

好久没有读书了,今天在 Microsoft Press发现了两本新书 Book。
  1. Start Here!™ Learn HTML5
  2. Start Here!™ Learn JavaScript

Start Here!™ Learn HTML5

作者: Faithe Wempen
出版社: Microsoft Press
出版日期: November 2012
页数: 360
  1. Getting Started with HTML

    1. Chapter 1HTML Basics: The Least You Need to Know

      1. Understanding HTML Tags
      2. Opening a Webpage in Notepad
      3. Previewing HTML Files in a Web Browser
      4. Making, Saving, and Viewing Changes
      5. Key Points
    2. Chapter 2Setting Up the Document Structure

      1. Specifying the Document Type
      2. Creating the HTML, Head, and Body Sections
      3. Key Points
    3. Chapter 3Formatting Text with Tags

      1. Creating Headings
      2. Applying Bold and Italic Formatting
      3. Applying Superscript and Subscript Formatting
      4. Using Monospace and Preformatted Text
      5. Formatting a Block Quotation
      6. Configuring View Settings in Internet Explorer
      7. Key Points
    4. Chapter 4Using Lists and Backgrounds

      1. Creating Bulleted and Numbered Lists
      2. Creating Definition Lists
      3. Inserting Special Characters
      4. Inserting Horizontal Lines
      5. Choosing Background Colors and Foreground Colors
      6. Key Points
    5. Chapter 5Creating Hyperlinks and Anchors

      1. Hyperlinking to a Webpage
      2. Hyperlinking to an Email Address
      3. Creating and Hyperlinking to Anchors
      4. Hyperlinking to Other Content
      5. Key Points
  2. Style Sheets and Graphics

    1. Chapter 6Introduction to Style Sheets

      1. Understanding Styles
      2. Constructing Style Rules
      3. Creating Styles for Nested Tags
      4. Creating Classes and IDs for Applying Styles
      5. Applying Styles to Hyperlinks with Pseudo-Classes
      6. Creating and Linking to External Style Sheets
      7. Key Points
    2. Chapter 7Formatting Text with CSS

      1. Specifying a Font Family
      2. Specifying a Font Size and Color
      3. Applying Bold and Italics
      4. Applying Strikethrough and Underlining
      5. Creating Inline Spans
      6. Adjusting Spacing between Letters
      7. Key Points
    3. Chapter 8Formatting Paragraphs with CSS

      1. Indenting Paragraphs
      2. Applying a Border to a Paragraph
      3. Specifying the Horizontal Alignment of a Paragraph
      4. Specifying Vertical Space within a Paragraph
      5. Key Points
    4. Chapter 9Inserting Graphics

      1. Understanding Graphic Size and Resolution
      2. Inserting a Graphic
      3. Clearing a Graphic
      4. Controlling Image Size and Padding
      5. Using a Graphic as a Hyperlink
      6. Creating Thumbnails
      7. Including Alternate Text for Graphics
      8. Adding Figure Captions
      9. Key Points
  3. Page Layout and Navigation

    1. Chapter 10Creating Navigational Aids

      1. Planning Your Site’s Organization
      2. Creating a Text-Based Navigation Bar
      3. Creating a Graphical Navigation Bar
      4. Redirecting to Another URL
      5. Creating Custom Error Pages
      6. Key Points
    2. Chapter 11Creating Division-Based Layouts

      1. Understanding HTML5 Semantic Tags
      2. Beginning to Think in Divisions
      3. Creating Divisions
      4. Creating an HTML5 Semantic Layout
      5. Positioning Divisions
      6. Formatting Divisions
      7. Key Points
    3. Chapter 12Creating Tables

      1. Creating a Simple Table
      2. Specifying the Size of a Table
      3. Specifying the Width of a Column
      4. Spanning (Merging) Table Cells
      5. Using Tables for Page Layout
      6. Key Points
    4. Chapter 13Formatting Tables

      1. Applying Table Borders
      2. Applying Background and Foreground Fills
      3. Changing Cell Padding, Spacing, and Alignment
      4. Key Points
    5. Chapter 14Creating User Forms

      1. Creating a Basic Form
      2. Creating Check Boxes and Option Buttons
      3. Creating Menu Lists
      4. Additional Input Types in HTML5
      5. Understanding CGI and Other Advanced Tools
      6. Key Points
    6. Chapter 15Incorporating Sound and Video

      1. Understanding Audio and Video in HTML5
      2. HTML Multimedia Basics
      3. Embedding Video Clips
      4. Incorporating Audio on a Webpage
      5. Key Points
    7. Chapter 16HTML and Microsoft Expression Web

      1. Exploring the Expression Web Interface
      2. Creating Websites and Webpages
      3. Insert Graphics
      4. Formatting Text
      5. Formatting a Division
      6. Inserting Hyperlinks
      7. Key Points
  4. Appendices

    1. AppendixDesigning for Usability

      1. Understanding Usability
      2. Planning for Usability
      3. Sketching the Site Organization
      4. Designing a Consistent Page Template
      5. Designing the Content of Individual Pages
      6. Performing Usability Testing
    2. AppendixDesigning for Accessibility

      1. Guideline 1: Provide Equivalent Alternatives to Auditory and Visual Content
      2. Guideline 2: Don’t Rely on Color Alone
      3. Guideline 3: Use Markup and Style Sheets, and Do So Properly
      4. Guideline 4: Clarify Natural Language Usage
      5. Guideline 5: Create Tables that Transform Gracefully
      6. Guideline 6: Ensure Pages that Feature New Technologies Transform Gracefully
      7. Guideline 7: Ensure User Control of Time-Sensitive Content Changes
      8. Guideline 8: Ensure Direct Accessibility of Embedded User Interfaces
      9. Guideline 9: Design for Device Independence
      10. Guideline 10: Use Interim Solutions
      11. Guideline 11: Use W3C Technologies and Guidelines
      12. Guideline 12: Provide Context and Orientation Information
      13. Guideline 13: Provide Clear Navigation Mechanisms
      14. Guideline 14: Ensure that Documents are Clear and Simple
    3. AppendixQuick Reference

      1. Tags Added in HTML 5
      2. Tags Removed in HTML 5

Start Here!™ Learn HTML5
作者: Steve Suehring
出版社: Microsoft Press
出版日期: August 2012
页数: 232
    1. Chapter 1What Is JavaScript?

      1. A First JavaScript Program

      2. Where JavaScript Fits

      3. Writing Your First JavaScript Program

      4. Summary

    2. Chapter 2JavaScript Programming Basics

      1. JavaScript Placement: Revisited

      2. Basic JavaScript Syntax

      3. JavaScript Variables and Data Types

      4. Looping and Conditionals in JavaScript

      5. Summary

    3. Chapter 3Building JavaScript Programs

      1. Functions

      2. Objects in JavaScript

      3. Debugging JavaScript

      4. Summary

    4. Chapter 4JavaScript in a Web Browser

      1. JavaScript Libraries

      2. Getting jQuery

      3. Getting jQuery UI

      4. The Browser Object Model

      5. The DOM

      6. Retrieving Elements with JavaScript and jQuery

      7. Summary

    5. Chapter 5Handling Events with JavaScript

      1. Common Events with JavaScript

      2. Handling Mouse Events

      3. Validating Web Forms with jQuery

      4. Keyboard Events and Forms

      5. Summary

    6. Chapter 6Getting Data into JavaScript

      1. AJAX in Brief

      2. AJAX and JavaScript

      3. Retrieving Data with jQuery

      4. Using JSON for Efficient Data Exchange

      5. Sending Data to the Server

      6. Summary

    7. Chapter 7Styling with JavaScript

      1. Changing Styles with JavaScript

      2. Working with CSS Classes

      3. Advanced Effects with jQuery UI

      4. Putting It All Together: A Space Travel Demo

      5. Summary

    8. Chapter 8Using JavaScript with Microsoft Windows 8

      1. JavaScript Is Prominent in Windows 8

      2. A Stroll Through a Windows 8 Application

      3. Building a Windows 8 App

      4. Summary

    OK,开始把,我先从这本开始: Start Here!™ Learn HTML5


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