NeXtMaN <mc.nadz [at]>

Here are 3 RFI vulnerabilities in Flashchat i've found:


video here:


EDIT: Solution:

It looks like the vulnerable files are there in case you want to integrate with another script. The script that would require these files is AEDating:

you simply delete the following files and you will be secure:




if your flashchat is integrated with AEDating and/or you dont want to delete the files you can just edit the 3 files to use your path like this:

Replace this:

$aed_root_path = realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../') . '/';

include($aed_root_path . 'inc/');

require_once( "$dir[inc]" );

require_once( "$dir[inc]" );

With this:

$aed_root_path = realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../') . '/';

include($aed_root_path . 'inc/');

require_once( "[Your AED path]/" );

require_once( "[Your AED path]/" );

Alternatively you could just upgrade to 4.6.2 (just released)

PS, all 3 of those files are vulnerable and will need editing.

# [2006-09-04]

php flash chat,FlashChat lt;= 4.5.7 (aedating4CMS.php) Remote File Include Vulnerability相关推荐

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