time.wHour, time.wMinute, time.wSecond);

char tempstrDB[4096] = { 0 };

PQsetClientEncoding(pcon, "GBK");
         sprintf_s(tempstrDB, sizeof(tempstrDB), "insert into userinfo(username, userpassword, userpasswordagain, secondname, sex,select_address, tel, email, department,registime) values('%s', '%s', '%s', '%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s')", username.c_str(), userpassword.c_str(), userpasswordagain.c_str(), secondname.c_str(), sex.c_str(), select_address.c_str(), telephoneNum.c_str(), email.c_str(), department.c_str(), timenow);
         //sprintf_s(tempstrDB, sizeof(tempstrDB),"insert into userinfo(username, userpassword, userpasswordagain,secondname) values('%s', '%s', '%s','%s')", username.c_str(), userpassword.c_str(), userpasswordagain.c_str(),secondname.c_str());

res = PQexec(pcon, tempstrDB);
         char * k = PQcmdTuples(res);
         if (*k < 1){
          cout << "insert DB:insert userinfo fail!" << PQerrorMessage(pcon) << endl;
          cout << "insert DB:insert userinfo successfully!insert num:" << *k;


      if (loginSystem > 0){
       string recvStr = string(recvBuff);
       int len = recvStr.find("\r\n\r\n");
       string messBody;
       messBody = recvStr.substr(len + 4, recvStr.length() - len);//取出消息体
       string username;
       string userpassword;
       char messageBody[1024] = { 0 };
       strcpy_s(messageBody, sizeof(messageBody), messBody.c_str());
       int j = 0;
       char temp[100] = { 0 };
       char tempstr[100] = { 0 };
       string tempStr = "";
       for (int i = 0; i < strlen(messageBody); i++){
        //memset(messageBody, 0, sizeof(messageBody));
        //memset(tempstr, 0, sizeof(tempstr));
        tempStr = "";
        if (messageBody[i] != '='){
         temp[j] = messageBody[i];
         tempStr = string(temp);
         if (tempStr == "username"){
          tempStr = "";
          int m = 0;
          for (int k = i + 1; k < strlen(messageBody); k++){
           if (messageBody[k] != '\r'){
            tempstr[m] = messageBody[k];
            tempStr = string(tempstr);
            username = tempStr;
            i = k + 1;
            memset(temp, 0, sizeof(temp));
            memset(tempstr, 0, sizeof(tempstr));
            j = 0;

if (tempStr == "userpassword"){
          tempStr = "";
          int m = 0;
          for (int k = i + 1; k < strlen(messageBody); k++){
           if (messageBody[k] != '\r'){
            tempstr[m] = messageBody[k];
            tempStr = string(tempstr);
            userpassword = tempStr;
            i = k + 1;
            memset(temp, 0, sizeof(temp));
            memset(tempstr, 0, sizeof(tempstr));
            j = 0;
       }//for over

if (username.length() > 0 && userpassword.length() > 0){
        //db verify
        char connectpresql[128];
        sprintf_s(connectpresql, "dbname=postgres user=postgres password=123456");
        PGconn *pcon;
        pcon = PQconnectdb(connectpresql);
        PGresult *res;
        if (PQstatus(pcon) != CONNECTION_OK){
         cout << "insert db:connect to db fail!" << endl;
        //提取时间 timenow
        SYSTEMTIME time;
        char timenow[50] = { 0 };
        sprintf_s(timenow, sizeof(timenow), "%d-%d-%d %d:%d:%d", time.wYear, time.wMonth, time.wDay, time.wHour, time.wMinute, time.wSecond);

char tempstrDB[1024] = { 0 };

PQsetClientEncoding(pcon, "GBK");
        sprintf_s(tempstrDB, sizeof(tempstrDB), "SELECT username,userpassword FROM userinfo where username = '%s'", username.c_str());

res = PQexec(pcon, tempstrDB);
        char * k = PQcmdTuples(res);
        char * u_name;
        char * u_pass;
        if (PQresultStatus(res) == PGRES_TUPLES_OK&&PQntuples(res) > 0){
         //int tuples = PQntuples(res);//行数
         //int fields = PQnfields(res);//每行的列数
         u_name = PQgetvalue(res, 0, 0);
         u_pass = PQgetvalue(res, 0, 1);
         //for (int i = 0; i < tuples; i++){
         //for (int j = 0; j < fields; j++){
         //char *test = PQgetvalue(res, i, j);

if (u_name == username&&u_pass == userpassword){
         clientID = username;
         forwardLoginSuc = 1;
         forwardLoginfail = 1;
       else if(username.length()==0 ||userpassword.length()==0){
      if (forwardSubmitActicle == 1){
       if (clientID != ""){
        forwardSubmitActicle = NULL;
        string recvStr = string(recvBuff);
        int len = recvStr.find("\r\n\r\n");
        string messBody;
        messBody = recvStr.substr(len + 4, recvStr.length() - len);
        forwardArticleSuccess = 1;
        string articleLX;
        string titleName;
        string articleContent;

char messageBody[4096] = { 0 };
        strcpy_s(messageBody, sizeof(messageBody), messBody.c_str());
        int j = 0;
        char temp[100] = { 0 };
        char tempstr[4096] = { 0 };
        string tempStr = "";
        for (int i = 0; i < strlen(messageBody); i++){
         tempStr = "";
         if (messageBody[i] != '='){
          temp[j] = messageBody[i];
          tempStr = string(temp);
          if (tempStr == "articleLX"){
           tempStr = "";
           int m = 0;
           for (int k = i + 1; k < strlen(messageBody); k++){
            if (messageBody[k] != '\r'){
             tempstr[m] = messageBody[k];
             tempStr = string(tempstr);
             articleLX = tempStr;
             i = k + 1;
             memset(temp, 0, sizeof(temp));
             memset(tempstr, 0, sizeof(tempstr));
             j = 0;

if (tempStr == "titleName"){
           tempStr = "";
           int m = 0;
           for (int k = i + 1; k < strlen(messageBody); k++){
            if (messageBody[k] != '\r'){
             tempstr[m] = messageBody[k];
             tempStr = string(tempstr);
             titleName = tempStr;
             i = k + 1;
             memset(temp, 0, sizeof(temp));
             memset(tempstr, 0, sizeof(tempstr));
             j = 0;

if (tempStr == "articleContent"){
           tempStr = "";
           int m = 0;
           for (int k = i + 1; k < strlen(messageBody); k++){
            if (messageBody[k] != '\r'){
             tempstr[m] = messageBody[k];
             tempStr = string(tempstr);
             articleContent = tempStr;
             i = k + 1;
             memset(temp, 0, sizeof(temp));
             memset(tempstr, 0, sizeof(tempstr));
             j = 0;

        }//for over

if (articleLX.length() == 0 || titleName.length() == 0 || articleContent.length() == 0||articleLX=="xuanze"){
         forwardArticleSuccess = 0;

//insert db
        char connectpresql[128];
        sprintf_s(connectpresql, "dbname=postgres user=postgres password=123456");
        PGconn *pcon;
        pcon = PQconnectdb(connectpresql);
        PGresult *res;
        if (PQstatus(pcon) != CONNECTION_OK){
         cout << "insert db:connect to db fail!" << endl;
        //提取时间 timenow
        SYSTEMTIME time;
        char timenow[50] = { 0 };
        sprintf_s(timenow, sizeof(timenow), "%d-%d-%d %d:%d:%d", time.wYear, time.wMonth, time.wDay, time.wHour, time.wMinute, time.wSecond);
        char tempstrDB[4096] = { 0 };

PQsetClientEncoding(pcon, "GBK");
        sprintf_s(tempstrDB, sizeof(tempstrDB), "INSERT INTO articleinfo(username, articlelx, articlename, submitnr, submittime) values('%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s')", clientID.c_str(), articleLX.c_str(), titleName.c_str(), articleContent.c_str(), timenow);

res = PQexec(pcon, tempstrDB);
        char * k = PQcmdTuples(res);
        if (*k < 1){
         cout << "insert DB:insert userinfo fail!" << PQerrorMessage(pcon) << endl;
         cout << "insert DB:insert userinfo successfully!insert num:" << *k;
        forwardasktoLogin = 1;

    if (FD_ISSET(socketArray[p].s_socket, &writeSet)){
     if (forwardshow == 1){
      memset(CustomHtml, 0, sizeof(CustomHtml));
      ifstream infile("showMessage.jsp", ios::in | ios::_Nocreate);
      //ifstream infile("testJsp.jsp", ios::in | ios::_Nocreate);
      if (!infile){
       cout << "open showMessage.jsp fail,the error code:" << GetLastError() << endl;
      infile.read(CustomHtml, sizeof(CustomHtml));
      if (strlen(CustomHtml) <= 0){
       cout << "read showMessage.jsp fail" << endl;
      string findvalue = string(CustomHtml);
      int showValue = findvalue.find("messageShow");
      if (showValue > 0){
       string str1 = findvalue.substr(0, showValue + 13);
       str1 += showStr;
       str1 += "</textarea>";
       //str1 += "<input type = \"button\" onclick = \"<script language=\"javascript\">location.reload(true);< / script>\" / > ";
       strcpy_s(CustomHtml, str1.c_str());
       int sendNum = send(socketArray[p].s_socket, CustomHtml, strlen(CustomHtml), 0);

if (sendNum < 0){
        cout << "send error" << GetLastError() << endl;

else if (strlen(CustomHtml)> sendNum){
        cout << "html send part" << endl;

else if (sendNum == 0){
        cout << "lose connect..." << endl;
       forward = NULL;
       forward2 = NULL;
       socketArray[p].isOk = 0;

if (forwardasktoLogin == 1){
      forwardasktoLogin = 0;
      memset(CustomHtml, 0, sizeof(CustomHtml));
      ifstream infile("article_Asktologin.html", ios::in | ios::_Nocreate);
      if (!infile){
       cout << "open article_Asktologin.html fail,the error code:" << GetLastError() << endl;
      infile.read(CustomHtml, sizeof(CustomHtml));

if (strlen(CustomHtml) <= 0){
       cout << "read article_Asktologin.html fail" << endl;

int sendNum = send(socketArray[p].s_socket, CustomHtml, strlen(CustomHtml), 0);
      if (sendNum < 0){
       cout << "send error" << GetLastError() << endl;
      else if (strlen(CustomHtml)> sendNum){
       cout << "html send part" << endl;
      else if (sendNum == 0){
       cout << "lose connect..." << endl;

      socketArray[p].isOk = 0;

if (forwardArticleSuccess == 1){
      forwardArticleSuccess = 0;
      memset(CustomHtml, 0, sizeof(CustomHtml));
      ifstream infile("subarticleSuccess.html", ios::in | ios::_Nocreate);
      if (!infile){
       cout << "open subarticleSuccess.html fail,the error code:" << GetLastError() << endl;
      infile.read(CustomHtml, sizeof(CustomHtml));

if (strlen(CustomHtml) <= 0){
       cout << "read subarticleSuccess.html fail" << endl;

int sendNum = send(socketArray[p].s_socket, CustomHtml, strlen(CustomHtml), 0);
      if (sendNum < 0){
       cout << "send error" << GetLastError() << endl;
      else if (strlen(CustomHtml)> sendNum){
       cout << "html send part" << endl;
      else if (sendNum == 0){
       cout << "lose connect..." << endl;

      socketArray[p].isOk = 0;


if (checkUseridDul == 1&&forwardRegisSuccess!=1){
      forwardIDdupError = NULL;
      forward = NULL;
      forwardshow = NULL;
      forward2 = NULL;
      forwardIDdup = NULL;
      forwardLoginfail = NULL;
      forwardLoginSuc = NULL;
      memset(CustomHtml, 0, sizeof(CustomHtml));
      //ifstream infile("mainPage.htm", ios::in | ios::_Nocreate);
      ifstream infile("useridDuplicate.html", ios::in | ios::_Nocreate);
      if (!infile){
      cout << "open useridDuplicate.html fail,the error code:" << GetLastError() << endl;
      infile.read(CustomHtml, sizeof(CustomHtml));
      if (strlen(CustomHtml) <= 0){
      cout << "read useridDuplicate.html fail" << endl;
      //strcpy_s(CustomHtml, sizeof(CustomHtml), "<script>alert('该用户名已经被注册了!');</script>");
      int sendNum = send(socketArray[p].s_socket, CustomHtml, strlen(CustomHtml), 0);
      if (sendNum < 0){
       cout << "send error" << GetLastError() << endl;
      else if (strlen(CustomHtml)> sendNum){
       cout << "html send part" << endl;
      else if (sendNum == 0){
       cout << "lose connect..." << endl;

      socketArray[p].isOk = 0;

     if (forwardshow == 1){
      showDBStr = "";
      showDBStr += "<html xmlns = \"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\">";
      showDBStr += "<head>";
      showDBStr += "<meta http-equiv = \"Content-Type\" content = \"text/html;charset = gb2312\"/>";
      showDBStr += "<title>message box</title>";
      showDBStr += "</head>";
      showDBStr += "<body>";
      showDBStr += "<table width = \"1152\" border = \"1\" align = \"center\">";
      showDBStr += "<tr>";
      showDBStr += "<td width = \"142\"><div align = \"center\">id num </div></td>";
      showDBStr += "<td width = \"180\"><div align = \"center\">ipaddress</div></td>";
      showDBStr += "<td width = \"632\"><div align = \"center\">message</div></td>";
      showDBStr += "<td width = \"159\"><div align = \"center\">messagetime</div></td>";
      showDBStr += "<td width = \"109\"><div align = \"center\">port</div></td>";
      showDBStr += "</tr>";

char pConnString[256];
      sprintf_s(pConnString, "dbname=postgres user=postgres password=123456");
      PGconn *conn;
      conn = PQconnectdb(pConnString);
      PGresult *res;
      string tempdbstr;
      char tempdbstr_1[1024] = {0};
      string finaldbstr;
      if (PQstatus(conn) != CONNECTION_OK){
       cout << "connect error!" << endl;
       socketArray[p].isOk = 0;

      PQsetClientEncoding(conn, "GBK");
      res = PQexec(conn, "select * from storeMessage order by messagetime desc;");
      if (PQresultStatus(res) == PGRES_TUPLES_OK&&PQntuples(res) > 0){
       int tuples = PQntuples(res);//行数
       int fields = PQnfields(res);//每行的列数
       for (int i = 0; i < tuples; i++){
        tempdbstr = "";
        tempdbstr += "<tr>";
        for (int j = 0; j < fields; j++){
         memset(tempdbstr_1, 0, sizeof(tempdbstr_1));
         sprintf_s(tempdbstr_1, 100, "<td><div align = \"center\">%s</div></td>", PQgetvalue(res, i, j));
         tempdbstr += string(tempdbstr_1);
         if (j == fields-1){
          tempdbstr += "</tr>";
          showDBStr += tempdbstr;
      showDBStr += "</table>";
      showDBStr += "</body>";
      showDBStr += "</html>";
      if (showDBStr.length() > 1){
       strcpy_s(CustomHtml, showDBStr.c_str());
       int sendNum = send(socketArray[p].s_socket, CustomHtml, strlen(CustomHtml), 0);

if (sendNum < 0){
        cout << "send error" << GetLastError() << endl;

else if (strlen(CustomHtml)> sendNum){
        cout << "html send part" << endl;

else if (sendNum == 0){
        cout << "lose connect..." << endl;
       forward = NULL;
       forward2 = NULL;
       socketArray[p].isOk = 0;

     if (forward2 == 1){
      forward = NULL;
      forwardshow = NULL;
      forward2 = NULL;
      memset(CustomHtml, 0, sizeof(CustomHtml));
      //ifstream infile("mainPage.htm", ios::in | ios::_Nocreate);
      ifstream infile("success.html", ios::in | ios::_Nocreate);
      if (!infile){
       cout << "open success.html fail,the error code:" << GetLastError() << endl;
      infile.read(CustomHtml, sizeof(CustomHtml));
      if (strlen(CustomHtml) <= 0){
       cout << "read success.html fail" << endl;

int sendNum = send(socketArray[p].s_socket, CustomHtml, strlen(CustomHtml), 0);
      if (sendNum < 0){
       cout << "send error" << GetLastError() << endl;
      else if (strlen(CustomHtml)> sendNum){
       cout << "html send part" << endl;
      else if (sendNum == 0){
       cout << "lose connect..." << endl;

      socketArray[p].isOk = 0;

     if (forwardRegisSuccess == 1 && checkUseridDul!=1){
      forward = NULL;
      forwardshow = NULL;
      forward2 = NULL;
      forwardRegisSuccess = NULL;
      memset(CustomHtml, 0, sizeof(CustomHtml));
      //ifstream infile("mainPage.htm", ios::in | ios::_Nocreate);
      ifstream infile("zhuceSuccess.html", ios::in | ios::_Nocreate);
      if (!infile){
       cout << "open zhuceSuccess.html fail,the error code:" << GetLastError() << endl;
      infile.read(CustomHtml, sizeof(CustomHtml));
      if (strlen(CustomHtml) <= 0){
       cout << "read zhuceSuccess.html fail" << endl;

int sendNum = send(socketArray[p].s_socket, CustomHtml, strlen(CustomHtml), 0);
      if (sendNum < 0){
       cout << "send error" << GetLastError() << endl;
      else if (strlen(CustomHtml)> sendNum){
       cout << "html send part" << endl;
      else if (sendNum == 0){
       cout << "lose connect..." << endl;

      socketArray[p].isOk = 0;
     else if (forwardRegisSuccess == 1 && checkUseridDul == 1){
      checkUseridDul = 0;
      forwardRegisSuccess = 0;
      memset(CustomHtml, 0, sizeof(CustomHtml));
      ifstream infile("zhuce.html", ios::in | ios::_Nocreate);

if (!infile){
       cout << "open zhuce.html fail,the error code:" << GetLastError() << endl;
      infile.read(CustomHtml, sizeof(CustomHtml));

if (strlen(CustomHtml) <= 0){
       cout << "read zhuce.html fail" << endl;

int sendNum = send(socketArray[p].s_socket, CustomHtml, strlen(CustomHtml), 0);

if (sendNum < 0){
       cout << "send error" << GetLastError() << endl;
      else if (strlen(CustomHtml)> sendNum){
       cout << "html send part" << endl;
      else if (sendNum == 0){
       cout << "lose connect..." << endl;
      socketArray[p].isOk = 0;

     if (forwardLoginSuc == 1){
      forward = NULL;
      forwardshow = NULL;
      forward2 = NULL;
      forwardRegisSuccess = NULL;
      forwardLoginfail = NULL;
      forwardLoginSuc = NULL;
      memset(CustomHtml, 0, sizeof(CustomHtml));
      //ifstream infile("mainPage.htm", ios::in | ios::_Nocreate);
      ifstream infile("loginSuc.html", ios::in | ios::_Nocreate);
      if (!infile){
       cout << "open loginSuc.html fail,the error code:" << GetLastError() << endl;
      infile.read(CustomHtml, sizeof(CustomHtml));
      if (strlen(CustomHtml) <= 0){
       cout << "read loginSuc.html fail" << endl;

int sendNum = send(socketArray[p].s_socket, CustomHtml, strlen(CustomHtml), 0);
      if (sendNum < 0){
       cout << "send error" << GetLastError() << endl;
      else if (strlen(CustomHtml)> sendNum){
       cout << "html send part" << endl;
      else if (sendNum == 0){
       cout << "lose connect..." << endl;

      socketArray[p].isOk = 0;

     if (forwardLoginfail == 1){
      forward = NULL;
      forwardshow = NULL;
      forward2 = NULL;
      forwardRegisSuccess = NULL;
      forwardLoginfail = NULL;
      forwardLoginSuc = NULL;
      memset(CustomHtml, 0, sizeof(CustomHtml));
      //ifstream infile("mainPage.htm", ios::in | ios::_Nocreate);
      ifstream infile("loginFail.html", ios::in | ios::_Nocreate);
      if (!infile){
       cout << "open loginFail.html fail,the error code:" << GetLastError() << endl;
      infile.read(CustomHtml, sizeof(CustomHtml));
      if (strlen(CustomHtml) <= 0){
       cout << "read loginFail.html fail" << endl;

int sendNum = send(socketArray[p].s_socket, CustomHtml, strlen(CustomHtml), 0);
      if (sendNum < 0){
       cout << "send error" << GetLastError() << endl;
      else if (strlen(CustomHtml)> sendNum){
       cout << "html send part" << endl;
      else if (sendNum == 0){
       cout << "lose connect..." << endl;

      socketArray[p].isOk = 0;

     if (forward == 1){
      string recvStr = string(recvBuff);
      char requestHtml[1024] = { 0 };
      requestHtmlStr = "";
      if (recvStr.length() != 0){
        int getindex = recvStr.find("GET");
        //int getpostindex = recvStr.find("POST");
        int httpindex = recvStr.find("HTTP/1.1");
        int j = 0;
        if (getindex >= 0){
         for (int i = getindex + 5; i < httpindex - getindex + 4; i++){

if (recvBuff[i] == ' ' || recvBuff[i] == '?'){
           requestHtml[j] = recvBuff[i];
        //if (getpostindex >= 0){
        // for (int i = getindex + 6; i < httpindex - getindex + 5; i++){
        //  if (recvBuff[i] == ' ' || recvBuff[i] == '?'){
        //   break;
        //  }
        //  else{
        //   requestHtml[j] = recvBuff[i];
        //   j++;
        //  }
        // }

      requestHtmlStr = string(requestHtml);
      if (requestHtmlStr == ""){
       memset(CustomHtml, 0, sizeof(CustomHtml));
       ifstream infile("test.html", ios::in | ios::_Nocreate);
       if (!infile){
        cout << "open test.html fail,the error code:" << GetLastError() << endl;
       infile.read(CustomHtml, sizeof(CustomHtml));

if (strlen(CustomHtml) <= 0){
        cout << "read test.html fail" << endl;

int sendNum = send(socketArray[p].s_socket, CustomHtml, strlen(CustomHtml), 0);
       if (sendNum < 0){
        cout << "send error" << GetLastError() << endl;
       else if (strlen(CustomHtml)> sendNum){
        cout << "html send part" << endl;
       else if (sendNum == 0){
        cout << "lose connect..." << endl;

       socketArray[p].isOk = 0;

      if (requestHtmlStr == "favicon.ico"){
       memset(CustomHtml, 0, sizeof(CustomHtml));
       ifstream infile("favicon.ico", ios::in | ios::_Nocreate);
       if (!infile){
        cout << "open favicon.ico fail,the error code:" << GetLastError() << endl;
       infile.read(CustomHtml, sizeof(CustomHtml));

if (strlen(CustomHtml) <= 0){
        cout << "read favicon.ico fail" << endl;

int sendNum = send(socketArray[p].s_socket, CustomHtml, strlen(CustomHtml), 0);
       if (sendNum < 0){
        cout << "send error" << GetLastError() << endl;
       else if (strlen(CustomHtml)> sendNum){
        cout << "html send part" << endl;
       else if (sendNum == 0){
        cout << "lose connect..." << endl;

       socketArray[p].isOk = 0;

      if (requestHtmlStr =="top.html"){
       memset(CustomHtml, 0, sizeof(CustomHtml));
       ifstream infile("top.html", ios::in | ios::_Nocreate);
       if (!infile){
        cout << "open top.html fail,the error code:" << GetLastError() << endl;
       infile.read(CustomHtml, sizeof(CustomHtml));

if (strlen(CustomHtml) <= 0){
        cout << "read top.html fail" << endl;

int sendNum = send(socketArray[p].s_socket, CustomHtml, strlen(CustomHtml), 0);
       if (sendNum < 0){
        cout << "send error" << GetLastError() << endl;
       else if (strlen(CustomHtml)> sendNum){
        cout << "html send part" << endl;
       else if (sendNum == 0){
        cout << "lose connect..." << endl;

       socketArray[p].isOk = 0;

      if (requestHtmlStr == "lookKnowledgeAll.html"){
       showDBStr = "";
       showDBStr += "<html xmlns = \"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\">";
       showDBStr += "<head>";
       showDBStr += "<meta http-equiv = \"Content-Type\" content = \"text/html;charset = gb2312\"/>";
       showDBStr += "<title>message box</title>";
       showDBStr += "</head>";
       showDBStr += "<body>";
       showDBStr += "<label></label>";
       showDBStr += "<p>";
       showDBStr += "<label></label>";
       showDBStr += "<p align = \"center\">&nbsp;</p>";
       showDBStr += "<p align = \"center\">&nbsp;</p>";
       showDBStr += "<div align = \"center\" class = \"STYLE1\"><font size=\"36\">文章列表</font></div>";
       showDBStr += "<hr/>";
       showDBStr += "<table width = \"1200\" border = \"1\" align = \"center\">";
       showDBStr += "<tr>";
       showDBStr += "<td width = \"70\"><div align = \"center\">编号</div></td>";
       showDBStr += "<td width = \"120\"><div align = \"center\">用户名</div></td>";
       showDBStr += "<td width = \"100\"><div align = \"center\">文章类型</div></td>";
       showDBStr += "<td width = \"650\"><div align = \"center\">文章标题</div></td>";
       showDBStr += "<td width = \"150\"><div align = \"center\">发表时间</div></td>";
       showDBStr += "<td width = \"90\"><div align = \"center\">操作</div></td>";
       showDBStr += "</tr>";

char pConnString[256];
       sprintf_s(pConnString, "dbname=postgres user=postgres password=123456");
       PGconn *conn;
       conn = PQconnectdb(pConnString);
       PGresult *res;
       string tempdbstr;
       char tempdbstr_1[8192] = { 0 };
       string finaldbstr;
       if (PQstatus(conn) != CONNECTION_OK){
        cout << "connect error!" << endl;
        socketArray[p].isOk = 0;

       PQsetClientEncoding(conn, "GBK");
    res = PQexec(conn, "select id,username,articleLX,articlename,submittime from articleinfo order by submittime desc;");
       if (PQresultStatus(res) == PGRES_TUPLES_OK&&PQntuples(res) > 0){
        int tuples = PQntuples(res);//行数
        int fields = PQnfields(res);//每行的列数
        string lxTrans = "";
        for (int i = 0; i < tuples; i++){
         tempdbstr = "";
         tempdbstr += "<tr>";
         lxTrans = "";
         for (int j = 0; j < fields; j++){
          memset(tempdbstr_1, 0, sizeof(tempdbstr_1));
          if (strcmp(PQgetvalue(res, i, j), "zhuanzai") ==0 ){
           lxTrans = "转载";
           sprintf_s(tempdbstr_1, 100, "<td><div align = \"center\">%s</div></td>", lxTrans.c_str());
          else if (strcmp(PQgetvalue(res, i, j),"yuanchuang")==0){
           lxTrans = "原创";
           sprintf_s(tempdbstr_1, 100, "<td><div align = \"center\">%s</div></td>", lxTrans.c_str());
           sprintf_s(tempdbstr_1, 100, "<td><div align = \"center\">%s</div></td>", PQgetvalue(res, i, j));
          tempdbstr += string(tempdbstr_1);
          if (j == fields - 1){
           sprintf_s(tempdbstr_1,1024,"<td><div align = \"center\"><a href='seeArticleContentById?id=%s' target='_blank'>[查看]</a></div></td>",PQgetvalue(res,i,0));
           tempdbstr += string(tempdbstr_1);
           tempdbstr += "</tr>";
           showDBStr += tempdbstr;
       showDBStr += "</table>";
       showDBStr += "</body>";
       showDBStr += "</html>";

       if (showDBStr.length() > 1){
        strcpy_s(CustomHtml, showDBStr.c_str());
        int sendNum = send(socketArray[p].s_socket, CustomHtml, strlen(CustomHtml), 0);

if (sendNum < 0){
         cout << "send error" << GetLastError() << endl;

else if (strlen(CustomHtml)> sendNum){
         cout << "html send part" << endl;

else if (sendNum == 0){
         cout << "lose connect..." << endl;
        forward = NULL;
        forward2 = NULL;
        socketArray[p].isOk = 0;

      if (requestHtmlStr == "seeArticleContentById"){
       string recvStr = string(recvBuff);
       char id_char[50] = { 0 };
       string id;
       requestHtmlStr = "";
       if (recvStr.length() != 0){
        int getindex = recvStr.find("id");
        int httpindex = recvStr.find("HTTP/1.1");
        int j = 0;
        if (getindex >= 0){
         for (int i = getindex + 3; i < recvStr.length(); i++){
          if (recvBuff[i] == ' '){
           id_char[j] = recvBuff[i];
       string showDBStr = "";
       showDBStr += "<html xmlns = \"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\">";
       showDBStr += "<head>";
       showDBStr += "<meta http-equiv = \"Content-Type\" content = \"text/html;charset = gb2312\"/>";
       showDBStr += "<title>文章内容查看</title>";
       showDBStr += "</head>";
       showDBStr += "<body>";
       showDBStr += "<label></label>";
       showDBStr += "<p>";
       showDBStr += "<label></label>";
       showDBStr += "<p align = \"center\">&nbsp;</p>";
       showDBStr += "<p align = \"center\">&nbsp;</p>";
       showDBStr += "<div align = \"center\" class = \"STYLE1\"><font size=\"36\">文章内容查看</font></div>";
       showDBStr += "<hr/>";
       showDBStr += "<table width = \"1200\" border = \"0\" align = \"center\">";
       showDBStr += "<tr>";
       showDBStr += "<td width = \"60\"><div align = \"left\">用户名</div></td>";
       showDBStr += "<td width = \"100\"><div align = \"left\">文章类型</div></td>";
       showDBStr += "<td width = \"100\"><div align = \"center\">发表时间</div></td>";

showDBStr += "</tr>";
       char pConnString[256] = { 0 };
       char tempsqlStr[128] = { 0 };
       sprintf_s(pConnString, "dbname=postgres user=postgres password=123456");
       PGconn *conn;
       conn = PQconnectdb(pConnString);
       PGresult *res;
       string tempdbstr;
       char tempdbstr_1[4096] = { 0 };
       string finaldbstr;
       if (PQstatus(conn) != CONNECTION_OK){
        cout << "connect error!" << endl;
        socketArray[p].isOk = 0;

       PQsetClientEncoding(conn, "GBK");
       sprintf_s(tempsqlStr, sizeof(tempsqlStr), "select username,articleLX,submittime,articlename,submitnr from articleinfo where id = '%s';", id_char);
       memset(id_char, 0, sizeof(id_char));
       res = PQexec(conn, tempsqlStr);
       if (PQresultStatus(res) == PGRES_TUPLES_OK&&PQntuples(res) > 0){
        tempdbstr += "<tr>";
        int tuples = PQntuples(res);//行数
        int fields = PQnfields(res);//每行的列数
        string lxTrans = "";
        sprintf_s(tempdbstr_1, 100, "<td><div align = \"left\">%s</div></td>", PQgetvalue(res, 0, 0));
        tempdbstr += string(tempdbstr_1);
        if (strcmp(PQgetvalue(res, 0, 1), "zhuanzai") == 0){
         lxTrans = "转载";
         sprintf_s(tempdbstr_1, 100, "<td><div align = \"left\">%s</div></td>", lxTrans.c_str());
         tempdbstr += string(tempdbstr_1);
        else if (strcmp(PQgetvalue(res, 0, 1), "yuanchuang") == 0){
         lxTrans = "原创";
         sprintf_s(tempdbstr_1, 100, "<td><div align = \"left\">%s</div></td>", lxTrans.c_str());
         tempdbstr += string(tempdbstr_1);
        sprintf_s(tempdbstr_1, 100, "<td><div align = \"center\">%s</div></td>", PQgetvalue(res, 0, 2));
        tempdbstr += string(tempdbstr_1);
        //tempdbstr += string(tempdbstr_1);
        showDBStr += tempdbstr;
        showDBStr += "</tr>";
        showDBStr += "<tr></tr>";
        showDBStr += "<tr></tr>";
        showDBStr += "<tr><td width = \"100\"><div align = \"left\">文章标题</div></td>";
        sprintf_s(tempdbstr_1, 100, "<td><div align = \"left\">%s</div></td></tr>", PQgetvalue(res, 0, 3));
        showDBStr += string(tempdbstr_1);
        showDBStr += "<tr></tr>";
        showDBStr += "<tr></tr>";
        showDBStr += "<tr><td width = \"100\"><div align = \"left\">文章内容</div></td></tr>";

showDBStr += "<tr><td colspan = \"3\">";
        sprintf_s(tempdbstr_1, 1024, "<textarea name = \"articleContent\" rows = \"40\" cols = \"210\" readonly=\"readonly\">%s</textarea>", PQgetvalue(res, 0, 4));
        showDBStr += string(tempdbstr_1);
        showDBStr += "</td></tr></table></body></html>";

if (showDBStr.length() > 1){
         strcpy_s(CustomHtml, showDBStr.c_str());
         int sendNum = send(socketArray[p].s_socket, CustomHtml, strlen(CustomHtml), 0);

if (sendNum < 0){
          cout << "send error" << GetLastError() << endl;

else if (strlen(CustomHtml)> sendNum){
          cout << "html send part" << endl;

else if (sendNum == 0){
          cout << "lose connect..." << endl;
         forward = NULL;
         forward2 = NULL;
         socketArray[p].isOk = 0;

      if (requestHtmlStr == "loginOut.html"){
       if (clientID == ""){//ask to login
        memset(CustomHtml, 0, sizeof(CustomHtml));
        ifstream infile("article_Asktologin.html", ios::in | ios::_Nocreate);
        if (!infile){
         cout << "open article_Asktologin.html fail,the error code:" << GetLastError() << endl;
        infile.read(CustomHtml, sizeof(CustomHtml));

if (strlen(CustomHtml) <= 0){
         cout << "read article_Asktologin.html fail" << endl;

int sendNum = send(socketArray[p].s_socket, CustomHtml, strlen(CustomHtml), 0);
        if (sendNum < 0){
         cout << "send error" << GetLastError() << endl;
        else if (strlen(CustomHtml)> sendNum){
         cout << "html send part" << endl;
        else if (sendNum == 0){
         cout << "lose connect..." << endl;

        socketArray[p].isOk = 0;
        clientID = "";
        strcpy_s(CustomHtml, "<script>alert('已成功退出平台!');</script>");
        int sendNum = send(socketArray[p].s_socket, CustomHtml, strlen(CustomHtml), 0);
        if (sendNum < 0){
         cout << "send error" << GetLastError() << endl;
        else if (strlen(CustomHtml)> sendNum){
         cout << "html send part" << endl;
        else if (sendNum == 0){
         cout << "lose connect..." << endl;

        socketArray[p].isOk = 0;

      if (requestHtmlStr == "lookKnowledgeMy.html"){
       if (clientID == ""){
        forwardasktoLogin = 0;
        memset(CustomHtml, 0, sizeof(CustomHtml));
        ifstream infile("article_Asktologin.html", ios::in | ios::_Nocreate);
        if (!infile){
         cout << "open article_Asktologin.html fail,the error code:" << GetLastError() << endl;
        infile.read(CustomHtml, sizeof(CustomHtml));

if (strlen(CustomHtml) <= 0){
         cout << "read article_Asktologin.html fail" << endl;

int sendNum = send(socketArray[p].s_socket, CustomHtml, strlen(CustomHtml), 0);
        if (sendNum < 0){
         cout << "send error" << GetLastError() << endl;
        else if (strlen(CustomHtml)> sendNum){
         cout << "html send part" << endl;
        else if (sendNum == 0){
         cout << "lose connect..." << endl;

        socketArray[p].isOk = 0;
        showDBStr = "";
        showDBStr += "<html xmlns = \"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\">";
        showDBStr += "<head>";
        showDBStr += "<meta http-equiv = \"Content-Type\" content = \"text/html;charset = gb2312\"/>";
        showDBStr += "<title>message box</title>";
        showDBStr += "</head>";
        showDBStr += "<body>";
        showDBStr += "<label></label>";
        showDBStr += "<p>";
        showDBStr += "<label></label>";
        showDBStr += "<p align = \"center\">&nbsp;</p>";
        showDBStr += "<p align = \"center\">&nbsp;</p>";
        showDBStr += "<div align = \"center\" class = \"STYLE1\"><font size=\"36\">我的文章列表</font></div>";
        showDBStr += "<hr/>";
        showDBStr += "<table width = \"1200\" border = \"1\" align = \"center\">";
        showDBStr += "<tr>";
        showDBStr += "<td width = \"70\"><div align = \"center\">编号</div></td>";
        //showDBStr += "<td width = \"120\"><div align = \"center\">用户名</div></td>";
        showDBStr += "<td width = \"100\"><div align = \"center\">文章类型</div></td>";
        showDBStr += "<td width = \"690\"><div align = \"center\">文章标题</div></td>";
        showDBStr += "<td width = \"130\"><div align = \"center\">发表时间</div></td>";
        showDBStr += "<td width = \"70\"><div align = \"center\">操作</div></td>";
        showDBStr += "</tr>";

char pConnString[256];
        sprintf_s(pConnString, "dbname=postgres user=postgres password=123456");
        PGconn *conn;
        conn = PQconnectdb(pConnString);
        PGresult *res;
        string tempdbstr;
        char tempdbstr_1[1024] = { 0 };
        string finaldbstr;
        if (PQstatus(conn) != CONNECTION_OK){
         cout << "connect error!" << endl;
         socketArray[p].isOk = 0;

char tempsqlStr[128] = { 0 };
        sprintf_s(tempsqlStr, sizeof(tempsqlStr), "select id,articleLX,articlename,submittime from articleinfo where username = '%s' order by submittime desc;", clientID.c_str());
        PQsetClientEncoding(conn, "GBK");
        res = PQexec(conn, tempsqlStr);
        if (PQresultStatus(res) == PGRES_TUPLES_OK&&PQntuples(res) > 0){
         int tuples = PQntuples(res);//行数
         int fields = PQnfields(res);//每行的列数
         string lxTrans = "";
         for (int i = 0; i < tuples; i++){
          tempdbstr = "";
          tempdbstr += "<tr>";
          lxTrans = "";
          for (int j = 0; j < fields; j++){
           memset(tempdbstr_1, 0, sizeof(tempdbstr_1));
           if (strcmp(PQgetvalue(res, i, j), "zhuanzai") == 0){
            lxTrans = "转载";
            sprintf_s(tempdbstr_1, 100, "<td><div align = \"center\">%s</div></td>", lxTrans.c_str());
           else if (strcmp(PQgetvalue(res, i, j), "yuanchuang") == 0){
            lxTrans = "原创";
            sprintf_s(tempdbstr_1, 100, "<td><div align = \"center\">%s</div></td>", lxTrans.c_str());
            sprintf_s(tempdbstr_1, 100, "<td><div align = \"center\">%s</div></td>", PQgetvalue(res, i, j));

tempdbstr += string(tempdbstr_1);
           if (j == fields - 1){
   sprintf_s(tempdbstr_1, 1024, "<td><div align = \"center\"><a href='seeArticleContentById?id=%s' target='_blank'>[查看]</a><a href='editArticleContentById?id=%s' target='_blank'>[编辑]</a><a href='deleteArticleById?id=%s' target='_self'>[删除]</a></div></td>", PQgetvalue(res, i, 0),PQgetvalue(res, i, 0),PQgetvalue(res, i, 0));
           tempdbstr += string(tempdbstr_1);
           tempdbstr += "</tr>";
           showDBStr += tempdbstr;
        showDBStr += "</table>";
        showDBStr += "</body>";
        showDBStr += "</html>";


if (showDBStr.length() > 1){
         strcpy_s(CustomHtml, showDBStr.c_str());
         int sendNum = send(socketArray[p].s_socket, CustomHtml, strlen(CustomHtml), 0);

if (sendNum < 0){
          cout << "send error" << GetLastError() << endl;

else if (strlen(CustomHtml)> sendNum){
          cout << "html send part" << endl;

else if (sendNum == 0){
          cout << "lose connect..." << endl;
         forward = NULL;
         forward2 = NULL;
         socketArray[p].isOk = 0;

      if (requestHtmlStr == "deleteArticleById"){
       string recvStr = string(recvBuff);
       char id_char[50] = { 0 };
       string id;
       requestHtmlStr = "";
       if (recvStr.length() != 0){
        int getindex = recvStr.find("id");
        int httpindex = recvStr.find("HTTP/1.1");
        int j = 0;
        if (getindex >= 0){
         for (int i = getindex + 3; i < recvStr.length(); i++){
          if (recvBuff[i] == ' '){
           id_char[j] = recvBuff[i];

char pConnString[256] = { 0 };
       char tempsqlStr[128] = { 0 };
       sprintf_s(pConnString, "dbname=postgres user=postgres password=123456");
       PGconn *conn;
       conn = PQconnectdb(pConnString);
       PGresult *res;
       string tempdbstr;
       char tempdbstr_1[4096] = { 0 };
       string finaldbstr;
       if (PQstatus(conn) != CONNECTION_OK){
        cout << "connect error!" << endl;
        socketArray[p].isOk = 0;

       PQsetClientEncoding(conn, "GBK");
       sprintf_s(tempsqlStr, sizeof(tempsqlStr), "delete from articleinfo where id = '%s';", id_char);
       memset(id_char, 0, sizeof(id_char));
       res = PQexec(conn, tempsqlStr);
       memset(CustomHtml, 0, sizeof(CustomHtml));
       if (*PQcmdTuples(res) == '1'){//成功
        strcpy_s(CustomHtml, sizeof(CustomHtml), "<script>alert('该文章已经删除!');window.location.href='lookKnowledgeMy.html';</script>");
        strcpy_s(CustomHtml, sizeof(CustomHtml), id_char);
       int sendNum = send(socketArray[p].s_socket, CustomHtml, strlen(CustomHtml), 0);
       if (sendNum < 0){
        cout << "send error" << GetLastError() << endl;
       else if (strlen(CustomHtml)> sendNum){
        cout << "html send part" << endl;
       else if (sendNum == 0){
        cout << "lose connect..." << endl;

       socketArray[p].isOk = 0;


      if (requestHtmlStr == "login2.html"){
       memset(CustomHtml, 0, sizeof(CustomHtml));
       ifstream infile("login2.html", ios::in | ios::_Nocreate);
       if (!infile){
        cout << "open login2.html fail,the error code:" << GetLastError() << endl;
       infile.read(CustomHtml, sizeof(CustomHtml));

if (strlen(CustomHtml) <= 0){
        cout << "read login2.html fail" << endl;

int sendNum = send(socketArray[p].s_socket, CustomHtml, strlen(CustomHtml), 0);
       if (sendNum < 0){
        cout << "send error" << GetLastError() << endl;
       else if (strlen(CustomHtml)> sendNum){
        cout << "html send part" << endl;
       else if (sendNum == 0){
        cout << "lose connect..." << endl;

       socketArray[p].isOk = 0;

      if (requestHtmlStr == "jquery-1.8.0.min.js"){
       memset(CustomHtml, 0, sizeof(CustomHtml));
       ifstream infile("jquery-1.8.0.min.js", ios::in | ios::_Nocreate);
       if (!infile){
        cout << "open jquery-1.8.0.min.js fail,the error code:" << GetLastError() << endl;
       infile.read(CustomHtml, sizeof(CustomHtml));

if (strlen(CustomHtml) <= 0){
        cout << "read jquery-1.8.0.min.js fail" << endl;

int sendNum = send(socketArray[p].s_socket, CustomHtml, strlen(CustomHtml), 0);
       if (sendNum < 0){
        cout << "send error" << GetLastError() << endl;
       else if (strlen(CustomHtml)> sendNum){
        cout << "html send part" << endl;
       else if (sendNum == 0){
        cout << "lose connect..." << endl;

       socketArray[p].isOk = 0;

      if (requestHtmlStr == "main.html"){
       memset(CustomHtml, 0, sizeof(CustomHtml));
       ifstream infile("main.html", ios::in | ios::_Nocreate);
       if (!infile){
        cout << "open main.html fail,the error code:" << GetLastError() << endl;
       infile.read(CustomHtml, sizeof(CustomHtml));

if (strlen(CustomHtml) <= 0){
        cout << "read main.html fail" << endl;

int sendNum = send(socketArray[p].s_socket, CustomHtml, strlen(CustomHtml), 0);
       if (sendNum < 0){
        cout << "send error" << GetLastError() << endl;
       else if (strlen(CustomHtml)> sendNum){
        cout << "html send part" << endl;
       else if (sendNum == 0){
        cout << "lose connect..." << endl;

       socketArray[p].isOk = 0;

//请求mainleft.html shareKnowlege
      if (requestHtmlStr =="mainleft.html"){
       memset(CustomHtml, 0, sizeof(CustomHtml));
       ifstream infile("mainleft.html", ios::in | ios::_Nocreate);
       if (!infile){
        cout << "open mainleft.html fail,the error code:" << GetLastError() << endl;
       infile.read(CustomHtml, sizeof(CustomHtml));

if (strlen(CustomHtml) <= 0){
        cout << "read mainleft.html fail" << endl;

int sendNum = send(socketArray[p].s_socket, CustomHtml, strlen(CustomHtml), 0);
       if (sendNum < 0){
        cout << "send error" << GetLastError() << endl;
       else if (strlen(CustomHtml)> sendNum){
        cout << "html send part" << endl;
       else if (sendNum == 0){
        cout << "lose connect..." << endl;

       socketArray[p].isOk = 0;

      if (requestHtmlStr == "shareKnowlege.html"){
       memset(CustomHtml, 0, sizeof(CustomHtml));
       ifstream infile("shareKnowlege.html", ios::in | ios::_Nocreate);
       if (!infile){
        cout << "open shareKnowlege.html fail,the error code:" << GetLastError() << endl;
       infile.read(CustomHtml, sizeof(CustomHtml));

if (strlen(CustomHtml) <= 0){
        cout << "read shareKnowlege.html fail" << endl;

int sendNum = send(socketArray[p].s_socket, CustomHtml, strlen(CustomHtml), 0);
       if (sendNum < 0){
        cout << "send error" << GetLastError() << endl;
       else if (strlen(CustomHtml)> sendNum){
        cout << "html send part" << endl;
       else if (sendNum == 0){
        cout << "lose connect..." << endl;

       socketArray[p].isOk = 0;

      if (requestHtmlStr=="mainright.html"){

memset(CustomHtml, 0, sizeof(CustomHtml));

ifstream infile("mainright.html", ios::in | ios::_Nocreate);

if (!infile){
        cout << "open mainright.html fail,the error code:" << GetLastError() << endl;
       infile.read(CustomHtml, sizeof(CustomHtml));

if (strlen(CustomHtml) <= 0){
        cout << "read mainright.html fail" << endl;

int sendNum = send(socketArray[p].s_socket, CustomHtml, strlen(CustomHtml), 0);

if (sendNum < 0){
        cout << "send error" << GetLastError() << endl;
       else if (strlen(CustomHtml)> sendNum){
        cout << "html send part" << endl;
       else if (sendNum == 0){
        cout << "lose connect..." << endl;
       socketArray[p].isOk = 0;

      if (requestHtmlStr == "zhuce.html"){
       if (checkUseridDul == 1){
        forwardIDdupError = NULL;
        forward = NULL;
        forwardshow = NULL;
        forward2 = NULL;
        forwardIDdup = NULL;
        forwardRegisSuccess = NULL;
        forwardLoginfail = NULL;
        forwardLoginSuc = NULL;
        memset(CustomHtml, 0, sizeof(CustomHtml));
        //ifstream infile("mainPage.htm", ios::in | ios::_Nocreate);
        //ifstream infile("useridDuplicate.html", ios::in | ios::_Nocreate);
        //if (!infile){
         //cout << "open useridDuplicate.html fail,the error code:" << GetLastError() << endl;
        //infile.read(CustomHtml, sizeof(CustomHtml));
        //if (strlen(CustomHtml) <= 0){
         //cout << "read useridDuplicate.html fail" << endl;
        strcpy_s(CustomHtml, sizeof(CustomHtml), "<script>alert('该用户名已经被注册了!');</script>");
        int sendNum = send(socketArray[p].s_socket, CustomHtml, strlen(CustomHtml), 0);
        if (sendNum < 0){
         cout << "send error" << GetLastError() << endl;
        else if (strlen(CustomHtml)> sendNum){
         cout << "html send part" << endl;
        else if (sendNum == 0){
         cout << "lose connect..." << endl;

        socketArray[p].isOk = 0;
       memset(CustomHtml, 0, sizeof(CustomHtml));

ifstream infile("zhuce.html", ios::in | ios::_Nocreate);

if (!infile){
        cout << "open zhuce.html fail,the error code:" << GetLastError() << endl;
       infile.read(CustomHtml, sizeof(CustomHtml));

if (strlen(CustomHtml) <= 0){
        cout << "read zhuce.html fail" << endl;

int sendNum = send(socketArray[p].s_socket, CustomHtml, strlen(CustomHtml), 0);

if (sendNum < 0){
        cout << "send error" << GetLastError() << endl;
       else if (strlen(CustomHtml)> sendNum){
        cout << "html send part" << endl;
       else if (sendNum == 0){
        cout << "lose connect..." << endl;
       socketArray[p].isOk = 0;

      if (requestHtmlStr == "usernameCheck.html"){
       if (forwardIDdup  == 1){
        forward = NULL;
        forwardshow = NULL;
        forward2 = NULL;
        forwardIDdup = NULL;
        forwardRegisSuccess = NULL;
        forwardLoginfail = NULL;
        forwardLoginSuc = NULL;
        memset(CustomHtml, 0, sizeof(CustomHtml));
        //ifstream infile("mainPage.htm", ios::in | ios::_Nocreate);
        ifstream infile("useridDuplicate.html", ios::in | ios::_Nocreate);
        if (!infile){
         cout << "open useridDuplicate.html fail,the error code:" << GetLastError() << endl;
        infile.read(CustomHtml, sizeof(CustomHtml));
        if (strlen(CustomHtml) <= 0){
         cout << "read useridDuplicate.html fail" << endl;

int sendNum = send(socketArray[p].s_socket, CustomHtml, strlen(CustomHtml), 0);
        if (sendNum < 0){
         cout << "send error" << GetLastError() << endl;
        else if (strlen(CustomHtml)> sendNum){
         cout << "html send part" << endl;
        else if (sendNum == 0){
         cout << "lose connect..." << endl;

        socketArray[p].isOk = 0;

      if (requestHtmlStr == "testJsp.jsp"){
       memset(CustomHtml, 0, sizeof(CustomHtml));

ifstream infile("testJsp.jsp", ios::in | ios::_Nocreate);

if (!infile){
        cout << "open testJsp.jsp fail,the error code:" << GetLastError() << endl;
       infile.read(CustomHtml, sizeof(CustomHtml));

if (strlen(CustomHtml) <= 0){
        cout << "read testJsp.jsp fail" << endl;

int sendNum = send(socketArray[p].s_socket, CustomHtml, strlen(CustomHtml), 0);

if (sendNum < 0){
        cout << "send error" << GetLastError() << endl;
       else if (strlen(CustomHtml)> sendNum){
        cout << "html send part" << endl;
       else if (sendNum == 0){
        cout << "lose connect..." << endl;
       socketArray[p].isOk = 0;
      requestHtml[1024] = { 0 };
    if (p == totalSockets - 1){

// 启动服务器 
int main()
 log("log begin now");
 WSADATA   wsaData;
 if (WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(1, 1), &wsaData)){
  cout << "load winsock fail,the error code:" << GetLastError() << endl;
  return 0;
 SOCKET listenSocket = getListenSocket();
 if (listenSocket == INVALID_SOCKET){
  cout << "create listensocket error,the error code:" << GetLastError() << endl;
  return -1;
 cout << "server is ready,waiting for connecting....." << endl;
 return 0;


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