
Android is an open source, Linux-based mobile operating system. Android was developed by the Open Handset Alliance, which was lead by Google and featured contributions from many other companies.

Android是基于Linux的开放源代码移动操作系统。 Android由开放手机联盟(Open Handset Alliance)开发,该联盟由Google领导,并获得了许多其他公司的贡献。

Today Android has become the leading Operating System being used in various devices, like mobile phone, tablets, watches, TV, cars and many more. It powers more than a billion devices all over the globe. Android has been the best selling OS on tablets since 2013, and on smartphones it is dominant by any metric.

如今, Android已成为在各种设备(例如手机,平板电脑,手表,电视,汽车等)中使用的领先操作系统。 它为全球超过十亿台设备供电。 自2013年以来,Android一直是平板电脑上最畅销的操作系统,而在智能手机上,Android在所有指标上均占主导地位。

先决条件 (Prerequisites)

For getting started with Android development, you should already know about a few things:


  • Java: Android development is mostly done in Java. It’s not a difficult language to learn, but knowing how it applies to Android development can be confusing without a firm foundation in the language. Android Java is not exactly standard Java, but learning standard Java will make it much easier for you to pick up Android development.

    Java :Android开发大部分是用Java完成的。 这不是一门难学的语言,但是如果没有扎实的语言基础,就知道如何将其应用于Android开发会令人困惑。 Android Java并非完全是标准Java,但是学习标准Java将使您更轻松地进行Android开发。

  • XML: Knowing XML can be useful in a number of tech-related fields and Android is no exception. In particular, XML files make it easier to declare UI elements in the apps you create. Past experience is a big plus.

    XML :了解XML在许多与技术相关的领域中可能很有用,Android也不例外。 特别是,XML文件使在您创建的应用程序中声明UI元素更加容易。 过去的经验是一大优势。

  • Perseverance: Lastly, learning the ins and outs of the Android development toolkit is going to take time. Learning how to create a quality app is going to take even more time. Don’t rush. Keep at it and focus your mind on the long term. If you don’t, you’ll be frustrated and want to give up.毅力:最后,学习Android开发工具包的来龙去脉需要时间。 学习如何创建高质量的应用程序将花费更多时间。 不要着急 坚持下去,集中精力长期发展。 如果不这样做,您会感到沮丧并想要放弃。

工具类 (Tools)

The things you’ll need to start building applications for Android are:


  • Latest version of the Java JDK

    最新版本的Java JDK

  • Android Studio: Here is the official guide to install Android studio.

    Android Studio : 这是安装Android Studio的官方指南。

  • If possible, an Android device. If you don’t have one, you can use an emulator to run an Android virtual device on your computer.

    如果可能,请使用Android设备。 如果您没有,则可以使用模拟器在计算机上运行Android虚拟设备。

Kotlin语言支持 (Kotlin language support)

Starting with Android Studio 3.0, tooling support for Kotlin is bundled directly into Android Studio. Kotlin is a statically-typed programming language that runs on the Java Virtual Machine and also can be compiled to JavaScript source code.

从Android Studio 3.0开始,对Kotlin的工具支持直接捆绑到Android Studio中。 Kotlin是一种静态类型的编程语言,可以在Java虚拟机上运行,​​也可以编译为JavaScript源代码。

Kotlin is designed to interoperate with Java code and is reliant on Java code from the existing Java Class Library, such as the collections framework. It was designed to be a better object-oriented language than Java, but still be backwards compatible with Java and allow companies to migrate gradually.

Kotlin旨在与Java代码进行互操作,并且依赖于现有Java类库(例如集合框架)中的Java代码。 它被设计为比Java更好的面向对象语言,但仍与Java向后兼容,并允许公司逐步迁移。

Some of the benefits of using Kotlin for Android development include:


  • Kotlin requires less boilerplate code.Kotlin需要更少的样板代码。
  • Kotlin is a type-safe language .Kotlin是一种类型安全的语言。
  • Kotlin is more expressive than Java.Kotlin比Java更具表现力。

更多信息 (More Information)

  • Official Android Developer Guide


  • What is Mobile App Development?


  • Learn how to develop native Android apps with Kotlin - A Full Course





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