<template><div class="contents"><div class="lefttop1-title">区域</div><img id="police" src="../assets/police.svg" style="display:none;"  width="395px" height="343px"><div id="contentMap" style="width: 100%;height: 95%;"><canvas id="areaCanvas" width="395px" height="343px" style="width:90%;height:90%;margin-left:20px;"></canvas></div></div>
</template><script>//vue中点在不规则图形中的判断var inside = require( 'point-in-polygon' );import {generatePolygon} from '../api/index.js'export default {data () {return {collectionArr: [],}},mounted () {// 地图坐标generatePolygon().then(response => {this.collectionArr = response.data;this.drawPolygons();});},methods: {
//          地图drawPolygons: function () {var canvas = document.getElementById( 'areaCanvas' );if ( null == canvas || !canvas.getContext ) return;var ctx = canvas.getContext( "2d" );var  img=document.getElementById("police");if(img.complete){ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0);}else{img.onload = function() {ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0);}}//鼠标移动事件this.canvasMousemoveEvent( canvas, ctx );//click事件this.canvasClickEvent( canvas );},canvasMousemoveEvent: function ( canvas, ctx ) {var _this = this;canvas.onmousemove = function ( e ) {//清除绘制图形_this.clearPolygon(ctx,canvas);//  ctx.clearRect( 0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height );var location = _this.getLocation( canvas, e.clientX, e.clientY );_this.drawPolygonByPoint( ctx, location, e ,canvas);};},canvasClickEvent: function ( canvas ) {var _this = this;canvas.onclick = function ( e ) {var location = _this.getLocation( canvas, e.clientX, e.clientY );var count = 0;_this.collectionArr.map( obj => {var pointsArr = obj.polygon;count++;if ( location != null && inside( location, pointsArr ) == true ) {alert(obj.name);}} );};},drawPolygonByPoint: function ( ctx, location, e ,canvas) {//清除titlethis.clearTitle();this.collectionArr.map( obj => {var pointsArr = obj.polygon;if ( location != null && inside( location, pointsArr ) == true ) {//绘制高亮图形this.drawHighLightPolygon( ctx, pointsArr,canvas );this.displayTitle(e,obj.name);}} );},clearTitle: function () {var div = document.getElementById( 'title' );if ( div != null ) {document.body.removeChild(div);}},displayTitle: function ( e ,name) {var div = document.createElement( "div" );div.setAttribute( "id", "title" );div.style.position = "absolute";div.style.left = e.clientX + 10 + "px";div.style.top = e.clientY + "px"div.innerText = name;div.style.backgroundColor = "gray";div.style.zIndex = "9999";document.body.appendChild( div );},drawHighLightPolygon: function ( ctx, pointsArr ,canvas) {ctx.beginPath();for ( let i = 0; i < pointsArr.length; i++ ) {var pointX = Math.round(canvas.width * pointsArr[ i ][ 0 ])+1;var pointY = Math.round(canvas.height * pointsArr[ i ][ 1 ])+1;ctx.lineWidth=2;if ( i == 0 ) {ctx.moveTo( pointX, pointY );} else if ( i < pointsArr.length - 1 ) {ctx.lineTo( pointX, pointY );} else {ctx.lineTo( pointX, pointY );ctx.strokeStyle = "#FF7F00";ctx.closePath();ctx.stroke();}}},clearPolygon: function(ctx,canvas){ctx.clearRect( 0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height );var  img=document.getElementById("police");ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0);},getLocation: function ( canvas, x, y ) {var bbox = canvas.getBoundingClientRect();return [ ( x - bbox.left ) * ( canvas.width / bbox.width )/canvas.width, ( y - bbox.top ) * ( canvas.height / bbox.height )/canvas.height ];/** 此处不用下面两行是为了防止使用CSS和JS改变了canvas的高宽之后是表面积拉大而实际* 显示像素不变而造成的坐标获取不准的情况x: (x - bbox.left),y: (y - bbox.top)*/},}}
<!-- Add "scoped" attribute to limit CSS to this component only -->
<style scoped>.contents {float: left;height: 98.5%;width: 41.3%;border: 1px solid rgba(15, 208, 198, 0.50);box-shadow: inset 0 2px 19px 0 rgba(15, 208, 198, 0.80);margin-left: 1.4%;margin-right: 1.4%;}.lefttop1-title{text-align: center;color: #0FD0C6;font-size: 12px;background: url(../assets/Group.png) no-repeat;width: 170px;line-height: 25px;display: inline-block;}
collectionArr: [{name:'区域一',polygon:[[0.0123,0.1723],...]},{name:'区域二',polygon:[[0.0123,0.1723],...]},...]

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