
# pip install docker-registry


解决办法:使用yum install openssl-devel安装openssl的头文件,成功后重新执行pip install docker-registry。又出现了下面的错误

running build_ext
    building 'M2Crypto.__m2crypto' extension
    swigging SWIG/_m2crypto.i to SWIG/_m2crypto_wrap.c
    swig -python -I/usr/include/python2.7 -I/usr/include -I/usr/include/openssl -includeall -modern -o SWIG/_m2crypto_wrap.c SWIG/_m2crypto.i
    /usr/include/openssl/opensslconf.h:36: Error: CPP #error ""This openssl-devel package does not work your architecture?"". Use the -cpperraswarn option to continue swig processing.
    error: command 'swig' failed with exit status 1

即“/usr/include/openssl/opensslconf.h:36: Error: CPP #error ""This openssl-devel package does not work your architecture?"". Use the -cpperraswarn option to continue swig processing.”




# ls /usr/include/openssl/

opensslconf-x86_64.h  opensslconf.h


#include "opensslconf-sparc.h"

#elif defined(__x86_64__)

#include "opensslconf-x86_64.h"    #原来是这样写的,说明默认去找x86_64位的头文件


#error "This openssl-devel package does not work your architecture?"


#undef openssl_opensslconf_multilib_redirection_h


#include "opensslconf-sparc.h"

#elif defined(__x86_64__)

#include "opensslconf-x86_64.h"


#include "opensslconf.h"     #去掉了原来的error提示,改成了安装opensslconf.h文件。


#undef openssl_opensslconf_multilib_redirection_h

再次执行pip install docker-registry


Successfully installed M2Crypto-0.22.3 docker-registry-0.9.1 sqlalchemy-0.9.4



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